Wisconsin Lawmaker Moves To Decertify 2020 Election

Either THAT or just that the 2020 election had so many unexplained mathematical and statistical glaring inconsistencies
These just don’t exist.
But what do you expect from people that hold up these kinds of experts:
It won’t. They won’t decertify. Even if they did, it’s completely meaningless.
If they decertify and other states with enough electoral votes do the same, then we have a constitutional crisis, a very likely possibility of the beginnings of a civil war. Because there’s no way Biden‘s controllers will allow him to step down, even if the Supreme Court says so.
If they decertify and other states with enough electoral votes do the same, then we have a constitutional crisis, very like,y possibility of the beginnings of a civil war. Because there’s no way Biden controllers will allow him to step down, even if the Supreme Court says so.

Either way you look at it these are scary times that we're living in.
Y'all aren't actually prepared to do something about it, so it's better to just move on.
What do you think has been going on in AZ, PA, GA, and WI for the past year?

Just because those who have something to hide keep throwing sand in the gears, doesn't mean that nothing is being done.
If they decertify and other states with enough electoral votes do the same, then we have a constitutional crisis, a very likely possibility of the beginnings of a civil war. Because there’s no way Biden‘s controllers will allow him to step down, even if the Supreme Court says so.
We won’t. States can “decertify” until the cows come home. Biden stays president. “Decertify” is meaningless. It doesn’t exist. It’s not a thing.
So are you claiming the convicted felon swingset builder without a math degree is indeed a mathematician election expert?
Where did I claim that? I said Dominion is no source to rely on. What are they hiding? Why won't they release the Maricopa county administrators data?
Where did I claim that? I said Dominion is no source to rely on. What are they hiding? Why won't they release the Maricopa county administrators data?
It's just indicative of the people you do rely on.

Fringe conspiracy theorists.
Will they have success this time? I sure hope so, and I really admire their persistance.

So, in other words, he is decertifying his own election? Good, let's throw his ass out.
Either THAT or just that the 2020 election had so many unexplained mathematical and statistical glaring inconsistencies in it that a lot of people would just like to get them resolved no matter who is found to be the real winner so that going into the future we can go into other elections with greater confidence in keeping with the suggestions put forth 16 years ago by Jimmy Carter himself over the biggest problems nagging our election process.
We have a system of checks and balances to address fraud, and every step of the way no massive fraud was found. Claims failed court challenges and even the election officials in the losing party stated no irregularities or fraud.

The issue isn’t getting them “resolved” because as soon as one gets resolved, they come up with another. The reality is that the only way they will accept it is with a Trump win.

And in line with that, state legislatures are passing measures designed to reduce opposition voter participation and worse allow partisan state legislatures to overturn election results if they don’t like them. That ought to scare everyone.
So far as I know, no federal judge anywhere has ruled that the 2020 presidential election in any state was fraudulent to the point where the results should be decertified. Evidence appears to exist but has yet to be validated in a court of law, and until that happens there will be no decertification, nor should there be. I'm not even sure any federal or state judge even has the grounds or authority to do that, there has to be a legal basis upon which a judge can base his/her ruling for a decertification, and I do not know if such a legal basis exists in any state Constitution. It is certainly not there in the US Constitution, nor as far as I know in any federal or state statue.

A judge may at some point rule that a person(s) broke state law (maybe even federal law) during that election and face criminal charges and punishment, but does that rise to the conclusion that the election results were fraudulent to the extent that requires decertification? Upon what metric does a judge do that, any judge? Judges are not supposed to make up the laws, that's called judicial activism and that contradicts the separation of powers upon which our gov't exists. I do not see that as happening; a state legislature may declare that election to be fraudulent in their state, they can do that. But if they were to decertify that election, then that's another story. It would surely wind up in court as it should, so where in that state's Constitution can they base their decertification on? Constitutions at the federal and state levels are written to enumerate what the gov't can do, and if it ain't in there then they can't do it unless a court says they can (see Row v Wade).

I think that the states may indeed pass legislation regarding future elections and possible decertification. For now though, no basis exists for that action (decert) and frankly no evidence exists (IMHO) that will stand up in a court of law as sufficient proof that the election was fraudulent of the point of decertifying it. I think it's reasonable to believe that fraud did indeed take place and that it was not insignificant. BUT - as yet there has been no lawsuit in court where a judge rules a decertification is warranted. I say that as a person who voted for Trump, but according to the laws of the land he lost.

So, fix the state laws to try to eliminate or reduce fraud. If people broke the law then charge and give them a trial and see where it goes. Maybe even lay the groundwork in a state(s) to decertify an election if certain stringent parameters are met, cuz we don't need to go through this shit again. But do it legally, with the force of law. Prove it.
We have a system of checks and balances to address fraud,
Having had family members who held elected democrat offices and having talked to people all over the country, and having read the 2005 Carter-Baker Commission Report on Elections, I can tell you that fraud occurs in every election and our checks and balances aren't working and need revamped. Even Jimmy Carter (a democrat) admitted that much.

and every step of the way no massive fraud was found.
Again, I've read many reports where the authors would differ with you. In fact, I think the state of Wisconsin is currently planning to contest over 42,000 ballots from last year as illegal.

The issue isn’t getting them “resolved” because as soon as one gets resolved, they come up with another.
The real solution is to go back to paper ballots with receipts, where one has both electronic and physical receipt, where only qualifying ballots are counted which meet state requirements and no mail-in paper ballots used unless you are overseas or have a serious medical issue.
And this forum's solution would be to have the ability to ignore all trolls. Staff member or not. It's not going to happen though, but the only reason Coyote came to this thread is to troll it because she's pissed off at me. It's obvious that there isn't a huge chance of the election isn't going to be decertified and she has to be a bitch and point that out when it's something most of us already know to try and destroy our hopes. NOT HAPPENING THOUGH!!!
The nuttier they are the more the Trump base loves them even though they anti-constitution and anti-democracy. The reign of Trump is over, the people fired him and the sore losers are trying to shred our entire electoral in order to reinstal the monster.
60% mail-in votes for the candidate whose voters required mail-ins the least?
Only a dishonest or stupid person wouldn’t dispute those election results.

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