Wisconsin public sector workers under compensated

Wisconsin public versus private employee costs: Why compare apples to oranges?

we find that Wisconsin public employees earn 4.8% less in total compensation than comparable private sector workers. The comparisons—controlling for education, experience, hours of work, organizational size, gender, race, ethnicity, citizenship, and disability—demonstrate that full-time state and local public employees earn lower wages and receive less in total compensation (including all benefits) than comparable private sector employees.

Read the study

It includes all bennies guys

The state of Wisconsin can't afford it....what else needs to be said?
Press Releases | News from EPI: EPI study finds, Wisconsin public-sector workers under-compensated

A new Economic Policy Institute study released this week finds that full-time state and local government employees in Wisconsin are undercompensated by 8.2%, when compared to otherwise similar private-sector workers. By using a comprehensive database that is updated monthly by the U.S. Census Bureau and Bureau of Labor Statistics, the study provides an accurate comparison of public- and private-sector compensation in Wisconsin.

The analysis, Are Wisconsin Public Employees Over-compensated? by Labor and Employment Relations Professor Jeffrey Keefe of Rutgers University, controls for education, experience, hours of work, organizational size, gender, race, ethnicity, experience, citizenship and disability. The study uses data collected primarily from the National Compensation Survey, and in accordance with standard survey practice, focuses on year-round, full-time public and private-sector employees.

Where is Rutgers? In New Jersey. Jeff Keefe spends his dismal days shuffling papers around and makes a grand pronouncement about a state he probably never visited. Wisconson ain't exactly what you would call a rich industrial state. Like my new hero Chris Christie says you get what the people can afford.
I agree, in theory.... in practice... I am not prepared to write off a generation of kids for politics. That's just me. I'd protect the absolutely vital public sector workers and let the rest fight for work, just like the rest of us have to.

When public education meant local schools, it was different. But the federally run education system we now have neither educates nor serves the community.
Press Releases | News from EPI: EPI study finds, Wisconsin public-sector workers under-compensated

A new Economic Policy Institute study released this week finds that full-time state and local government employees in Wisconsin are undercompensated by 8.2%, when compared to otherwise similar private-sector workers. By using a comprehensive database that is updated monthly by the U.S. Census Bureau and Bureau of Labor Statistics, the study provides an accurate comparison of public- and private-sector compensation in Wisconsin.

The analysis, Are Wisconsin Public Employees Over-compensated? by Labor and Employment Relations Professor Jeffrey Keefe of Rutgers University, controls for education, experience, hours of work, organizational size, gender, race, ethnicity, experience, citizenship and disability. The study uses data collected primarily from the National Compensation Survey, and in accordance with standard survey practice, focuses on year-round, full-time public and private-sector employees.

Where is Rutgers? In New Jersey. Jeff Keefe spends his dismal days shuffling papers around and makes a grand pronouncement about a state he probably never visited. Wisconson ain't exactly what you would call a rich industrial state. Like my new hero Chris Christie says you get what the people can afford.
Oh you'd be surprised at how much oomph, industrially WI had. Till the paper industry tanked and then the current automotive crisis slowed it a bunch.

BUT, it will snap right around the instant they get sane pro-business regulation and taxation back.

Breaking WEAC's back is a first step towards ending market hating liberal control in that state.
So hes cutting the wages of people who are already behind the private sector.

The right wants government dead folks.

They are trying to kill it from inside.

They want it to fail.

Nobody forced them to take that job, or to keep showing up for it. End of story.

News flash: No one is entitled to anything in life except freedom to pursue happiness. You are not guaranteed or entitled to happiness, only the right to freely pursue it.

Not happy at your "underpaid" job? Quit. Pursue another.
Freedom to pursue happiness includes grouping together to get a better deal.

Why do you hate our freedoms?
Freedom to pursue happiness includes grouping together to get a better deal.

Why do you hate our freedoms?

I don't. Thats just my response to them. And apparantly, it's gonna be the response Wisconsin gives them. Kinda like Gov Christie is gonna give the folks in NJ.

Face it folks. The days of the labor union are going bye bye. The future of labor is individuals competing against each other for jobs and wages. The best will rise up, the lazy and/or dumb will suffer.

Sucks for them. But it's the new reality.

Oh, btw, the non-union region of Charleston SC just got 6-10,000 new jobs from Boeing going to SC rather than Seattle, and Google just announced 6,000 coming instead of a union state. Non union regions of the South are the economic hotbed of the next 20 years.
I agree, in theory.... in practice... I am not prepared to write off a generation of kids for politics. That's just me. I'd protect the absolutely vital public sector workers and let the rest fight for work, just like the rest of us have to.

When public education meant local schools, it was different. But the federally run education system we now have neither educates nor serves the community.

I don't disagree, but we do need to have some kind of national standard for education. Those kids are our future. We need to educate them properly. Now, I'm not saying I think the PS system is great - it certainly is not. But... it's vital that we do not use certain sections of the public sector for political point scoring. We need to protect the PS system and make it better. That doesn't mean more money - it does mean spending the money that we provide more wisely.
when a private sector entity wants to make improvments do they spend more money?
So hes cutting the wages of people who are already behind the private sector.

The right wants government dead folks.

They are trying to kill it from inside.

They want it to fail.

Nobody forced them to take that job, or to keep showing up for it. End of story.

News flash: No one is entitled to anything in life except freedom to pursue happiness. You are not guaranteed or entitled to happiness, only the right to freely pursue it.

Not happy at your "underpaid" job? Quit. Pursue another.
Better solution. Privatize all state schools. Let communities hire management companies out there to run it and see how it turns out. They can even hire from the current state employees to ease transitions. Then the management companies have to worry about being efficient, effective and economical, or be fired and replaced by someone else who will do the job better.

Then the teachers will be private sector and therefore have to perform or be let go. Best thing possible for education.
Freedom to pursue happiness includes grouping together to get a better deal.

Why do you hate our freedoms?
Only when your desires conflict with my freedoms. Then you don't get to have them anymore.

Oh your freedoms are more important than other Americans freedoms?

Well, lets see. Those gov't employees demand more pay and benefits. The state says they can't afford it, AND they can't even sustain what they pay them now. Only two choices:

1- Accept cuts


2- Raise taxes, aka, threaten me by use of men with guns if I don't comply with your involuntary confiscation of my money.

Hence, #1 doesn't affect my freedom. #2 does. It's a pretty easy scenario.

When you work for gov't, you take a chance. If tax base drops, your job does too.
when a private sector entity wants to make improvments do they spend more money?


But the private sector can't send men with guns to take that money from citizens against their will.

Gov't does.

Hence, the difference in your ideology and mine.

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