Wisconsin Supreme Court: Ballot Drop Boxes Are Illegal

2,000 Mules. people covering windows and nothing but resistance to any sort of transparency. You lie has failed. Everyone knows the election was stolen but are far to cowardly to say so.
Squeal dude, that movie dies prove dick shit.

Even danish disouda stated that.
These losers aren't gonna be able to cheat as easy this time, and man are they whining.
You use registered names kept on voter rolls of people that moved and died. Idiot.

That’s your plan?

You don’t think one of the Trump audits would have identified dead people and non residents voting?

That is easy to catch

discussed before, but becoming more a fixture.

from the article:

Drop boxes that enable people to drop off ballots cast by themselves and others are illegal under Wisconsin law, the state’s Supreme Court ruled on July 8.

The Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) in two documents in 2020 said drop boxes can not only be utilized, but that they can be unstaffed and permanent. Further, the agency said “a family member or another person” can drop off a ballot on behalf of a voter.

The guidance was problematic because Wisconsin law states that a voter is the only individual who can deliver their ballot, either in person or via mail, a lawsuit filed last year stated.
the part in the red they declared "OK" for COVID FEARS was totally and completely illegal, but done anyway. this is an example of what the left did in many states, hiding behind the confusion and their screaming antics shouting it's ok.

it ain't. and as we suffer through a far bigger embarassment than trump, those tactics are being declared illegal. AGAIN.

for all those whining people don't have proper voting access - name them or shut the fuck up.

I do not get this ruling because the whole point of mail in ballots is that the actual voter is NOT able to vote themselves, so then would NOT be able to deposit their mail in vote themselves.
So the legislation seems to be worded illegally.
The whole point of mail in ballots is to allow a family member to deliver the ballot for the invalid or person unable to get to the voting booths.
I don't see why you can't follow the law.

Or point out who can't vote under the current LEGAL system.

The drop boxes give more time, and the whole point of mail in ballots is that the person can not get to the polling stations in person, which means they also could not get to a drop box in person.
So the whole point if mail in ballots is to allow someone else to deliver their ballot.
I do not get this ruling because the whole point of mail in ballots is that the actual voter is NOT able to vote themselves, so then would NOT be able to deposit their mail in vote themselves.
So the legislation seems to be worded illegally.
The whole point of mail in ballots is to allow a family member to deliver the ballot for the invalid or person unable to get to the voting booths.
Except this is about drop boxes not the mail.
The drop boxes give more time, and the whole point of mail in ballots is that the person can not get to the polling stations in person, which means they also could not get to a drop box in person.
So the whole point if mail in ballots is to allow someone else to deliver their ballot.
Which is illegal.

Want the law changed, work to LEGALLY change it. Til then follow it.

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