Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

Here's something else I just read:

"The county canvass board is made up of three people. Usually the county clerk is one (unless the clerk is up for election), plus two others, one of which must be from a party other than that of the clerk.
Those two others are picked by...wait for it.. the county clerk.
Is it any wonder that Ms. Kitzinger was picked by Kathy Nickolaus?

You have got to be kidding. Please tell me you are kidding.

That sounds pretty foolish of the county if you ask me. Hell, if I were the county clerk, I would pick someone that didn't have a clue as to what was going on in the world. And judging from some of the posters on this site, that would not be all that difficult.

Ms. Kitzinger seemed like she was relatively together, but, as to whether or not she has a clue about the computer work that was done during the canvassing, I am not so sure. This sounds just a tad bit fishy to me.

Test case? What case would that be?:cuckoo:

So when little neocon ass kissing dopes like YOU, Benny....elect POS right wingnut politicos who lie, cheat and steal to reduce the middle and working people to serfs and subjects while giving tax breaks and "incentives" to the already rich and corporations, the people will see how easy it is to stand up to them.
Still don't have the case? I'll be waiting for the link!!!!

Evidently the people decided to stand up to union thuggery and your "test case" is a complete failure. Klappenbagger lost dumbass, get over it.

I already gave a link, Benny...YOU are just too much of an intellectual coward to deal with the information. Here's some more for you to ignore:

April 7, 2011-Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus magically delivers enough votes for former boss Prosser | Solidarity Wisconsin

And Benny? Get your head out of Limbaugh's ass and learn to think for yourself. The unions in Wisconsin AGREED to cuts and increases to help out with the budget.....that meant NOTHING to Walker, as his agenda is to cripple and get rid of the unions in order for the Koch Brothers to have a union free operations there (17 factories, don't cha know). Wake up and deal with ALL the facts, Benny boy.
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nae silver weighed in on hit very shortly after and said that the numbers , that is the added number that was missed is consistent with what he would have expected to see....get over it ya'll.
Many of the people who do these things are volunteers who have the time and are often retirees. How is she not 'doing her job' when she wasn't even informed inthe first place?

If anyone is guilty of gross negligence, it's the fuckwit Kathy Nickolaus.

Reread part of her statement again:

"I am still very, very confused about why the canvass was finalized before I was informed of the Brookfield error, and it wasn't even until the news conference was happening that I learned it was this enormous mistake that could swing the whole election. I was never shown anything that would verify Kathy's statement about the missing vote, and with how events unfolded and people citing me as an authority on this now, I feel I must speak up."

..."Kitzinger said she was "instructed that I would not say anything at the news conference, and was actually surprised when I was asked questions by reporters." Nickolaus was seen gently trying to move Kitzinger back from the microphone after her initial statements Thursday.

Kennedy and others have criticized Nickolaus' failure to inform them on Wednesday about the untabulated Brookfield votes. The news came a day later.
Brookfield City Clerk Kristine Schmidt said she was disappointed she learned about it while watching the Thursday news conference on television. Schmidt said she was never given any indication, even during the canvass, that anything was amiss."

Democrat on Waukesha County vote panel speaks out - JSOnline

i never said she was incapable of doing her job, but she's being cast by some as this overwhelmed old lady, hence my comment.
Well, she probably is overwhelmed by all this. Given the way this was handled by the fuckwit Nickolaus, then bombed on her minutes before a press conference that would be seen nationally. I think that might overwhelm even more than frail octogenarians.

Notwithstanding, she should probably step down, given she clearly doesn't under computers, and in an era of computer vote counts, that is an acute defect, given this day and age.

And one person who should MOST DEFINITELY step down is the dirtback who created this mess, Nicklaus, and whose history of incompetence, secrecy, and "oopsies" are far too many to ever consider she could be put ~any~ position above local Bait & Tackle store clerk.
Too funny, so now the probelm is the deputy commissioner of the democratic party in charge of election canvansing is so fucking incompetent she can't even reccognize incompetence.

Looks like the lesson to be learned by the democratics is not to trust unofficial numbers...

Thankfully, the official numbers reflect the will of the voters....


April 7, 2011-Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus magically delivers enough votes for former boss Prosser | Solidarity Wisconsin
awwwe, you must have missed the election story from the 6th in the Brookfield paper. Thats precious... go cry.
Here's something else I just read:

"The county canvass board is made up of three people. Usually the county clerk is one (unless the clerk is up for election), plus two others, one of which must be from a party other than that of the clerk.
Those two others are picked by...wait for it.. the county clerk.
Is it any wonder that Ms. Kitzinger was picked by Kathy Nickolaus?

You have got to be kidding. Please tell me you are kidding.

That sounds pretty foolish of the county if you ask me. Hell, if I were the county clerk, I would pick someone that didn't have a clue as to what was going on in the world. And judging from some of the posters on this site, that would not be all that difficult.

Ms. Kitzinger seemed like she was relatively together, but, as to whether or not she has a clue about the computer work that was done during the canvassing, I am not so sure. This sounds just a tad bit fishy to me.

No. I'm not kidding.
Amazing, isn't it?
i never said she was incapable of doing her job, but she's being cast by some as this overwhelmed old lady, hence my comment.
Well, she probably is overwhelmed by all this. Given the way this was handled by the fuckwit Nickolaus, then bombed on her minutes before a press conference that would be seen nationally. I think that might overwhelm even more than frail octogenarians.

Notwithstanding, she should probably step down, given she clearly doesn't under computers, and in an era of computer vote counts, that is an acute defect, given this day and age.

And one person who should MOST DEFINITELY step down is the dirtback who created this mess, Nicklaus, and whose history of incompetence, secrecy, and "oopsies" are far too many to ever consider she could be put ~any~ position above local Bait & Tackle store clerk.
Too funny, so now the probelm is the deputy commissioner of the democratic party in charge of election canvansing is so fucking incompetent she can't even reccognize incompetence.

As usual, Ben not only tortures logic, he puts it through a woodchipper and smokes the remains in a waterbong.
Looks like the lesson to be learned by the democratics is not to trust unofficial numbers...

Thankfully, the official numbers reflect the will of the voters....


awwwe, you must have missed the election story from the 6th in the Brookfield paper. Thats precious... go cry.

And pray tell us how that changes the FACTS regarding Nickolaus' actions, Benny? I'll wait for a more detailed re-count before I give Nickolaus a clean bill of health on this election.
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I read about that yesterday.

Something is extremely fucked up here.

In 2004, this dipwit Nickolaus claimed 96% turnout?? WTF? 96%???

WAUKESHA, Wis. (AP) _ Municipal clerks are expecting to work late for this general election because of the huge turnout for early voting. Absentee ballots are taken to the polls in the district where the voter lives and can be counted as soon as the polls open.
But, Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus says she doesn't expect much of a lull at the polls, so the early votes will have to be counted after the election booths close at 8 p.m.
Nickolaus says people in Waukesha County take their voting rights very seriously, with 96 percent turnout for the last presidential election.
She says given the interest this election has generated, the county might even surpass that percentage this year.

"Early voting may cause late night counting" by Latest News -- GazetteXtra

Honestly. How the hell plausible it that??
Did you see this?

Blog post prompts asterisk on Nickolaus website

By Mike Johnson of the Journal Sentinel
Embattled Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus posted a clarification to her web page after a blogger pointed out Tuesday that election results listed for Nov. 7, 2006, races on the county clerk’s elections results web page showed about 20,000 more votes than ballots cast in some races.

Asked about the blog report, she told the Journal Sentinel via email: “The answer to your question is that the number of ballots cast on the summary report will not equal the number of votes cast. It only reflects the votes reported electronically to the office. I have added an asterisk with this clarification to the webpage.”

The Daily Kos wrote on the blog that the results showed 156,804 total ballots cast in Waukesha County for the 2006 election, but that there were 174,047 total votes in the race for attorney general between Republican J.B Van Hollen and Democrat Kathleen Falk.

The blogger noted that Van Hollen won the statewide race by 8,859 votes.
“Waukesha county, Kathy Nickolaus’ playground, reports 17,243 more votes cast for the Attorney General race in Waukesha county than there were total number of ballots cast,” the blog states.
“How many more of those ‘extra’ 17,243 votes were for Van Hollen than were for Kathleen Falk?? I’m guessing it’s somewhere right about 8,900 votes,” the blogger states.
Nickolaus on Tuesday put asterisks after a number of election result reports on the web page, with this explanation: “*The Number of Ballots Cast do not reflect all results, only those electronically sent.” “(Ballots cast will not be equal to official votes cast).”

Blog post prompts asterisk on Nickolaus website - JSOnline

These are supposedly the official results from 2006..."The Number of Ballots Cast do not reflect all results, only those electronically sent.”
Could some smart USBM'er explain this to me?
Well, she probably is overwhelmed by all this. Given the way this was handled by the fuckwit Nickolaus, then bombed on her minutes before a press conference that would be seen nationally. I think that might overwhelm even more than frail octogenarians.

Notwithstanding, she should probably step down, given she clearly doesn't under computers, and in an era of computer vote counts, that is an acute defect, given this day and age.

And one person who should MOST DEFINITELY step down is the dirtback who created this mess, Nicklaus, and whose history of incompetence, secrecy, and "oopsies" are far too many to ever consider she could be put ~any~ position above local Bait & Tackle store clerk.
Too funny, so now the probelm is the deputy commissioner of the democratic party in charge of election canvansing is so fucking incompetent she can't even reccognize incompetence.

As usual, Ben not only tortures logic, he puts it through a woodchipper and smokes the remains in a waterbong.
LOL, it's your logic dumbass. You are the one claiming the doottering old bat democratic is too incompetent to do her job. Honestly, you should just quit, the only people who got the vote count wrong was the AP. Local paper reported it correctrly and the vote totals sent up to election officials was correct according to everybody (democratics included) who counted them.
awwwe, you must have missed the election story from the 6th in the Brookfield paper. Thats precious... go cry.

And pray tell us how that changes the FACTS regarding Nickolaus' actions, Benny? I'll wait for a more detailed re-count before I give Nickolaus a clean bill of health on this election.
What actions would those be? Oh wait! You don't actually have any actions, all you got is bullshit suspicions based on the AP having the wrong count.

The canvassing is done, the votes were counted by Democrats and Republicans and they both confirm the accuracy of the canvassing. There is no "there", there.
Did you see this?

Blog post prompts asterisk on Nickolaus website

By Mike Johnson of the Journal Sentinel
Embattled Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus posted a clarification to her web page after a blogger pointed out Tuesday that election results listed for Nov. 7, 2006, races on the county clerk’s elections results web page showed about 20,000 more votes than ballots cast in some races.

Asked about the blog report, she told the Journal Sentinel via email: “The answer to your question is that the number of ballots cast on the summary report will not equal the number of votes cast. It only reflects the votes reported electronically to the office. I have added an asterisk with this clarification to the webpage.”

The Daily Kos wrote on the blog that the results showed 156,804 total ballots cast in Waukesha County for the 2006 election, but that there were 174,047 total votes in the race for attorney general between Republican J.B Van Hollen and Democrat Kathleen Falk.

The blogger noted that Van Hollen won the statewide race by 8,859 votes.
“Waukesha county, Kathy Nickolaus’ playground, reports 17,243 more votes cast for the Attorney General race in Waukesha county than there were total number of ballots cast,” the blog states.
“How many more of those ‘extra’ 17,243 votes were for Van Hollen than were for Kathleen Falk?? I’m guessing it’s somewhere right about 8,900 votes,” the blogger states.
Nickolaus on Tuesday put asterisks after a number of election result reports on the web page, with this explanation: “*The Number of Ballots Cast do not reflect all results, only those electronically sent.” “(Ballots cast will not be equal to official votes cast).”

Blog post prompts asterisk on Nickolaus website - JSOnline

These are supposedly the official results from 2006..."The Number of Ballots Cast do not reflect all results, only those electronically sent.”
Could some smart USBM'er explain this to me?
I would imagine it has something to do with early voting and absentee ballots. Early voting is not available in every voting precinct where I live, it's available only at selected early voting sites, so early votes wouldn't be counted as ballots cast when the precincts report, but they would be counted in the vote totals. Absentee ballots and other paper ballots also would not be tabulated on the machines when their results are transmitted. I could be wrong, but that seems like a reasonable explanation. I also will note that you have no idea what the object of the summary report was and that part of waukesha county is one federal representatives district and a small part another's, and the votes cast does seem to be consistant (approximately) with sensenbrenner's vote totals, while when you add Ryans in you get the "total". Still not sure about even that, but it makes sense.
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If that's true, it's even sweeter. How could Democrats possibly object? They're always finding votes in car trunks in close elections.

The standby Rethuglican tactic...repeat the lie.

[...]The “car ballot” story emerged Saturday from the mouth of Coleman lawyer Fritz Knaak, who, according to AP, told reporters, “We were actually told ballots had been riding around in her car for several days, which raised all kinds of integrity questions.”
Knaak never provided a source and did not return two MinnPost calls for comment. However, he was already backing off his story at the same press event. As that day’s Pioneer Press noted, “Knaak said he feels assured that what was going on with the 32 ballots was neither wrong nor unfair.”

Still, the lie that won’t die is that Reichert toted around ballots like an empty McDonald’s bag thrown into the back seat.

Minneapolis election director speaks: 'Ballots in my car' story false

The only time you lefties care about fraud is when you lose. You taught us how to play the game and now you're crying because you got beat with your own tactics. Suck it up and be a big boy.

And you couldn't be MORE wrong. I care about election fraud a great deal. I work for a Registrar.

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