Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

Without a voter verified paper audit trail on electronic voting machines, Republicans will continue to steal elections.
Voting machines like Al Franken's car miraculous car trunk in an already certified district containing a few thousand votes?

can you prove that ?
if you are thinking of being a joke writer for david letterman, my only advise for you is, DON"T QUIT YOUR DAY JOB.... :lol:
Without a voter verified paper audit trail on electronic voting machines, Republicans will continue to steal elections.
Voting machines like Al Franken's car miraculous car trunk in an already certified district containing a few thousand votes?

can you prove that ?
Proof? what is this proof you speak of? I don't seem to recall you ever needing proof before.

Prove your allegations that Prosser cheated first.
Voter registration Id's, and laws have been vehemently opposed by liberals. Why? Because a large portion of the liberal voting base would be eliminated. That has something to do with citizenship, and criminal activity. Go figure huh?

By Richard Wolf, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — Some of this year's elections could be decided by those who can't vote.

VOTING FRAUD: Report refutes fraud at poll sites

Across the country, new laws restricting who can register and vote have reduced the number of people who are eligible. Some of those laws have been blocked in court. Even so, critics say, the damage has been done:

•In Arizona, about 21,000 voter registration applications were rejected because of inadequate proof of citizenship, required under a 2004 law. Most who were affected lacked up-to-date driver's licenses, birth certificates or passports.

A federal appellate court blocked enforcement of the law — which also requires voters to show ID at the polls — last week, four days before the registration deadline. "We're looking at an enormous disparate impact on people of color," says Linda Brown, executive director of the Arizona Advocacy Network.

•In Florida, a law setting up new requirements for independent groups that register voters prompted the League of Women Voters to suspend registration drives for five months until a court intervened. In that period, the league could have registered thousands of people, The registration deadline is Tuesday. "You've just got to assume it's going to have an impact," says Dianne Wheatley-Giliotti, the league's state president.

•In Ohio, a law that made paid workers liable for the validity of the registrations they collect caused several groups to stop signing up voters for two months this summer. By the time courts intervened, the opportunity had been lost for thousands of registrations.

New voter registration laws leave thousands off the rolls - USATODAY.com
Well. Isn't this interesting.

"... Once the canvass had been completed and the results were finalized, I was called into Kathy's office along with Pat (the Republican observer) and told of an impending 5:30pm press conference. It was at that point that I was first made aware of an error Kathy had made in Brookfield City. Kathy told us she thought she had saved the Brookfield voter information Tuesday night, but then on Wednesday she said she noticed she had not hit save. Kathy didn't offer an explanation about why she didn't mention anything prior to Thursday afternoon's canvass completion, but showed us different tapes where numbers seemed to add up, though I have no idea where the numbers were coming from. I was not told of the magnitude of this error, just that she had made one. I was then instructed that I would not say anything at the press conference, and was actually surprised when I was asked questions by reporters.

The reason I offer this explanation is that, with the enormous amount of attention this has received over the weekend, many people are offering my statements at the press conference that “the numbers jibed” as validation they are correct and I can vouch for their accuracy. As I told Kathy when I was called into the room , I am 80 years old and I don't understand anything about computers. I don’t know where the numbers Kathy was showing me ultimately came from, but they seemed to add up. I am still very, very confused about why the canvass was finalized before I was informed of the Brookfield error and it wasn’t even until the press conference was happening that I learned it was this enormous mistake that could swing the whole election. I was never shown anything that would verify Kathy’s statement about the missing vote, and with how events unfolded and people citing me as an authority on this now, I feel like I must speak up.

Shades of 2008 in Florida

Updated: WI Conservative County Clerk With History of Voting Irregularities Finds More Than 7,500 Votes for Prosser | AlterNet

Wisconsin citizens resolve not to roll over and take this crap from the neocons will be the test case for the rest of America, IMHO.
Test case? What case would that be?:cuckoo:

So when little neocon ass kissing dopes like YOU, Benny....elect POS right wingnut politicos who lie, cheat and steal to reduce the middle and working people to serfs and subjects while giving tax breaks and "incentives" to the already rich and corporations, the people will see how easy it is to stand up to them.
Shades of 2008 in Florida

Updated: WI Conservative County Clerk With History of Voting Irregularities Finds More Than 7,500 Votes for Prosser | AlterNet

Wisconsin citizens resolve not to roll over and take this crap from the neocons will be the test case for the rest of America, IMHO.




As usual, when willfully ignorant neocon parrots can't logically or factually disprove infromation presented, they think ridiculing the source is enough to disprove the content.

Unlike the television show, this neocon version of Dr. House is just an intellectually bankrupt coward.
So when little neocon ass kissing dopes like YOU, Benny....elect POS right wingnut politicos who lie, cheat and steal to reduce the middle and working people to serfs and subjects while giving tax breaks and "incentives" to the already rich and corporations, the people will see how easy it is to stand up to them.

Obama the "neocon" Get your story straight trashylib.:cuckoo:


Obama names GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt as another Usurper Czar


General Electric Paid No Federal Taxes in 2010
White House Takes Heat for GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt's Advisory Role

General Electric Paid No Federal Taxes in 2010 - ABC News
Shades of 2008 in Florida

Updated: WI Conservative County Clerk With History of Voting Irregularities Finds More Than 7,500 Votes for Prosser | AlterNet

Wisconsin citizens resolve not to roll over and take this crap from the neocons will be the test case for the rest of America, IMHO.




As usual, when willfully ignorant neocon parrots can't logically or factually disprove infromation presented, they think ridiculing the source is enough to disprove the content.

Unlike the television show, this neocon version of Dr. House is just an intellectually bankrupt coward.


Thanks, dumbfuck...lol

Alter Net.... Bwahahahahah....:lol:
Last minute "miscalculation"? you mean the miscalculation where a lady claimed that, using her own tabulation system in MS Access- the one she created to use on her own computer because she didn't like the state's version - she forgot to save the information?

That lady is a Democrat.

Are you accusing her of being in cahoots with the Republicans?
Well. Isn't this interesting.

"... Once the canvass had been completed and the results were finalized, I was called into Kathy's office along with Pat (the Republican observer) and told of an impending 5:30pm press conference. It was at that point that I was first made aware of an error Kathy had made in Brookfield City. Kathy told us she thought she had saved the Brookfield voter information Tuesday night, but then on Wednesday she said she noticed she had not hit save. Kathy didn't offer an explanation about why she didn't mention anything prior to Thursday afternoon's canvass completion, but showed us different tapes where numbers seemed to add up, though I have no idea where the numbers were coming from. I was not told of the magnitude of this error, just that she had made one. I was then instructed that I would not say anything at the press conference, and was actually surprised when I was asked questions by reporters.

The reason I offer this explanation is that, with the enormous amount of attention this has received over the weekend, many people are offering my statements at the press conference that “the numbers jibed” as validation they are correct and I can vouch for their accuracy. As I told Kathy when I was called into the room , I am 80 years old and I don't understand anything about computers. I don’t know where the numbers Kathy was showing me ultimately came from, but they seemed to add up. I am still very, very confused about why the canvass was finalized before I was informed of the Brookfield error and it wasn’t even until the press conference was happening that I learned it was this enormous mistake that could swing the whole election. I was never shown anything that would verify Kathy’s statement about the missing vote, and with how events unfolded and people citing me as an authority on this now, I feel like I must speak up.


good of them to throw her under the bus like that.

It doesn't surprise me that you entirely missed the point. This was a little known person who has never served as a judge and may (or may not) unseat a well known sitting Supreme Court Judge.

I would say that this does not bode well for the Republican Senators and Walker when the recall finally takes place. They have to be shitting all over themselves about now.


Are you referring to kloppenburg? How would her election "bode" any better for Walker and the Republican Senators? How does having another leftwing hack on the court help Republicans in any way whatsoever?

Apparently I don't get the point.

What is it?
We were disappointed at the final result especially since we put out a video about the victory..sort of our own Dewey defeata Truman.
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Last minute "miscalculation"? you mean the miscalculation where a lady claimed that, using her own tabulation system in MS Access- the one she created to use on her own computer because she didn't like the state's version - she forgot to save the information?

That lady is a Democrat.

Are you accusing her of being in cahoots with the Republicans?
No Dumbo.

She's a republican. Hard core republican, and even worked for Prosser.
Well. Isn't this interesting.

"... Once the canvass had been completed and the results were finalized, I was called into Kathy's office along with Pat (the Republican observer) and told of an impending 5:30pm press conference. It was at that point that I was first made aware of an error Kathy had made in Brookfield City. Kathy told us she thought she had saved the Brookfield voter information Tuesday night, but then on Wednesday she said she noticed she had not hit save. Kathy didn't offer an explanation about why she didn't mention anything prior to Thursday afternoon's canvass completion, but showed us different tapes where numbers seemed to add up, though I have no idea where the numbers were coming from. I was not told of the magnitude of this error, just that she had made one. I was then instructed that I would not say anything at the press conference, and was actually surprised when I was asked questions by reporters.

The reason I offer this explanation is that, with the enormous amount of attention this has received over the weekend, many people are offering my statements at the press conference that “the numbers jibed” as validation they are correct and I can vouch for their accuracy. As I told Kathy when I was called into the room , I am 80 years old and I don't understand anything about computers. I don’t know where the numbers Kathy was showing me ultimately came from, but they seemed to add up. I am still very, very confused about why the canvass was finalized before I was informed of the Brookfield error and it wasn’t even until the press conference was happening that I learned it was this enormous mistake that could swing the whole election. I was never shown anything that would verify Kathy’s statement about the missing vote, and with how events unfolded and people citing me as an authority on this now, I feel like I must speak up.


good of them to throw her under the bus like that.

Who is "them," Del?

No Dumbo.

She's a republican. Hard core republican, and even worked for Prosser.

If that's true, it's even sweeter. How could Democrats possibly object? They're always finding votes in car trunks in close elections.

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