Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

Then you certainly do sign something when you go to vote. I've looked at a number of MA county pages and there is a roster of voters that each voter must sign. If you are a vote by mail voter, you sign your VBM envelope.

i've never signed anything, nor have i ever seen anyone signing anything at the polls when casting a vote. i can't speak to absentee voting having never done it. i suggest you recheck your source; it's wrong.

My sources are the pollworker training manuals for counties in MA. Perhaps this is something that varies from county to county and your county does not require signatures in a Roster. Apparently the state does not require signatures at the polls.

I find it inconceivable that people who are screaming for ID at the polling place live in states that don't even require a signature at the polls...

i'm sure there are a number of things you find inconceivable.
11 states do not require a signature in order to vote and 6 states don't require a voter verified paper audit trail on their electronic voting machines. Keep concentrating on voter ID laws though :rolleyes:
I live in Florida. When I go to the polls I have to show my driver's license, they find my name in the book, verify the address, and I have to sign it.
11 states do not require a signature in order to vote and 6 states don't require a voter verified paper audit trail on their electronic voting machines. Keep concentrating on voter ID laws though :rolleyes:

2 different issues.

One is making sure that the ballots cast reflect the actual vote tallies reported. A paper trail. I'm for it, and can't think of a reason as to why it shouldn't be implemented.

The other makes sure that the voters actually casting the ballots are eligible to do so. Again, I'm for it, and can't think of a reason as to why it shouldn't be implemented.

The two issues are not mutually exclusive.

Now you know.
11 states do not require a signature in order to vote and 6 states don't require a voter verified paper audit trail on their electronic voting machines. Keep concentrating on voter ID laws though :rolleyes:

2 different issues.

One is making sure that the ballots cast reflect the actual vote tallies reported. A paper trail. I'm for it, and can't think of a reason as to why it shouldn't be implemented.

The other makes sure that the voters actually casting the ballots are eligible to do so. Again, I'm for it, and can't think of a reason as to why it shouldn't be implemented.

The two issues are not mutually exclusive.

Now you know.

did you conceive this on your own?
11 states do not require a signature in order to vote and 6 states don't require a voter verified paper audit trail on their electronic voting machines. Keep concentrating on voter ID laws though :rolleyes:

2 different issues.

One is making sure that the ballots cast reflect the actual vote tallies reported. A paper trail. I'm for it, and can't think of a reason as to why it shouldn't be implemented.

The other makes sure that the voters actually casting the ballots are eligible to do so. Again, I'm for it, and can't think of a reason as to why it shouldn't be implemented.

The two issues are not mutually exclusive.

Now you know.

did you conceive this on your own?

I'm pretty good at conceiving.
11 states do not require a signature in order to vote and 6 states don't require a voter verified paper audit trail on their electronic voting machines. Keep concentrating on voter ID laws though :rolleyes:

and you keep whining about republicans stealing elections...:clap2:

Only when there is actual evidence of them doing so (like in Ohio). If there is no election fraud going on in this douche bag's district, she should have no problem with a verification of her numbers right?

No election official should be trusted by anyone, it should all be verifiable. Why haven't you answered the question about VVPATs? You actually support not having a paper trail of an electronic vote? Really?
11 states do not require a signature in order to vote and 6 states don't require a voter verified paper audit trail on their electronic voting machines. Keep concentrating on voter ID laws though :rolleyes:

and you keep whining about republicans stealing elections...:clap2:

Only when there is actual evidence of them doing so (like in Ohio). If there is no election fraud going on in this douche bag's district, she should have no problem with a verification of her numbers right?

No election official should be trusted by anyone, it should all be verifiable. Why haven't you answered the question about VVPATs? You actually support not having a paper trail of an electronic vote? Really?

Sorry, you lost credibility long ago... You seem to be half-blinded by party loyalty...

There's a lot of you around here, so you should feel at home...

The votes in WI were cast, verified by the canvassers, and OFFICIALLY recorded as such...

Were they reported to AP correctly? No, but that's why they call them "unofficial results"...

Let me know where you want the whaaaaambulance to pick you up....
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CaféAuLait;3501713 said:
Joanne Kloppenburg and WI Dems are All About the Children, Until they Need to Further Abuse One to Win an Election


Yes. Dems are all about the children.........well, the ones they allow to survive anyway. The rest can rot and die and burn in the womb for all they care.
Without a voter verified paper audit trail on electronic voting machines, Republicans will continue to steal elections.
Voting machines like Al Franken's car miraculous car trunk in an already certified district containing a few thousand votes?
CaféAuLait;3501713 said:
Joanne Kloppenburg and WI Dems are All About the Children, Until they Need to Further Abuse One to Win an Election


Yes. Dems are all about the children.........well, the ones they allow to survive anyway. The rest can rot and die and burn in the womb for all they care.

You mean the ones that survived that must be persuaded to get away from their Bible-Thumping, Gun-Toting parents despite the parent's objection to Gubmint schrools indoctrination attempt...?
Without a voter verified paper audit trail on electronic voting machines, Republicans will continue to steal elections.
Voting machines like Al Franken's car miraculous car trunk in an already certified district containing a few thousand votes?

So you continue to repeat a lie even after the facts have been presented to you? How shocking that "Dr House" isn't all over your whining about the Franken election. :eusa_eh:
Come on ya'll...close your eyes for a minute and imagine that this were a Democratic Election Official in a Democratic district. By god, we still here about the LIE that there were 32 ballots in the trunk of a car (it was NEVER true). You KNOW this would be 24/7 coverage by Faux "news" don't ya?

Count the ballots and the signatures (and maybe actually signature check them)...it's as simple as that.

You know what's ironic, don't you?

You complaining about Republicans whining about stolen elections while whining about this one being stolen....

You have been educated.... You may thank me at your leisure...
Exposed, yes. Educated... definitely not.

I suspect they flunked the final exam.
No matter how loud left wingers whine these facts can't be refuted. Supreme Court Justice David Prosser, has won reelection. Liberals, unions, and communists have lost. Now what could be nicer then that?:up:
No matter how loud left wingers whine these facts can't be refuted. Supreme Court Justice David Prosser, has won reelection. Liberals, unions, and communists have lost. Now what could be nicer then that?:up:
but, but, but, the people! The people hate walker and his union busting! The GOP is Dead... d-e-a-d dead in WI because of it....

Without a voter verified paper audit trail on electronic voting machines, Republicans will continue to steal elections.
Voting machines like Al Franken's car miraculous car trunk in an already certified district containing a few thousand votes?

So you continue to repeat a lie even after the facts have been presented to you? How shocking that "Dr House" isn't all over your whining about the Franken election. :eusa_eh:

So your defense to your whining is "yeah, well what about him?"....

You know that's just more whining, right?

Hey, I guess you gotta play to your strengths....
You don't know what a signature is or when it is required? What are you confused about?

i've never signed anything when i cast a vote. perhaps you could clear that up for me.

i'm good on what a signature is, thank you.

Really? You've never signed the Roster of Voters at the Polling Place? What state is this in?
Me neither. We must give our address and phone number we supplied when registering to vote.
BTW, my state is going to pass a voter ID law. Meaning, in order to vote one must show a government issued photo ID.
I think this is a marvelous idea. I support it 100%.
Of course state democrats are opposed. They are calling it "disenfranchisement of voters"....Bull shit.
I can think of no more important activity than this where one must prove who they are.
If we must show ID to board an aircraft we can certainly go through the process of producing identification to exercise our civic duty.
Voting machines like Al Franken's car miraculous car trunk in an already certified district containing a few thousand votes?

So you continue to repeat a lie even after the facts have been presented to you? How shocking that "Dr House" isn't all over your whining about the Franken election. :eusa_eh:

So your defense to your whining is "yeah, well what about him?"....

You know that's just more whining, right?

Hey, I guess you gotta play to your strengths....

The 'Gee MOM! He did it too' defense is a favourite of theirs, isn't it?

Lacks depth...and is dishonest and childish. But for Statists? It's standard OP...

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