Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

Personally, I think a whooooole lot of faith is being entrusted to that one 80 year old twitching like a caught carp woman of a single democrat who vouched, but -- I am in no position to say how loyal she is to the party. Or how honest or dishonest she is.

I don't think any of us are.

Isn't her loyalty to the voters more important?


Didn't take you wingnuts long to throw her under the bus though...:lol:
Should liberals be precluded from voting? I mean, look at 2008, you sure fucked that one up.

what an ass hole you are .
you'd rather have a dotty old fart and an idiot from Alaska ? wow you really hate this country

only smart liberals should vote, with iqs above 30.... :lol:
Quite telling isn't it. If you support anyone other than the O'bamasiah you evidently are an ass hole who hates the country.:cuckoo:

Not to worry though, we are in the new age of civility!!!
Prosser is up by 2000 or less. This is headed for a recount. I hope that con judge gets the boot. The last thing WI needs is a Walker ally in the Supreme Court.

Last thing WI needs is to declare bankruptcy because they have to pay the unions come hell or high water.

It's called collective bargaining. It's been an important part of American history. Get used to it. WI Rethug senators are getting recalled, and in less than a year, Walker will follow. The law is on hold and hopefully not coming back. Walker has been exposed as the corrupt asshole that he is.

Slavery has been important part of American history too. I don't see you calling on that one.
Personally, I think a whooooole lot of faith is being entrusted to that one 80 year old twitching like a caught carp woman of a single democrat who vouched, but -- I am in no position to say how loyal she is to the party. Or how honest or dishonest she is.

I don't think any of us are.

Isn't her loyalty to the voters more important?


Didn't take you wingnuts long to throw her under the bus though...:lol:
Zey hast taken ze Zigfreid Oaff! UND! Ze penalty vor BRREAKINK ze Zigfried Oaff....


Party loyalty uber alles. It ist ze democrrrrrat vay!

Now ve do ze Gutentag Hop Clop!
So let me get this straight...

A former Prosser aide working at the voting booth office SUDDENLY finds enough votes, ON HER PRIVATE PC, to NOT trigger a recount and have Prosser as the winner and we're supposed to accept that?



Uhhhh Duh...Just like we had to accept the fact that someone showed up at the last moment with bags and bags of ballots that he just happened to have found in the trunk of his car that
showed most of the votes cast were for Al Franken....:eusa_shhh:
Looking through some of the replies to this thread I'm struck by how often liberals accuse republicans of voter fraud. These are striking statements due to the fact that liberals are usually the perpetrators of voter fraud. I've included some information on this subject. Take the time to read some of this material, and then you decide.

Democrat Voter Fraud is Far More Widespread Than You Think

Last week I wrote an article titled How Obama Used an Army of Thugs to Steal the 2008 Democratic Primary that introduced the conservative community to the movie “We Will Not Be Silenced”, made by Democrat activist Gigi Gaston two years ago. Her video documented widespread voter fraud committed by Obama supporters during the 2008 Democratic primary election to secure the nomination for Obama over the popular vote winner Hillary Clinton.

The story went viral and 24 hours later Fox News asked Gaston to appear on the Sunday morning program Fox and Friends. For the first time many Americans saw for themselves first hand accounts from Democrats who personally witnessed “the disenfranchising of American citizens by the Democratic Party and the Obama Campaign.”

DNC Vote Fraud Content

The New York Times: Democratic voter fraud? That

Local Tea Party group may have uncovered massive vote fraud in Texas | Mark Hemingway | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Wisconsin AG charges ACORN workers with voter fraud | Mark Hemingway | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Michelle Malkin: Whitewashing voter fraud won't work | Michelle Malkin | Op Eds | Washington Examiner

This posting of links to liberal voter fraud could go on for hours. That would be beyond the scope of this thread. What I've already posted should assess blame accurately. :up:
what an ass hole you are .
you'd rather have a dotty old fart and an idiot from Alaska ? wow you really hate this country

only smart liberals should vote, with iqs above 30.... :lol:
Quite telling isn't it. If you support anyone other than the O'bamasiah you evidently are an ass hole who hates the country.:cuckoo:

Not to worry though, we are in the new age of civility!!!

its the disrespect you have for a sitting president , even bush didn't deserve it , yes it started with lefty's on Nixon . but its all over you in post , you are an ass hole .
civility? no , no one ever said we were there . we hate each other to much ,
and ya worry , the push pull of our government is turned to hate , to the point each side would rather fight each-other then advance our country , many times one party or the other would say screw America if it shows the "other side " in a good light .

neocons or republicans , are bullies , and Dems are week willed .
only smart liberals should vote, with iqs above 30.... :lol:
Quite telling isn't it. If you support anyone other than the O'bamasiah you evidently are an ass hole who hates the country.:cuckoo:

Not to worry though, we are in the new age of civility!!!

its the disrespect you have for a sitting president , even bush didn't deserve it , yes it started with lefty's on Nixon . but its all over you in post , you are an ass hole .
civility? no , no one ever said we were there . we hate each other to much ,
and ya worry , the push pull of our government is turned to hate , to the point each side would rather fight each-other then advance our country , many times one party or the other would say screw America if it shows the "other side " in a good light .

neocons or republicans , are bullies , and Dems are week willed .
The Party of Boss Tweed continues it's 'winning ways'.
Without a voter verified paper audit trail on electronic voting machines, Republicans will continue to steal elections.

You need a whaaaambulance...

No matter how hard you cry, scream, and stomp your feet, the votes were cast....

Now, you wouldn't be wanting to throw them out, would you....??
Come on ya'll...close your eyes for a minute and imagine that this were a Democratic Election Official in a Democratic district. By god, we still here about the LIE that there were 32 ballots in the trunk of a car (it was NEVER true). You KNOW this would be 24/7 coverage by Faux "news" don't ya?

Count the ballots and the signatures (and maybe actually signature check them)...it's as simple as that.
Without a voter verified paper audit trail on electronic voting machines, Republicans will continue to steal elections.

You need a whaaaambulance...

No matter how hard you cry, scream, and stomp your feet, the votes were cast....

Now, you wouldn't be wanting to throw them out, would you....??

So you consider printed proof that a vote was cast as "whining"? Really?
Without a voter verified paper audit trail on electronic voting machines, Republicans will continue to steal elections.

You need a whaaaambulance...

No matter how hard you cry, scream, and stomp your feet, the votes were cast....

Now, you wouldn't be wanting to throw them out, would you....??

So you consider printed proof that a vote was cast as "whining"? Really?

I consider stating that Republicans will continue to steal elections to be worthy of a whaaaaambulance....
Come on ya'll...close your eyes for a minute and imagine that this were a Democratic Election Official in a Democratic district. By god, we still here about the LIE that there were 32 ballots in the trunk of a car (it was NEVER true). You KNOW this would be 24/7 coverage by Faux "news" don't ya?

Count the ballots and the signatures (and maybe actually signature check them)...it's as simple as that.

How about people having to show valid ID in order to vote in the first place?
Without a voter verified paper audit trail on electronic voting machines, Republicans will continue to steal elections.

You need a whaaaambulance...

No matter how hard you cry, scream, and stomp your feet, the votes were cast....

Now, you wouldn't be wanting to throw them out, would you....??

So you consider printed proof that a vote was cast as "whining"? Really?

That really depends upon the system employed. Just having a receipt requirement is yet another huge opportunity for forgery and fraud.

I personally prefer a self audit system in which a voter is given a code and then can verify on line (with the code which ensures anonymity) that his votes were properly recorded. If not, then there should be a small window which enables an opportunity to correct errors, with safeguards to ensure that the person was not being coerced to change a vote. Not sure exactly how that last bit would work...
Come on ya'll...close your eyes for a minute and imagine that this were a Democratic Election Official in a Democratic district. By god, we still here about the LIE that there were 32 ballots in the trunk of a car (it was NEVER true). You KNOW this would be 24/7 coverage by Faux "news" don't ya?

Count the ballots and the signatures (and maybe actually signature check them)...it's as simple as that.

You know what's ironic, don't you?

You complaining about Republicans whining about stolen elections while whining about this one being stolen....

You have been educated.... You may thank me at your leisure...

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