Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

have you ever been involved in a vote tally? what happens is the people sent down by the politicos count the vote as each machine is opened. there are democratic and republican poll watchers. they fill out tally sheets with the number of votes for each candidate on the tally sheet. it's almost impossible to not call in an entire city because each machine is tallied separately, imo.

thedoctorisin, if he is around, may have another take on it. but that's my experience. i can't imagine it's done so differently in wisconsin.

Did you even watch the video I posted?

The vote was called in by the city, and not recorded at the county level. They discovered the error when they noticed that the tally for one of the cities read 0, and corrected it. The scenario you are imagining did not happen, and all the ballots are at the county seat.
Have any comments about the wild, repeated incompetence of this election official?

You know, the one who worked for Prosser and who likes to keep all the election information for only her to see on her private PC? The same one who keeps making these funny, little stinky "errors" over and over again?
You're just mad because she sandbagged you with real votes long enough for the democratic fraud to show the democratics had a slight lead... and then hit you with it. And now its too late to give the democratic any more manufactured "votes".

Well played madam!!!

This one's pretty funny. The Dumocrat actually held a Press Conference declaring she had won. Well she celebrated a little early. Because she actually lost. All that Cash spent by the Public Unions and they still lost. Gotta love it. :)

And that's the part that really has the Dems freaked. They made this a referendum - and poured a ton of union and party money into defeating Prosser, who was stunned and unprepared.

The Dems still lost - it's a good thing.
But the best part is watching liberals tear their hair out when their candidates lose elections.
That is most amusing.
the cons are pretty funny when they lose, too.

see: franken, al

Funny thing is that Campbell won that election and Franken cried until he got numbers to go his way. Even funnier is that the Republicans have apparently beaten the Dems at their own game and now, the Dems are pissed off about it.

Dems Furious After Vote Change Gives Lead to Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice - FoxNews.com

Democrats in Wisconsin were crying foul Friday after a significant vote-count change in the hotly contested Supreme Court election gave the conservative incumbent the lead in a race that could decide the fate of the state's new divisive collective bargaining law.

Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus said it was "human error" that resulted in more than 14,000 votes from her predominantly GOP county not being reported on Tuesday. The corrected totals gave conservative Justice David Prosser a 7,500-vote lead, according to unofficial tallies, and undid the earlier likelihood of a recount.

I have to admit it raises some questions in my mind to see that it was just enough to avoid an automatic recount... how convenient... how brilliant. :eek:

the cons are pretty funny when they lose, too.

see: franken, al

Funny thing is that Campbell won that election and Franken cried until he got numbers to go his way. Even funnier is that the Republicans have apparently beaten the Dems at their own game and now, the Dems are pissed off about it.

Dems Furious After Vote Change Gives Lead to Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice - FoxNews.com

Democrats in Wisconsin were crying foul Friday after a significant vote-count change in the hotly contested Supreme Court election gave the conservative incumbent the lead in a race that could decide the fate of the state's new divisive collective bargaining law.

Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus said it was "human error" that resulted in more than 14,000 votes from her predominantly GOP county not being reported on Tuesday. The corrected totals gave conservative Justice David Prosser a 7,500-vote lead, according to unofficial tallies, and undid the earlier likelihood of a recount.

I have to admit it raises some questions in my mind to see that it was just enough to avoid an automatic recount... how convenient... how brilliant. :eek:


Way TOO convenient. This "inconsistency" should trigger an automatic 100% manual count of all ballots in that district that includes a signature check of the roster of voters for those that voted in the Polling Place.
the cons are pretty funny when they lose, too.

see: franken, al

Funny thing is that Campbell won that election and Franken cried until he got numbers to go his way. Even funnier is that the Republicans have apparently beaten the Dems at their own game and now, the Dems are pissed off about it.

Dems Furious After Vote Change Gives Lead to Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice - FoxNews.com

Democrats in Wisconsin were crying foul Friday after a significant vote-count change in the hotly contested Supreme Court election gave the conservative incumbent the lead in a race that could decide the fate of the state's new divisive collective bargaining law.

Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus said it was "human error" that resulted in more than 14,000 votes from her predominantly GOP county not being reported on Tuesday. The corrected totals gave conservative Justice David Prosser a 7,500-vote lead, according to unofficial tallies, and undid the earlier likelihood of a recount.

I have to admit it raises some questions in my mind to see that it was just enough to avoid an automatic recount... how convenient... how brilliant. :eek:


Way TOO convenient. This "inconsistency" should trigger an automatic 100% manual count of all ballots in that district that includes a signature check of the roster of voters for those that voted in the Polling Place.

I do have to agree with you, and I must say that if anything fishy is turned up, Ms. Nickolaus should be arrested and tried for vote fraud.

the cons are pretty funny when they lose, too.

see: franken, al

Funny thing is that Campbell won that election and Franken cried until he got numbers to go his way. Even funnier is that the Republicans have apparently beaten the Dems at their own game and now, the Dems are pissed off about it.

Dems Furious After Vote Change Gives Lead to Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice - FoxNews.com

Democrats in Wisconsin were crying foul Friday after a significant vote-count change in the hotly contested Supreme Court election gave the conservative incumbent the lead in a race that could decide the fate of the state's new divisive collective bargaining law.

Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus said it was "human error" that resulted in more than 14,000 votes from her predominantly GOP county not being reported on Tuesday. The corrected totals gave conservative Justice David Prosser a 7,500-vote lead, according to unofficial tallies, and undid the earlier likelihood of a recount.

I have to admit it raises some questions in my mind to see that it was just enough to avoid an automatic recount... how convenient... how brilliant. :eek:


Way TOO convenient. This "inconsistency" should trigger an automatic 100% manual count of all ballots in that district that includes a signature check of the roster of voters for those that voted in the Polling Place.

I might suggest watching the explanation, here;

mini video player - JSOnline
Funny thing is that Campbell won that election and Franken cried until he got numbers to go his way. Even funnier is that the Republicans have apparently beaten the Dems at their own game and now, the Dems are pissed off about it.

Dems Furious After Vote Change Gives Lead to Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice - FoxNews.com

I have to admit it raises some questions in my mind to see that it was just enough to avoid an automatic recount... how convenient... how brilliant. :eek:


Way TOO convenient. This "inconsistency" should trigger an automatic 100% manual count of all ballots in that district that includes a signature check of the roster of voters for those that voted in the Polling Place.

I might suggest watching the explanation, here;

mini video player - JSOnline

Listening to it now.

This does not change my feelings that this should be reviewed. Her explanations make sense, but typically when a person is doing something dishonest (not saying she is) they typically use something that sounds plausible.

I truly think that this needs to be looked into.

Edit: At approximately the 13:30 mark, Ms. Nickolaus brings an apparent Democratic Party member into the discussion who confirms the explanation of the mistake as given by Ms. Nickolaus. That does help me to feel better about the explanation. Mistakes do happen. I still think it would be a good idea to confirm the numbers.

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Way TOO convenient. This "inconsistency" should trigger an automatic 100% manual count of all ballots in that district that includes a signature check of the roster of voters for those that voted in the Polling Place.

I might suggest watching the explanation, here;

mini video player - JSOnline

Listening to it now.

This does not change my feelings that this should be reviewed. Her explanations make sense, but typically when a person is doing something dishonest (not saying she is) they typically use something that sounds plausible.

I truly think that this needs to be looked into.

She looked scared as shit to me...and from the Wisconsin posters who know her and posted on the Wis boards, I hear she is one of the ugliest liars and bullshit artists around...and been caught too many times in really stinky fiasco's.

This one line was powerful to me. It was when the security people & County Chairman tried to get her to adhere to the rules and security measures, she refused and then smirked as if she didn't have to answer to anyone: To quote from the County Board Chairman: "There really is nothing funny about this, Kathy," .... "Don't sit there and grin when I'm explaining what this is about."

"Don't sit there and say I will take it into consideration," he said, asking her pointedly whether she would change the passwords.

But that's just hearsay. Say.
I might suggest watching the explanation, here;

mini video player - JSOnline

Listening to it now.

This does not change my feelings that this should be reviewed. Her explanations make sense, but typically when a person is doing something dishonest (not saying she is) they typically use something that sounds plausible.

I truly think that this needs to be looked into.

She looked scared as shit to me...and from the Wisconsin posters who know her and posted on the Wis boards, I hear she is one of the ugliest liars and bullshit artists around...and been caught too many times in really stinky fiasco's.

This one line was powerful to me. It was when the security people & County Chairman tried to get her to adhere to the rules and security measures, she refused and then smirked as if she didn't have to answer to anyone: To quote from the County Board Chairman: "There really is nothing funny about this, Kathy," .... "Don't sit there and grin when I'm explaining what this is about."

"Don't sit there and say I will take it into consideration," he said, asking her pointedly whether she would change the passwords.

But that's just hearsay. Say.

Like I said, the fact that they had a Democratic Party member vouch for her in this instance makes me feel a little bit better. I do, however, believe this should be looked into.

I'm pretty good with spreadsheets. It would not have been difficult to have set up and check figure to verify that the votes from each precinct had been input.

Yeah she should step down ... sounds like she sucks at her job. Its not like she just created 7 thousand votes out of thin air though. They were votes that should have counted and had she not admitted her mistake Prosser would have been screwed.
PoINT Blank:

Any of you conservatives who are loving this -- think that election official should step down?

I'm conservative. I'm not loving this. If she made an honest mistake I don't think she should step down or be removed from her position. If she is involved in an attempt to defraud the people of Wisconsin, I think she should be on the next plane to someplace that does not extradite to the US.

Personally, I think a whooooole lot of faith is being entrusted to that one 80 year old twitching like a caught carp woman of a single democrat who vouched, but -- I am in no position to say how loyal she is to the party. Or how honest or dishonest she is.

I don't think any of us are.
PoINT Blank:

Any of you conservatives who are loving this -- think that election official should step down?

I'm conservative. I'm not loving this. If she made an honest mistake I don't think she should step down or be removed from her position. If she is involved in an attempt to defraud the people of Wisconsin, I think she should be on the next plane to someplace that does not extradite to the US.

Are you aware, Immie, of how many times this woman has had similar fuck ups and other "Oooops" just human error mistakes where she was in a position to change election results and then went, Oh my <hand to face wave> I ah musta just skaroooed up. Silly me.

Here's one: (note the date): Officials dispute reliability of Waukesha County clerk's election data system - JSOnline

Here's another -from 2005. I have more: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - Google News Archive Search
Personally, I think a whooooole lot of faith is being entrusted to that one 80 year old twitching like a caught carp woman of a single democrat who vouched, but -- I am in no position to say how loyal she is to the party. Or how honest or dishonest she is.

I don't think any of us are.

That is funny, because my first thought was that she probably doesn't even know how to turn on a computer let alone create a simple formula on a spreadsheet.

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PoINT Blank:

Any of you conservatives who are loving this -- think that election official should step down?

I'm conservative. I'm not loving this. If she made an honest mistake I don't think she should step down or be removed from her position. If she is involved in an attempt to defraud the people of Wisconsin, I think she should be on the next plane to someplace that does not extradite to the US.

Are you aware, Immie, of how many times this woman has had similar fuck ups and other "Oooops" just human error mistakes where she was in a position to change election results and then went, Oh my <hand to face wave> I ah musta just skaroooed up. Silly me.

Here's one: (note the date): Officials dispute reliability of Waukesha County clerk's election data system - JSOnline

Here's another -from 2005. I have more: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - Google News Archive Search

Sorry, but if I could (with a straight face) say that I had only made one screw up in my career, I might feel comfortable agreeing with you. I can't so I don't.

Also, from my review of this matter, she found and corrected the error even before the votes were certified. That being the case, in my opinion, she caught the error in time and did the right thing.

The person who Fucked Up was the candidate who Declared Victory on a slim, uncertified margin.

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