Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

Remember before these votes were discovered and the righties here were floating the idea that the liberals were cheating in this election?
The greater probobility is that liberals were cheating in this election... just not enough. The reports of underage HS kids being registered and voting are particularly troubling because there is no way that could happen unless the election workers purposefully let it happen. The report about destroying ballots I believe is much ado about nothing, but still, it should be investigated.


I knew someone would come thru for me!
Won't know the answer to that question until the voter fraud task force investigates it. The story seem implausable, and extremely troubling if true. If true, this is not the way to teach our children civics and whoever put them up to it and allowed it should be jailed... for a very LONG time.

I'm guessing that the terms "proboblity" and "no way this could happen unless.." confused you.
The AP grabbed information and reported it even though there was no official certification, which started the meme that Prosser has lost.

have you ever been involved in a vote tally? what happens is the people sent down by the politicos count the vote as each machine is opened. there are democratic and republican poll watchers. they fill out tally sheets with the number of votes for each candidate on the tally sheet. it's almost impossible to not call in an entire city because each machine is tallied separately, imo.

thedoctorisin, if he is around, may have another take on it. but that's my experience. i can't imagine it's done so differently in wisconsin.

Yes. And I know enough that in close races, declaring a winner on a couple of hundred votes prior to certification is stupid.
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if you say so.

like i said, no way to prove otherwise.

it smells though. i can think of a few policians in ny who have been on the wrong side of this type of thing. so it doesn't really pay to argue it. i mean, you can. but to what end? it doesn't change anything. and people who don't like the result will think it smells funny. people who do will think it just "corrected" a mistake.

Mistakes happen - sometimes they break the way you want - sometimes they break like you don't want...

Until we all vote by retina scan or something, it's going to be an imperfect system....

it could have be better now... years ago, they talked about how unreliable black box voting is.

people should get a receipt for their vote. and there should be a paper backup. that ends most of the potential problems.

I dunno - paper can be forged...

There's always the fingers dipped in blue ink thing....lol
What I'm Really Enjoying about this is the thing that is most chapping the Collective Progressive Ass:

They made this election a referendum on Scott Walker. Tons of out of state public union money and resources were spent - and what did they get: pretty much a Dead Heat.

This is a good sign that we may be witnessing beginning of the Decline and Fall of Big Public Employee Labor.
Ben, you're a gem.

I mean that. Thanks.
What? You don't think they should investigate reports of underage children being registered and voting at a polling site at their HS? May be nothing, may mean little, but whether or not it turns out to be accurate, if their is an allegation which is even marginally credible, it should be investigated. Just as I'm sure the democratics will want to investigate what happenned in with the 19K or so votes from brookfield, which apparently the democratic parties representative canvasing up thier has verified to be on the up and up.
And they should investigate how mentally disabled people are being taken by their supposed caregivers to vote:

Minnesota resident Jim Stene voted last November -- and thought he was casting his ballot for President Gerald Ford.

"He was exploited, plain and simple. He was exploited," his father, Alan Stene, charges. "This is a moral and ethical issue."

Jim Stene, 35, suffers from anoxic encephalopathy, severe brain damage caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain. He has lived with the condition since 1987, when, as a 12-year-old boy, he jumped into a river to save the life of his drowning sister, Heather.

Stene had spent the last 15 years living in a group home in Brainerd, Minn. He and other residents of the home were taken to the Crow Wing County auditor's office on Oct. 29 to vote by absentee ballot. Minnesota is among the states that offer early voting by absentee ballot days before Election Day.

In an affidavit, Stene's father charges that "a voter crime was committed ... because James is mentally incompetent and is very coachable."

He fears his son, and others like him across the country, could be used to swing elections.

"They are a forgotten member of our society, I think, to where people can exploit them because nobody really knows what goes on behind the scenes," Alan Stene said.

"I felt that he was used as a pawn." ...

Family of Minnesota Man With Mental Disabilities Says He Is a Victim of Voter Fraud - FoxNews.com
Ben, you're a gem.

I mean that. Thanks.
What? You don't think they should investigate reports of underage children being registered and voting at a polling site at their HS? May be nothing, may mean little, but whether or not it turns out to be accurate, if their is an allegation which is even marginally credible, it should be investigated. Just as I'm sure the democratics will want to investigate what happenned in with the 19K or so votes from brookfield, which apparently the democratic parties representative canvasing up thier has verified to be on the up and up.

Please stop pretending that you actually care about fair elections.
The AP grabbed information and reported it even though there was no official certification, which started the meme that Prosser has lost.

have you ever been involved in a vote tally? what happens is the people sent down by the politicos count the vote as each machine is opened. there are democratic and republican poll watchers. they fill out tally sheets with the number of votes for each candidate on the tally sheet. it's almost impossible to not call in an entire city because each machine is tallied separately, imo.

thedoctorisin, if he is around, may have another take on it. but that's my experience. i can't imagine it's done so differently in wisconsin.

Did you even watch the video I posted?

The vote was called in by the city, and not recorded at the county level. They discovered the error when they noticed that the tally for one of the cities read 0, and corrected it. The scenario you are imagining did not happen, and all the ballots are at the county seat.
The AP grabbed information and reported it even though there was no official certification, which started the meme that Prosser has lost.

have you ever been involved in a vote tally? what happens is the people sent down by the politicos count the vote as each machine is opened. there are democratic and republican poll watchers. they fill out tally sheets with the number of votes for each candidate on the tally sheet. it's almost impossible to not call in an entire city because each machine is tallied separately, imo.

thedoctorisin, if he is around, may have another take on it. but that's my experience. i can't imagine it's done so differently in wisconsin.

Did you even watch the video I posted?

The vote was called in by the city, and not recorded at the county level. They discovered the error when they noticed that the tally for one of the cities read 0, and corrected it. The scenario you are imagining did not happen, and all the ballots are at the county seat.
Have any comments about the wild, repeated incompetence of this election official?

You know, the one who worked for Prosser and who likes to keep all the election information for only her to see on her private PC? The same one who keeps making these funny, little stinky "errors" over and over again?
Ben, you're a gem.

I mean that. Thanks.
What? You don't think they should investigate reports of underage children being registered and voting at a polling site at their HS? May be nothing, may mean little, but whether or not it turns out to be accurate, if their is an allegation which is even marginally credible, it should be investigated. Just as I'm sure the democratics will want to investigate what happenned in with the 19K or so votes from brookfield, which apparently the democratic parties representative canvasing up thier has verified to be on the up and up.

Please stop pretending that you actually care about fair elections.

Guess then its mostly pointless to ask if you believe in fair elections because its pretty clear that you don't. His statement was entirely reasonable while your indicates a distinct lack of understanding or care.
have you ever been involved in a vote tally? what happens is the people sent down by the politicos count the vote as each machine is opened. there are democratic and republican poll watchers. they fill out tally sheets with the number of votes for each candidate on the tally sheet. it's almost impossible to not call in an entire city because each machine is tallied separately, imo.

thedoctorisin, if he is around, may have another take on it. but that's my experience. i can't imagine it's done so differently in wisconsin.

Did you even watch the video I posted?

The vote was called in by the city, and not recorded at the county level. They discovered the error when they noticed that the tally for one of the cities read 0, and corrected it. The scenario you are imagining did not happen, and all the ballots are at the county seat.
Have any comments about the wild, repeated incompetence of this election official?

You know, the one who worked for Prosser and who likes to keep all the election information for only her to see on her private PC? The same one who keeps making these funny, little stinky "errors" over and over again?

If she's incompetent then toss her...

Bottom line is the votes may not have been reported correctly but they were cast... This was verified by the county Democrat Party chairwoman and your side came up empty....

Sucks for you....
The AP grabbed information and reported it even though there was no official certification, which started the meme that Prosser has lost.

have you ever been involved in a vote tally? what happens is the people sent down by the politicos count the vote as each machine is opened. there are democratic and republican poll watchers. they fill out tally sheets with the number of votes for each candidate on the tally sheet. it's almost impossible to not call in an entire city because each machine is tallied separately, imo.

thedoctorisin, if he is around, may have another take on it. but that's my experience. i can't imagine it's done so differently in wisconsin.

Did you even watch the video I posted?

The vote was called in by the city, and not recorded at the county level. They discovered the error when they noticed that the tally for one of the cities read 0, and corrected it. The scenario you are imagining did not happen, and all the ballots are at the county seat.

Appears they are having a hard time with the whole Repudiation thing. But on the upside I think if they increase the Union Dues they should be able to pay for the Correct result.....Next time
As seen on the web:

Scandal in Fitzwalkerstan: Federal probe, full recount required in high court race

Suppose the Democratic governor of Illinois had proposed radical changes in how the state operates, and suppose anger over those proposed changes inspired a popular uprising that filled the streets of every city, village and town in the state with protests. Then, suppose there was an election that would decide whether allies of the governor controlled the state's highest court. Suppose the results of that election showed that an independent candidate who would not be in the governor's pocket narrowly won that election.

Then, suppose it was announced by a Democratic election official in Chicago that she had found 14,000 votes in a machine-controlled ward that overwhelmingly favored the candidate aligned with the Democratic governor. And suppose the Democratic official who "found" the needed ballots for the candidate favored by the Democratic governor had previously been accused of removing election data from official computers and hiding the information on a personal computer, that the official's actions had been censured even by fellow Democrats and that her secretive and erratic activities had been the subject of an official audit demanded by the leadership of the Cook County Board.

More at the link....
I was under the impression that, well until recently, Wisconsin was more of a Democrat leaning state. Hasn't that been the case in the past? I might be mistaken. Whats up with the shift as of late?

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