Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

The vote totals from the machine tapes don't lie...

Were mistakes made? Yep...

Were those mistakes caught and rectified? Yep...

Were they verified by canvassers of both parties? Yep...

Another factor is the vote totals for this missing city broke 70-30 for the R - exactly how they broke in the last election...

if you say so.

like i said, no way to prove otherwise.

it smells though. i can think of a few policians in ny who have been on the wrong side of this type of thing. so it doesn't really pay to argue it. i mean, you can. but to what end? it doesn't change anything. and people who don't like the result will think it smells funny. people who do will think it just "corrected" a mistake.

Mistakes happen - sometimes they break the way you want - sometimes they break like you don't want...

Until we all vote by retina scan or something, it's going to be an imperfect system....
How about requiring the same level of security as making a withdrawal from your bank account or buying a 6 pack?
The vote totals from the machine tapes don't lie...

Were mistakes made? Yep...

Were those mistakes caught and rectified? Yep...

Were they verified by canvassers of both parties? Yep...

Another factor is the vote totals for this missing city broke 70-30 for the R - exactly how they broke in the last election...

if you say so.

like i said, no way to prove otherwise.

it smells though. i can think of a few policians in ny who have been on the wrong side of this type of thing. so it doesn't really pay to argue it. i mean, you can. but to what end? it doesn't change anything. and people who don't like the result will think it smells funny. people who do will think it just "corrected" a mistake.

Mistakes happen - sometimes they break the way you want - sometimes they break like you don't want...

Until we all vote by retina scan or something, it's going to be an imperfect system....

it could have be better now... years ago, they talked about how unreliable black box voting is.

people should get a receipt for their vote. and there should be a paper backup. that ends most of the potential problems.
if you say so.

like i said, no way to prove otherwise.

it smells though. i can think of a few policians in ny who have been on the wrong side of this type of thing. so it doesn't really pay to argue it. i mean, you can. but to what end? it doesn't change anything. and people who don't like the result will think it smells funny. people who do will think it just "corrected" a mistake.

Mistakes happen - sometimes they break the way you want - sometimes they break like you don't want...

Until we all vote by retina scan or something, it's going to be an imperfect system....

it could have be better now... years ago, they talked about how unreliable black box voting is.

people should get a receipt for their vote. and there should be a paper backup. that ends most of the potential problems.
Can't give receipts. It's a secret ballot.
2.4 million dollars were spent getting Prosser re-elected. So whats that about money doesn't buy elections? Yeah.....

The single largest spender in the election was a liberal group that ran ads attacking Prosser. Not that I expect facts to actually disturb your views at all.

Yeah, and four conservative groups combined to spend $2.2 mil on the election.

Outside spending in Supreme Court race: $3.6M

.....and last time I checked $2.2 mil > $1.4 mil........about 57% greater.....

Not that I expect facts to actually disturb this retarded narrative you're weaving or anything....

I am not surprised that you ignore the fact that there are more left leaning groups who poured money into the election than right leaning groups. I just find it amazing that you still expect me to ignore the same data that you look at. There was more than 1 liberal group that poured money into that election, the unions spent million on get out the vote drives and managed to eke out a tie. If I were a lefty I would be demanding a refund.
"I don't know what's the matter with people: they don't learn by understanding; they learn by some other way -- by rote, or something. Their knowledge is so fragile!" Richard Feynman

Anyone who thinks money doesn't influence elections has to also think millions, need I say billions, spent on advertising is a waste of money. Madison avenue would seem to then be an empty pursuit, and all that money on prime time and special events is just to annoy the audience. Ideas do not for most people materialize out of thin air, not do they grow from a deep studied knowledge of reality. They come from every thing that touches our lives and they come from years of patterned thought and repeated presentations. The only thing Glenn Beck ever got right was the power of ads, he seemed to miss the deep studied part that should have been his personal responsibility.

"The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed, the world is ruled by little else. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back. I am sure that the power of vested interests is vastly exaggerated compared with the gradual encroachment of ideas.. But, soon or late, it is ideas, not vested interests, which are dangerous for good or evil." John Maynard Keynes

Yet the left outspent the right, and lost.

It is nice to see you posting quotes about how stupid you are now instead of trying to use them to appear witty.
The single largest spender in the election was a liberal group that ran ads attacking Prosser. Not that I expect facts to actually disturb your views at all.

Yeah, and four conservative groups combined to spend $2.2 mil on the election.

Outside spending in Supreme Court race: $3.6M

.....and last time I checked $2.2 mil > $1.4 mil........about 57% greater.....

Not that I expect facts to actually disturb this retarded narrative you're weaving or anything....

I am not surprised that you ignore the fact that there are more left leaning groups who poured money into the election than right leaning groups. I just find it amazing that you still expect me to ignore the same data that you look at. There was more than 1 liberal group that poured money into that election, the unions spent million on get out the vote drives and managed to eke out a tie. If I were a lefty I would be demanding a refund.

Well then let's see the numbers. I posted mine ... there was $3.6mil in outside money poured into this election ... $1.4mil from the left and $2.2mil from the right. Where am I wrong?
We have no way to know what really went on with these 7,000 votes, honest error or fraud, but there is a lot of shady shit surrounding this woman nevertheless. She probably shouldn't be involved with this kind of thing because it just fuels the fire of the opposition who already don't trust her.

Nickolaus has faced criticism before for her handling of elections and previously worked 13 years for a state GOP caucus that was controlled by Prosser when he was Assembly speaker in 1995 and 1996. She was given immunity from prosecution in a 2002 criminal investigation into illegal activity by members of the caucus where she worked as a data analyst and computer specialist.

The corruption probe took down five legislative leaders, all of whom reached plea deals. Nickolaus resigned from her state job in 2002 just before launching her county clerk campaign.

Nickolaus also has been criticized by the Waukesha County Board for her handling of past elections and lack of oversight in her operations.

An audit of Nickolaus' handling of the 2010 election found she needed to take steps to improve security and backup procedures, including not sharing passwords. The audit was requested after the county's director of administration said Nickolaus had been uncooperative with attempts to have county experts review her systems and confirm backups were in place.

Dems Furious After Vote Change Gives Lead to Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice - FoxNews.com
Sadly, advertising and propaganda do work.

Obviously they're not the ONLY factor in most elections, but to deny their ability to sway public opinion and frame the elctions is, I think, a mistake.

What propaganda really does is control the narrative (the debate) such that the real issues are never brought to the attention of the public to vote on.

So instead of deciding elections on issues that matter, we end wasting our votes on elections focusing on issues like WILLY HORTON, or abortion, or flag burning or homosexuality, or prayer in schools or gun control and on and on and on.

All of those can evoke people to vote, but none of those issue are really of major significance to the well-being of the nation

Finally, an intelligent comment.

Funny thing is the left actually tried to sway the election with tactics like that. They brought up an old case from when Prosser was a prosecutor and accused him of letting a child abuser off the hook by shuttling him off to another city. Their tactic backfired when the victims in that case spoke up and defended him.

I do not think the problem with elections lies in the spending on them as much as it does in what happens after the elections. Obama is planning on raising $1 billion to get a job that pays $2 million for the entire time he has it. You do not spend that kind of money to make less unless you get something in return. We need to remove the incentives for that kind of money to be spent by taking away the power to reward friends and political cronies from the people that get the jobs.
We have no way to know what really went on with these 7,000 votes, honest error or fraud, but there is a lot of shady shit surrounding this woman nevertheless. She probably shouldn't be involved with this kind of thing because it just fuels the fire of the opposition who already don't trust her.

Nickolaus has faced criticism before for her handling of elections and previously worked 13 years for a state GOP caucus that was controlled by Prosser when he was Assembly speaker in 1995 and 1996. She was given immunity from prosecution in a 2002 criminal investigation into illegal activity by members of the caucus where she worked as a data analyst and computer specialist.

The corruption probe took down five legislative leaders, all of whom reached plea deals. Nickolaus resigned from her state job in 2002 just before launching her county clerk campaign.

Nickolaus also has been criticized by the Waukesha County Board for her handling of past elections and lack of oversight in her operations.

An audit of Nickolaus' handling of the 2010 election found she needed to take steps to improve security and backup procedures, including not sharing passwords. The audit was requested after the county's director of administration said Nickolaus had been uncooperative with attempts to have county experts review her systems and confirm backups were in place.

Dems Furious After Vote Change Gives Lead to Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice - FoxNews.com
Yep... about as pure as the driven snow. Just like Minnesota elections.

Mayhap Walker and the Repubs put through a Voter ID act next.
Yeah, and four conservative groups combined to spend $2.2 mil on the election.

Outside spending in Supreme Court race: $3.6M

.....and last time I checked $2.2 mil > $1.4 mil........about 57% greater.....

Not that I expect facts to actually disturb this retarded narrative you're weaving or anything....

I am not surprised that you ignore the fact that there are more left leaning groups who poured money into the election than right leaning groups. I just find it amazing that you still expect me to ignore the same data that you look at. There was more than 1 liberal group that poured money into that election, the unions spent million on get out the vote drives and managed to eke out a tie. If I were a lefty I would be demanding a refund.

Well then let's see the numbers. I posted mine ... there was $3.6mil in outside money poured into this election ... $1.4mil from the left and $2.2mil from the right. Where am I wrong?

You are worng in the totals, in the fact that your numbers do not count the final advertising blitz, and that those numbers focus only on sattelite advertising, not the cable channels or the local TV ads. You are also flat out wrong in assuming that $1.4 million was the entire outlay by the left. Do you really think that only one left leaning group spent any money in Wisconsin? As I pointed out earlier, that $1.4 million came from a single group, not the entire left leaning side.

Good-government watchdog groups in Wisconsin are up in arms following a report from a nonpartisan public policy institute that the state’s bitterly contested state Supreme Court race has set a new record for third-party TV ad expenditures.

Outside groups have spent more than $3.5 million on ads in the Wisconsin contest, which pits conservative incumbent Justice David Prosser against liberal Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg.

That easily eclipses the previous record of $3.38 million, which special-interest organizations spent in a 2008 Wisconsin Supreme Court race.

Mike McCabe, the executive director of Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, a nonpartisan good-government watchdog, tells Newsmax that the flood of campaign cash pouring into the state transcends partisan politics.

“It’s infected both parties, and so everything that I see is just rife with the influence of the less than 1 percent of the population that pays for all of this campaigning,” he says.

The final spending tally for the race will be much higher and could top the $5 million mark.

Wisconsin Election Battle: Justice for Sale?

I still do not see why you expect me to ignore the truth that is right in front of me, even if you elect to do so. That is a sign of a serious mental illness, you should consult a doctor.
I am not surprised that you ignore the fact that there are more left leaning groups who poured money into the election than right leaning groups. I just find it amazing that you still expect me to ignore the same data that you look at. There was more than 1 liberal group that poured money into that election, the unions spent million on get out the vote drives and managed to eke out a tie. If I were a lefty I would be demanding a refund.

Well then let's see the numbers. I posted mine ... there was $3.6mil in outside money poured into this election ... $1.4mil from the left and $2.2mil from the right. Where am I wrong?

You are worng in the totals, in the fact that your numbers do not count the final advertising blitz, and that those numbers focus only on sattelite advertising, not the cable channels or the local TV ads. You are also flat out wrong in assuming that $1.4 million was the entire outlay by the left. Do you really think that only one left leaning group spent any money in Wisconsin? As I pointed out earlier, that $1.4 million came from a single group, not the entire left leaning side.

Good-government watchdog groups in Wisconsin are up in arms following a report from a nonpartisan public policy institute that the state’s bitterly contested state Supreme Court race has set a new record for third-party TV ad expenditures.

Outside groups have spent more than $3.5 million on ads in the Wisconsin contest, which pits conservative incumbent Justice David Prosser against liberal Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg.

That easily eclipses the previous record of $3.38 million, which special-interest organizations spent in a 2008 Wisconsin Supreme Court race.

Mike McCabe, the executive director of Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, a nonpartisan good-government watchdog, tells Newsmax that the flood of campaign cash pouring into the state transcends partisan politics.

“It’s infected both parties, and so everything that I see is just rife with the influence of the less than 1 percent of the population that pays for all of this campaigning,” he says.

The final spending tally for the race will be much higher and could top the $5 million mark.

Wisconsin Election Battle: Justice for Sale?

I still do not see why you expect me to ignore the truth that is right in front of me, even if you elect to do so. That is a sign of a serious mental illness, you should consult a doctor.

I covered that $1.4 million in my post. You are yet to refute my numbers and your link only backs up my assertion ... that the right poured more outside money in this race than the left.
Remember before these votes were discovered and the righties here were floating the idea that the liberals were cheating in this election?
The greater probobility is that liberals were cheating in this election... just not enough. The reports of underage HS kids being registered and voting are particularly troubling because there is no way that could happen unless the election workers purposefully let it happen. The report about destroying ballots I believe is much ado about nothing, but still, it should be investigated.
Remember before these votes were discovered and the righties here were floating the idea that the liberals were cheating in this election?
The greater probobility is that liberals were cheating in this election... just not enough. The reports of underage HS kids being registered and voting are particularly troubling because there is no way that could happen unless the election workers purposefully let it happen. The report about destroying ballots I believe is much ado about nothing, but still, it should be investigated.


I knew someone would come thru for me!
So let me get this straight...

A former Prosser aide working at the voting booth office SUDDENLY finds enough votes, ON HER PRIVATE PC, to NOT trigger a recount and have Prosser as the winner and we're supposed to accept that?


And the democratic party canvasser verified the vote totals were acurate.

Uhm... HELL YEAH!!!!!!!
Money doesn't buy elections

WOW! That might be the dumbest post EVER on USMB. Either that or K Street is wasting hundreds of billions living under the delusion that money most certainly does buy elections.

I didn't think QW was a blatant liar. I will have to adjust my opinion.

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