Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

2.4 million dollars were spent getting Prosser re-elected. So whats that about money doesn't buy elections? Yeah.....

The single largest spender in the election was a liberal group that ran ads attacking Prosser. Not that I expect facts to actually disturb your views at all.

Yeah, and four conservative groups combined to spend $2.2 mil on the election.

Outside spending in Supreme Court race: $3.6M

.....and last time I checked $2.2 mil > $1.4 mil........about 57% greater.....

Not that I expect facts to actually disturb this retarded narrative you're weaving or anything....
2.4 million dollars were spent getting Prosser re-elected. So whats that about money doesn't buy elections? Yeah.....

The single largest spender in the election was a liberal group that ran ads attacking Prosser. Not that I expect facts to actually disturb your views at all.

Yeah, and four conservative groups combined to spend $2.2 mil on the election.

Outside spending in Supreme Court race: $3.6M

.....and last time I checked $2.2 mil > $1.4 mil........about 57% greater.....

Not that I expect facts to actually disturb this retarded narrative you're weaving or anything....

You're ignoring all the union political activities that don't get counted as spending.

The union thugs are defeated again. Hooray!
"I don't know what's the matter with people: they don't learn by understanding; they learn by some other way -- by rote, or something. Their knowledge is so fragile!" Richard Feynman

Anyone who thinks money doesn't influence elections has to also think millions, need I say billions, spent on advertising is a waste of money. Madison avenue would seem to then be an empty pursuit, and all that money on prime time and special events is just to annoy the audience. Ideas do not for most people materialize out of thin air, not do they grow from a deep studied knowledge of reality. They come from every thing that touches our lives and they come from years of patterned thought and repeated presentations. The only thing Glenn Beck ever got right was the power of ads, he seemed to miss the deep studied part that should have been his personal responsibility.

"The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed, the world is ruled by little else. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back. I am sure that the power of vested interests is vastly exaggerated compared with the gradual encroachment of ideas.. But, soon or late, it is ideas, not vested interests, which are dangerous for good or evil." John Maynard Keynes
Sadly, advertising and propaganda do work.

Obviously they're not the ONLY factor in most elections, but to deny their ability to sway public opinion and frame the elctions is, I think, a mistake.

What propaganda really does is control the narrative (the debate) such that the real issues are never brought to the attention of the public to vote on.

So instead of deciding elections on issues that matter, we end wasting our votes on elections focusing on issues like WILLY HORTON, or abortion, or flag burning or homosexuality, or prayer in schools or gun control and on and on and on.

All of those can evoke people to vote, but none of those issue are really of major significance to the well-being of the nation
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Only one way to describe the look on Chris Matthews' face... "This is what Democracy looks like!!". :lol:


He doesn't look like he has any leg-tingling feelings...lol
The tingle is in his left arm, with tightness in his chest.
It should be easy to verify those votes. An entire city's votes had not been taken into account.
The question now is will the Ds pull an entire city's votes out of their hat to match these previously uncounted votes? Just how like Minnesota is Wisconsin in its propinquity to voter fraud?
This should get interesting.

I tend to believe those votes were lost on purpose and they weren't supposed to be found.

They thought they had committed just enough voter fraud to win the election. But it's too late to do anything about this last minute miscalculation.

Now what are they going to do about Walker's bill?

This is sooooooo sweeeeeet!

Last minute "miscalculation"? you mean the miscalculation where a lady claimed that, using her own tabulation system in MS Access- the one she created to use on her own computer because she didn't like the state's version - she forgot to save the information?
Good news. Now Gov. Walker, can get back to balancing his states budget. The election results in Wisconsin show that democrats are going to have to be watched very closely during the 2012 election. This supreme court election in Wisconsin is good news for Wisconsin, and America. The forces of socialism have been pushed back once more.
Good news. Now Gov. Walker, can get back to balancing his states budget. The election results in Wisconsin show that democrats are going to have to be watched very closely during the 2012 election. This supreme court election in Wisconsin is good news for Wisconsin, and America. The forces of socialism have been pushed back once more.

There really isn't much good news for Wisconsin here. Things really went too far. The vote is over for the SC Justice and they may have avoided a recount, but the harm has been done by the legislature and the citizens in the state and probably the Union for bringing in union protestors from out of state.

There was no democracy when Democrat Senators ran to Illinois to avoid a losing vote and stayed there, curtailing Wisconsin business during their temper tantrum. The Republicans were not acting much better when they waited to pass the bill omitting the financial parts of the legislation to move the bill on to passage without the Dems quorum.

Then, to make things worse, when there was a question in the amount of notice given for meeting, the Republicans decided to prove a point through a "win" in the courts instead of just voting again with a 24 hour notice a second time. This resulted in a questionable ruling from the courts and a whole new ball game involving the Supreme Court!

Then the teachers out of classrooms "because the care for their children so much" accepting bogus medical slips (what ever happened with those doctors, anyway?), bussed in Union people from out of state, questionable union busting rather than reform...all hard feelings.

So I would venture a guess that there really is no good news right now. just maybe a comparative calm.
It should be easy to verify those votes. An entire city's votes had not been taken into account.
The question now is will the Ds pull an entire city's votes out of their hat to match these previously uncounted votes? Just how like Minnesota is Wisconsin in its propinquity to voter fraud?
This should get interesting.

I tend to believe those votes were lost on purpose and they weren't supposed to be found.

They thought they had committed just enough voter fraud to win the election. But it's too late to do anything about this last minute miscalculation.

Now what are they going to do about Walker's bill?

This is sooooooo sweeeeeet!

It doesn't surprise me that you entirely missed the point. This was a little known person who has never served as a judge and may (or may not) unseat a well known sitting Supreme Court Judge.

I would say that this does not bode well for the Republican Senators and Walker when the recall finally takes place. They have to be shitting all over themselves about now.

So let me get this straight...

A former Prosser aide working at the voting booth office SUDDENLY finds enough votes, ON HER PRIVATE PC, to NOT trigger a recount and have Prosser as the winner and we're supposed to accept that?


So let me get this straight...

A former Prosser aide working at the voting booth office SUDDENLY finds enough votes, ON HER PRIVATE PC, to NOT trigger a recount and have Prosser as the winner and we're supposed to accept that?



Are you calling the chairman of the Democratic Party for that county a liar?
So let me get this straight...

A former Prosser aide working at the voting booth office SUDDENLY finds enough votes, ON HER PRIVATE PC, to NOT trigger a recount and have Prosser as the winner and we're supposed to accept that?



Guess there's a need to increase the Union Dues to get better results...... Next time :lol:
So let me get this straight...

A former Prosser aide working at the voting booth office SUDDENLY finds enough votes, ON HER PRIVATE PC, to NOT trigger a recount and have Prosser as the winner and we're supposed to accept that?



Keep them eyes rolling. She was a county clerk. Missing the votes of an entire town is serious business. The canvassing process has been opened for the public to see. I'm sure that an army of liberal lawyers are already pouring over the results. An accounting is coming.

Irregardless of what side an ignored vote was cast on this situation should not be tolerated. An American voter was disenfranchised. I know how you feel though. I feel the same way every election cycle when democrats go out of their way to ensure that the absentee ballots of our military arrives too late to be counted. Did you roll your eyes when that happened? Does it anger you when democrats plot to disenfranchise the voting rights of the brave men and women that we've sent into harms way.?

Ballots mailed out late for overseas troops - Army News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Army Times

Overseas absentee ballots mailed out late - USATODAY.com
So let me get this straight...

A former Prosser aide working at the voting booth office SUDDENLY finds enough votes, ON HER PRIVATE PC, to NOT trigger a recount and have Prosser as the winner and we're supposed to accept that?



Thats right,read it and weep loser!!
Why should anyone be outraged over this?

because it's not credible?

it happens all the time, though. both sides play hardball. there have been primary elections in ny where there weren't even voting machines delivered to places where one candidate was stronger and the other side had some control over the delivery of those machines.

i've also known of elections where one candidate was winning and miraculously votes appeared out of one district or another which changed everything.

it's life... but no one is stupid enough to think it isn't intentional. it's just pretty difficult to prove.

and it should tick you off.... unless you are so jaded that you think it doesn't matter.
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