Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

Your last paragraph is just a regurgitation of his myopic viewpoint, supposition and cojecture. I've already presented two links as to what is the point of contention and the history regarding the votes that were initially not included in the tally. I'll wait for an investigation (if any) to give clarity to this. Benny will just keep bleating his BS like the willfully ignorant neocon sheep that he is.
Are you honestly going to go with "there's no such thing as a logical fallacy"? well, at least the little dope learned how to spell the word correctly...my teachings have not all been in vain.

also dumbass, nothing you've posted would in any way refute that the acceptance of immunity is not evidence of complicity in any crime. It is merely evidence that the person who accepted it believes they could be prosecuted for a crime based on their testimony and would like to avoid the possibility of being prosecuted. To be guilty of actually committing a crime requires more than you believing you might be and the state threatening to charge you with one.

As the chronology of the posts shows folks, Benny just ignores what he doesn't like and continues to bray his version of reality like the jackass he is. Benny just keeps injecting his personal supposition and conjecture where the legal definitions are in order to make his opinions and assertions seem more viable.....I almost pity our insipidly stubborn and willfully ignorant Benny...almost. Bottom line: you have a woman who was granted immunity from prosecution in order to testify against others arrested for vote tampering...
Thats a lie. Why do you insist on lying? The investigation into both the democratics and GOP caucus' had nothing to do with vote tampering, they had to do with staff working on campaigns. Once again the only thing you've shown is that you're a horrible liar who's even stupid enough to link the very story you lie about proving you're lying. Why are you such a liar? Can't you help yourself?
.the same woman is now the center of questionable actions regarding tallying of another elections votes. Any cop/lawyer worth their salt will tell you that she is suspect via her court record...and NO ONE grants immunity from prosecution to someone who was NOT indicted for a crime or held as a suspect (if this exist, I'd like to see the legal case precedent). As we've seen earlier, Benny didn't even know the damned difference between whistle blowers and immunity from prosecution!
Once again you're just a horrible liar. When a whistle blower is complicit in a crime, they are routinely granted immunity from prosecution in exchange for their testimony. The truth is what it is, neither you nor I have any proof that, that, is not exactly what happened. Could be she was implicated in the investigation and gave testimony in exchange for immunity, could be she blew the whistle on it and was granted immunity from prosecution in exchange for her testimony. That you don't know either is possible is evidence of nothing except your own stupidity.

As of now, the move to recount has commenced. Whether it will be an actual paper trail recount or just some electronic review is another story....I'll wait the outcome....and meanwhile watch Benny just parrot the SOS ad nauseum.....chuckling like a Benny fool while pushing neologism mindset
The recount will be done according to the laws of the state of WI. I would imagine that means a machine recount for machine countable ballots and hand recount for ballots that can't be tallied on a machine... just like they did the first time.
I wonder if they have a Duval County in WI. That is the county in Texas that voted 100$ Dem;s and then the court house burned to the ground before a recount could be called.
Imagine that. Check out google on the Duke of Duval
Are you honestly going to go with "there's no such thing as a logical fallacy"? well, at least the little dope learned how to spell the word correctly...my teachings have not all been in vain.

also dumbass, nothing you've posted would in any way refute that the acceptance of immunity is not evidence of complicity in any crime. It is merely evidence that the person who accepted it believes they could be prosecuted for a crime based on their testimony and would like to avoid the possibility of being prosecuted. To be guilty of actually committing a crime requires more than you believing you might be and the state threatening to charge you with one.

As the chronology of the posts shows folks, Benny just ignores what he doesn't like and continues to bray his version of reality like the jackass he is. Benny just keeps injecting his personal supposition and conjecture where the legal definitions are in order to make his opinions and assertions seem more viable.....I almost pity our insipidly stubborn and willfully ignorant Benny...almost. Bottom line: you have a woman who was granted immunity from prosecution in order to testify against others arrested for vote tampering...
Thats a lie. Why do you insist on lying? The investigation into both the democratics and GOP caucus' had nothing to do with vote tampering, they had to do with staff working on campaigns. Once again the only thing you've shown is that you're a horrible liar who's even stupid enough to link the very story you lie about proving you're lying. Why are you such a liar? Can't you help yourself?

Nickolaus was given immunity from prosecution in a 2002 criminal investigation into illegal activity by members of the assembly Republican Caucus. She worked for 13 years as a data analyst and computer specialist for the caucus.

She resigned from her state job in 2002 just before launching her county clerk campaign.

The corruption probe took down then-Assembly Speaker Scott Jensen, a Republican; Senate Majority Leader Chuck Chvala, D-Madison; Sen. Brian Burke, D-Milwaukee, co-chairman of the powerful Joint Finance Committee; Assembly Majority Leader Steve Foti, R-Oconomowoc; and Rep. Bonnie Ladwig, R-Racine. They all reached plea deals.

Wis. court challenger raising recount dollars - US news - msnbc.com

.the same woman is now the center of questionable actions regarding tallying of another elections votes. Any cop/lawyer worth their salt will tell you that she is suspect via her court record...and NO ONE grants immunity from prosecution to someone who was NOT indicted for a crime or held as a suspect (if this exist, I'd like to see the legal case precedent). As we've seen earlier, Benny didn't even know the damned difference between whistle blowers and immunity from prosecution!
Once again you're just a horrible liar. When a whistle blower is complicit in a crime, they are routinely granted immunity from prosecution in exchange for their testimony. The truth is what it is, neither you nor I have any proof that, that, is not exactly what happened. Could be she was implicated in the investigation and gave testimony in exchange for immunity, could be she blew the whistle on it and was granted immunity from prosecution in exchange for her testimony. That you don't know either is possible is evidence of nothing except your own stupidity.

Once again, Benny keeps giving us HIS version of the law and reality. Pity reality just keeps making the fool out of Benny, as I provided LEGAL definitions while Benny just keeps braying his supposition and conjecture. Here's an appropo to my previous links in an effort to educate our willfully ignorant Benny

Whistleblowers Law Law & Legal Definition

Immunity - Witnesses

To date, Benny can provide NO LEGAL precedent, definition or law that will support his assertions here....but then, facts and logic are not part of Benny's belief system.

As of now, the move to recount has commenced. Whether it will be an actual paper trail recount or just some electronic review is another story....I'll wait the outcome....and meanwhile watch Benny just parrot the SOS ad nauseum.....chuckling like a Benny fool while pushing neologism mindset
The recount will be done according to the laws of the state of WI. No shit sherlock, I just stated as much. I would imagine that means a machine recount for machine countable ballots and hand recount for ballots that can't be tallied on a machine... just like they did the first time.

You can "imagine" all you want, Benny boy....that's been your problem all along. Me, I'll take ALL the facts and wait for the outcome.
The voters of WI saved themselves from a True Horror. Kloppenberg is so awful, she is a self-parody. Hint: 1:35 to 1:55 is hysterical.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oee6qB55bQ]YouTube - Kloppenburg Demands Recount[/ame]
Tight race... but Democratic votes come flooding in at the end...looking like Chicago!

50% -50% Prosser losing by 700 votes.

Somebody see buses?
Typical dimwits probably, when they think they will lose they resort to illegal election tactics. Liberal socialist dimwits are so confused, they need medication.
As the chronology of the posts shows folks, Benny just ignores what he doesn't like and continues to bray his version of reality like the jackass he is. Benny just keeps injecting his personal supposition and conjecture where the legal definitions are in order to make his opinions and assertions seem more viable.....I almost pity our insipidly stubborn and willfully ignorant Benny...almost. Bottom line: you have a woman who was granted immunity from prosecution in order to testify against others arrested for vote tampering...
Thats a lie. Why do you insist on lying? The investigation into both the democratics and GOP caucus' had nothing to do with vote tampering, they had to do with staff working on campaigns. Once again the only thing you've shown is that you're a horrible liar who's even stupid enough to link the very story you lie about proving you're lying. Why are you such a liar? Can't you help yourself?

Nickolaus was given immunity from prosecution in a 2002 criminal investigation into illegal activity by members of the assembly Republican Caucus. She worked for 13 years as a data analyst and computer specialist for the caucus.

She resigned from her state job in 2002 just before launching her county clerk campaign.

The corruption probe took down then-Assembly Speaker Scott Jensen, a Republican; Senate Majority Leader Chuck Chvala, D-Madison; Sen. Brian Burke, D-Milwaukee, co-chairman of the powerful Joint Finance Committee; Assembly Majority Leader Steve Foti, R-Oconomowoc; and Rep. Bonnie Ladwig, R-Racine. They all reached plea deals.

Wis. court challenger raising recount dollars - US news - msnbc.com

Once again you're just a horrible liar. When a whistle blower is complicit in a crime, they are routinely granted immunity from prosecution in exchange for their testimony. The truth is what it is, neither you nor I have any proof that, that, is not exactly what happened. Could be she was implicated in the investigation and gave testimony in exchange for immunity, could be she blew the whistle on it and was granted immunity from prosecution in exchange for her testimony. That you don't know either is possible is evidence of nothing except your own stupidity.

Once again, Benny keeps giving us HIS version of the law and reality. Pity reality just keeps making the fool out of Benny, as I provided LEGAL definitions while Benny just keeps braying his supposition and conjecture. Here's an appropo to my previous links in an effort to educate our willfully ignorant Benny

Whistleblowers Law Law & Legal Definition

Immunity - Witnesses

To date, Benny can provide NO LEGAL precedent, definition or law that will support his assertions here....but then, facts and logic are not part of Benny's belief system.

As of now, the move to recount has commenced. Whether it will be an actual paper trail recount or just some electronic review is another story....I'll wait the outcome....and meanwhile watch Benny just parrot the SOS ad nauseum.....chuckling like a Benny fool while pushing neologism mindset
The recount will be done according to the laws of the state of WI. No shit sherlock, I just stated as much. I would imagine that means a machine recount for machine countable ballots and hand recount for ballots that can't be tallied on a machine... just like they did the first time.

You can "imagine" all you want, Benny boy....that's been your problem all along. Me, I'll take ALL the facts and wait for the outcome.
I don't see anything there to support your lie about vote tampering. Why do you lie so much? Why don't you just admit you lied?

As to the whistleblower thing, you've also shown no evidence that supports the idea thats not true either. Might not be, but nothing you've posted proves otherwise. As I said befor, neither you nor I know anything about that.

Doesn't change the fact that in the BIG BLUE LETTERS you think proved your point there are more DEMOCRATICS listed than Republicans and there is NOTHING about any vote tampering.
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I dont see the need for a recount. The difference was 7300 some votes. Of course ALL of you who have posted wil probably disagree with me but I live in the state and you dont so that disqualifies you from any thoughts on this.
People who do not live in wisconsin should remain silent about this whole thing. Zip it. Shut it.
Thats a lie. Why do you insist on lying? The investigation into both the democratics and GOP caucus' had nothing to do with vote tampering, they had to do with staff working on campaigns. Once again the only thing you've shown is that you're a horrible liar who's even stupid enough to link the very story you lie about proving you're lying. Why are you such a liar? Can't you help yourself?

Nickolaus was given immunity from prosecution in a 2002 criminal investigation into illegal activity by members of the assembly Republican Caucus. She worked for 13 years as a data analyst and computer specialist for the caucus.

She resigned from her state job in 2002 just before launching her county clerk campaign.

The corruption probe took down then-Assembly Speaker Scott Jensen, a Republican; Senate Majority Leader Chuck Chvala, D-Madison; Sen. Brian Burke, D-Milwaukee, co-chairman of the powerful Joint Finance Committee; Assembly Majority Leader Steve Foti, R-Oconomowoc; and Rep. Bonnie Ladwig, R-Racine. They all reached plea deals.

Wis. court challenger raising recount dollars - US news - msnbc.com

Once again you're just a horrible liar. When a whistle blower is complicit in a crime, they are routinely granted immunity from prosecution in exchange for their testimony. The truth is what it is, neither you nor I have any proof that, that, is not exactly what happened. Could be she was implicated in the investigation and gave testimony in exchange for immunity, could be she blew the whistle on it and was granted immunity from prosecution in exchange for her testimony. That you don't know either is possible is evidence of nothing except your own stupidity.

Once again, Benny keeps giving us HIS version of the law and reality. Pity reality just keeps making the fool out of Benny, as I provided LEGAL definitions while Benny just keeps braying his supposition and conjecture. Here's an appropo to my previous links in an effort to educate our willfully ignorant Benny

Whistleblowers Law Law & Legal Definition

Immunity - Witnesses

To date, Benny can provide NO LEGAL precedent, definition or law that will support his assertions here....but then, facts and logic are not part of Benny's belief system.

The recount will be done according to the laws of the state of WI. No shit sherlock, I just stated as much. I would imagine that means a machine recount for machine countable ballots and hand recount for ballots that can't be tallied on a machine... just like they did the first time.

You can "imagine" all you want, Benny boy....that's been your problem all along. Me, I'll take ALL the facts and wait for the outcome.
I don't see anything there to support your lie about vote tampering. Why do you lie so much? Why don't you just admit you lied?

Notice folks, that Benny just keeps repeating his BS ad nauseum DESPITE being factually and logically proven wrong on several points. Benny doesn't have the courage to admit being proven wrong, so he just keeps parroting the SOS. The chronology of the posts shows that I merely provided enough evidence to show that Nickolaus actions would raise anyone's eyebrows, given her past record. Kloppenburg is well within legal and just cause to call for a recount.
As to the whistleblower thing, you've also shown no evidence that supports the idea thats not true either. Might not be, but nothing you've posted proves otherwise. As I said befor, neither you nor I know anything about that.

Again, as the chronology of the posts shows, Benny made several statements as if they were fact...the legal definitions DO NOT support Benny's assertions as valid, but in fact disprove Benny's attempt to substitute his supposition and conjecture for the legal definitions. But being an intellectual coward, Benny just keeps trying to construct scenarios that justify his assertions....but the chronology of the posts will always be Benny's undoing.

Doesn't change the fact that in the BIG BLUE LETTERS you think proved your point there are more DEMOCRATICS listed than Republicans and there is NOTHING about any vote tampering.

Benny's blatherings just give futher testimony to his intellectual cowardice and insipid stubborness. The chronology of the post will always be there for the objective reader to see this...despite the eternal denial and parroted nonsense of Benny. I leave him to it.
I dont see the need for a recount. The difference was 7300 some votes. Of course ALL of you who have posted wil probably disagree with me but I live in the state and you dont so that disqualifies you from any thoughts on this.

Sorry, but this is a discussion board...so facts and logic are not the sole property of State lines.

What goes on in Wisconsin has ramifications for other states, as we see similiar political policies being pushed by Republican governors.

Given Nickolaus history regarding votes, I dare say Kloppenburg has not only the legal right but just cause to call for a proper recount. TFB if people don't like it.....change the law...but don't come whining if you get what you vote for (i.e, Gov. Walker).
Kloppenburg will get her recount, thank God.

YouTube - Kloppenburg Demands Recount

Good! I wonder if it will be a paper recount or pure electronics? In any event, whether she wins or loses, it'll put a spotlight on the shennanigans in Wisconsin...which seems to be a policy model for other GOP governors throughout the country.

How Nickolaus was allowed to STILL be involved in politics after her last brush with the law is beyond me.
Kloppenburg will get her recount, thank God.

YouTube - Kloppenburg Demands Recount

Good! I wonder if it will be a paper recount or pure electronics? In any event, whether she wins or loses, it'll put a spotlight on the shennanigans in Wisconsin...which seems to be a policy model for other GOP governors throughout the country.

How Nickolaus was allowed to STILL be involved in politics after her last brush with the law is beyond me.

Kloppenburg will get her recount, thank God.

YouTube - Kloppenburg Demands Recount

Good! I wonder if it will be a paper recount or pure electronics? In any event, whether she wins or loses, it'll put a spotlight on the shennanigans in Wisconsin...which seems to be a policy model for other GOP governors throughout the country.

How Nickolaus was allowed to STILL be involved in politics after her last brush with the law is beyond me.


Ahhh, Del's just another neocon clown who can't debate worth a damn!
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Good! I wonder if it will be a paper recount or pure electronics? In any event, whether she wins or loses, it'll put a spotlight on the shennanigans in Wisconsin...which seems to be a policy model for other GOP governors throughout the country.

How Nickolaus was allowed to STILL be involved in politics after her last brush with the law is beyond me.


Ahhh, Del's just another neocon clown who can't debate worth a damn!

You're still whining about this election? Stop being such a pussy. It's over.
Good! I wonder if it will be a paper recount or pure electronics? In any event, whether she wins or loses, it'll put a spotlight on the shennanigans in Wisconsin...which seems to be a policy model for other GOP governors throughout the country.

How Nickolaus was allowed to STILL be involved in politics after her last brush with the law is beyond me.


Ahhh, Del's just another neocon clown who can't debate worth a damn!

i only debate sentient beings.


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