Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

'bout damn time a Democrat put up a fight..

How many times did that RW asswipe in Alaska ask for a recount KNOWING that he would lose?

How many of you RW asswipes spoke about wasting the tax payers' money at at that time?

Republican really crack me up!
You can "imagine" all you want, Benny boy....that's been your problem all along. Me, I'll take ALL the facts and wait for the outcome.
I don't see anything there to support your lie about vote tampering. Why do you lie so much? Why don't you just admit you lied?

Notice folks, that Benny just keeps repeating his BS ad nauseum DESPITE being factually and logically proven wrong on several points. Benny doesn't have the courage to admit being proven wrong, so he just keeps parroting the SOS. The chronology of the posts shows that I merely provided enough evidence to show that Nickolaus actions would raise anyone's eyebrows, given her past record. Kloppenburg is well within legal and just cause to call for a recount.
As to the whistleblower thing, you've also shown no evidence that supports the idea thats not true either. Might not be, but nothing you've posted proves otherwise. As I said befor, neither you nor I know anything about that.

Again, as the chronology of the posts shows, Benny made several statements as if they were fact...the legal definitions DO NOT support Benny's assertions as valid, but in fact disprove Benny's attempt to substitute his supposition and conjecture for the legal definitions. But being an intellectual coward, Benny just keeps trying to construct scenarios that justify his assertions....but the chronology of the posts will always be Benny's undoing.

Doesn't change the fact that in the BIG BLUE LETTERS you think proved your point there are more DEMOCRATICS listed than Republicans and there is NOTHING about any vote tampering.

Benny's blatherings just give futher testimony to his intellectual cowardice and insipid stubborness. The chronology of the post will always be there for the objective reader to see this...despite the eternal denial and parroted nonsense of Benny. I leave him to it.
The only thing for anyone to notice is that you're a laughably stupid liar. Why not show a modicum of honesty and just admit the case had nothing to do with any vote tampering, that it was both parties that were at fault and that it was about staff working on campaigns not about election of vote fraud?

Oh, thats right, because you're a lying ass.

BTW dumbass, when did I ever say Klappenbagger wasn't entitled to a recount...

Oh thats right, I didn't, and you're just a further liying stupid ass.

Also liar, the only thing I've ever done here is hold out the possibility that it could be a case of whistle blowing and said quite clearly that neither you nor I know anything different. You're the fucking moron who's making claims you can't back up as if being a whistleblower would somehow preclude anyone from accepting immunity in the event that they believed they might be implicated in criminal activity doing so. Fact is they can be, and immunity is a tool the prosecution uses to get at the truth. Maybe she was implicated, maybe she was a small fish (which dumbass, she was), maybe they offered her immunity to get at bigger fish (which dumbass, is what happenned). Whether she went to them or they came to her is what neither you nor I know, so stop pretending you do.
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Ahhh, Del's just another neocon clown who can't debate worth a damn!

You're still whining about this election? Stop being such a pussy. It's over.

:uhoh3: Are you truly this fucking stupid or are you just acting so to try and be obstinate?

If it were "over", then there would be no LEGAL RECOURSE by Wisconsin State law for Kloppenburg to follow.

There is, and she is....a matter of fact, a matter of history. It will be "over" when it's over....grow the fuck up and deal with it, "Bro".

Ahhh, Del's just another neocon clown who can't debate worth a damn!

i only debate sentient beings.


Funny how intellectually bankrupt and dishonest clowns like Del can't debate the issue, but take the time and effort to spit sour grapes at those who disprove and discredit their neocono/teabagger beliefs...then they tell you that they're not doing so. :confused:

Del is just another fucking stupid neocon clown who can't debate worth a damn....let's watch him dance the Del dance, folks! :razz:
Ahhh, Del's just another neocon clown who can't debate worth a damn!

You're still whining about this election? Stop being such a pussy. It's over.

:uhoh3: Are you truly this fucking stupid or are you just acting so to try and be obstinate?

If it were "over", then there would be no LEGAL RECOURSE by Wisconsin State law for Kloppenburg to follow.

There is, and she is....a matter of fact, a matter of history. It will be "over" when it's over....grow the fuck up and deal with it, "Bro".

It's over. The result will not change. She lost. Get over it and stop crying like a little girl.
I don't see anything there to support your lie about vote tampering. Why do you lie so much? Why don't you just admit you lied?

Notice folks, that Benny just keeps repeating his BS ad nauseum DESPITE being factually and logically proven wrong on several points. Benny doesn't have the courage to admit being proven wrong, so he just keeps parroting the SOS. The chronology of the posts shows that I merely provided enough evidence to show that Nickolaus actions would raise anyone's eyebrows, given her past record. Kloppenburg is well within legal and just cause to call for a recount.
As to the whistleblower thing, you've also shown no evidence that supports the idea thats not true either. Might not be, but nothing you've posted proves otherwise. As I said befor, neither you nor I know anything about that.

Again, as the chronology of the posts shows, Benny made several statements as if they were fact...the legal definitions DO NOT support Benny's assertions as valid, but in fact disprove Benny's attempt to substitute his supposition and conjecture for the legal definitions. But being an intellectual coward, Benny just keeps trying to construct scenarios that justify his assertions....but the chronology of the posts will always be Benny's undoing.

Doesn't change the fact that in the BIG BLUE LETTERS you think proved your point there are more DEMOCRATICS listed than Republicans and there is NOTHING about any vote tampering.

Benny's blatherings just give futher testimony to his intellectual cowardice and insipid stubborness. The chronology of the post will always be there for the objective reader to see this...despite the eternal denial and parroted nonsense of Benny. I leave him to it.
The only thing for anyone to notice is that you're a laughably stupid liar. Why not show a modicum of honesty and just admit the case had nothing to do with any vote tampering, that it was both parties that were at fault and that it was about staff working on campaigns not about election of vote fraud?

Oh, thats right, because you're a lying ass.

BTW dumbass, when did I ever say Klappenbagger wasn't entitled to a recount...

Oh thats right, I didn't, and you're just a further liying stupid ass.

Also liar, the only thing I've ever done here is hold out the possibility that it could be a case of whistle blowing and said quite clearly that neither you nor I know anything different. You're the fucking moron who's making claims you can't back up as if being a whistleblower would somehow preclude anyone from accepting immunity in the event that they believed they might be implicated in criminal activity doing so. Fact is they can be, and immunity is a tool the prosecution uses to get at the truth. Maybe she was implicated, maybe she was a small fish (which dumbass, she was), maybe they offered her immunity to get at bigger fish (which dumbass, is what happenned). Whether she went to them or they came to her is what neither you nor I know, so stop pretending you do.

The chronology of the posts shows Benny to be either completely delusional or a cowardly, lying little neocon/teabagger toadie or both. Observe, ladies and gentlemen:

Posts #571, 578, 590, 597, 601, 603, 607 and 610

Like all intellectually bankrupt neocon/teabagging wonks, Benny just regurgitates the SOS in various ways, with a few false accusations and outright lies thrown in for good measure...Benny should apply to one of Murdoch's media outlets...he should do well! :lol:
You're still whining about this election? Stop being such a pussy. It's over.

:uhoh3: Are you truly this fucking stupid or are you just acting so to try and be obstinate?

If it were "over", then there would be no LEGAL RECOURSE by Wisconsin State law for Kloppenburg to follow.

There is, and she is....a matter of fact, a matter of history. It will be "over" when it's over....grow the fuck up and deal with it, "Bro".

It's over. The result will not change. She lost. Get over it and stop crying like a little girl.

And there you have it folks...DTMB is just a petulant child who can't handle facts or reality when it upsets his beliefs.....DTMB thinks repeating his sour grapes taunt is tantamount to an actual debate of the facts. :lol:
:uhoh3: Are you truly this fucking stupid or are you just acting so to try and be obstinate?

If it were "over", then there would be no LEGAL RECOURSE by Wisconsin State law for Kloppenburg to follow.

There is, and she is....a matter of fact, a matter of history. It will be "over" when it's over....grow the fuck up and deal with it, "Bro".

It's over. The result will not change. She lost. Get over it and stop crying like a little girl.

And there you have it folks...DTMB is just a petulant child who can't handle facts or reality when it upsets his beliefs.....DTMB thinks repeating his sour grapes taunt is tantamount to an actual debate of the facts. :lol:

you can't debate facts.

one would think a rocket surgeon like you would know that.
It's over. The result will not change. She lost. Get over it and stop crying like a little girl.

And there you have it folks...DTMB is just a petulant child who can't handle facts or reality when it upsets his beliefs.....DTMB thinks repeating his sour grapes taunt is tantamount to an actual debate of the facts. :lol:

:lol: I think you have it backwards. I wanted Floppenberg to lose. She's unfit to be a Supreme Court justice. No sour grapes here. You just can't deal with reality. Cry baby, cry!

:uhoh3: Are you truly this fucking stupid or are you just acting so to try and be obstinate?

If it were "over", then there would be no LEGAL RECOURSE by Wisconsin State law for Kloppenburg to follow.

There is, and she is....a matter of fact, a matter of history. It will be "over" when it's over....grow the fuck up and deal with it, "Bro".

It's over. The result will not change. She lost. Get over it and stop crying like a little girl.

And there you have it folks...DTMB is just a petulant child who can't handle facts or reality when it upsets his beliefs.....DTMB thinks repeating his sour grapes taunt is tantamount to an actual debate of the facts. :lol:

WHY would anyone CRY because of victory over a Statist?

Your LOGIC is super-flawed.
It's over. The result will not change. She lost. Get over it and stop crying like a little girl.

And there you have it folks...DTMB is just a petulant child who can't handle facts or reality when it upsets his beliefs.....DTMB thinks repeating his sour grapes taunt is tantamount to an actual debate of the facts. :lol:

you can't debate facts.

one would think a rocket surgeon like you would know that.[ :blahblah:/QUOTE]

It's over. The result will not change. She lost. Get over it and stop crying like a little girl.

And there you have it folks...DTMB is just a petulant child who can't handle facts or reality when it upsets his beliefs.....DTMB thinks repeating his sour grapes taunt is tantamount to an actual debate of the facts. :lol:

WHY would anyone CRY because of victory over a Statist?

Your LOGIC is super-flawed.

I think you've meant that for DTMB.
And there you have it folks...DTMB is just a petulant child who can't handle facts or reality when it upsets his beliefs.....DTMB thinks repeating his sour grapes taunt is tantamount to an actual debate of the facts. :lol:

you can't debate facts.

one would think a rocket surgeon like you would know that.[ :blahblah:/QUOTE]


how's that quote thingie working out for you?

It's over. The result will not change. She lost. Get over it and stop crying like a little girl.

And there you have it folks...DTMB is just a petulant child who can't handle facts or reality when it upsets his beliefs.....DTMB thinks repeating his sour grapes taunt is tantamount to an actual debate of the facts. :lol:

:lol: I think you have it backwards. The first two words of this sentence is a lie. I wanted Floppenberg to lose. No shit sherlock...we've already established that. She's unfit to be a Supreme Court justice. That's YOUR story...but the people in Wisconsin may think otherwise. No sour grapes here. You just can't deal with reality. The reality is that she has a legitimate cause for recount, as the Wisconsin courts conceded. TFB is you don't like it, because there's not a God damned thing you can do to change it. Cry baby, cry!


Folks, DTMB is either drunk or has the intellectual maturity of a 12 year old...or both! The chronology of the post makes an ass of DTMB ... I leave him to the last, predictable taunt.
Benny's blatherings just give futher testimony to his intellectual cowardice and insipid stubborness. The chronology of the post will always be there for the objective reader to see this...despite the eternal denial and parroted nonsense of Benny. I leave him to it.
The only thing for anyone to notice is that you're a laughably stupid liar. Why not show a modicum of honesty and just admit the case had nothing to do with any vote tampering, that it was both parties that were at fault and that it was about staff working on campaigns not about election of vote fraud?

Oh, thats right, because you're a lying ass.

BTW dumbass, when did I ever say Klappenbagger wasn't entitled to a recount...

Oh thats right, I didn't, and you're just a further liying stupid ass.

Also liar, the only thing I've ever done here is hold out the possibility that it could be a case of whistle blowing and said quite clearly that neither you nor I know anything different. You're the fucking moron who's making claims you can't back up as if being a whistleblower would somehow preclude anyone from accepting immunity in the event that they believed they might be implicated in criminal activity doing so. Fact is they can be, and immunity is a tool the prosecution uses to get at the truth. Maybe she was implicated, maybe she was a small fish (which dumbass, she was), maybe they offered her immunity to get at bigger fish (which dumbass, is what happenned). Whether she went to them or they came to her is what neither you nor I know, so stop pretending you do.

The chronology of the posts shows Benny to be either completely delusional or a cowardly, lying little neocon/teabagger toadie or both. Observe, ladies and gentlemen:

Posts #571, 578, 590, 597, 601, 603, 607 and 610

Like all intellectually bankrupt neocon/teabagging wonks, Benny just regurgitates the SOS in various ways, with a few false accusations and outright lies thrown in for good measure...Benny should apply to one of Murdoch's media outlets...he should do well! :lol:
So you can't back up your lies. No problem, everyone knew you couldn't. And now you attempt to compound them with even more lies, this time about me personally. You are such a stupid ass. I have never been to a TP rally, have no intention of ever attending one, and have no need to attend one. When I speek I do it with my vote, not standing in the street like some dumbassed liberal activist. If the time ever comes for me to go to the streets... it won't be with a sign.

Back up your lie asshole. Show us where the immunity was granted in connection to a case involving vote tampering.

Back up your lie asshole, show us where she's ever been charged with the crimes of vote tampering or elections fraud and gotten immunity for that.

Since you can't, why not display a small bit of integrity and just admit you lied.

Oh... yeah, liars have no integrity.
I see, so because the crooked registrar in this Wisconsin county wasn't given immunity for voter fraud, but some OTHER crime, she couldn't possible be involved in anything else nefarious? :lol:

Gee, this criminal only took stereos before...why would we think they would steal TVs now? :rolleyes:
I see, so because the crooked registrar in this Wisconsin county wasn't given immunity for voter fraud, but some OTHER crime, she couldn't possible be involved in anything else nefarious? :lol:

Gee, this criminal only took stereos before...why would we think they would steal TVs now? :rolleyes:

Isn't it sad how these neocon/teabagger toadies throw reality and common sense out the window to support the people and policies that screw them over?

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