Wisconsin voters begin to doubt trump's ability to win

Maybe reality is beginning to set in, maybe it isn't? Independent voters are not going to vote for a man whose indictments outnumber his fingers and toes. Just Saying!

Just because you have doubts about your ability to succeed doesn't mean that you should just give up and let Sleepy Joe get a 2nd term.

Maybe the Trumpsters lose in 2024, but quitting before you've even tried is pointless. You'll never succeed until you try.

Maybe reality is beginning to set in, maybe it isn't? Independent voters are not going to vote for a man whose indictments outnumber his fingers and toes. Just Saying!
Seem you're saying that you favor elections being decided on the number of indictments of candidates by the opposing party. Is that really how you want elections to be run?
The other GOP candidates need to stop pandering to Trump

They need to make it clear that Trump lost in 2020 and will lose again and bring other Republicans down with him.

If you want Biden in 2024, nominate Trump to run against him
you really believe Biden is going to make it to November 2024?
No chance. I have not waivered from this position. Maybe if you have a Rubio or Rand Paul with a Tim Scott running mate. Otherwise, neither Trump or DeSantis wll win the W.H IMO. The deck is stacked, it was supposed to be stacked in 2016 but with mail in ballots it is One Party rule for awhile. The GOP did it to themselves, they like being 2nd Place.
Baloney. The Dims are making Trump the only viable candidate and nobody is going to rise up and beat him. Without the fake Covid virus to create millions of mailin ballots to fake, the Dims won't be able to manufacture nearly enough this time. Poopeypants destroys his chances each day with his own stupidity plus all the evidence being made available on his criminal activities. The stupid indictments just add points to Trump, it won't even be very close this time. Rubio or Rand Paul you have to be joking.
The other GOP candidates need to stop pandering to Trump

They need to make it clear that Trump lost in 2020 and will lose again and bring other Republicans down with him.

If you want Biden in 2024, nominate Trump to run against him
Do YOU want Biden in 2024? If not, stop blaming Republicans for YOUR mistakes.

Maybe reality is beginning to set in, maybe it isn't? Independent voters are not going to vote for a man whose indictments outnumber his fingers and toes. Just Saying!

Trump is the perfect candidate for Biden.

Biden is a weak candidate. If not for Trump, he'd probably lose.
Trump is the perfect candidate for Biden.

Biden is a weak candidate. If not for Trump, he'd probably lose.
Biden is backed by the biggest organized fraud machine ever created. That is how he won in 2020. Nothing has happened to stop the organized fraud. Maybe new revelations about how the voter rolls are abused by election officials might make a difference.
Baloney. The Dims are making Trump the only viable candidate and nobody is going to rise up and beat him. Without the fake Covid virus to create millions of mailin ballots to fake, the Dims won't be able to manufacture nearly enough this time. Poopeypants destroys his chances each day with his own stupidity plus all the evidence being made available on his criminal activities. The stupid indictments just add points to Trump, it won't even be very close this time. Rubio or Rand Paul you have to be joking.
You should wager money on it then. GOP don't want to win, this is how this goes.
Biden is backed by the biggest organized fraud machine ever created. That is how he won in 2020. Nothing has happened to stop the organized fraud. Maybe new revelations about how the voter rolls are abused by election officials might make a difference.

The only significant election fraud in 2020 was the Big Lie. Fraudulent electors who lied and created fraudulent docs, claiming to have been selected by the States, fake 'stolen election' claims, violent attacks to try to overthrow a lawful election, grifts for fund raising that netted Trump and his cronies $250 million from his marks.
It has been exposed.

It has been alleged. And when you demand evidence to back the claims.......it all falls apart.

The Big Lie was fraud. Your ilk lied, you make up claims you couldn't back, your ilk threatened people, threatened officials, made up fake docs, fronted fraudulent electors, defamed, slandered and libeled........before attacking the capitol to try and violently overthrow a lawful election.

The GOP is the party of fraud.
Biden is backed by the biggest organized fraud machine ever created. That is how he won in 2020. Nothing has happened to stop the organized fraud. Maybe new revelations about how the voter rolls are abused by election officials might make a difference.

He said so himself. Idiots and children are totally and embarrassingly honest creatures.

The only significant election fraud in 2020 was the Big Lie. Fraudulent electors who lied and created fraudulent docs, claiming to have been selected by the States, fake 'stolen election' claims, violent attacks to try to overthrow a lawful election, grifts for fund raising that netted Trump and his cronies $250 million from his marks.

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