With 3% in, Biden in FIFTH place...

I'm surprised that Buttigieg is doing so well, considering that he's an AI neural netword trained on shitty Barry speeches. He has no substance, he has no ideas. He is empty, and pretty much everything he says sounds nice, but is empty of content. I can't stand socialist Sanders, but at least he has stood by his views for decades.
I'm surprised that Buttigieg is doing so well, considering that he's an AI neural netword trained on shitty Barry speeches. He has no substance, he has no ideas.

It's republicans voting for Buttigieg...they want the real election to be Trump Vs. Buttigieg...so it'll be a total wipe out 99 to 1.

Buttigieg would be below biden right now if repub's weren't voting for him.
I'm surprised that Buttigieg is doing so well, considering that he's an AI neural netword trained on shitty Barry speeches. He has no substance, he has no ideas.

It's republicans voting for Buttigieg...they want the real election to be Trump Vs. Buttigieg...so it'll be a total wipe out 99 to 1.

Buttigieg would be below biden right now if repub's weren't voting for him.

That's your opinion, rather excuse.

Republicans have no reason to vote for any of Dem candidates, since none of them pose any threat to Trump.

Biden was never contender. It was all media hype designed to push for impeachment.
He's in single digits put a fork in his campaign.
I don't think Biden is allowed to use forks...:dunno:

I'm surprised that Buttigieg is doing so well, considering that he's an AI neural netword trained on shitty Barry speeches. He has no substance, he has no ideas. He is empty, and pretty much everything he says sounds nice, but is empty of content. I can't stand socialist Sanders, but at least he has stood by his views for decades.

He's strongly aligned with the corporate wing of the party. The wing that controls the election process.
If either Klobuchar or Mayor Pete don't get out of the race pretty soon, it'll end up being Bernie vs. Mike, the DNC's worst fucking nightmare.
Mini-Mike buying the nomination would be funny. The MSM spin would be worth buying tickets ro.
I'm surprised that Buttigieg is doing so well, considering that he's an AI neural netword trained on shitty Barry speeches. He has no substance, he has no ideas. He is empty, and pretty much everything he says sounds nice, but is empty of content. I can't stand socialist Sanders, but at least he has stood by his views for decades.

He's strongly aligned with the corporate wing of the party. The wing that controls the election process.

Everything is "subject to change". DNC wont allow them (Buttigieg and Sanders) to get nomination. Once convention's first ballot is cast, rules will be set and someone new will emerge.
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I'm surprised that Buttigieg is doing so well, considering that he's an AI neural netword trained on shitty Barry speeches. He has no substance, he has no ideas. He is empty, and pretty much everything he says sounds nice, but is empty of content. I can't stand socialist Sanders, but at least he has stood by his views for decades.

He's strongly aligned with the corporate wing of the party. The wing that controls the election process.

Everything is "subject to change". DNC wont allow them (Buttigieg and Sanders) to get nomination. Once convention first ballot is cast, rules will be set and someone new will emerge.

They may decide to lose as opposed to listening to the people. It won't be the first time.
Sleepy, creepy Biden was Barry Hussaine Obama VICE PRESIDENT! Biden's disastrous failure is a refendum on Barry Hussaine Obama! :p

You actually think they're the same person? With two different names?

Check around your house for gas leaks.
Low IQ Joe got PASTED again.

Then Low IQ Joe gaffed twice in SC....

We just finished Iowa and Nevada....

Candidates who won the Presidency by defeating an incumbent include..... Obama

Low IQ Joe was never a serious candidate or a "political rival" to Trump. Low IQ Joe is a corrupt kleptocratic JOKE of a FUCKING IDIOT.
Trump insults people who attack him or political opponents. He doesn't attack people who attend his political rallies.

Rump Fat-Shames, Ejects his Own Supporter

Obviously a road test for the old irony meter, an obese orange Rumpkin telling somebody else to "go home, start exercising".

Of course, this is aside from all the "knock the hell" and "beat the crap out of 'im" exhortations. This is his own Rumpbot.

Your link twit.

Trump mocks appearance of rally protester

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