With All Of The Trump Indictments And Charges

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Even Democrats and respectable polling organizations seem to believe that Trump will be the 2024 nominee facing Biden. That is actually rather very funny. They themselves still expect it to be Trump/Biden. And they are scared shitless over the prospect, especially when they are running a virtual tie in the polls in a one on one matchup and third parties could assure Trump gets elected president again. This all just goes to show that they fully expect all of their indictments and charges to ultimately peter out into nothing, otherwise they wouldn't be acknowledging the Trump/Biden rematch. Meanwhile, they'll trying awfully hard to put the fix in regarding Hunter Biden, connections to Joe Biden, and the DOJ and FBI cover up of it all. And, even if he is actually convicted:

Even Democrats and respectable polling organizations seem to believe that Trump will be the 2024 nominee facing Biden.

Give it time. The new indictments just came out yesterday. After a few weeks, the polling should reflect a change. If it doesn't then we can concede that the Republican Party is no longer a serious party, but one filled with kooks, cranks, and conspiracy theorists.

That is actually rather very funny.
Actually, you are your cult are quite sad. It was amusing at first. Now it's simply pathetic. We wonder how Germany was able to fall in line behind a man like Hitler. We're seeing the same dynamics in real time. it's a cult.

They themselves still expect it to be Trump/Biden. And they are scared shitless over the prospect, especially when they are running a virtual tie in the polls in a one on one matchup and third parties could help Trump get elected president again.
There is literally nobody afraid of this. Everyone not in Cult 45 knows this would be a blowout for the Democrats and the only frightening prospect is a President Harris who takes over after Biden can't continue.

This all just goes to show that they fully expect all of their indictments and charges to ultimately peter out into nothing, otherwise they wouldn't be acknowledging the Trump/Biden rematch. Meanwhile, they'll trying awfully hard to put the fix in regarding Hunter Biden, connections to Joe Biden, and the DOJ and FBI cover up of it all.

You people are like those idiots I used to laugh at on Yahoo! Finance who invested in penny stocks. The stocks would sink lower and lower and lower. All the signs were there that the company was a dud, but despite that the "true believers" would keep doubling down again and again, investing more and more, ignoring the signs, until they were left holding the bag.
Give it time. The new indictments just came out yesterday. After a few weeks, the polling should reflect a change. If it doesn't then we can concede that the Republican Party is no longer a serious party, but one filled with kooks, cranks, and conspiracy theorists.

Actually, you are your cult are quite sad. It was amusing at first. Now it's simply pathetic. We wonder how Germany was able to fall in line behind a man like Hitler. We're seeing the same dynamics in real time. it's a cult.

There is literally nobody afraid of this. Everyone not in Cult 45 knows this would be a blowout for the Democrats and the only frightening prospect is a President Harris who takes over after Biden can't continue.

You people are like those idiots I used to laugh at on Yahoo! Finance who invested in penny stocks. The stocks would sink lower and lower and lower. All the signs were there that the company was a dud, but despite that the "true believers" would keep doubling down again and again, investing more and more, ignoring the signs, until they were left holding the bag.
New indictments have been coming out every day for years and Trump does better and better.
We have indeed seen the powers of the criminal cult with Democrats trying to take our democracy away and rounding up political enemies for prosecution.
If anyone was trying to take away democracy, it was the guy who wanted to get his political buddies to disenfranchise voters and hand him the presidency.
How many indictments and $40 million rip off from his supporters to his lawyers is doing "better and better"?
Yes, that is a total shame that Democrats can abuse their power so much that Trump has to pay millions in legal fees. Democrats are trying to destroy a political opponent any way they can. This total and complete abuse should not be allowed.
I think he will be the nominee.
It shows the power of his criminal Cult.
The Criminal Cult. Lets take a look at their policies:

From their MSM propaganda networks and hi-tech oligarchs
to the FBI orchestrating cover ups and fake Russian disinformation claims
to their university leftist programming centers
to their CRT propaganda teachings in schools
to their "deep state" hold on the government
to their creeping attacks on family values & religious beliefs
to their lawless prosecutors
to their drug culture
to their "great replacement" operation
to their grip on school boards, calling parents “domestic terrorists”
to their tranny bullshit getting little kids butchered
to their warped views of the US military
to their vicious attacks on parental rights
to their voter fraud networks
to their hatred of religions, calling Catholics “domestic terrorists”
to their war on Christmas
to their hatred of the Founding Fathers
to their fake history and racism
to their drag shows in grade schools
to their late term abortions
To the FBI spying on Catholics
to their hatred of Patriotism, the American flag, and THE 4TH OF JULY
to the Marxists pushing for the US military to use EV vehicles
How many indictments and $40 million rip off from his supporters to his lawyers is doing "better and better"?

That's the cash that mini-Madoff stole and gave to the democrats in 2020. Funny its the same number. Stolen and NOT returned.

Embattled Cryptocurrency Founder Spent $40 Million on Midterms​


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