With all these mass shooting Emanuel closes 6 mental health clinics

Well, no, I'm not. You've proven yourself impervious to rationality, facts or argument. You're just an angry little monkey sitting their with your gun and your bible hoping no one will take them away from you...

When they've already taken anything worthwhile from you already.
Joe doesn't lie, he really is a great worker who gets fired from every job he ever gets.:badgrin:

Yes, it was totally my fault those companies went out of business... Clearly, I am a devious mastermind bringing down capitalism one company at time...
Now wait a minute, you were whining as usual at some pont that you were a star employee, but were let go for other reasons, whch of course was the greed of your employer.

It really doesn't get more obvious that at that point, you're either lying or have a real a skills or social probem. Very possiby both.
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Almost two years reading what you have posted here Joe You can't lie to me.

Yes, my whole life history is only two years of posts...

Are you always this retarded, gun-nut?

it doesn't have anything to do with your life's history. up until just recently you were very anti obama and democrat. No one can do a 180 like that so quickly unless they wasn't what they claimed to be.

What do you define as "recently". I've been critical of both democrats and republicans. When Obama deserves to be criticized, I criticize him.

Now, I want you to get something through your thick little skull. I voted for Obama because I do not trust the Mormon Church and it's plan to make America into a theocracy.


You might have gotten me to grudgingly go along with more of the bullshit. But you nominated a Mormon, and that was kind of it.
Joe doesn't lie, he really is a great worker who gets fired from every job he ever gets.:badgrin:

Yes, it was totally my fault those companies went out of business... Clearly, I am a devious mastermind bringing down capitalism one company at time...
Now wait a minute, you were whining as usual at some pont that you were a star employee, but were let go for other reasons, whch of course was the greed of your employer.

It really doesn't get more obvious that at that point, you're either lying or have a real a skills or social probem. Very possiby both.

Actually, I have neither... but for the record, let's quickly run down my resume.

US Army- Honorably discharged at the end of my third enlistment at the rank of E-6.

1992-96- Distribution company- Went out of business on a national level.

1996-2000- Medical Manufacturer- Quit that one because they fired my friend who was a lesbian.

2000-2001- Bearing Company (Japanese owned). Left that one when they eliminated their Chicago Sales office and moved the functions we did directly to the plants out of state.

2002-2008- Packaging company- This is the one where I worked for 6 years. Five years into it, I ran up a crapload of medical bills. At the same time, they managed tolose their biggest account. Couldn't fire me immediately because 1) I had seniority and 2) They'd have probably faced a medical discrimination lawsuit. But they put me in a position that would "phase out" in a year. STILL could have sued the shit out them, and they paid me $10,000 in "PLease don't sue us" money. Which I took because I already had something else lined up.

2008- now- Present company. Still there. 60% of the people who were there when I started aren't.

But in your "Meathead" thinking "He hates Capitalism! He can't possibly be a good employee if he doesn't support an economic system most of the world is largely rejecting"

NOt at all. I just realized a system where you can be fucked over for another person's profit is not a good system.
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Yes, it was totally my fault those companies went out of business... Clearly, I am a devious mastermind bringing down capitalism one company at time...
Now wait a minute, you were whining as usual at some pont that you were a star employee, but were let go for other reasons, whch of course was the greed of your employer.

It really doesn't get more obvious that at that point, you're either lying or have a real a skills or social probem. Very possiby both.

Actually, I have neither... but for the record, let's quickly run down my resume.

US Army- Honorably discharged at the end of my third enlistment at the rank of E-6.

1992-96- Distribution company- Went out of business on a national level.

1996-2000- Medical Manufacturer- Quit that one because they fired my friend who was a lesbian.

2000-2001- Bearing Company (Japanese owned). Left that one when they eliminated their Chicago Sales office and moved the functions we did directly to the plants out of state.

2002-2008- Packaging company- This is the one where I worked for 6 years. Five years into it, I ran up a crapload of medical bills. At the same time, they managed tolose their biggest account. Couldn't fire me immediately because 1) I had seniority and 2) They'd have probably faced a medical discrimination lawsuit. But they put me in a position that would "phase out" in a year. STILL could have sued the shit out them, and they paid me $10,000 in "PLease don't sue us" money. Which I took because I already had something else lined up.

2008- now- Present company. Still there. 60% of the people who were there when I started aren't.

But in your "Meathead" thinking "He hates Capitalism! He can't possibly be a good employee if he doesn't support an economic system most of the world is largely rejecting"

NOt at all. I just realized a system where you can be fucked over for another person's profit is not a good system.
With a resume like that, not only do I completely understand why you get fired, but I'm shocked that anyone would hire you.
[]With a resume like that, not only do I completely understand why you get fired, but I'm shocked that anyone would hire you.

The only thing that shocks you is that I don't worship greed and stupidity like you do...

Capitalism is evil, which is why most of the world is moving away from it.
[]With a resume like that, not only do I completely understand why you get fired, but I'm shocked that anyone would hire you.

The only thing that shocks you is that I don't worship greed and stupidity like you do...

Capitalism is evil, which is why most of the world is moving away from it.

Yep you're a republican alright. :badgrin:
[]With a resume like that, not only do I completely understand why you get fired, but I'm shocked that anyone would hire you.

The only thing that shocks you is that I don't worship greed and stupidity like you do...

Capitalism is evil, which is why most of the world is moving away from it.

Yep you're a republican alright. :badgrin:

Again, just realizing that it's a bad system.

"The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists... they're too damned greedy." - Herbert Hoover.
The only thing that shocks you is that I don't worship greed and stupidity like you do...

Capitalism is evil, which is why most of the world is moving away from it.

Yep you're a republican alright. :badgrin:

Again, just realizing that it's a bad system.

"The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists... they're too damned greedy." - Herbert Hoover.

No you're not JUST REALIZING anything you've always had this non republican view.
Yep you're a republican alright. :badgrin:

Again, just realizing that it's a bad system.

"The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists... they're too damned greedy." - Herbert Hoover.

No you're not JUST REALIZING anything you've always had this non republican view.

Hoover was a Republican...

And, no, I've only really had this view since 2008 or so. I probably should have developed it a lot sooner, the first time greedy, short sited assholes sank the boat I was on...
Guy, try to keep on subject....

Just because the Gun Industry is one of the groups the GOP whored itself out to has nothing to do with my political alignment...

The GOP used to support common sense gun laws. After Wayne "Foaming at the Mouth" LaPeirre called ATF Agents, 'Jack-Booted Thugs", President George H.W. Bush quit the NRA.

Yeah, for some reason, the ATF thinks that Nazis and Child molesting cultists having shitloads of guns is a bad thing... I'm not sure why you think it's a good thing.

I started this fucking thread I will take it in any direction I so choose. If pointing out that you area lying hack, because you hid the fact that you were a liberal democrat, then I will do that when you post more lying bullshit.

Like I said, guy, voted for Republicans most of my adult life.

Now, partially because my last job screwed me and shattered my faith in Corporatism, and partially because you all nominted a Mormon Douchebag, I voted Democratic this time.

Has nothing to do with guns, which a lot of sensible Republicans think are too easy to get ahold of... It's just up to this point, the National Rampage Association has had too much power.

But not for much longer. People are starting to realize the Emperor has no Clothes.

Obama was "outed"?
These killing in Chicago are not due to mental health but economics. The mentally ill usually don't know they are mentallly ill and do not seek help in mental clinic.
These killing in Chicago are not due to mental health but economics. The mentally ill usually don't know they are mentallly ill and do not seek help in mental clinic.

WOW so you'll just blame the gun for any more shootings that we will have?
Again, just realizing that it's a bad system.

"The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists... they're too damned greedy." - Herbert Hoover.

No you're not JUST REALIZING anything you've always had this non republican view.

Hoover was a Republican...

And, no, I've only really had this view since 2008 or so. I probably should have developed it a lot sooner, the first time greedy, short sited assholes sank the boat I was on...

Dude stop deflecting
No you're not JUST REALIZING anything you've always had this non republican view.

Hoover was a Republican...

And, no, I've only really had this view since 2008 or so. I probably should have developed it a lot sooner, the first time greedy, short sited assholes sank the boat I was on...

Dude stop deflecting

I am going to put this in a way that even a bible thumping retard like you can understand.

If I go to a Doctor to get a hangnail treated, and he ends up amputating my fuckin' arm, I am going to lose faith in his ability to practice medicine.

If I vote in Republicans in 2004, and by 2009, I've had to take a 20% cut in pay, my 401K loses half it's value, and my home loses half it's value, I am going to lose faith in their ability to practice politics.

Now it seemed- for a time - the GOP kind of got it. I'll even say something nice about the Teabaggers here.... They understood the relationship between Washington and Wall Street was too cozy. They had guys like Santorum and Gingrich and Perry who understood the reason why we have problems is because the middle class was suffering.

And then you dumb, inbred, bible-thumping, gun toting rednecks went ahead and nominated the fuckin' Mormon, spouting the whole shit that our problem was the rich pay too much in taxes and we just need to let Corporations do whatever the hell they wanted.

Will they learn their lessons this time? Probably not. They'll read too much into minor gains in the Midterms, ignore the winnable races they lost because they've nominated crazy people who find new adjectives to put in front of the word "Rape", and run another clown who is more of the same.

To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me.
With all these mass shooting Emanuel closes 6 mental health clinics
....And, Brian Sandoval just ships 'em.....


"Nevada's approach to dispatching mentally ill patients has come under scrutiny since one of their clients turned up suicidal and confused at a Sacramento homeless services complex. James Flavy Coy Brown, who is 48 and suffers from a variety of mood disorders including schizophrenia, was discharged in February from Rawson-Neal to a Greyhound bus for Sacramento, a place he had never visited and where he knew no one.

The hospital sent him on the 15-hour bus ride without making arrangements for his treatment or housing in California; he arrived in Sacramento out of medication and without identification or access to his Social Security payments. He wound up in the UC Davis Medical Center's emergency room, where he lingered for three days until social workers were able to find him temporary housing."

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