with an election year looming, let the fear mongering began!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Folks, you heard it hear first......I suspect that in a few more weeks, perhaps months, a terrorist attack perpetrated by us, will ensue somewhere in this country and all hell is gonna break lose on the right. I see a copy cat type of thing happening and Muslims will be blamed. Call me cynical, but I know this country and I know how desperate and sick we all are.....and believe me it won't be with guns like in Paris....we'er too cowardly for that type of action. Perhaps a bomb, but something so egregious that the conservative right will go all in and voters will all rally for protection. Already, we got people afraid and doubting Obama's plans.

Terror alerts up the ass, bomb shelters built, I mean, let the hate and fear began!!

Well IF Obama has a plan you are the ONLY person that knows. Because the press and the government don't.

Well IF Obama has a plan you are the ONLY person that knows. Because the press and the government don't.
Islamophobic Media Coverage Is Out Of Control. It Needs To Stop.

Put it this way, no plan is better than Bush jr's....the guy ain't out bombing everything that moves.
Well IF Obama has a plan you are the ONLY person that knows. Because the press and the government don't.
Islamophobic Media Coverage Is Out Of Control. It Needs To Stop.

Put it this way, no plan is better than Bush jr's....the guy ain't out bombing everything that moves.
It says in your OP the false flag will be done by "us" that would be government. Obama government. Would he bomb his own people? No but he WOULD bomb citizens of the United States.
Well IF Obama has a plan you are the ONLY person that knows. Because the press and the government don't.
Islamophobic Media Coverage Is Out Of Control. It Needs To Stop.

Put it this way, no plan is better than Bush jr's....the guy ain't out bombing everything that moves.
It says in your OP the false flag will be done by "us" that would be government. Obama government. Would he bomb his own people? No but he WOULD bomb citizens of the United States.

Question? Why would Obama try to replicate neo nuts in this country? Yaw do good on your own!!
Yep, take your pick. Depending on which side you're on we're doomed by either ISIS or fossil fuels. No way out. We're all going to die.
Folks, you heard it hear first......I suspect that in a few more weeks, perhaps months, a terrorist attack perpetrated by us, will ensue somewhere in this country and all hell is gonna break lose on the right. I see a copy cat type of thing happening and Muslims will be blamed. Call me cynical, but I know this country and I know how desperate and sick we all are.....and believe me it won't be with guns like in Paris....we'er too cowardly for that type of action. Perhaps a bomb, but something so egregious that the conservative right will go all in and voters will all rally for protection. Already, we got people afraid and doubting Obama's plans.

Terror alerts up the ass, bomb shelters built, I mean, let the hate and fear began!!

Wouldn't call you cynical, more like a little(or a lot) paranoid. The democratic side of this nation has nothing. Clinton has more skeleton's in her closet than a crypt and Sanders is a crazy ass socialist... If you want a conspiracy theory, the repubs are being handed this election.

BTW, as for Obama's plans, you know he can't run this election year, right?

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