With Every GOP Candidate Carrying Some Unfavorable Attributes,Who Can We Agree On ??

Feb 13, 2011

It seems that every GOP candidate gets bashed by conservatives in most message boards. The average Republican and Conservative doesn't want one,two or three of the front runners to be the nominee. Two of the better candidates have dropped out and Christie wont run. That leaves Romney,Gingrich,Palin,Pawlenty,Huckabee and maybe Mitch Daniels. (did I leave anyone out?) aside from "The Rent Is Too Damn High" dude?

I was hoping Thune and Pence would run,but being they wont,it now opens the door for the other five. We may not have another Ronald Reagan in the mix,and being so many conservatives have their own "NO F!!!#King Way" List, can't we at least agree on two of them?

If not Chris Christie,Thune Or Pence, Then how about a Gingrich/Huckabee or Huckabee/Daniels ticket? I think Allen West or Marco Rubio as VP would have Obama and Chris Matthews lose their vibrating tingly sensations in their upper thighs!:lol:
I will say that I was pissed when Pence,,Followed By Thune decided not to run, that was my Dream Ticket (either combination)

Now with the remaining 5/6/7 candidates, my next choice is Gingrich,followed by Huckabee.

does this make me a wuss? lol:lol:
my choice is Palin and the witch. or palin and the mn. flame (?) (the dogcatcher woman)
Or the witch, and the dog catcher woman from MN.
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my choice is Palin and the witch. or palin and the mn. flame (?) (the dogcatcher woman)
Or the witch, and the dog catcher woman from MN.

Can you just picture Palin and Bachmann running, and often running as a duo? they would fill any arena with every 35 year old dude in town in any metropolitan city(Including me):cuckoo:

Even Obama may get his usual 5 inch rise from those two hot conservative ladies:eusa_shhh:
my choice is Palin and the witch. or palin and the mn. flame (?) (the dogcatcher woman)
Or the witch, and the dog catcher woman from MN.

Can you just picture Palin and Bachmann running, and often running as a duo? they would fill any arena with every 35 year old dude in town in any metropolitan city(Including me):cuckoo:

Even Obama may get his usual 5 inch rise from those two hot conservative ladies:eusa_shhh:

Every 35 year old wingnut, you mean? She's at about 4% in polling now. None of your repubs want to run because they are all BORING! It would be a wasted effort, money and time.
It seems that every GOP candidate gets bashed by conservatives in most message boards. The average Republican and Conservative doesn't want one,two or three of the front runners to be the nominee. Two of the better candidates have dropped out and Christie wont run. That leaves Romney,Gingrich,Palin,Pawlenty,Huckabee and maybe Mitch Daniels. (did I leave anyone out?) aside from "The Rent Is Too Damn High" dude?
Who's your best stage-diver???? (....'cause, when it comes to throw-away candidates, no one has beaten Bob Dole; to-date.)

(I guess it depends on how forgetable you want your candidate to be.)​

I was hoping Thune and Pence would run,but being they wont,it now opens the door for the other five.
Thank your "lucky stars".

You'd really want to be stuck with Mike Pence....someone who's too-gutless to look Obama (in-the-eyes) when asking a question??

A debate, with Obama, would kill Pence.

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[E]ven though no one candidate has yet locked up their party's nomination, we might as well cancel the rest of the primaries or caucuses. The media have already decided that this year's standard bearers will be John McCain and Barack Obama.
Yes, somewhere along the line, the role of the media has changed from reporting on the primaries to deciding the primaries. They pick their favorites, they give them preferential treatment, they tear down their opponents, and they anoint their winning candidates even before voters have a chance to go to the polls.
Hold on to your seats, for there was much more:

Step one occurs early in the primary process, when network executives decide which candidates get covered and which ones don't. Among Republicans, too bad for Tom Tancredo, Ron Paul, Tommy Thompson, Sam Brownback and Duncan Hunter. Once the media suits decided they weren't serious candidates, they got no media attention, which, of course, resulted in their never being taken seriously as candidates.

Read more: Former
I will say that I was pissed when Pence,,Followed By Thune decided not to run, that was my Dream Ticket (either combination)

Now with the remaining 5/6/7 candidates, my next choice is Gingrich,followed by Huckabee.

does this make me a wuss? lol:lol:
Keep whittling.

"Frig Newton" has impeachable-tendencies....


"We had oral sex. He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, 'I never slept with her.'"
my choice is Palin and the witch. or palin and the mn. flame (?) (the dogcatcher woman)
Or the witch, and the dog catcher woman from MN.

Can you just picture Palin and Bachmann running, and often running as a duo? they would fill any arena with every 35 year old dude in town in any metropolitan city(Including me):cuckoo:

Even Obama may get his usual 5 inch rise from those two hot conservative ladies:eusa_shhh:

Every 35 year old wingnut, you mean? She's at about 4% in polling now. None of your repubs want to run because they are all BORING! It would be a wasted effort, money and time.

Anyone who runs will become the new Hitler. A nice guy will become the most evil monster on the planet.

We will find out things about them they don't even know about themselves. Heh, heh.

Strange when you contrast that with the fact we know little or next to nothing about Obama even to this day. That's why folks are able to speculate on his background because no details came out before he won, and nothing definitive has come out since.
by the way if Ed Schultz is fat, what is rush? a lot fatter?
C'mon...c'mon...be nice....say something positive....like....

That proud son-o'-Missouri still hasn't lost his racist-edge!!

"Planned Parenthood, Doing The Job The Klan Could Never Finish"


Hey, shitstain. Your link is to Media Matters with no specific article highlighted. It doesn't work ether, can't hear the audio.

Spamming isn't going to win you any arguments.
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Allen West.

Allen West Kicks Ass !!! and he doesn't need a teleprompter,,,,,I wonder if he would accept the VP Spot if offered.:eusa_pray:

He'd use a teleprompter if he ran. No one is smart enough to memorize that many speeches. Apply some common sense with that rhetoric, you'll find it helps you maintain an persona of intellect.
.....'Cause, memorizing speeches is soooooooooooooooooo critical....for Republicans.

(Debates? Not so much.......

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