With Friends Like These....The Governor Doesn't Need Enemies.

Our resident lunatic left seem a tad obsessed. I notice very few threads discussing actual issues, and vast amounts of threads regurgitating unproven allegations and gossip. Funny that. Sadly, it's also very boring.
Our resident lunatic left seem a tad obsessed. I notice very few threads discussing actual issues, and vast amounts of threads regurgitating unproven allegations and gossip. Funny that. Sadly, it's also very boring.

"deflection" is not a debating technique CG. This thread is about the resident extreme Rightists who said Romney was essentially a Democrat and therefore not worthy of their vote :)

Our resident lunatic left seem a tad obsessed. I notice very few threads discussing actual issues, and vast amounts of threads regurgitating unproven allegations and gossip. Funny that. Sadly, it's also very boring.

You guys started the Chic Fil A, Biden talking about Shackles, Joe Soptic's ad... Neither side is eager to discuss "issues" it would seem. I move that the character of the people running ARE the only issue. Congress is ruled by self-interests and politics. What the President does with their appointment power is pretty much the only thing that these guys can control.

If you're bored...commenting is an odd way of showing it. Jus' Sayin'
I never once criticized Rom, and his choice of Ryan convinces me now that he IS the real thing. Romney care, nor issues he needed to go with the flow with in Massachusettes to properly represent bay state citizens, was an issue for me, and I never forgot that state issues are state issues which need not go national.

There are a whole lot of young voters voting in this election, and like the young they are most of the time idealistic and show it in various verbal ways. Some of the loudest voices, certainly not all because some are as old as I, had to resort to bad talk right here on this forum (what my dad called black-guarding, and warned me to never do) so as to seem more solidly in support of their ideal candidate.

That is and was in particular a problem of libertarians, or those who fancy themselves as libertarians. People who are Ayne Rand followers are especially in that camp.
Our resident lunatic left seem a tad obsessed. I notice very few threads discussing actual issues, and vast amounts of threads regurgitating unproven allegations and gossip. Funny that. Sadly, it's also very boring.

nobody is stopping you from making threads on this website...

Oh you are a hypocritical slob with no value? Well no shit. shut the fuck up.
was he the best choice, no, do the R's need to stand behind him, yes. Simple as that, i am sure there are ton of dems who dont agree with Obama, but they are out in full force shoving his agendas down peoples throats. Its their right.

Was Obama really the best candidate at the time? No, even the polls showed that, but he got lucky, hit a surge and rode a wave. We all know which wave.

Yes; but the thread, I hoped, would be about how you call the man a "coward", "damaged goods", and "statist" and then vote for him. I supported Hillary; gave her money. And I was saddened that she was such a bad campaigner. In contrast, I am quite pleased with her custodianship of the State Department; pure class.

Additionally and I'm sure you'll agree, that the difference between Barack Obama and Hillary was largely the vote to use force in the Gulf. Had Hillary not cast that vote in favor, it is very likely she'd be in the White House right now. Maybe not. But the difference between the two candidates was marginal at best. I'm sure you'll also agree that there is a case to be made that Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney <sarcasm> are arguably of different species. Most of the field was on one side of the see saw and Governor Romney and Jon Huntsman were on the other side. How you walk back from supporting one them on one side to now offering a full throated support of the other is not conducive to the "principles" you claim you have and your political opponents do not.

What's your point?

That we shouldn't vote in the election? Nice try.
was he the best choice, no, do the R's need to stand behind him, yes. Simple as that, i am sure there are ton of dems who dont agree with Obama, but they are out in full force shoving his agendas down peoples throats. Its their right.

Was Obama really the best candidate at the time? No, even the polls showed that, but he got lucky, hit a surge and rode a wave. We all know which wave.

Yes; but the thread, I hoped, would be about how you call the man a "coward", "damaged goods", and "statist" and then vote for him. I supported Hillary; gave her money. And I was saddened that she was such a bad campaigner. In contrast, I am quite pleased with her custodianship of the State Department; pure class.

Additionally and I'm sure you'll agree, that the difference between Barack Obama and Hillary was largely the vote to use force in the Gulf. Had Hillary not cast that vote in favor, it is very likely she'd be in the White House right now. Maybe not. But the difference between the two candidates was marginal at best. I'm sure you'll also agree that there is a case to be made that Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney <sarcasm> are arguably of different species. Most of the field was on one side of the see saw and Governor Romney and Jon Huntsman were on the other side. How you walk back from supporting one them on one side to now offering a full throated support of the other is not conducive to the "principles" you claim you have and your political opponents do not.

What's your point?

That we shouldn't vote in the election? Nice try.

That it reinforces the quality of the Republican nominee. Vote for whomever you like. You guys could have done a lot worse than Romney. I backed Huntsmann myself.

I think Romney was superior to several of the other candidates; apparently the bar was very low in the minds of the rabid GOP members here.
Canned corn; Romney and Ryan together want to fix what Obama fucked up, this country. He may not have been a lot of people's first choice but he is waaaaaay better than Obama. And that's how it is.

But it is obvious by his Ryan pick that he wants to improve the economy of this great country.
I'd vote for Donald Duck over Obama...

Lets vote him out people, November just around the corner
Canned corn; Romney and Ryan together want to fix what Obama fucked up, this country. He may not have been a lot of people's first choice but he is waaaaaay better than Obama. And that's how it is.

But it is obvious by his Ryan pick that he wants to improve the economy of this great country.

It's just going to ring really hollow when the "principle" card gets played in the future.

Ryan? What does he really ad since both men have chunked his budget overboard. I'd like to know.
Canned corn; Romney and Ryan together want to fix what Obama fucked up, this country. He may not have been a lot of people's first choice but he is waaaaaay better than Obama. And that's how it is.

But it is obvious by his Ryan pick that he wants to improve the economy of this great country.

It's just going to ring really hollow when the "principle" card gets played in the future.

Ryan? What does he really ad since both men have chunked his budget overboard. I'd like to know.

He adds more to the Romney ticket than Biden did Obama's..
we'll start with BRAINS..:lol:
Yes; but the thread, I hoped, would be about how you call the man a "coward", "damaged goods", and "statist" and then vote for him. I supported Hillary; gave her money. And I was saddened that she was such a bad campaigner. In contrast, I am quite pleased with her custodianship of the State Department; pure class.

Additionally and I'm sure you'll agree, that the difference between Barack Obama and Hillary was largely the vote to use force in the Gulf. Had Hillary not cast that vote in favor, it is very likely she'd be in the White House right now. Maybe not. But the difference between the two candidates was marginal at best. I'm sure you'll also agree that there is a case to be made that Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney <sarcasm> are arguably of different species. Most of the field was on one side of the see saw and Governor Romney and Jon Huntsman were on the other side. How you walk back from supporting one them on one side to now offering a full throated support of the other is not conducive to the "principles" you claim you have and your political opponents do not.

What's your point?

That we shouldn't vote in the election? Nice try.

That it reinforces the quality of the Republican nominee. Vote for whomever you like. You guys could have done a lot worse than Romney. I backed Huntsmann myself.

I think Romney was superior to several of the other candidates; apparently the bar was very low in the minds of the rabid GOP members here.

Meh, boo hoo. This is the process. People get to know their candidates, and in the process there are some pretty heavy accusations leveled and secrets told. People react strongly, meh, so what.

I like Romney. He's not the Messiah. He's human, as we all are. I leave deification of political figureheads to you lefty loons.
I ALMOST have empathy for the rabid rw's mentioned :( ..... NOT!!! :D

Is Romney the perfect Conservative?


Is he far and again, light-years more conservative than Obama?


Feel free to quote Me.
was he the best choice, no, do the R's need to stand behind him, yes. Simple as that, i am sure there are ton of dems who dont agree with Obama, but they are out in full force shoving his agendas down peoples throats. Its their right.

The people quoted above aren't just settling for what they perceive as the the lesser of two evils. They've stuck their tongues so far up Romney's ass, they can tell what he had for dinner last week.

Was Obama really the best candidate at the time? No, even the polls showed that, but he got lucky, hit a surge and rode a wave. We all know which wave.

Au contraire. The establishment candidate was Secretary Clinton. It was the rank and file who bucked them, and nominated Obama. Don't you remember all those pink sneakers worn by the Hillary supporters? You even had some high level Democrats claim they were going to vote for McCain. Perhaps they did.

You would certainly recognize having a tongue up a candidate's ass...

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