With Kavanaugh vote, the Senate reaches a historic low in democratic metric

But wait ... we are popular!

Why would I move the goalposts? Sorry to point this out to you, Doc but your "team" doesn't have a viable quarterback...and absolutely no game plan for improving the country! You're running on "Resist" and although that sells to the progressive fringe...I think moderates in the Democratic Party and Independents desire competence at managing the economy and creating jobs...something that progressives are AWFUL at!

I consider anyone straight down the middle or even left of center including "moderates" to be progressives considering the extremes of our current president and lack of oversight by congress. Some of your clowns have locked into a few ways of describing those people, and especially those who choose to exercise their first amendment right in peaceful protest.

You know the words obviously: Resist, Radical, Crazy, Mob Mentality, Angry Left Wing Mob - Etc etc etc. But the fact is that 99,9% of these protesters have been peaceful and the idiots who fall in with the violent or AntiFa or Anarchist crowd are infinitesimal when compared to the whole.

But I echo your sentiments to nominate moderates to the Senate and presidency. House is entirely different - for instance Ocasio-Cruz is perfect for the Bronx. I'd like to see Amy Klobuchar run for the big one in 2020. She's center left, has an amazing temperament (see how she handled Kav) and has proven that she can work across the aisle.

Stock Market has been on about the same trajectory as it was under Obama. And this year has been completely flat thanks to Donald's stupid trade war (among other things). Job creation? Don't kid yourself. It's been about the same as it was under Obama for his las seven years.



Working as intended, the Senate was never supposed to represent the population it was intended to represent the interests of the individual States.

"The equality of representation in the Senate is another point, which, being evidently the result of compromise between the opposite pretensions of the large and the small States, does not call for much discussion.

In this spirit it may be remarked, that the equal vote allowed to each state, is at once a constitutional recognition of the portion of sovereignty remaining in the individual states, and an instrument for preserving that residuary sovereignty. . . ." -- James Madison, Federalist 62

We've been through this. The Founding Fathers had no way of knowing that one day there would be a CA, NY, FL or TX that had 40-60 times the population of MT, WY, AK or the Dakotas. Tens of millions of empty acres not being utilized by anyone are not entitled to vote.
Working as intended, the Senate was never supposed to represent the population it was intended to represent the interests of the individual States.

"The equality of representation in the Senate is another point, which, being evidently the result of compromise between the opposite pretensions of the large and the small States, does not call for much discussion.

In this spirit it may be remarked, that the equal vote allowed to each state, is at once a constitutional recognition of the portion of sovereignty remaining in the individual states, and an instrument for preserving that residuary sovereignty. . . ." -- James Madison, Federalist 62

We've been through this. The Founding Fathers had no way of knowing that one day there would be a CA, NY, FL or TX that had 40-60 times the population of MT, WY, AK or the Dakotas. Tens of millions of empty acres not being utilized by anyone are not entitled to vote.

Please explain how land or acres get up and move to the polls in order to vote. :)
Why would I move the goalposts? Sorry to point this out to you, Doc but your "team" doesn't have a viable quarterback...and absolutely no game plan for improving the country! You're running on "Resist" and although that sells to the progressive fringe...I think moderates in the Democratic Party and Independents desire competence at managing the economy and creating jobs...something that progressives are AWFUL at!

I consider anyone straight down the middle or even left of center including "moderates" to be progressives considering the extremes of our current president and lack of oversight by congress. Some of your clowns have locked into a few ways of describing those people, and especially those who choose to exercise their first amendment right in peaceful protest.

You know the words obviously: Resist, Radical, Crazy, Mob Mentality, Angry Left Wing Mob - Etc etc etc. But the fact is that 99,9% of these protesters have been peaceful and the idiots who fall in with the violent or AntiFa or Anarchist crowd are infinitesimal when compared to the whole.

But I echo your sentiments to nominate moderates to the Senate and presidency. House is entirely different - for instance Ocasio-Cruz is perfect for the Bronx. I'd like to see Amy Klobuchar run for the big one in 2020. She's center left, has an amazing temperament (see how she handled Kav) and has proven that she can work across the aisle.

Stock Market has been on about the same trajectory as it was under Obama. And this year has been completely flat thanks to Donald's stupid trade war (among other things). Job creation? Don't kid yourself. It's been about the same as it was under Obama for his las seven years.




You don't know much about economics...do you, Doc? Claiming that the stock market is on the same trajectory now as it was under Barack Obama is amusing when you take into account that the Fed only increased interest rates one time from when Obama was elected until when Trump was elected but has increased interest rates four times in less than two years since that took place and the stock market is STILL hitting record highs!

Fact of the matter is that the Obama stock market was propped up with near zero interest rates from the Fed to keep it from crashing again...whereas the Trump stock market is so strong that the Fed has repeatedly raised interest rates to cool things off yet it continues to increase.
You don't know much about economics...do you, Doc? Claiming that the stock market is on the same trajectory now as it was under Barack Obama is amusing when you take into account that the Fed only increased interest rates one time from when Obama was elected until when Trump was elected but has increased interest rates four times in less than two years since that took place and the stock market is STILL hitting record highs!

Fact of the matter is that the Obama stock market was propped up with near zero interest rates from the Fed to keep it from crashing again...whereas the Trump stock market is so strong that the Fed has repeatedly raised interest rates to cool things off yet it continues to increase.

Funny - but still nonsense. Check the YTD charting.
^DJI : Summary for Dow Jones Industrial Average - Yahoo Finance
If you'd invested in a middle risk mutual fund on January 1st, that investment would be precisely the same amount now than it was then.
2018 is a flat-ass LOSER.

Doing fabulous today too! :rolleyes-41:
26,160.84 −269.73 (1.02%)
Oct 10, 10:47 AM EDT
Last edited:
We're there kids - Rule by fiat rigged by an autocratic minority. Sad

The disconnect between the United States Senate and the American people has never been greater. If you thought the Senate has gone off its rails, the numbers back you up.

The Senate majority represents a historically low proportion of the country’s population.

Based on a new analysis of Senate votes from 1901 to the present, we found that beginning last year senators voting in the majority represented a historically low proportion of the country’s population.

In yesterday’s vote to confirm Justice Kavanaugh, the 50 senators voting yes represent states covering just 44% of the U.S. population or 143 million Americans. That’s less than a majority, less than the 181 million Americans represented by the senators voting no (you might say the “Senate popular vote”). Yet the nomination was confirmed.​

With Kavanaugh vote, the Senate reaches a historic low in democratic metric
The population doesn’t pick justices. The Supreme Court is not a representation.
You don't know much about economics...do you, Doc? Claiming that the stock market is on the same trajectory now as it was under Barack Obama is amusing when you take into account that the Fed only increased interest rates one time from when Obama was elected until when Trump was elected but has increased interest rates four times in less than two years since that took place and the stock market is STILL hitting record highs!

Fact of the matter is that the Obama stock market was propped up with near zero interest rates from the Fed to keep it from crashing again...whereas the Trump stock market is so strong that the Fed has repeatedly raised interest rates to cool things off yet it continues to increase.

Funny - but still nonsense. Check the YTD charting.
^DJI : Summary for Dow Jones Industrial Average - Yahoo Finance
If you'd invested in a middle risk mutual fund on January 1st, that investment would be precisely the same amount now than it was then. 2018 is a flat-ass LOSER.

Doing fabulous today too! :rolleyes-41:
26,160.84 −269.73 (1.02%)
Oct 10, 10:47 AM EDT
If you look at mutual funds in that short term, you’re an idiot.
You don't know much about economics...do you, Doc? Claiming that the stock market is on the same trajectory now as it was under Barack Obama is amusing when you take into account that the Fed only increased interest rates one time from when Obama was elected until when Trump was elected but has increased interest rates four times in less than two years since that took place and the stock market is STILL hitting record highs!

Fact of the matter is that the Obama stock market was propped up with near zero interest rates from the Fed to keep it from crashing again...whereas the Trump stock market is so strong that the Fed has repeatedly raised interest rates to cool things off yet it continues to increase.

Funny - but still nonsense. Check the YTD charting.
^DJI : Summary for Dow Jones Industrial Average - Yahoo Finance
If you'd invested in a middle risk mutual fund on January 1st, that investment would be precisely the same amount now than it was then.
2018 is a flat-ass LOSER.

Doing fabulous today too! :rolleyes-41:
26,160.84 −269.73 (1.02%)
Oct 10, 10:47 AM EDT

Couldn't address my point that the Obama market was propped up with near zero interest rates for most of his two terms whereas the Trump market has had to absorb 4 rate increases by the Fed...could you, Doc? Why do you liberals even try discussing economics in strings here? It never goes well for you...just saying...
The historic low occurred 20 years ago.

You don't know much about economics...do you, Doc? Claiming that the stock market is on the same trajectory now as it was under Barack Obama is amusing when you take into account that the Fed only increased interest rates one time from when Obama was elected until when Trump was elected but has increased interest rates four times in less than two years since that took place and the stock market is STILL hitting record highs!

Fact of the matter is that the Obama stock market was propped up with near zero interest rates from the Fed to keep it from crashing again...whereas the Trump stock market is so strong that the Fed has repeatedly raised interest rates to cool things off yet it continues to increase.

Funny - but still nonsense. Check the YTD charting.
^DJI : Summary for Dow Jones Industrial Average - Yahoo Finance
If you'd invested in a middle risk mutual fund on January 1st, that investment would be precisely the same amount now than it was then.
2018 is a flat-ass LOSER.

Doing fabulous today too! :rolleyes-41:
26,160.84 −269.73 (1.02%)
Oct 10, 10:47 AM EDT

Couldn't address my point that the Obama market was propped up with near zero interest rates for most of his two terms whereas the Trump market has had to absorb 4 rate increases by the Fed...could you, Doc? Why do you liberals even try discussing economics in strings here? It never goes well for you...just saying...

The Fed has hiked 6 times since Trump took office and once the month prior.


The Fed - Open Market Operations
You don't know much about economics...do you, Doc? Claiming that the stock market is on the same trajectory now as it was under Barack Obama is amusing when you take into account that the Fed only increased interest rates one time from when Obama was elected until when Trump was elected but has increased interest rates four times in less than two years since that took place and the stock market is STILL hitting record highs!

Fact of the matter is that the Obama stock market was propped up with near zero interest rates from the Fed to keep it from crashing again...whereas the Trump stock market is so strong that the Fed has repeatedly raised interest rates to cool things off yet it continues to increase.

Funny - but still nonsense. Check the YTD charting.
^DJI : Summary for Dow Jones Industrial Average - Yahoo Finance
If you'd invested in a middle risk mutual fund on January 1st, that investment would be precisely the same amount now than it was then.
2018 is a flat-ass LOSER.

Doing fabulous today too! :rolleyes-41:
26,160.84 −269.73 (1.02%)
Oct 10, 10:47 AM EDT

Couldn't address my point that the Obama market was propped up with near zero interest rates for most of his two terms whereas the Trump market has had to absorb 4 rate increases by the Fed...could you, Doc? Why do you liberals even try discussing economics in strings here? It never goes well for you...just saying...

The Fed has hiked 6 times since Trump took office and once the month prior.

View attachment 221834

The Fed - Open Market Operations

What Doc can't admit is that the Fed HAD to keep interest rates low throughout the Obama time in office because the economy was so fragile. When they even discussed raising the rate the stock market would immediately go into a free fall.
We've been through this. The Founding Fathers had no way of knowing that one day there would be a CA, NY, FL or TX that had 40-60 times the population of MT, WY, AK or the Dakotas. Tens of millions of empty acres not being utilized by anyone are not entitled to vote.

Sure they did stupid fuck, which is why they created the EC to protect the rights of the minority, and the Senate to represent the interests of the many states.

You're just too fucking dumb to grasp it, which is why you're a Nazi.
We're there kids - Rule by fiat rigged by an autocratic minority. Sad

The disconnect between the United States Senate and the American people has never been greater. If you thought the Senate has gone off its rails, the numbers back you up.

The Senate majority represents a historically low proportion of the country’s population.

Based on a new analysis of Senate votes from 1901 to the present, we found that beginning last year senators voting in the majority represented a historically low proportion of the country’s population.

In yesterday’s vote to confirm Justice Kavanaugh, the 50 senators voting yes represent states covering just 44% of the U.S. population or 143 million Americans. That’s less than a majority, less than the 181 million Americans represented by the senators voting no (you might say the “Senate popular vote”). Yet the nomination was confirmed.​

With Kavanaugh vote, the Senate reaches a historic low in democratic metric
Sticks and stones may break our bones, but Kav is on the SCOTUS.

You don't know much about economics...do you, Doc? Claiming that the stock market is on the same trajectory now as it was under Barack Obama is amusing when you take into account that the Fed only increased interest rates one time from when Obama was elected until when Trump was elected but has increased interest rates four times in less than two years since that took place and the stock market is STILL hitting record highs!

Fact of the matter is that the Obama stock market was propped up with near zero interest rates from the Fed to keep it from crashing again...whereas the Trump stock market is so strong that the Fed has repeatedly raised interest rates to cool things off yet it continues to increase.

Funny - but still nonsense. Check the YTD charting.
^DJI : Summary for Dow Jones Industrial Average - Yahoo Finance
If you'd invested in a middle risk mutual fund on January 1st, that investment would be precisely the same amount now than it was then.
2018 is a flat-ass LOSER.

Doing fabulous today too! :rolleyes-41:
26,160.84 −269.73 (1.02%)
Oct 10, 10:47 AM EDT

Couldn't address my point that the Obama market was propped up with near zero interest rates for most of his two terms whereas the Trump market has had to absorb 4 rate increases by the Fed...could you, Doc? Why do you liberals even try discussing economics in strings here? It never goes well for you...just saying...

The Fed has hiked 6 times since Trump took office and once the month prior.

View attachment 221834

The Fed - Open Market Operations

What Doc can't admit is that the Fed HAD to keep interest rates low throughout the Obama time in office because the economy was so fragile. When they even discussed raising the rate the stock market would immediately go into a free fall.

The economy wasn't particularly fragile under the last six years of Obama my friend.
Slow and steady is always the best way out of a recession.
Donald was handed a Golden Goose.
You don't know much about economics...do you, Doc? Claiming that the stock market is on the same trajectory now as it was under Barack Obama is amusing when you take into account that the Fed only increased interest rates one time from when Obama was elected until when Trump was elected but has increased interest rates four times in less than two years since that took place and the stock market is STILL hitting record highs!

Fact of the matter is that the Obama stock market was propped up with near zero interest rates from the Fed to keep it from crashing again...whereas the Trump stock market is so strong that the Fed has repeatedly raised interest rates to cool things off yet it continues to increase.

Funny - but still nonsense. Check the YTD charting.
^DJI : Summary for Dow Jones Industrial Average - Yahoo Finance
If you'd invested in a middle risk mutual fund on January 1st, that investment would be precisely the same amount now than it was then.
2018 is a flat-ass LOSER.

Doing fabulous today too! :rolleyes-41:
26,160.84 −269.73 (1.02%)
Oct 10, 10:47 AM EDT

Couldn't address my point that the Obama market was propped up with near zero interest rates for most of his two terms whereas the Trump market has had to absorb 4 rate increases by the Fed...could you, Doc? Why do you liberals even try discussing economics in strings here? It never goes well for you...just saying...

The Fed has hiked 6 times since Trump took office and once the month prior.

View attachment 221834

The Fed - Open Market Operations

What Doc can't admit is that the Fed HAD to keep interest rates low throughout the Obama time in office because the economy was so fragile. When they even discussed raising the rate the stock market would immediately go into a free fall.

The economy wasn't particularly fragile under the last six years of Obama my friend.
Slow and steady is always the best way out of a recession.
Donald was handed a Golden Goose.
Slow and steady is always the best way out of a recession.

Obama was the master of slow......
(1) We do not live in a "democracy"; thank God.
(2) Because the Founding FATHERS knew that no important decisions should be decided by majority rule. The majority elects representatives, who make the decisions. This is the plan, not an aberration.
(3) Donald Trump was elected President, LARGELY on the basis that he would appoint justices to the USSC who have actually read, understand, and believe in, the U.S. Constitution. It was widely known that his Opponent would do the exact opposite.
(4) Donald Trump proceeded to nominate EXACTLY THE TYPE OF JUSTICES for which he was elected.
(5) Brett Kavanaugh is/was, "Exhibit B."

You got a problem with that?

If so, you are an idiot.

"Elections have consequences."
Funny - but still nonsense. Check the YTD charting.
^DJI : Summary for Dow Jones Industrial Average - Yahoo Finance
If you'd invested in a middle risk mutual fund on January 1st, that investment would be precisely the same amount now than it was then.
2018 is a flat-ass LOSER.

Doing fabulous today too! :rolleyes-41:
26,160.84 −269.73 (1.02%)
Oct 10, 10:47 AM EDT

Couldn't address my point that the Obama market was propped up with near zero interest rates for most of his two terms whereas the Trump market has had to absorb 4 rate increases by the Fed...could you, Doc? Why do you liberals even try discussing economics in strings here? It never goes well for you...just saying...

The Fed has hiked 6 times since Trump took office and once the month prior.

View attachment 221834

The Fed - Open Market Operations

What Doc can't admit is that the Fed HAD to keep interest rates low throughout the Obama time in office because the economy was so fragile. When they even discussed raising the rate the stock market would immediately go into a free fall.

The economy wasn't particularly fragile under the last six years of Obama my friend.
Slow and steady is always the best way out of a recession.
Donald was handed a Golden Goose.
Slow and steady is always the best way out of a recession.

Obama was the master of slow......

If you look at the graphs on both job creation and the stock market - Trump's line picks up the same basic course. However, this years DJIA is below flatline - especially after yesterdays 800 point dump.
Couldn't address my point that the Obama market was propped up with near zero interest rates for most of his two terms whereas the Trump market has had to absorb 4 rate increases by the Fed...could you, Doc? Why do you liberals even try discussing economics in strings here? It never goes well for you...just saying...

The Fed has hiked 6 times since Trump took office and once the month prior.

View attachment 221834

The Fed - Open Market Operations

What Doc can't admit is that the Fed HAD to keep interest rates low throughout the Obama time in office because the economy was so fragile. When they even discussed raising the rate the stock market would immediately go into a free fall.

The economy wasn't particularly fragile under the last six years of Obama my friend.
Slow and steady is always the best way out of a recession.
Donald was handed a Golden Goose.
Slow and steady is always the best way out of a recession.

Obama was the master of slow......

If you look at the graphs on both job creation and the stock market - Trump's line picks up the same basic course. However, this years DJIA is below flatline - especially after yesterdays 800 point dump.

Obama....weakest recovery since WWII.

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