With no discerning advantage to investing in Canada, why do so many American companies do so?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
As always, I don't hide my discourse as I am a Whistleblower who has paid a steep price for standing up the Canadian abuses. As Trumps team is getting put into place, I am excited about being able to reach out to them as well and expose more specifically what I know about Canadian violations of NAFTA and American companies.

All of this put aside; which is a stretch as the tactics engaged in by Canada really do hinder American business prospects within our border, why is there such a desire to invest in Canada with no clear advantage in doing so? Wages are not lower, efficiency is generally weaker here, there is only direct access to 35 million citizens and it is spread broadly across a large country.

Considering that the RCMP over a 15 year period only pursued TWO charges of bribery while America and France were far and away the leader in such pursuits, maybe this is the reason Canada is able to obtain so much U.S investment. Canadians are notoriously lazy and whine a great deal, this makes no sense to me.

If anyone can enlighten me I am all ears.

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