With only around 500 billionaires in the country

They already pay almost all of the income taxes collected by the federal government as it is. You want even more?

Our problem isn't tax collections, our problem is spending. Visit Open Secrets sometime and take a look for yourself what we are spending our money on.

First of all, we have a bigger revenue problem than we do a spending problem, although spending is also too high. Secondly, when are cons going to quit using federal income taxes as an example of how much the wealthy pay in taxes. Why don't you just concentrate on how little they pay when it comes to all other taxes, where the average American pays two to four times as much as they do as a percentage of income? When you cherry pick, plan on being called out on it by those who know better.

Here's a better idea: why don't you quit focusing on what others are making? How is it your (or anybody else's) business? What qualifies you to be the receptor of money other people make?

When inequality grows the economy slows, that is bad for everyone.

Nope. Inequity has been growing for many years now: through the Clinton years, the George Bush years, yet we have had some great economies during those times.

You fall under this false liberal belief that we are in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money. When somebody in our bubble has too much money, it causes others to have to little. So if we forcibly take money from those who have it, somehow.....it will make it better for those that don't.

It's a false premise. Now if I go to my boss and ask for a raise, and he tells me he'd love to give me one, but the rich have all the money, then you'd be on to something. But thus far, that's never happened to me or anybody else I know.

Yes slowly getting worse and now here we are. Slow economy and stagnant wages. How
Would you fix it?

First of all stop immigration to this country legal and illegal. Keep it that way until more Americans are making better money and jobs are filled by Americans.

Secondly is quit transferring your money to the top. Get rid of your computer, your car that uses gasoline, your cable and internet, quit going to fast food restaurants, get rid of your cell phones. Quit buying all these things from these millionaires and billionaires. That will keep more of your money in your pocket and not in theirs.
First of all, we have a bigger revenue problem than we do a spending problem, although spending is also too high. Secondly, when are cons going to quit using federal income taxes as an example of how much the wealthy pay in taxes. Why don't you just concentrate on how little they pay when it comes to all other taxes, where the average American pays two to four times as much as they do as a percentage of income? When you cherry pick, plan on being called out on it by those who know better.

Here's a better idea: why don't you quit focusing on what others are making? How is it your (or anybody else's) business? What qualifies you to be the receptor of money other people make?

When inequality grows the economy slows, that is bad for everyone.

Nope. Inequity has been growing for many years now: through the Clinton years, the George Bush years, yet we have had some great economies during those times.

You fall under this false liberal belief that we are in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money. When somebody in our bubble has too much money, it causes others to have to little. So if we forcibly take money from those who have it, somehow.....it will make it better for those that don't.

It's a false premise. Now if I go to my boss and ask for a raise, and he tells me he'd love to give me one, but the rich have all the money, then you'd be on to something. But thus far, that's never happened to me or anybody else I know.

Yes slowly getting worse and now here we are. Slow economy and stagnant wages. How
Would you fix it?

First of all stop immigration to this country legal and illegal. Keep it that way until more Americans are making better money and jobs are filled by Americans.

Secondly is quit transferring your money to the top. Get rid of your computer, your car that uses gasoline, your cable and internet, quit going to fast food restaurants, get rid of your cell phones. Quit buying all these things from these millionaires and billionaires. That will keep more of your money in your pocket and not in theirs.

Sounds like a great plan to slow the economy. You must be joking.
Here's a better idea: why don't you quit focusing on what others are making? How is it your (or anybody else's) business? What qualifies you to be the receptor of money other people make?

When inequality grows the economy slows, that is bad for everyone.

Nope. Inequity has been growing for many years now: through the Clinton years, the George Bush years, yet we have had some great economies during those times.

You fall under this false liberal belief that we are in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money. When somebody in our bubble has too much money, it causes others to have to little. So if we forcibly take money from those who have it, somehow.....it will make it better for those that don't.

It's a false premise. Now if I go to my boss and ask for a raise, and he tells me he'd love to give me one, but the rich have all the money, then you'd be on to something. But thus far, that's never happened to me or anybody else I know.

Yes slowly getting worse and now here we are. Slow economy and stagnant wages. How
Would you fix it?

First of all stop immigration to this country legal and illegal. Keep it that way until more Americans are making better money and jobs are filled by Americans.

Secondly is quit transferring your money to the top. Get rid of your computer, your car that uses gasoline, your cable and internet, quit going to fast food restaurants, get rid of your cell phones. Quit buying all these things from these millionaires and billionaires. That will keep more of your money in your pocket and not in theirs.

Sounds like a great plan to slow the economy. You must be joking.

Well......you complained about wealth inequality. How do you suppose that inequality happens? It happens because we willingly trade our dollars in for products and services the wealthy provide. Ever watch those news broadcasts on Thanksgiving nights? There are people sleeping on the sidewalks, in the cold, in the snow to be the first through the doors of stores. They are begging the wealthy to take their money.

So why the increase in inequality? Because there are more things to buy today.

When I was a teen, there was no cable television. There were no cell phones. There were no VCR's or any other entertainment device. There was no internet.

You had your furniture, your television set and antenna, your stereo, and that was about it. Most families were one car families compared to today where every member that drives has one.

So we spend a lot more residual money than we did years ago, and the people that get that money are the wealthy. We are more than happy to give it to them. But when we do, we shouldn't complain about it either. Nobody forced us to give them our money.
Here's a better idea: why don't you quit focusing on what others are making? How is it your (or anybody else's) business? What qualifies you to be the receptor of money other people make?

When inequality grows the economy slows, that is bad for everyone.

Nope. Inequity has been growing for many years now: through the Clinton years, the George Bush years, yet we have had some great economies during those times.

You fall under this false liberal belief that we are in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money. When somebody in our bubble has too much money, it causes others to have to little. So if we forcibly take money from those who have it, somehow.....it will make it better for those that don't.

It's a false premise. Now if I go to my boss and ask for a raise, and he tells me he'd love to give me one, but the rich have all the money, then you'd be on to something. But thus far, that's never happened to me or anybody else I know.

Yes slowly getting worse and now here we are. Slow economy and stagnant wages. How
Would you fix it?

First of all stop immigration to this country legal and illegal. Keep it that way until more Americans are making better money and jobs are filled by Americans.

Secondly is quit transferring your money to the top. Get rid of your computer, your car that uses gasoline, your cable and internet, quit going to fast food restaurants, get rid of your cell phones. Quit buying all these things from these millionaires and billionaires. That will keep more of your money in your pocket and not in theirs.

Sounds like a great plan to slow the economy. You must be joking.
The reverse is true, If we spent our money locally and did not consume so much monopolized energy and entertainment we would instead fuel an economic boom that can only be dreamed of by the middle class. The economy is much better served when wealth circulates among the middle rather than the top. Billionaires only buy so many houses, cars, appliances, trips, etc. After that they just throw it on the pile where it does not even do them any good.
When inequality grows the economy slows, that is bad for everyone.

Nope. Inequity has been growing for many years now: through the Clinton years, the George Bush years, yet we have had some great economies during those times.

You fall under this false liberal belief that we are in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money. When somebody in our bubble has too much money, it causes others to have to little. So if we forcibly take money from those who have it, somehow.....it will make it better for those that don't.

It's a false premise. Now if I go to my boss and ask for a raise, and he tells me he'd love to give me one, but the rich have all the money, then you'd be on to something. But thus far, that's never happened to me or anybody else I know.

Yes slowly getting worse and now here we are. Slow economy and stagnant wages. How
Would you fix it?

First of all stop immigration to this country legal and illegal. Keep it that way until more Americans are making better money and jobs are filled by Americans.

Secondly is quit transferring your money to the top. Get rid of your computer, your car that uses gasoline, your cable and internet, quit going to fast food restaurants, get rid of your cell phones. Quit buying all these things from these millionaires and billionaires. That will keep more of your money in your pocket and not in theirs.

Sounds like a great plan to slow the economy. You must be joking.
The reverse is true, If we spent our money locally and did not consume so much monopolized energy and entertainment we would instead fuel an economic boom that can only be dreamed of by the middle class. The economy is much better served when wealth circulates among the middle rather than the top. Billionaires only buy so many houses, cars, appliances, trips, etc. After that they just throw it on the pile where it does not even do them any good.

That's what they do? I thought they invest it in their own businesses. I thought they invested it in the market where most of us have our retirement plans. I thought they created jobs and built buildings and streets for real estate development. I thought they donated a lot to charity here and abroad.

I guess not. I guess they just throw all that money in their ever growing pile.
Nope. Inequity has been growing for many years now: through the Clinton years, the George Bush years, yet we have had some great economies during those times.

You fall under this false liberal belief that we are in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money. When somebody in our bubble has too much money, it causes others to have to little. So if we forcibly take money from those who have it, somehow.....it will make it better for those that don't.

It's a false premise. Now if I go to my boss and ask for a raise, and he tells me he'd love to give me one, but the rich have all the money, then you'd be on to something. But thus far, that's never happened to me or anybody else I know.

Yes slowly getting worse and now here we are. Slow economy and stagnant wages. How
Would you fix it?

First of all stop immigration to this country legal and illegal. Keep it that way until more Americans are making better money and jobs are filled by Americans.

Secondly is quit transferring your money to the top. Get rid of your computer, your car that uses gasoline, your cable and internet, quit going to fast food restaurants, get rid of your cell phones. Quit buying all these things from these millionaires and billionaires. That will keep more of your money in your pocket and not in theirs.

Sounds like a great plan to slow the economy. You must be joking.
The reverse is true, If we spent our money locally and did not consume so much monopolized energy and entertainment we would instead fuel an economic boom that can only be dreamed of by the middle class. The economy is much better served when wealth circulates among the middle rather than the top. Billionaires only buy so many houses, cars, appliances, trips, etc. After that they just throw it on the pile where it does not even do them any good.

That's what they do? I thought they invest it in their own businesses. I thought they invested it in the market where most of us have our retirement plans. I thought they created jobs and built buildings and streets for real estate development. I thought they donated a lot to charity here and abroad.

I guess not. I guess they just throw all that money in their ever growing pile.
Whatever benefit to the country at large that comes from their economic activities is entirely unintentional. The "job creators" chose that title for themselves and yet do not live up to it. You should hold them more responsible for the bad since you credit them for the good.
Why do you give a fuck about the problems of billionaires? As far as I am concerned they can take their precious money and take a hike if they feel that having full access to a compliant government in the best country in the world to be wealthy is just too expensive.
I give a fuck because i believe EVERY AMERICAN should be treated equally. I don't hoist one person up over another.

I think you should listen to "The Donald" on this one. Very few people want to see the wealthy and super wealthy raped financially. At the same time, they should pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes than the rest of us.

They already pay almost all of the income taxes collected by the federal government as it is. You want even more?

Our problem isn't tax collections, our problem is spending. Visit Open Secrets sometime and take a look for yourself what we are spending our money on.

First of all, we have a bigger revenue problem than we do a spending problem, although spending is also too high. Secondly, when are cons going to quit using federal income taxes as an example of how much the wealthy pay in taxes. Why don't you just concentrate on how little they pay when it comes to all other taxes, where the average American pays two to four times as much as they do as a percentage of income? When you cherry pick, plan on being called out on it by those who know better.

Here's a better idea: why don't you quit focusing on what others are making? How is it your (or anybody else's) business? What qualifies you to be the receptor of money other people make?

What the Hell are you talking about? I've never made it an issue about how much others make, although I will point out that there is a problem if certain people are seeing their income soar while average working Americans see theirs stagnate. Of course, people like you are so clueless all you do is say "liberal".
First of all, we have a bigger revenue problem than we do a spending problem, although spending is also too high. Secondly, when are cons going to quit using federal income taxes as an example of how much the wealthy pay in taxes. Why don't you just concentrate on how little they pay when it comes to all other taxes, where the average American pays two to four times as much as they do as a percentage of income? When you cherry pick, plan on being called out on it by those who know better.

Here's a better idea: why don't you quit focusing on what others are making? How is it your (or anybody else's) business? What qualifies you to be the receptor of money other people make?

When inequality grows the economy slows, that is bad for everyone.

Nope. Inequity has been growing for many years now: through the Clinton years, the George Bush years, yet we have had some great economies during those times.

You fall under this false liberal belief that we are in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money. When somebody in our bubble has too much money, it causes others to have to little. So if we forcibly take money from those who have it, somehow.....it will make it better for those that don't.

It's a false premise. Now if I go to my boss and ask for a raise, and he tells me he'd love to give me one, but the rich have all the money, then you'd be on to something. But thus far, that's never happened to me or anybody else I know.

Yes slowly getting worse and now here we are. Slow economy and stagnant wages. How
Would you fix it?

First of all stop immigration to this country legal and illegal. Keep it that way until more Americans are making better money and jobs are filled by Americans.

Secondly is quit transferring your money to the top. Get rid of your computer, your car that uses gasoline, your cable and internet, quit going to fast food restaurants, get rid of your cell phones. Quit buying all these things from these millionaires and billionaires. That will keep more of your money in your pocket and not in theirs.

Apparently you have a very poor understanding of demographics and the fact that without immigrants our overall population would become older much faster, meaning we would have an ever greater percentage of retirees to working Americans. Even Republicans understand this. Wake up.
I think you should listen to "The Donald" on this one. Very few people want to see the wealthy and super wealthy raped financially. At the same time, they should pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes than the rest of us.

They already pay almost all of the income taxes collected by the federal government as it is. You want even more?

Our problem isn't tax collections, our problem is spending. Visit Open Secrets sometime and take a look for yourself what we are spending our money on.

First of all, we have a bigger revenue problem than we do a spending problem, although spending is also too high. Secondly, when are cons going to quit using federal income taxes as an example of how much the wealthy pay in taxes. Why don't you just concentrate on how little they pay when it comes to all other taxes, where the average American pays two to four times as much as they do as a percentage of income? When you cherry pick, plan on being called out on it by those who know better.

Here's a better idea: why don't you quit focusing on what others are making? How is it your (or anybody else's) business? What qualifies you to be the receptor of money other people make?

When inequality grows the economy slows, that is bad for everyone.
Did you hear that on Sesame Street or Mr Rodgers? That is so simple minded it sure as fuck didn't come out of any business class lecture

It really doesn't matter where he heard, because it is true. The super wealthy do not put the bulk of their money back into the economy. This is basic economics for Christ sake.
They already pay almost all of the income taxes collected by the federal government as it is. You want even more?

Our problem isn't tax collections, our problem is spending. Visit Open Secrets sometime and take a look for yourself what we are spending our money on.

First of all, we have a bigger revenue problem than we do a spending problem, although spending is also too high. Secondly, when are cons going to quit using federal income taxes as an example of how much the wealthy pay in taxes. Why don't you just concentrate on how little they pay when it comes to all other taxes, where the average American pays two to four times as much as they do as a percentage of income? When you cherry pick, plan on being called out on it by those who know better.

Here's a better idea: why don't you quit focusing on what others are making? How is it your (or anybody else's) business? What qualifies you to be the receptor of money other people make?

When inequality grows the economy slows, that is bad for everyone.
Did you hear that on Sesame Street or Mr Rodgers? That is so simple minded it sure as fuck didn't come out of any business class lecture

It really doesn't matter where he heard, because it is true. The super wealthy do not put the bulk of their money back into the economy. This is basic economics for Christ sake.
It's none of your business what they do with ANY of their wealth. This is basic privacy rights for christ sake.
First of all, we have a bigger revenue problem than we do a spending problem, although spending is also too high. Secondly, when are cons going to quit using federal income taxes as an example of how much the wealthy pay in taxes. Why don't you just concentrate on how little they pay when it comes to all other taxes, where the average American pays two to four times as much as they do as a percentage of income? When you cherry pick, plan on being called out on it by those who know better.

Here's a better idea: why don't you quit focusing on what others are making? How is it your (or anybody else's) business? What qualifies you to be the receptor of money other people make?

When inequality grows the economy slows, that is bad for everyone.
Did you hear that on Sesame Street or Mr Rodgers? That is so simple minded it sure as fuck didn't come out of any business class lecture

It really doesn't matter where he heard, because it is true. The super wealthy do not put the bulk of their money back into the economy. This is basic economics for Christ sake.
It's none of your business what they do with ANY of their wealth. This is basic privacy rights for christ sake.

You better brush up on your American history. We've been using a progressive tax system for a very long time, and we've made the wealthy pay much higher rates in the past. I don't give a shit what wealthy people do with their wealth, but if they are attaining it by screwing average working Americans, then it's all of our business. The reason unions became so strong in the past was due to this exact scenario where the business owners were taking advantage of labor and making a fortune while paying the workers peasant wages.
Here's a better idea: why don't you quit focusing on what others are making? How is it your (or anybody else's) business? What qualifies you to be the receptor of money other people make?

When inequality grows the economy slows, that is bad for everyone.

Nope. Inequity has been growing for many years now: through the Clinton years, the George Bush years, yet we have had some great economies during those times.

You fall under this false liberal belief that we are in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money. When somebody in our bubble has too much money, it causes others to have to little. So if we forcibly take money from those who have it, somehow.....it will make it better for those that don't.

It's a false premise. Now if I go to my boss and ask for a raise, and he tells me he'd love to give me one, but the rich have all the money, then you'd be on to something. But thus far, that's never happened to me or anybody else I know.

Yes slowly getting worse and now here we are. Slow economy and stagnant wages. How
Would you fix it?

First of all stop immigration to this country legal and illegal. Keep it that way until more Americans are making better money and jobs are filled by Americans.

Secondly is quit transferring your money to the top. Get rid of your computer, your car that uses gasoline, your cable and internet, quit going to fast food restaurants, get rid of your cell phones. Quit buying all these things from these millionaires and billionaires. That will keep more of your money in your pocket and not in theirs.

Apparently you have a very poor understanding of demographics and the fact that without immigrants our overall population would become older much faster, meaning we would have an ever greater percentage of retirees to working Americans. Even Republicans understand this. Wake up.

What we Republicans understand is the Communists are selling out our country to buy votes. That's the only reason DumBama and gang want them here. If Hispanics were renown for voting Republican, he would have been throwing them out of this country busload by busload. Wake up. Your leaders continue to lie to you.
I give a fuck because i believe EVERY AMERICAN should be treated equally. I don't hoist one person up over another.

I think you should listen to "The Donald" on this one. Very few people want to see the wealthy and super wealthy raped financially. At the same time, they should pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes than the rest of us.

They already pay almost all of the income taxes collected by the federal government as it is. You want even more?

Our problem isn't tax collections, our problem is spending. Visit Open Secrets sometime and take a look for yourself what we are spending our money on.

First of all, we have a bigger revenue problem than we do a spending problem, although spending is also too high. Secondly, when are cons going to quit using federal income taxes as an example of how much the wealthy pay in taxes. Why don't you just concentrate on how little they pay when it comes to all other taxes, where the average American pays two to four times as much as they do as a percentage of income? When you cherry pick, plan on being called out on it by those who know better.

Here's a better idea: why don't you quit focusing on what others are making? How is it your (or anybody else's) business? What qualifies you to be the receptor of money other people make?

What the Hell are you talking about? I've never made it an issue about how much others make, although I will point out that there is a problem if certain people are seeing their income soar while average working Americans see theirs stagnate. Of course, people like you are so clueless all you do is say "liberal".

Oh don't give me that. You on the left are so envious of other people you can't sleep at night. Of course you care what other people make. That's where your hatred of them comes from. If you leftists put more energy into improving your own life instead of trying to make sure others don't get too far, you might fare better in this country.

Liberals penalize success and reward failure, and then can't figure out what's wrong with this country.
Yes slowly getting worse and now here we are. Slow economy and stagnant wages. How
Would you fix it?

First of all stop immigration to this country legal and illegal. Keep it that way until more Americans are making better money and jobs are filled by Americans.

Secondly is quit transferring your money to the top. Get rid of your computer, your car that uses gasoline, your cable and internet, quit going to fast food restaurants, get rid of your cell phones. Quit buying all these things from these millionaires and billionaires. That will keep more of your money in your pocket and not in theirs.

Sounds like a great plan to slow the economy. You must be joking.
The reverse is true, If we spent our money locally and did not consume so much monopolized energy and entertainment we would instead fuel an economic boom that can only be dreamed of by the middle class. The economy is much better served when wealth circulates among the middle rather than the top. Billionaires only buy so many houses, cars, appliances, trips, etc. After that they just throw it on the pile where it does not even do them any good.

That's what they do? I thought they invest it in their own businesses. I thought they invested it in the market where most of us have our retirement plans. I thought they created jobs and built buildings and streets for real estate development. I thought they donated a lot to charity here and abroad.

I guess not. I guess they just throw all that money in their ever growing pile.
Whatever benefit to the country at large that comes from their economic activities is entirely unintentional. The "job creators" chose that title for themselves and yet do not live up to it. You should hold them more responsible for the bad since you credit them for the good.

They didn't choose Job Creator as a title. It happens to be one of the things that take place when you have a business.

People don't open up businesses to give you a job; to make sure you and your family are provided for. People open up businesses to sell things and to make profit. They have no social obligation to you or anybody else. If you think that they do, then open up your own business and see how long you stay open with the premise that you need to provide people with good paying jobs and benefits.

Oh and BTW, good luck with that and tell us how it turns out.
First of all stop immigration to this country legal and illegal. Keep it that way until more Americans are making better money and jobs are filled by Americans.

Secondly is quit transferring your money to the top. Get rid of your computer, your car that uses gasoline, your cable and internet, quit going to fast food restaurants, get rid of your cell phones. Quit buying all these things from these millionaires and billionaires. That will keep more of your money in your pocket and not in theirs.

Sounds like a great plan to slow the economy. You must be joking.
The reverse is true, If we spent our money locally and did not consume so much monopolized energy and entertainment we would instead fuel an economic boom that can only be dreamed of by the middle class. The economy is much better served when wealth circulates among the middle rather than the top. Billionaires only buy so many houses, cars, appliances, trips, etc. After that they just throw it on the pile where it does not even do them any good.

That's what they do? I thought they invest it in their own businesses. I thought they invested it in the market where most of us have our retirement plans. I thought they created jobs and built buildings and streets for real estate development. I thought they donated a lot to charity here and abroad.

I guess not. I guess they just throw all that money in their ever growing pile.
Whatever benefit to the country at large that comes from their economic activities is entirely unintentional. The "job creators" chose that title for themselves and yet do not live up to it. You should hold them more responsible for the bad since you credit them for the good.

They didn't choose Job Creator as a title. It happens to be one of the things that take place when you have a business.

People don't open up businesses to give you a job; to make sure you and your family are provided for. People open up businesses to sell things and to make profit. They have no social obligation to you or anybody else. If you think that they do, then open up your own business and see how long you stay open with the premise that you need to provide people with good paying jobs and benefits.

Oh and BTW, good luck with that and tell us how it turns out.
Yes it is clear that capitalists are in it for themselves so don't try to claim that they are an overall benefit to society. They have tremendous control over our economy and politics and should be harshly criticized for the damage they cause, rushing to their defense only marks you for a toady.
When inequality grows the economy slows, that is bad for everyone.

Nope. Inequity has been growing for many years now: through the Clinton years, the George Bush years, yet we have had some great economies during those times.

You fall under this false liberal belief that we are in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money. When somebody in our bubble has too much money, it causes others to have to little. So if we forcibly take money from those who have it, somehow.....it will make it better for those that don't.

It's a false premise. Now if I go to my boss and ask for a raise, and he tells me he'd love to give me one, but the rich have all the money, then you'd be on to something. But thus far, that's never happened to me or anybody else I know.

Yes slowly getting worse and now here we are. Slow economy and stagnant wages. How
Would you fix it?

First of all stop immigration to this country legal and illegal. Keep it that way until more Americans are making better money and jobs are filled by Americans.

Secondly is quit transferring your money to the top. Get rid of your computer, your car that uses gasoline, your cable and internet, quit going to fast food restaurants, get rid of your cell phones. Quit buying all these things from these millionaires and billionaires. That will keep more of your money in your pocket and not in theirs.

Sounds like a great plan to slow the economy. You must be joking.

Well......you complained about wealth inequality. How do you suppose that inequality happens? It happens because we willingly trade our dollars in for products and services the wealthy provide. Ever watch those news broadcasts on Thanksgiving nights? There are people sleeping on the sidewalks, in the cold, in the snow to be the first through the doors of stores. They are begging the wealthy to take their money.

So why the increase in inequality? Because there are more things to buy today.

When I was a teen, there was no cable television. There were no cell phones. There were no VCR's or any other entertainment device. There was no internet.

You had your furniture, your television set and antenna, your stereo, and that was about it. Most families were one car families compared to today where every member that drives has one.

So we spend a lot more residual money than we did years ago, and the people that get that money are the wealthy. We are more than happy to give it to them. But when we do, we shouldn't complain about it either. Nobody forced us to give them our money.

There is more inequality because the working man makes the same as he did back then, but the rich are getting paid more. Ceos went from 40x the average worker to over 300x the average worker.

Stop spending and our economy will be even slower than now. We need wage increases for the middle class and more middle class jobs.
Nope. Inequity has been growing for many years now: through the Clinton years, the George Bush years, yet we have had some great economies during those times.

You fall under this false liberal belief that we are in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money. When somebody in our bubble has too much money, it causes others to have to little. So if we forcibly take money from those who have it, somehow.....it will make it better for those that don't.

It's a false premise. Now if I go to my boss and ask for a raise, and he tells me he'd love to give me one, but the rich have all the money, then you'd be on to something. But thus far, that's never happened to me or anybody else I know.

Yes slowly getting worse and now here we are. Slow economy and stagnant wages. How
Would you fix it?

First of all stop immigration to this country legal and illegal. Keep it that way until more Americans are making better money and jobs are filled by Americans.

Secondly is quit transferring your money to the top. Get rid of your computer, your car that uses gasoline, your cable and internet, quit going to fast food restaurants, get rid of your cell phones. Quit buying all these things from these millionaires and billionaires. That will keep more of your money in your pocket and not in theirs.

Sounds like a great plan to slow the economy. You must be joking.

Well......you complained about wealth inequality. How do you suppose that inequality happens? It happens because we willingly trade our dollars in for products and services the wealthy provide. Ever watch those news broadcasts on Thanksgiving nights? There are people sleeping on the sidewalks, in the cold, in the snow to be the first through the doors of stores. They are begging the wealthy to take their money.

So why the increase in inequality? Because there are more things to buy today.

When I was a teen, there was no cable television. There were no cell phones. There were no VCR's or any other entertainment device. There was no internet.

You had your furniture, your television set and antenna, your stereo, and that was about it. Most families were one car families compared to today where every member that drives has one.

So we spend a lot more residual money than we did years ago, and the people that get that money are the wealthy. We are more than happy to give it to them. But when we do, we shouldn't complain about it either. Nobody forced us to give them our money.

There is more inequality because the working man makes the same as he did back then, but the rich are getting paid more. Ceos went from 40x the average worker to over 300x the average worker.

Stop spending and our economy will be even slower than now. We need wage increases for the middle class and more middle class jobs.

The middle-class jobs are there, it's just that Americans don't want them. You can lead a horse to water.........

CEO's are paid no different than any other contract job. That's because there are few of them that can actually run a company.

Do you complain about a pitcher that makes 10 million for a three year contract? How about an actor or actress that gets 15 million dollars to make just one movie? How about a rock or country band that charges $35.00 a ticket to see them in concert?

I started watching the show Big Bang Theory about a year ago. Since then I've been catching up on all their past episodes. I started to become interested in the cast of the show, so I looked them up.

Did you know that they (for some time) are getting paid over one million dollars each for just one show? That's less than 20 minutes of work when you remove the commercials. One million dollars for 20 minutes of work. Think about it.

Don''t get me wrong. I am not knocking actors, actresses, sports figures or musicians. They all deserve the money they get. But CEO's are in the same category. They are paid because their work produces great profits for their companies no different than the other people I mentioned make great profits for theirs. There is really no difference.
Yes slowly getting worse and now here we are. Slow economy and stagnant wages. How
Would you fix it?

First of all stop immigration to this country legal and illegal. Keep it that way until more Americans are making better money and jobs are filled by Americans.

Secondly is quit transferring your money to the top. Get rid of your computer, your car that uses gasoline, your cable and internet, quit going to fast food restaurants, get rid of your cell phones. Quit buying all these things from these millionaires and billionaires. That will keep more of your money in your pocket and not in theirs.

Sounds like a great plan to slow the economy. You must be joking.

Well......you complained about wealth inequality. How do you suppose that inequality happens? It happens because we willingly trade our dollars in for products and services the wealthy provide. Ever watch those news broadcasts on Thanksgiving nights? There are people sleeping on the sidewalks, in the cold, in the snow to be the first through the doors of stores. They are begging the wealthy to take their money.

So why the increase in inequality? Because there are more things to buy today.

When I was a teen, there was no cable television. There were no cell phones. There were no VCR's or any other entertainment device. There was no internet.

You had your furniture, your television set and antenna, your stereo, and that was about it. Most families were one car families compared to today where every member that drives has one.

So we spend a lot more residual money than we did years ago, and the people that get that money are the wealthy. We are more than happy to give it to them. But when we do, we shouldn't complain about it either. Nobody forced us to give them our money.

There is more inequality because the working man makes the same as he did back then, but the rich are getting paid more. Ceos went from 40x the average worker to over 300x the average worker.

Stop spending and our economy will be even slower than now. We need wage increases for the middle class and more middle class jobs.

The middle-class jobs are there, it's just that Americans don't want them. You can lead a horse to water.........

CEO's are paid no different than any other contract job. That's because there are few of them that can actually run a company.

Do you complain about a pitcher that makes 10 million for a three year contract? How about an actor or actress that gets 15 million dollars to make just one movie? How about a rock or country band that charges $35.00 a ticket to see them in concert?

I started watching the show Big Bang Theory about a year ago. Since then I've been catching up on all their past episodes. I started to become interested in the cast of the show, so I looked them up.

Did you know that they (for some time) are getting paid over one million dollars each for just one show? That's less than 20 minutes of work when you remove the commercials. One million dollars for 20 minutes of work. Think about it.

Don''t get me wrong. I am not knocking actors, actresses, sports figures or musicians. They all deserve the money they get. But CEO's are in the same category. They are paid because their work produces great profits for their companies no different than the other people I mentioned make great profits for theirs. There is really no difference.

No great jobs aren't out there. If they were and going unfilled wages would go up.

Ceo pay is a racket. The board determines pay. The board consists of many current and former ceos. Other board members know if they give the big raises they will get on other boards. Nobody is getting paid by performance.

Sports and entertainments stars are getting paid by some ceo.
First of all stop immigration to this country legal and illegal. Keep it that way until more Americans are making better money and jobs are filled by Americans.

Secondly is quit transferring your money to the top. Get rid of your computer, your car that uses gasoline, your cable and internet, quit going to fast food restaurants, get rid of your cell phones. Quit buying all these things from these millionaires and billionaires. That will keep more of your money in your pocket and not in theirs.

Sounds like a great plan to slow the economy. You must be joking.

Well......you complained about wealth inequality. How do you suppose that inequality happens? It happens because we willingly trade our dollars in for products and services the wealthy provide. Ever watch those news broadcasts on Thanksgiving nights? There are people sleeping on the sidewalks, in the cold, in the snow to be the first through the doors of stores. They are begging the wealthy to take their money.

So why the increase in inequality? Because there are more things to buy today.

When I was a teen, there was no cable television. There were no cell phones. There were no VCR's or any other entertainment device. There was no internet.

You had your furniture, your television set and antenna, your stereo, and that was about it. Most families were one car families compared to today where every member that drives has one.

So we spend a lot more residual money than we did years ago, and the people that get that money are the wealthy. We are more than happy to give it to them. But when we do, we shouldn't complain about it either. Nobody forced us to give them our money.

There is more inequality because the working man makes the same as he did back then, but the rich are getting paid more. Ceos went from 40x the average worker to over 300x the average worker.

Stop spending and our economy will be even slower than now. We need wage increases for the middle class and more middle class jobs.

The middle-class jobs are there, it's just that Americans don't want them. You can lead a horse to water.........

CEO's are paid no different than any other contract job. That's because there are few of them that can actually run a company.

Do you complain about a pitcher that makes 10 million for a three year contract? How about an actor or actress that gets 15 million dollars to make just one movie? How about a rock or country band that charges $35.00 a ticket to see them in concert?

I started watching the show Big Bang Theory about a year ago. Since then I've been catching up on all their past episodes. I started to become interested in the cast of the show, so I looked them up.

Did you know that they (for some time) are getting paid over one million dollars each for just one show? That's less than 20 minutes of work when you remove the commercials. One million dollars for 20 minutes of work. Think about it.

Don''t get me wrong. I am not knocking actors, actresses, sports figures or musicians. They all deserve the money they get. But CEO's are in the same category. They are paid because their work produces great profits for their companies no different than the other people I mentioned make great profits for theirs. There is really no difference.

No great jobs aren't out there. If they were and going unfilled wages would go up.

Ceo pay is a racket. The board determines pay. The board consists of many current and former ceos. Other board members know if they give the big raises they will get on other boards. Nobody is getting paid by performance.

Sports and entertainments stars are getting paid by some ceo.

Nobody pays a person that isn't producing sufficient profit for the company.

If you make $20.00 per hour, it's only because your employer can make $30.00 or $40.00 an hour from your work. Nobody is going to pay you $20.00 per hour when you only produce $15.00 an hour of work.

Stockholders decide who is going to run a company. If stocks go down, then the company is in trouble, and nobody is going to keep a CEO that isn't keeping those stock prices up. If they do, the stockholders vote out the board members.

If a CEO has a long record of doubling profits for a company, you have two choices: hire that CEO and pay him the millions of dollars to do the same for your company, or don't pay him and your competition will.

In this conversation, I gave you my very own field of work to prove that there are thousands of jobs out there that Americans won't take. I even proved it to you by giving you the sites and places to find these listings, and yet you still want to tell yourself there are no good jobs out there. You are in denial.
Sounds like a great plan to slow the economy. You must be joking.

Well......you complained about wealth inequality. How do you suppose that inequality happens? It happens because we willingly trade our dollars in for products and services the wealthy provide. Ever watch those news broadcasts on Thanksgiving nights? There are people sleeping on the sidewalks, in the cold, in the snow to be the first through the doors of stores. They are begging the wealthy to take their money.

So why the increase in inequality? Because there are more things to buy today.

When I was a teen, there was no cable television. There were no cell phones. There were no VCR's or any other entertainment device. There was no internet.

You had your furniture, your television set and antenna, your stereo, and that was about it. Most families were one car families compared to today where every member that drives has one.

So we spend a lot more residual money than we did years ago, and the people that get that money are the wealthy. We are more than happy to give it to them. But when we do, we shouldn't complain about it either. Nobody forced us to give them our money.

There is more inequality because the working man makes the same as he did back then, but the rich are getting paid more. Ceos went from 40x the average worker to over 300x the average worker.

Stop spending and our economy will be even slower than now. We need wage increases for the middle class and more middle class jobs.

The middle-class jobs are there, it's just that Americans don't want them. You can lead a horse to water.........

CEO's are paid no different than any other contract job. That's because there are few of them that can actually run a company.

Do you complain about a pitcher that makes 10 million for a three year contract? How about an actor or actress that gets 15 million dollars to make just one movie? How about a rock or country band that charges $35.00 a ticket to see them in concert?

I started watching the show Big Bang Theory about a year ago. Since then I've been catching up on all their past episodes. I started to become interested in the cast of the show, so I looked them up.

Did you know that they (for some time) are getting paid over one million dollars each for just one show? That's less than 20 minutes of work when you remove the commercials. One million dollars for 20 minutes of work. Think about it.

Don''t get me wrong. I am not knocking actors, actresses, sports figures or musicians. They all deserve the money they get. But CEO's are in the same category. They are paid because their work produces great profits for their companies no different than the other people I mentioned make great profits for theirs. There is really no difference.

No great jobs aren't out there. If they were and going unfilled wages would go up.

Ceo pay is a racket. The board determines pay. The board consists of many current and former ceos. Other board members know if they give the big raises they will get on other boards. Nobody is getting paid by performance.

Sports and entertainments stars are getting paid by some ceo.

Nobody pays a person that isn't producing sufficient profit for the company.

If you make $20.00 per hour, it's only because your employer can make $30.00 or $40.00 an hour from your work. Nobody is going to pay you $20.00 per hour when you only produce $15.00 an hour of work.

Stockholders decide who is going to run a company. If stocks go down, then the company is in trouble, and nobody is going to keep a CEO that isn't keeping those stock prices up. If they do, the stockholders vote out the board members.

If a CEO has a long record of doubling profits for a company, you have two choices: hire that CEO and pay him the millions of dollars to do the same for your company, or don't pay him and your competition will.

In this conversation, I gave you my very own field of work to prove that there are thousands of jobs out there that Americans won't take. I even proved it to you by giving you the sites and places to find these listings, and yet you still want to tell yourself there are no good jobs out there. You are in denial.

I own many stocks, I'm not deciding what to pay ceos. That is what the board does. And the board is filled with ex ceos who are now giving back to the next group, current ceos who also want increases, board members who want to get on more boards.... Sorry it is not performance.

This Infuriating Graph Proves That CEO Pay-for-Performance Is a Sham

CEOs were paid 40x the average worker in the 70s, now it's like 300x. CEOs aren't performing that much better now, it is a rigged game.

You are in denial. If there were lots of great jobs going unfilled wages would be going up. They are stagnant, there is no significant number of great jobs going unfilled.

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