With only around 500 billionaires in the country

how is that a "better" question? As long as they didn't steal it, then what business of yours or the government is it?

They did steal it. That's the point. they used coercion of the market to cheat the people who did the work out of the rewards of that work.

Like the company you bought your computer from, right?

In that case, they were "given" the technology.

By our government and to a large extent, the taxpayer.

If our government was in the business of making microprocessors we'd all still be using Tandy Computers and Ataris. It is the devastating, crushing competition from free enterprise that keeps computer producing products with microprocessor speeds that double every 18 months


^ Government Computer 2015


^ Latest Wafer, has the power of a few trillion government computers

The Choice is yours
how is that a "better" question? As long as they didn't steal it, then what business of yours or the government is it?

They did steal it. That's the point. they used coercion of the market to cheat the people who did the work out of the rewards of that work.

Like the company you bought your computer from, right?

In that case, they were "given" the technology.

By our government and to a large extent, the taxpayer.

If our government was in the business of making microprocessors we'd all still be using Tandy Computers and Ataris. It is the devastating, crushing competition from free enterprise that keeps computer producing products with microprocessor speeds that double every 18 months


^ Government Computer 2015


^ Latest Wafer, has the power of a few trillion government computers

The Choice is yours

They get the money for R&D from the government. It's also one of their biggest customers.
America's billionaires are suffering under the oppressive weight of the Obama regime!

We must do what we can to save them.

Donate now to saveourbillionaires.com.
how is that a "better" question? As long as they didn't steal it, then what business of yours or the government is it?

They did steal it. That's the point. they used coercion of the market to cheat the people who did the work out of the rewards of that work.

Like the company you bought your computer from, right?

In that case, they were "given" the technology.

By our government and to a large extent, the taxpayer.

If our government was in the business of making microprocessors we'd all still be using Tandy Computers and Ataris. It is the devastating, crushing competition from free enterprise that keeps computer producing products with microprocessor speeds that double every 18 months


^ Government Computer 2015


^ Latest Wafer, has the power of a few trillion government computers

The Choice is yours

They get the money for R&D from the government. It's also one of their biggest customers.
No they don't.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Like the company you bought your computer from, right?


Yes, you are a moron.

the companies that make computers used to make them in this country. Now they aren't. They are made in some sweatshop in China where the have to make the employees promise not to commit suicide because the conditions are so fucking miserable.

And then you have a c-word like Carly who put 10,000 Americans out of jobs doing that, and some of you clowns want to give her a promotion.
We were once a low cost producer

Japan was once a low cost producer

And now China is a low cost producer

And Socialism still fails every time
We were once a low cost producer

Japan was once a low cost producer

And now China is a low cost producer

And Socialism still fails every time

And yet China and Japan, who are both more socialist than we are, are ahead of us right now.
Why are they expected to carry the weight of the other 300 million?
Fair question, but this is a game of semantics.

What Sanders means, obviously, is the wealthy in general, and rather than using "the rich" or "the one percent" he's decided to go with "the billionaire class". From the standpoint of political rhetoric and stump speeches, that's a pretty smart tactic.

I haven't seen him get specific, but I assume his goal is (1) much higher marginal personal tax rates and (2) higher tax revenues from business. I'd also be curious about whether he'd push some kind of "wealth tax".

So "the billionaire" class is just another way of saying "the rich".
Legendary investor Warren Buffett, who runs Berkshire Hathaway, made about $37 million each day this year, a new survey from Wealth-X shows.

That breaks down to $1.54 million per hour each day (yes, even while he's sleeping). It also works out to be just over $25,694 per minute.

  • Warren Buffett: He made $12.7 billion this year or ~$37 million per day; ~$1.54 million per hour; or ~$25,694 per minute.
  • Bill Gates: He earned $11.5 billion this year which works out to be ~$33.3 million per day; $1.38 million per hour; or ~$23,148 per minute.
  • Sheldon Adelson: The casino mogul earned $11.4 billion this year which means he made ~$33 million per day; ~$1.38 million per hour; or $22,946 per minute.
  • Jeff Bezos: He made $11.3 billion this year or ~$32.7 million per day; $1.36 million per hour; or ~$22,745 per minute.
What Warren Buffett Makes Per Hour - Business Insider

I mean just for breathing they are making money. The don't even need to move, just keep their rib cage going. How could we ever think of raising their taxes. Shame on us.

They don't make money for breathing, puke.

Actually? Most of them do.

Actually, none of them do. Every one of them makes money for having spent money via investing. It's only people on leftist social programs who get money simply for breathing.
Why are the expected to carry the weight of the other 300 million?
Simple social justice it's the responsibilty of those 500 to take their wealth and level the playing field for those who have less. At least according to some.

Which is why "social justice" is such a misnomer. Nothing "just" about the idea that people deserve what others have, simply because they don't have as much and wish they did.
Why do you give a fuck about the problems of billionaires?

I care about everyone's rights and freedom whether their net worth is a billion dollars or a thousand.

As far as I am concerned they can take their precious money and take a hike if they feel that having full access to a compliant government in the best country in the world to be wealthy is just too expensive.

Really? You think they should all just up and leave, huh? I'm curious, if that happens who is going to pay for all of your Socialism?

They aren't paying their fair share anyway. How long do you think they will remain super rich without the advantages of being here, and all the free shit the government gives them?

You have all the exact same advantages. What you don't have is brains, talent and ambition. Government doesn't provide those.

And don't think that once the leftists get done hamstringing every rich person in the country, they won't start trying to "level the playing field" for those who were born ugly, stupid, and lazy.
Since most of them are living off their capital gains income, we need to raise that. For passive income over 500 grand, raise it to say 45% on those suckers.

Watch them have a fit, it will never happen as they are in control.

So many hide their money in overseas banks and pass it through non profits they set up, they have so many ways they avoid paying taxes. They want to live in the US, then make them pay, they can live in China, Russia or the ME, and lets let the door hit them on the way out.

A tax on capital gains is a tax on jobs. That's what you're proposing. IF the rich ever did all decide to leave this country, turds like you would be crying the loudest.

A tax on capital gains is also a tax on people's retirement plans and investments for their futures. Leftists are so busy hating anyone who has more than basic subsistence, they forget that the vast majority of people who get capitals gains aren't rich.

This is why the old saying is, "Socialism is the equal sharing of misery."
A tax on capital gains is a tax on jobs. That's what you're proposing. IF the rich ever did all decide to leave this country, turds like you would be crying the loudest.

What jobs??

What are you, brain-damaged? Are you trying to say that you don't think anyone in America has a job, or are you trying to say you think people are employed by poor people with no money to invest? Exactly what part of his post is requiring more brain cells than you have on hand?
Since most of them are living off their capital gains income, we need to raise that. For passive income over 500 grand, raise it to say 45% on those suckers.

Watch them have a fit, it will never happen as they are in control.

So many hide their money in overseas banks and pass it through non profits they set up, they have so many ways they avoid paying taxes. They want to live in the US, then make them pay, they can live in China, Russia or the ME, and lets let the door hit them on the way out.

A tax on capital gains is a tax on jobs. That's what you're proposing. IF the rich ever did all decide to leave this country, turds like you would be crying the loudest.

What jobs??

Your job, dingbat.

Not going to talk about my job. Are you telling me to suck ass so I have a job???

Are you telling us you think you can have a job WITHOUT, as you so charmingly put it, "sucking ass"? (Most people refer to is as "having grownup social skills", but I realize that increasing numbers of people have the mentality of middle-schoolers these days.)
As long as they pay taxes to make up for their use of roads, police,etc and pay their workers right...I have no problem with people becoming richer then their wildest dreams!
The blacks use all that shit far more than them.


Lol,,,Rich corporations use a shit ton of heavy trucks to haul a lot of their stuff across our country. This tars down the roads faster...So I really don't understand how blacks could be more damaging.

Heavy trucks pay a tax based on the tonnage they are hauling. They pay exactly in proportion to any wear and tear they cause, so that argument is pure horse piss.

If I remember correctly, there are also separate fuel taxes that are only applied to diesel fuel, also ostensibly to offset the extra wear and tear to roads from large vehicles.
We were once a low cost producer

Japan was once a low cost producer

And now China is a low cost producer

And Socialism still fails every time

And yet China and Japan, who are both more socialist than we are, are ahead of us right now.

A rally in stock prices to seven-year highs in mainland China has lifted the number of Chinese billionaires and billionaire families to a record 400, according to estimates by Forbes. That’s an increase from the then-record 242 that we identified on the Forbes China Rich List published last October, and adds to the country’s standing as home to one of the largest collections of rich individuals.
China Now Has A Record 400 Billionaires And Billionaire Families; Greater China 500+
As long as they pay taxes to make up for their use of roads, police,etc and pay their workers right...I have no problem with people becoming richer then their wildest dreams!
The blacks use all that shit far more than them.


Lol,,,Rich corporations use a shit ton of heavy trucks to haul a lot of their stuff across our country. This tars down the roads faster...So I really don't understand how blacks could be more damaging.

Heavy trucks pay a tax based on the tonnage they are hauling. They pay exactly in proportion to any wear and tear they cause, so that argument is pure horse piss.

If I remember correctly, there are also separate fuel taxes that are only applied to diesel fuel, also ostensibly to offset the extra wear and tear to roads from large vehicles.

Which are simply passed along to consumers in higher prices. Both sides of the isle need to recognize you can't punish the rich and corporations when they have the power to just pass those costs right back down to consumers. It amazes me watching people cheer tax and fee increases thinking they punished the rich or corporations unaware they just passed those tax and fee increases on themselves.
Why do you give a fuck about the problems of billionaires?

I care about everyone's rights and freedom whether their net worth is a billion dollars or a thousand.

As far as I am concerned they can take their precious money and take a hike if they feel that having full access to a compliant government in the best country in the world to be wealthy is just too expensive.

Really? You think they should all just up and leave, huh? I'm curious, if that happens who is going to pay for all of your Socialism?

They aren't paying their fair share anyway. How long do you think they will remain super rich without the advantages of being here, and all the free shit the government gives them?

You have all the exact same advantages. What you don't have is brains, talent and ambition. Government doesn't provide those.

And don't think that once the leftists get done hamstringing every rich person in the country, they won't start trying to "level the playing field" for those who were born ugly, stupid, and lazy.

Good. At least you will have a better shot then.
Legendary investor Warren Buffett, who runs Berkshire Hathaway, made about $37 million each day this year, a new survey from Wealth-X shows.

That breaks down to $1.54 million per hour each day (yes, even while he's sleeping). It also works out to be just over $25,694 per minute.

  • Warren Buffett: He made $12.7 billion this year or ~$37 million per day; ~$1.54 million per hour; or ~$25,694 per minute.
  • Bill Gates: He earned $11.5 billion this year which works out to be ~$33.3 million per day; $1.38 million per hour; or ~$23,148 per minute.
  • Sheldon Adelson: The casino mogul earned $11.4 billion this year which means he made ~$33 million per day; ~$1.38 million per hour; or $22,946 per minute.
  • Jeff Bezos: He made $11.3 billion this year or ~$32.7 million per day; $1.36 million per hour; or ~$22,745 per minute.
What Warren Buffett Makes Per Hour - Business Insider

I mean just for breathing they are making money. The don't even need to move, just keep their rib cage going. How could we ever think of raising their taxes. Shame on us.

They don't make money for breathing, puke.

Actually? Most of them do.

Actually, none of them do. Every one of them makes money for having spent money via investing. It's only people on leftist social programs who get money simply for breathing.

You have to understand the libturd mentality: in their minds, if someone isn't swinging a hammer or operating a shovel, they aren't working.
Legendary investor Warren Buffett, who runs Berkshire Hathaway, made about $37 million each day this year, a new survey from Wealth-X shows.

That breaks down to $1.54 million per hour each day (yes, even while he's sleeping). It also works out to be just over $25,694 per minute.

  • Warren Buffett: He made $12.7 billion this year or ~$37 million per day; ~$1.54 million per hour; or ~$25,694 per minute.
  • Bill Gates: He earned $11.5 billion this year which works out to be ~$33.3 million per day; $1.38 million per hour; or ~$23,148 per minute.
  • Sheldon Adelson: The casino mogul earned $11.4 billion this year which means he made ~$33 million per day; ~$1.38 million per hour; or $22,946 per minute.
  • Jeff Bezos: He made $11.3 billion this year or ~$32.7 million per day; $1.36 million per hour; or ~$22,745 per minute.
What Warren Buffett Makes Per Hour - Business Insider

I mean just for breathing they are making money. The don't even need to move, just keep their rib cage going. How could we ever think of raising their taxes. Shame on us.

They don't make money for breathing, puke.

Actually? Most of them do.

Actually, none of them do. Every one of them makes money for having spent money via investing. It's only people on leftist social programs who get money simply for breathing.

Most of the obscenely wealthy folks don't invest their own money. They invest other people's money.

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