With only around 500 billionaires in the country

Why are the expected to carry the weight of the other 300 million?
Why do you give a fuck about the problems of billionaires? As far as I am concerned they can take their precious money and take a hike if they feel that having full access to a compliant government in the best country in the world to be wealthy is just too expensive.
I give a fuck because i believe EVERY AMERICAN should be treated equally. I don't hoist one person up over another.

I think you should listen to "The Donald" on this one. Very few people want to see the wealthy and super wealthy raped financially. At the same time, they should pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes than the rest of us.

I'd also like to see their wealth play no part in our political process.

but you're okay with union and trial lawyer money flooding the DNC come election time, huh?
Why are the expected to carry the weight of the other 300 million?
Why do you give a fuck about the problems of billionaires? As far as I am concerned they can take their precious money and take a hike if they feel that having full access to a compliant government in the best country in the world to be wealthy is just too expensive.
I give a fuck because i believe EVERY AMERICAN should be treated equally. I don't hoist one person up over another.

I think you should listen to "The Donald" on this one. Very few people want to see the wealthy and super wealthy raped financially. At the same time, they should pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes than the rest of us.

They already pay almost all of the income taxes collected by the federal government as it is. You want even more?

Our problem isn't tax collections, our problem is spending. Visit Open Secrets sometime and take a look for yourself what we are spending our money on.
They don't make money for breathing, puke.

Actually? Most of them do.

Actually, none of them do. Every one of them makes money for having spent money via investing. It's only people on leftist social programs who get money simply for breathing.

Most of the obscenely wealthy folks don't invest their own money. They invest other people's money.

So they made themselves rich and made the people whose money they invested rich. That's called a win-win arrangement.

How many people got rich off the last financial meltdown?

Everybody that sold short in the market. Those of us that kept our money in and dumped a bunch more when the market hit it's low.
Why do you give a fuck about the problems of billionaires?

I care about everyone's rights and freedom whether their net worth is a billion dollars or a thousand.

As far as I am concerned they can take their precious money and take a hike if they feel that having full access to a compliant government in the best country in the world to be wealthy is just too expensive.

Really? You think they should all just up and leave, huh? I'm curious, if that happens who is going to pay for all of your Socialism?

They aren't paying their fair share anyway. How long do you think they will remain super rich without the advantages of being here, and all the free shit the government gives them?

You have all the exact same advantages. What you don't have is brains, talent and ambition. Government doesn't provide those.

And don't think that once the leftists get done hamstringing every rich person in the country, they won't start trying to "level the playing field" for those who were born ugly, stupid, and lazy.
wait, there's hope for me?
I have a right to be made pretty?
fuck the rich, lets make them share their looks.

No, no law can make you pretty, smart, or rich. That's not what "leveling the playing field" laws are about. They're about punishing those who have advantages for having them.
I care about everyone's rights and freedom whether their net worth is a billion dollars or a thousand.

Really? You think they should all just up and leave, huh? I'm curious, if that happens who is going to pay for all of your Socialism?

They aren't paying their fair share anyway. How long do you think they will remain super rich without the advantages of being here, and all the free shit the government gives them?

You have all the exact same advantages. What you don't have is brains, talent and ambition. Government doesn't provide those.

And don't think that once the leftists get done hamstringing every rich person in the country, they won't start trying to "level the playing field" for those who were born ugly, stupid, and lazy.
wait, there's hope for me?
I have a right to be made pretty?
fuck the rich, lets make them share their looks.

No, no law can make you pretty, smart, or rich. That's not what "leveling the playing field" laws are about. They're about punishing those who have advantages for having them.
oh, I understand that but for some reason the idiots on the left seem to think that they will get a check with their name on it paid out of some other guys bank account.
Why are the expected to carry the weight of the other 300 million?
Why do you give a fuck about the problems of billionaires? As far as I am concerned they can take their precious money and take a hike if they feel that having full access to a compliant government in the best country in the world to be wealthy is just too expensive.
I give a fuck because i believe EVERY AMERICAN should be treated equally. I don't hoist one person up over another.

I think you should listen to "The Donald" on this one. Very few people want to see the wealthy and super wealthy raped financially. At the same time, they should pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes than the rest of us.

I'd also like to see their wealth play no part in our political process.

but you're okay with union and trial lawyer money flooding the DNC come election time, huh?

That's Different /sarcasm
They aren't paying their fair share anyway. How long do you think they will remain super rich without the advantages of being here, and all the free shit the government gives them?

You have all the exact same advantages. What you don't have is brains, talent and ambition. Government doesn't provide those.

And don't think that once the leftists get done hamstringing every rich person in the country, they won't start trying to "level the playing field" for those who were born ugly, stupid, and lazy.
wait, there's hope for me?
I have a right to be made pretty?
fuck the rich, lets make them share their looks.

No, no law can make you pretty, smart, or rich. That's not what "leveling the playing field" laws are about. They're about punishing those who have advantages for having them.
oh, I understand that but for some reason the idiots on the left seem to think that they will get a check with their name on it paid out of some other guys bank account.

I suppose some do, because God knows leftists aren't the brightest lights on the Christmas tree, but I suspect most honestly just want to see people who are better off than them suffer, out of sheer petty vindictiveness. They are lovin' their rump roast, thinking about sticking it to "those bastards" who dare to not be losers like them.
You have all the exact same advantages. What you don't have is brains, talent and ambition. Government doesn't provide those.

And don't think that once the leftists get done hamstringing every rich person in the country, they won't start trying to "level the playing field" for those who were born ugly, stupid, and lazy.
wait, there's hope for me?
I have a right to be made pretty?
fuck the rich, lets make them share their looks.

No, no law can make you pretty, smart, or rich. That's not what "leveling the playing field" laws are about. They're about punishing those who have advantages for having them.
oh, I understand that but for some reason the idiots on the left seem to think that they will get a check with their name on it paid out of some other guys bank account.

I suppose some do, because God knows leftists aren't the brightest lights on the Christmas tree, but I suspect most honestly just want to see people who are better off than them suffer, out of sheer petty vindictiveness. They are lovin' their rump roast, thinking about sticking it to "those bastards" who dare to not be losers like them.

The left are led around like sheep by their politicians.

They actually believe that we live in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money for all. When some have too little, it's because others have too much.

They are told to believe that if you take from those that have too much, those that have too little will be better off. Of course they can't explain how that works which is why they are sheep. They are told what to believe.

This is why the left hates most of the wealthy people. In their minds, we are a country where everybody should have nearly the same. After all, it's only fair because we only have so much money in our bubble. Fair is sharing that money with everybody, not taking all that money for yourself leaving others without.
The left are led around like sheep by their politicians.

They actually believe that we live in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money for all. When some have too little, it's because others have too much.

They are told to believe that if you take from those that have too much, those that have too little will be better off. Of course they can't explain how that works which is why they are sheep. They are told what to believe.

This is why the left hates most of the wealthy people. In their minds, we are a country where everybody should have nearly the same. After all, it's only fair because we only have so much money in our bubble. Fair is sharing that money with everybody, not taking all that money for yourself leaving others without.

I do love how you conservatards keep pretending the rest of the world doesn't exist.

The Europeans and Japanese have already figured out how to take care of everyone without allowing the obscenely rich to get more so.

The Wealthy are parasites that have convinced stupid people they are vital organs.
The left are led around like sheep by their politicians.

They actually believe that we live in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money for all. When some have too little, it's because others have too much.

They are told to believe that if you take from those that have too much, those that have too little will be better off. Of course they can't explain how that works which is why they are sheep. They are told what to believe.

This is why the left hates most of the wealthy people. In their minds, we are a country where everybody should have nearly the same. After all, it's only fair because we only have so much money in our bubble. Fair is sharing that money with everybody, not taking all that money for yourself leaving others without.

I do love how you conservatards keep pretending the rest of the world doesn't exist.

The Europeans and Japanese have already figured out how to take care of everyone without allowing the obscenely rich to get more so.

The Wealthy are parasites that have convinced stupid people they are vital organs.

Oh yea, the Europeans are taking care of everybody alright.

You know, if you on the left were just as obsessed about getting rich as you are of those who are already rich, you just might have a happier life.

I guess that's the difference of mentality between conservatives and liberals. We conservatives see a successful person, we want to emulate them. We look up to them and their success. We wish we were more like them.

The left? When the left sees a successful person, they loath them. They want them brought down, they want them punished, they look at our wealthy as the problem instead of the solution.

What a terrible way to go through life; letting the fortunes of others ruin yours. As for myself, I'm not worried what other people are doing, I'm more concerned about what I'm doing or going to do. Why should I focus on them? It won't do me any good. I'll certainly never get ahead that way. I would sooner study them; their success; their climb to the top; their decision making......
You know, if you on the left were just as obsessed about getting rich as you are of those who are already rich, you just might have a happier life.

I guess that's the difference of mentality between conservatives and liberals. We conservatives see a successful person, we want to emulate them. We look up to them and their success. We wish we were more like them.

Guy, I was more right wing than you were up until 2008 or so. then one of your beloved rich people decided to fuck me over because I had the bad luck to hae medical issues. Fuck the rich and their greed.

The left? When the left sees a successful person, they loath them. They want them brought down, they want them punished, they look at our wealthy as the problem instead of the solution.

The wealthy ARE the problem. Were you not paying attention in 2008 when they wrecked the economy with their greed? Did you not notice all the closed factories because of their greed. It was totally on the news, not sure how you missed it.

What a terrible way to go through life; letting the fortunes of others ruin yours. As for myself, I'm not worried what other people are doing, I'm more concerned about what I'm doing or going to do. Why should I focus on them? It won't do me any good. I'll certainly never get ahead that way. I would sooner study them; their success; their climb to the top; their decision making......

I have studied their success, it's mostly built on fucking over other people to make themselves richer.

We had our greatest prosperity when the rich paid confiscatory tax rates and the workforce was heavily unionized.
You know, if you on the left were just as obsessed about getting rich as you are of those who are already rich, you just might have a happier life.

I guess that's the difference of mentality between conservatives and liberals. We conservatives see a successful person, we want to emulate them. We look up to them and their success. We wish we were more like them.

Guy, I was more right wing than you were up until 2008 or so. then one of your beloved rich people decided to fuck me over because I had the bad luck to hae medical issues. Fuck the rich and their greed.

The left? When the left sees a successful person, they loath them. They want them brought down, they want them punished, they look at our wealthy as the problem instead of the solution.

The wealthy ARE the problem. Were you not paying attention in 2008 when they wrecked the economy with their greed? Did you not notice all the closed factories because of their greed. It was totally on the news, not sure how you missed it.

What a terrible way to go through life; letting the fortunes of others ruin yours. As for myself, I'm not worried what other people are doing, I'm more concerned about what I'm doing or going to do. Why should I focus on them? It won't do me any good. I'll certainly never get ahead that way. I would sooner study them; their success; their climb to the top; their decision making......

I have studied their success, it's mostly built on fucking over other people to make themselves richer.

We had our greatest prosperity when the rich paid confiscatory tax rates and the workforce was heavily unionized.

Well that's what caused them to leave and take our jobs with them. It took a number of years, but it happened and is still happening to a lesser degree.

I lost my healthcare coverage thanks to Obama and Commie Care. Now I have to pay for my healthcare with after-tax money whereas before, it was a benefit out of the hands of government. Now it's a major expense I have to endure and it's much harder to make ends meet.

I've seen many businesses close down. We've lost a lot of customers that way. They don't leave out of greed, they leave because they cannot compete for customers with enormous expenses like unions, taxations and regulations. I've talked to the managers and even business owners of these places. They dreaded the thought of leaving the state or country. But it was either that, or join their employees in the unemployment line. Their foreign competition was killing them.

The housing bubble and crisis did not start on Wall Street, it started with government. Government was so hell bent on putting minorities into their own homes that they lowered bank standards and even pressured some to give out bad loans. It was government that put their stamp of approval on those bad securities that caused the collapse. What choice did they have? You have to do something with all these bad loans, and nobody would buy those loans if they knew they were bad.

Had government stayed out of the home loan industry, it would have remained solid. It's true that a lot of people would have been left out of the loop, particularly minorities, but trying to appease people to buy votes almost caused a worldwide financial collapse. You can't sell bad loans if you don't have those bad loans in the first place.
...You know, if you on the left were just as obsessed about getting rich as you are of those who are already rich, you just might have a happier life...

Being obsessed with getting rich makes your life happier?


Yes, if you're the type of person who is obsessed with what other people have. Especially when it gets to the point of hatred.

My experience is that most people who have this hatred are people who never tried to be financially secure or successful themselves. Sure, they may have an IRA from work or something, but not any real investments outside of that. They never took the risks involved with money nor were they ever concerned with it.

As for myself, I'm far from rich, but I've had investments in the stock market. I've spent years in the commodities market. I'm a landlord and have investments in real estate. When things get a little better, I'll be looking to make other investments. If I ever strike it rich, nobody should hate me for the decisions I made in life that brought me success. While they were out spending their money on the newest cars, the most expensive entertainment packages on their television or cell phone, I was out trying to make my money grow. That's why I respect wealthy people.
....If I ever strike it rich, nobody should hate me for the decisions I made in life that brought me success. While they were out spending their money on the newest cars, the most expensive entertainment packages on their television or cell phone, I was out trying to make my money grow. That's why I respect wealthy people.

I still think it's weird to respect people just because they're wealthy, do you respect Paris Hilton for example?

I also think it's weird to equate $$$ with success or happiness, I rather have a few cheap beers with friends than sipping expensive champagne with people I don't even like or buying the newest BMW and then worrying about scratches, bird droppings or the neighbour getting an ever newer one. As long as it runs, has a radio and gets you where you want to go... who cares?

But maybe that's just me

Why are the expected to carry the weight of the other 300 million?

Well what has all the catering to the rich gotten us? Disappearing middle class, stagnant wages, slow economy... These are the results of too much inequality. Clearly the wealthy don't let anything trickle down, so what do you suggest we do?
You know, if you on the left were just as obsessed about getting rich as you are of those who are already rich, you just might have a happier life.

I guess that's the difference of mentality between conservatives and liberals. We conservatives see a successful person, we want to emulate them. We look up to them and their success. We wish we were more like them.

Guy, I was more right wing than you were up until 2008 or so. then one of your beloved rich people decided to fuck me over because I had the bad luck to hae medical issues. Fuck the rich and their greed.

The left? When the left sees a successful person, they loath them. They want them brought down, they want them punished, they look at our wealthy as the problem instead of the solution.

The wealthy ARE the problem. Were you not paying attention in 2008 when they wrecked the economy with their greed? Did you not notice all the closed factories because of their greed. It was totally on the news, not sure how you missed it.

What a terrible way to go through life; letting the fortunes of others ruin yours. As for myself, I'm not worried what other people are doing, I'm more concerned about what I'm doing or going to do. Why should I focus on them? It won't do me any good. I'll certainly never get ahead that way. I would sooner study them; their success; their climb to the top; their decision making......

I have studied their success, it's mostly built on fucking over other people to make themselves richer.

We had our greatest prosperity when the rich paid confiscatory tax rates and the workforce was heavily unionized.

Well that's what caused them to leave and take our jobs with them. It took a number of years, but it happened and is still happening to a lesser degree.

I lost my healthcare coverage thanks to Obama and Commie Care. Now I have to pay for my healthcare with after-tax money whereas before, it was a benefit out of the hands of government. Now it's a major expense I have to endure and it's much harder to make ends meet.

I've seen many businesses close down. We've lost a lot of customers that way. They don't leave out of greed, they leave because they cannot compete for customers with enormous expenses like unions, taxations and regulations. I've talked to the managers and even business owners of these places. They dreaded the thought of leaving the state or country. But it was either that, or join their employees in the unemployment line. Their foreign competition was killing them.

The housing bubble and crisis did not start on Wall Street, it started with government. Government was so hell bent on putting minorities into their own homes that they lowered bank standards and even pressured some to give out bad loans. It was government that put their stamp of approval on those bad securities that caused the collapse. What choice did they have? You have to do something with all these bad loans, and nobody would buy those loans if they knew they were bad.

Had government stayed out of the home loan industry, it would have remained solid. It's true that a lot of people would have been left out of the loop, particularly minorities, but trying to appease people to buy votes almost caused a worldwide financial collapse. You can't sell bad loans if you don't have those bad loans in the first place.

Greed is what caused jobs to leave. Sure they could have kept producing here, but why do that when they can make more importing from China? Lotta patriotism with those rich, and they own the repubs.
....If I ever strike it rich, nobody should hate me for the decisions I made in life that brought me success. While they were out spending their money on the newest cars, the most expensive entertainment packages on their television or cell phone, I was out trying to make my money grow. That's why I respect wealthy people.

I still think it's weird to respect people just because they're wealthy, do you respect Paris Hilton for example?

I also think it's weird to equate $$$ with success or happiness, I rather have a few cheap beers with friends than sipping expensive champagne with people I don't even like or buying the newest BMW and then worrying about scratches, bird droppings or the neighbour getting an ever newer one. As long as it runs, has a radio and gets you where you want to go... who cares?

But maybe that's just me


That's pretty much the point. We are all different. Different things make different people happy.

I love money but I'm not obsessed with it. My only goal in life is to be self-supportive where I don't have to work for anybody anymore. I don't need the newest cars either. I don't need a yacht, I don't need a mansion, and I don't even need a swimming pool. I'd be quite happy just having a middle-class life not working for anybody but myself.

For others, they love working for other people. Some people love entertainment and have a big screen in every room. Some like cars or vintage cars and have a collection of them.

For those who do have a true love for money, why should I hate them for that? Money is what makes them happy, and everybody in a free country like ours deserves the ability to find their happiness. When people find their happiness (whatever that may be) I celebrate their success in life.
You know, if you on the left were just as obsessed about getting rich as you are of those who are already rich, you just might have a happier life.

I guess that's the difference of mentality between conservatives and liberals. We conservatives see a successful person, we want to emulate them. We look up to them and their success. We wish we were more like them.

Guy, I was more right wing than you were up until 2008 or so. then one of your beloved rich people decided to fuck me over because I had the bad luck to hae medical issues. Fuck the rich and their greed.

The left? When the left sees a successful person, they loath them. They want them brought down, they want them punished, they look at our wealthy as the problem instead of the solution.

The wealthy ARE the problem. Were you not paying attention in 2008 when they wrecked the economy with their greed? Did you not notice all the closed factories because of their greed. It was totally on the news, not sure how you missed it.

What a terrible way to go through life; letting the fortunes of others ruin yours. As for myself, I'm not worried what other people are doing, I'm more concerned about what I'm doing or going to do. Why should I focus on them? It won't do me any good. I'll certainly never get ahead that way. I would sooner study them; their success; their climb to the top; their decision making......

I have studied their success, it's mostly built on fucking over other people to make themselves richer.

We had our greatest prosperity when the rich paid confiscatory tax rates and the workforce was heavily unionized.

Well that's what caused them to leave and take our jobs with them. It took a number of years, but it happened and is still happening to a lesser degree.

I lost my healthcare coverage thanks to Obama and Commie Care. Now I have to pay for my healthcare with after-tax money whereas before, it was a benefit out of the hands of government. Now it's a major expense I have to endure and it's much harder to make ends meet.

I've seen many businesses close down. We've lost a lot of customers that way. They don't leave out of greed, they leave because they cannot compete for customers with enormous expenses like unions, taxations and regulations. I've talked to the managers and even business owners of these places. They dreaded the thought of leaving the state or country. But it was either that, or join their employees in the unemployment line. Their foreign competition was killing them.

The housing bubble and crisis did not start on Wall Street, it started with government. Government was so hell bent on putting minorities into their own homes that they lowered bank standards and even pressured some to give out bad loans. It was government that put their stamp of approval on those bad securities that caused the collapse. What choice did they have? You have to do something with all these bad loans, and nobody would buy those loans if they knew they were bad.

Had government stayed out of the home loan industry, it would have remained solid. It's true that a lot of people would have been left out of the loop, particularly minorities, but trying to appease people to buy votes almost caused a worldwide financial collapse. You can't sell bad loans if you don't have those bad loans in the first place.

Greed is what caused jobs to leave. Sure they could have kept producing here, but why do that when they can make more importing from China? Lotta patriotism with those rich, and they own the repubs.

Then obviously you know little about business or business people.

True, some left to cheat the system, but after they left, others had to follow. If you and I have a widget factory, and I'm able to make five widgets in China for the price of your one widget, how do you compete with that?

If our widgets are sold in the same store, I will sell ten times (or more) widgets to people than you because mine are less than half the cost of yours. In America, people are consumed with cheaper everything. They don't care about where it's made, if it's slave labor or not, if buying an item puts any American out of work. They care about paying as little as they can for the item.

That's why most businesses left.

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