With The Latest Revelations About Clarence Thomas, What's The Over Under On "Weeks Until He Resigns in Disgrace"?

Why don't you ask a maude if they can help you put those hammer and sickle thingies on either side of your user handle again...It's very probably the most intellectually honest thing you've ever done.
She declared Random house paying her under contract for her own book.

so we were ALL AWARE of it

Unlike Justice Thomas, who hid all of his "GIFTS" from a Republican activist mega billionaire donor, over two decades. Thomas received strange and unusual mega GIFTS that were directly paid to him personally or his wife personally... not for a product, like a book he produced.

Random House never took Sotomeyer on luxurious vacations with one on one conversations on political positions expressed nor is Random House a mega Democratic donor with political stances or involvement.

In addition, there was no case, it was denied a SC court case, and you do NOT KNOW how she voted, which could have been a vote to hear it...

There is no comparison between the two...zip, nada, zilch.

And you have zero proof that Thomas' relationship with his friend influenced any court vote. If you could show a quid pro quo, you would have a point.

Really, is that the best you can do??????????????????
How come you can't manage to acknowledge the response to your post?

He hasn't sat on any cases regarding Crow.
Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas voted to end federal tenant protections that his billionaire benefactor’s company says threatened its real estate profit margins, according to corporate documents reviewed by the Lever. Thomas did not disclose his relationship with real estate billionaire Harlan Crow, nor did he recuse himself from the 2021 case, despite its potential impact on Crow Holdings.
How come you can't manage to acknowledge the response to your post?

Are you saying that voting to end unconstitutional federal interference with contracts was out of character for Thomas? BTW the vote was 6-3, so Thomas was NOT the deciding vote, recusing himself would have changed nothing.

Are you saying that voting to end unconstitutional federal interference with contracts was out of character for Thomas? BTW the vote was 6-3, so Thomas was NOT the deciding vote, recusing himself would have changed nothing.

Again, you miss the point.
Are you saying that voting to end unconstitutional federal interference with contracts was out of character for Thomas? BTW the vote was 6-3, so Thomas was NOT the deciding vote, recusing himself would have changed nothing.

That’s what the left always does. Forgets that 5 justices are needed to make a decision. Then they ignore the other 4 and only whine about Thomas. Like good little racist Dem sheep.
According to ProPublica, Thomas failed to report the tuition payments from Crow on his annual financial disclosures. Interestingly, Thomas disclosed a $5,000 gift he received from another friend for Martin’s education given before Crow’s tuition payments – raising questions about why the conservative justice felt he didn’t need to report Crow’s far larger gift.

Report: Clarence Thomas Didn’t Disclose Tuition GOP Donor Paid For His Grandnephew

Thank you, Clarence....

Between Thomas and his wife's outside income, they should easily able to pay back Harlan Crow for everything he gifted them over the years.
I love it when Republicans use voodoo economics. Defying the laws of mathematics and reason tax cuts pay for themselves, and raising taxes cuts revenues, and cutting taxes increases revenues.

That’s why the economy crashes every time the taxes are cut, and spending has increased. Increased government spending increases government revenues, not tax cuts. When the government buys military equipment, the workers get paid for building it, and they pay taxes to the government and then they spend the money they earn and merchants, where they spend it pay taxes to the government and government revenue goes up.

The revenues increased after Trump, cut the income taxes, because he gave corporations the option of bringing overseas profits home upon payment of a one time tax of 10%. Corporations brought hundreds of billions of dollars hold under this tax plan which boosted revenues for the years in which they brought it.

It wasn’t the tax cut that boosted revenues, it was the new repatriation tax.

I love it when Republicans use voodoo economics.

Cutting taxes, shrinking government and cutting regulations works every time.

Defying the laws of mathematics and reason tax cuts pay for themselves, and raising taxes cuts revenues, and cutting taxes increases revenues.

Cutting capital gains tax rates raises revenue. Every time.
Raising capital gains tax rates loses revenue. Every time.

That’s why the economy crashes every time the taxes are cut,

How soon? A month later? A year?
How does the tax cut cause the crash? Post some specifics.

Increased government spending increases government revenues, not tax cuts.

How much does $100 in increased spending cause revenues to increase?
$1? $5? $10?
Post your formula.

The revenues increased after Trump, cut the income taxes, because he gave corporations the option of bringing overseas profits home upon payment of a one time tax of 10%.

10% is better than 0%.
That’s what the left always does. Forgets that 5 justices are needed to make a decision. Then they ignore the other 4 and only whine about Thomas. Like good little racist Dem sheep.
They don't complain about Thomas because of which side he votes with, that's not the problem. Have you read Thomas's decisions. Even when he agrees with the majority, the reason for agreeing is a strange legal concoction.

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