With The Latest Revelations About Clarence Thomas, What's The Over Under On "Weeks Until He Resigns in Disgrace"?

What does he have to be ashamed about? It looks far more legal than Biden's son getting $85,000/month from Barisma. Please explain why one is corrupt and the other isn't.

Simple....One is on the Left....the other on the Right.

The Right has allowed the Left and the media to paint a global picture of the Lefts [virtue] and the Rights horrible racist, bigoted nature
Long ago I stated that the Right will never again be free men as long as the Left completely dominates the media.
It's the propagandists number one tool.
You said worse. I suppose that means you think being bought is better.
Sotomayor's trips are covered in the latest document Roberts appended to his reply to his invitation to appear.


The recusal thing is far worse.
the new GOP and Clarence Thomas have absolutely no shame about anything. They will do or say anything to protect the low tax rates on the rich and end of
You said worse. I suppose that means you think being bought is better.
Sotomayor's trips are covered in the latest document Roberts appended to his reply to his invitation to appear.

free flight and hotel when going to universities to give commencement addresses? That is fake news....

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