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Without bashing Trump, what did Biden do to build the case for himself in the debate?

Without even touching Republican or Democrat party doctrine, Biden showed a willingness to be the president of and for all Americans (US citizens if calling people who live in the US ā€œAmericansā€ sets off your injustice meter) not just the ones who vote or financially back him. He showed this by clearly telling the far left wing of his party that they did not win the primary and will not have the final say in his policies. That should hearten anyone who finds President Trumpā€™s personality problematic but finds walking toward socialism even more so.
Weak feeble Joe is going to fight off the far left loons in is party? After appointing one his running mate? Not likely.
He already has

Do you see much of Liz Warren or Bernie these days?
Kamala is not Sara Palin running around with her own agenda
I notice they have been propping up AOC. Another left loon.
Iā€™m not sure what you expect me to say to you, if you are starting from a place where you think Biden is not being genuine when he condemns the green new deal on national tv. As for Harris, not sure you have done your research there. A bunch of folks sitting in jail right now might not agree with your assessment. It is as if you have substituted the word Democrat for the words Radical Socialists. If you already are so firmly planted in your truth that there is no room for discussion of differing ideas, what is your point here?
Biden denies supporting the green new deal while touting it as his plan on his website. Either he is lying or he has no idea that it is touted as his plan on his website. And then he denies supporting defunding police or supporting rioters/ BLM and ANTIFA...while his VP running mate does both in public via the media.
Biden is a pragmatist. He always has been

He realizes the Green New Deal is a non-starter
So he is adapting its ideal to something that is achievable.

Of course, Republicans will oppose anything that helps the environment
More likely he has no clue what he supports because he is coached in public and has no say over his webpage.
Your responses are nothing but parroting and display zero personal thought or reflection. You are not actually saying anything other than ā€œBiden and Democrats by their nature are awful and will always beā€. I can tune into Tucker Carlson for that if Iā€™m interested. So please come proper if you come at all.
If you want me to feel Biden is genuine or even competent and running his own campaign itā€™s not going to happen. The democrats have proven themselves to be completely corrupt with their COVID power grabs over the last several months and their out right lying. Biden is a dithering buffoon that has no business running for president . Do I believe everything the republicans say? Hell no...they arenā€™t exactly speaking up against any of this shit in a meaningful way. You can listen to whomever you want no one cares. I will reply to whatever comments I feel inclined to. You can either deal with it or put me on ignore.

Who gives a shit?
You are not voting for Biden anyway
What does that have to do with posting opinions on his performance or mental health?
The fact that you wonā€™t vote for Trump doesnā€™t keep you from posting about him constantly.
First, you have me confused with a whole other body. I make it a point to avoid disparaging the President. I think all it achieves is insulting folks like you, for no reason other than we disagree. That being said, if all you do is spew someone elseā€™s ideas, I really donā€™t need to listen that closely because I can get a more complete version by going to the source. I have been trying to engage with you about our different points of view, but you just seem interested in ā€œwinning an argumentā€ by using talking points that dIā€™d not originate with you. Do I believe Joe Biden is going to be great President? No I do not. But I do believe he will be ā€œnormally incompetentā€œ. To me that would be a welcome change. I fear that the past three administrations in the executive branch have all disregarded and disrupted some of the norms that allow a democracy to function. So to me, at least, this has less to do with Trump and his Presidency as it does with the understanding that when democratic governments are working well, it is boring. I do not want a Reality show happening in the Oval Office whether that show be, ā€œMeet the Obamaā€™s; Theyā€™re just like you!ā€ Or ā€œTrumpworldā€. Both seem to me to be all style and almost no substance. And because I love this country and the ideals of our founding documents, Iā€™m not just going to complain, but Iā€™ll even give you an alternative...Admiral William McRaven. But since he is way to smart to jump into an impossible situation, Iā€™m stuck again choosing between two very imperfect choices.
You were not trying to engage in a conversation of different points of view....you were engaging in self righteous lecturing and dismissIng opinions ā€œ as parroting others talking pointsā€. Feel free to piss off.
Yawn. Tired, simple, and not offering original thought, and Iā€™m self righteous? Please. You appear to be looking for a fight, Iā€™m pretty sure you are well out of your depth. Hold on tight and donā€™t loose your grip on that rope. Whistle, whistle.
Antifa is a terrorist organization that has / is based on an ideology and goal. The same goes for BLM.

No, they are Americans who have a valid complaint with their government.

That is not the case. Like it or not, 'BLM' is now associated with extreme violence, with looting, burning, assaulting, raping, murdering, 'burning it down', with fascist, Marxists, with cop assassinations / attacks, etc... It no longer has anything to do with George Floyd.

Oh, please. Most of the demostrations have been peaceful... and there's just as much violence coming from the Proud Boys and other racists.
Martin Luther King Jr. and his peaceful followers who marched without looting, burning, destroying, assaulting, murdering, and assassinating cops were Americans who had a valid complaint with their government and with society that needed changing and did as a result of peaceful efforts.

The Antifa that showed up in Charlottesville admittedly intent on initiating violence - who showed up with body armor, baseball bats and other weapons, with jars of their own urine to throw at peaceful protestors who had a permit to march - showed who they were: criminals, terrorists.

Don't look now, Joe, but that 'IDEA' just threw a bottle of urine at that woman and hit that guy in the back of the head with a baseball bat....

'most demonstrations have been peaceful'

Thank you CNN for that unbiased report...

CNN Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests Parodies | Know Your Meme


Martin Luther King Jr. and his peaceful followers who marched without looting, burning, destroying, assaulting, murdering, and assassinating cops were Americans who had a valid complaint with their government and with society that needed changing and did as a result of peaceful efforts.

Uh, actually, Dr. King faced the same kinds of criticisms at the time.

Here's a cartoon from 1967. The fact we are still talking about the same things 53 years later is the problem.



The Antifa that showed up in Charlottesville admittedly intent on initiating violence, who showed up with body armor, baseball bats and other weapons, with jars of their own urine to throw at peaceful protestors who had a permit to march showed who they were - criminals, terrorists.

Wow, you are still trying to paint the Nazis at Charlottesville as "Very Fine People"? Isn't that special?
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I donā€™t think Biden provided any substance to his platform. He talked about energy, climate change, and taxes on the rich but appeared to be disjointed in that somehow all of these initiatives were all going to lead to jobs. He provided no insight as to ā€œhowā€ or ā€œwhyā€ those jobs were going to happen. Itā€™s almost as if ā€œjobsā€ was a mantra to make everyone feel good and to justify each of his initiatives.

I defy any Biden supporter to refute my thread on Biden without a ā€œBut Trump....ā€ or bashing Trump. We already have plenty of threads playing up Biden dependent on Trump being bashed. Letā€™s see if Biden is a solid stand-alone.
No, I won't be doing what you asked. Not when trump interrupted every time during Bidens response time. You want to ignore that and it can't be done.
Antifa is a terrorist organization that has / is based on an ideology and goal. The same goes for BLM.

No, they are Americans who have a valid complaint with their government.

That is not the case. Like it or not, 'BLM' is now associated with extreme violence, with looting, burning, assaulting, raping, murdering, 'burning it down', with fascist, Marxists, with cop assassinations / attacks, etc... It no longer has anything to do with George Floyd.

Oh, please. Most of the demostrations have been peaceful... and there's just as much violence coming from the Proud Boys and other racists.
Martin Luther King Jr. and his peaceful followers who marched without looting, burning, destroying, assaulting, murdering, and assassinating cops were Americans who had a valid complaint with their government and with society that needed changing and did as a result of peaceful efforts.

The Antifa that showed up in Charlottesville admittedly intent on initiating violence - who showed up with body armor, baseball bats and other weapons, with jars of their own urine to throw at peaceful protestors who had a permit to march - showed who they were: criminals, terrorists.

Don't look now, Joe, but that 'IDEA' just threw a bottle of urine at that woman and hit that guy in the back of the head with a baseball bat....

'most demonstrations have been peaceful'

Thank you CNN for that unbiased report...

View attachment 395985


11,000 protests. 93 percent peaceful. 10,230 peaceful protests. 770 not peaceful. Over 500 of the protests held with violence created by white supremacists. White supremacists are the main ones responsible for the violence...
Biden put to rest any rumors that he has dementia

He also presented himself as the more ā€œpresidentialā€ of the two
He looked weak. Trump gave us an example of how alphas will trample over Biden with ease. Putin would make him his bitch.
trump is not an alpha male and talking over someone off topic is not alpha. Biden has dealt with Putin. You seem to forget he was VP. trump is already Putins bitch.
If anything, I believe Biden lost some ground with his own supporters. He declared he was against defunding the police and insisted he was NOT for the Green New Deal, which is going to turn off a lot of far left extremists. I did find it amusing that Biden didn't recognize what was in 'his' plan - the Green New Deal posted on his web site.

Joe confirmed everyone's suspicion that his list of judges contains a bunch of radicals by refusing to release the list / name any names, and he ran from that challenge and from the question if supports packing the court.

His reaction to President Trump pointing out that he DID oppose life-saving travel bans - grimacing and shaking his head 'NO' - was a big flashing neon 'LIAR' sign over his head. Unless they were living in their basement like Joe, everyone remembers how Joe led the Democrats in opposition to them, calling them 'Xenophobic' while Democrats authored legislation to block the bans.
Apparently you guys watched another debate.
Uh, actually, Dr. King faced the same kinds of criticisms at the time.

Wow, did you intentionally dodge the point of my reference to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, a peaceful man who engaged in TRUE peaceful protests, unlike Antifa with their looting, burning, and extreme violence, or are you just really this stupid? rioting and terrorism

Wow, you are still trying to paint the Nazis at Charlottesville as "Very Fine People"? Isn't that special?

Thank you for answering my question - YOU REALLY ARE THIS F*ING STUPID.

The only thing I am defending is every Americans' right to peacefully assemble and to freedom of speech.

YOU, on the other hand have to twist, spin, use pieces of things said out of context, and accuse others of saying things they never say. YOU are the one defending a bunch of socialist / fascist terrorists who proudly admitted they showed up in Charlottesville to initiate violence, which they did.

It burns the shit out of the fake news because Trump destroyed their fake narrative that 'white supremacists destroyed Charlottesville after initiating violence against poor peaceful Antifa'. That was exposed as a blatant LIE as the self-proclaimed leader of Charlottesville that day bragged on national TV how they had showed up with the intent of criminally initiating violence and attacking the white supremacists - who had a permit to assemble / march, unlike your precious Antifa.

You might not like the white supremacists - HELL, I DON'T IKE THEM (is that plain enough for you, or has your terminal TDS fried your frickin' pea-sized brain) - but like it or not the US Constitution gives EVERY American the right to peacefully assemble and the right of Freedom of Speech. Antifa admittedly chose to violate the Constitutional Rights of Americans in Charlottesville by illegally, criminally, violently attacking the white supremacists.

Intolerant sons-of-bitches, whether they are Antifa attacking someone or some liberal bitch snatching a 'MAGA' hat off a CHILD's head, need to learn you can disagree with someone all you want, but you do NOT have the right to TOUCH them, attack them, or try to silence them.

I am very defensive and protective of this country and our Constitution after spending many years fighting to defend them.

I don't know you, don't like many of your opinions (which I credit to lack of experience, stupidity, and/or emotion getting the best of you at times).... but if you were on the street cursing Donald Trump, cursing this country, and saying hateful things and someone tried to attack you, silence you, I would be there beside you defending you, fighting along side you for your right to say what you want / feel. My feelings and comments are the same with anyone NOT breaking laws.

My comments were in defense of Constitutional Rights to peacefully assemble and right to free speech, not in defense of a bunch of hate-filled white supremacists. YOU, on the other hand, are defending Antifa as if they did NOTHING.

Is that plain enough for you, slick, or do you want to spin what I said, accuse me of saying something I did not say again?
If anything, I believe Biden lost some ground with his own supporters. He declared he was against defunding the police and insisted he was NOT for the Green New Deal, which is going to turn off a lot of far left extremists. I did find it amusing that Biden didn't recognize what was in 'his' plan - the Green New Deal posted on his web site.

Joe confirmed everyone's suspicion that his list of judges contains a bunch of radicals by refusing to release the list / name any names, and he ran from that challenge and from the question if supports packing the court.

His reaction to President Trump pointing out that he DID oppose life-saving travel bans - grimacing and shaking his head 'NO' - was a big flashing neon 'LIAR' sign over his head. Unless they were living in their basement like Joe, everyone remembers how Joe led the Democrats in opposition to them, calling them 'Xenophobic' while Democrats authored legislation to block the bans.
Apparently you guys watched another debate.
Are you saying Biden did NOT say he was against defunding the police?

Are you saying Biden did NOT say he was against the Green New Deal, that it was not his plan?

Are you saying Biden did NOT shake his head 'no' and make faces, as if to say Trump was wrong when Trump pointed out accurately Joe opposed the travel bans early on?

I have posted the exact transcripts from the debate. I have posted pictures of Biden making faces - there is even video of that moment that has been posted. Perhaps you have not seen any of these and was in the bathroom at these times during the debate?!
If anything, I believe Biden lost some ground with his own supporters. He declared he was against defunding the police and insisted he was NOT for the Green New Deal, which is going to turn off a lot of far left extremists. I did find it amusing that Biden didn't recognize what was in 'his' plan - the Green New Deal posted on his web site.

Joe confirmed everyone's suspicion that his list of judges contains a bunch of radicals by refusing to release the list / name any names, and he ran from that challenge and from the question if supports packing the court.

His reaction to President Trump pointing out that he DID oppose life-saving travel bans - grimacing and shaking his head 'NO' - was a big flashing neon 'LIAR' sign over his head. Unless they were living in their basement like Joe, everyone remembers how Joe led the Democrats in opposition to them, calling them 'Xenophobic' while Democrats authored legislation to block the bans.
Apparently you guys watched another debate.
Are you saying Biden did NOT say he was against defunding the police?

Are you saying Biden did NOT say he was against the Green New Deal, that it was not his plan?

Are you saying Biden did NOT shake his head 'no' and make faces, as if to say Trump was wrong when Trump pointed out accurately Joe opposed the travel bans early on?

I have posted the exact transcripts from the debate. I have posted pictures of Biden making faces - there is even video of that moment that has been posted. Perhaps you have not seen any of these and was in the bathroom at these times during the debate?!
The CNN poll said Biden won 60-28, so the American people thought BIden built the better case.

A large part of it was demeanor. Biden addressed the audience instead of just yelling at the other guy. He looked into the cameras instead of glaring at the other guy. He acted like a president, as opposed to a screaming toddler. If Trump had done some debate prep, he could have been coached on such things, but Trump decided he was above all that.

That all debates are now.. Information is there about policies... This is all about the show... I was watching Crooked Media (ex Obama Staffers) talk about the debate and Obama wanting to get policy right and eventually in frustration turns to them and said 'you just want me to put on a performance'... Answer was "Exactly"

Biden won the look Presidential... He also won the 'Who would I have a beer with"/"Who is nice" question... He could have won more but Trump was so all over place ...
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Uh, actually, Dr. King faced the same kinds of criticisms at the time.

Wow, did you intentionally dodge the point of my reference to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, a peaceful man who engaged in TRUE peaceful protests, unlike Antifa with their looting, burning, and extreme violence, or are you just really this stupid? rioting and terrorism

Wow, you are still trying to paint the Nazis at Charlottesville as "Very Fine People"? Isn't that special?

Thank you for answering my question - YOU REALLY ARE THIS F*ING STUPID.

The only thing I am defending is every Americans' right to peacefully assemble and to freedom of speech.

YOU, on the other hand have to twist, spin, use pieces of things said out of context, and accuse others of saying things they never say. YOU are the one defending a bunch of socialist / fascist terrorists who proudly admitted they showed up in Charlottesville to initiate violence, which they did.

It burns the shit out of the fake news because Trump destroyed their fake narrative that 'white supremacists destroyed Charlottesville after initiating violence against poor peaceful Antifa'. That was exposed as a blatant LIE as the self-proclaimed leader of Charlottesville that day bragged on national TV how they had showed up with the intent of criminally initiating violence and attacking the white supremacists - who had a permit to assemble / march, unlike your precious Antifa.

You might not like the white supremacists - HELL, I DON'T IKE THEM (is that plain enough for you, or has your terminal TDS fried your frickin' pea-sized brain) - but like it or not the US Constitution gives EVERY American the right to peacefully assemble and the right of Freedom of Speech. Antifa admittedly chose to violate the Constitutional Rights of Americans in Charlottesville by illegally, criminally, violently attacking the white supremacists.

Intolerant sons-of-bitches, whether they are Antifa attacking someone or some liberal bitch snatching a 'MAGA' hat off a CHILD's head, need to learn you can disagree with someone all you want, but you do NOT have the right to TOUCH them, attack them, or try to silence them.

I am very defensive and protective of this country and our Constitution after spending many years fighting to defend them.

I don't know you, don't like many of your opinions (which I credit to lack of experience, stupidity, and/or emotion getting the best of you at times).... but if you were on the street cursing Donald Trump, cursing this country, and saying hateful things and someone tried to attack you, silence you, I would be there beside you defending you, fighting along side you for your right to say what you want / feel. My feelings and comments are the same with anyone NOT breaking laws.

My comments were in defense of Constitutional Rights to peacefully assemble and right to free speech, not in defense of a bunch of hate-filled white supremacists. YOU, on the other hand, are defending Antifa as if they did NOTHING.

Is that plain enough for you, slick, or do you want to spin what I said, accuse me of saying something I did not say again?
Everything you said here is a lie. But your defense of your fellow white supremacists is expected.
Antifa is a terrorist organization that has / is based on an ideology and goal. The same goes for BLM.

No, they are Americans who have a valid complaint with their government.

That is not the case. Like it or not, 'BLM' is now associated with extreme violence, with looting, burning, assaulting, raping, murdering, 'burning it down', with fascist, Marxists, with cop assassinations / attacks, etc... It no longer has anything to do with George Floyd.

Oh, please. Most of the demostrations have been peaceful... and there's just as much violence coming from the Proud Boys and other racists.
Martin Luther King Jr. and his peaceful followers who marched without looting, burning, destroying, assaulting, murdering, and assassinating cops were Americans who had a valid complaint with their government and with society that needed changing and did as a result of peaceful efforts.

The Antifa that showed up in Charlottesville admittedly intent on initiating violence - who showed up with body armor, baseball bats and other weapons, with jars of their own urine to throw at peaceful protestors who had a permit to march - showed who they were: criminals, terrorists.

Don't look now, Joe, but that 'IDEA' just threw a bottle of urine at that woman and hit that guy in the back of the head with a baseball bat....

'most demonstrations have been peaceful'

Thank you CNN for that unbiased report...

View attachment 395985


11,000 protests. 93 percent peaceful. 10,230 peaceful protests. 770 not peaceful. Over 500 of the protests held with violence created by white supremacists. White supremacists are the main ones responsible for the violence...

CNN Mocked For Reporting Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests With Burning  Riot In Background | Video | RealClearPolitics

Black Lives Matter: birth of a movement | Wesley Lowery | World news | The  Guardian

'White Supremacist'....?!

I was a civil rights activist in the 1960s. But it's hard for me to get  behind Black Lives Matter. - The Washington Post

'White Supremacists'...'peaceful protest'....

2 California Deputies Shot in Apparent Ambush in Patrol Car | Voice of  America - English

'White Supremacist'....

Mostly Peaceful' protests have cost approx. $1 BILLION dollars n damage so far....

Thanks for your opinion...I think everyne should start off the day with a laugh....
Wow, did you intentionally dodge the point of my reference to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, a peaceful man who engaged in TRUE peaceful protests, unlike Antifa with their looting, burning, and extreme violence, or are you just really this stupid? rioting and terrorism

No dodge at all. Dr. King got blamed for the riots in the 1960's. There were a lot of riots in the 1960's. heck, I remember my dad moving the family out of Chicago to avoid the riots while he stayed home and worked, that's how bad it was. He also showed my mom how to use a gun. The riots in the 1960's were a LOT worse than these are.

Antifa isn't an organization, it's a philosophy. You really can't blame a philosophy for riots.

My view on the riots has been pretty consistent. BLM asked for YEARS for years for reform of police departments. Their protests were peaceful and mostly still are. Yes, we have riots now, thanks to the anxiety levels being so high from TRUMP PLAGUE and TRUMP RECESSION, which has led to TRUMP RIOTS.

The only thing I am defending is every Americans' right to peacefully assemble and to freedom of speech.

YOU, on the other hand have to twist, spin, use pieces of things said out of context, and accuse others of saying things they never say. YOU are the one defending a bunch of socialist / fascist terrorists who proudly admitted they showed up in Charlottesville to initiate violence, which they did.

Uh, guy, the riots in Charlottesville were organized by Unite The Right, and they were the ones who killed someone, not the counterdemonstrators.

And Trump called them "very fine people".

I am very defensive and protective of this country and our Constitution after spending many years fighting to defend them.

Dude, Trump wipes his ass with the constitution every day. You can't support the constitution and support Trump. If you cared about this country, you'd be for getting rid of Trump as quickly as possible.

What you are for is refusing to admit your side made a mistake putting him where he is to start with.
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Antifa is a terrorist organization that has / is based on an ideology and goal. The same goes for BLM.

No, they are Americans who have a valid complaint with their government.

That is not the case. Like it or not, 'BLM' is now associated with extreme violence, with looting, burning, assaulting, raping, murdering, 'burning it down', with fascist, Marxists, with cop assassinations / attacks, etc... It no longer has anything to do with George Floyd.

Oh, please. Most of the demostrations have been peaceful... and there's just as much violence coming from the Proud Boys and other racists.
Martin Luther King Jr. and his peaceful followers who marched without looting, burning, destroying, assaulting, murdering, and assassinating cops were Americans who had a valid complaint with their government and with society that needed changing and did as a result of peaceful efforts.

The Antifa that showed up in Charlottesville admittedly intent on initiating violence - who showed up with body armor, baseball bats and other weapons, with jars of their own urine to throw at peaceful protestors who had a permit to march - showed who they were: criminals, terrorists.

Don't look now, Joe, but that 'IDEA' just threw a bottle of urine at that woman and hit that guy in the back of the head with a baseball bat....

'most demonstrations have been peaceful'

Thank you CNN for that unbiased report...

View attachment 395985


11,000 protests. 93 percent peaceful. 10,230 peaceful protests. 770 not peaceful. Over 500 of the protests held with violence created by white supremacists. White supremacists are the main ones responsible for the violence...

View attachment 395993

View attachment 395994
'White Supremacist'....?!

I was a civil rights activist in the 1960s. But it's hard for me to get  behind Black Lives Matter. - The Washington Post's hard for me to get  behind Black Lives Matter. - The Washington Post

'White Supremacists'...'peaceful protest'....

2 California Deputies Shot in Apparent Ambush in Patrol Car | Voice of  America - English

'White Supremacist'....

Mostly Peaceful' protests have cost approx. $1 BILLION dollars n damage so far....

Thanks for your opinion...I think everyne should start off the day with a laugh....
Fact. 11,000 protests. 93 percent peaceful. 10,230 peaceful protests. 770 not peaceful. Over 500 of the protests held with violence created by white supremacists. 3 pictures don't support your claim. White supremacists are the main ones responsible for the violence...
Uh, actually, Dr. King faced the same kinds of criticisms at the time.

Wow, did you intentionally dodge the point of my reference to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, a peaceful man who engaged in TRUE peaceful protests, unlike Antifa with their looting, burning, and extreme violence, or are you just really this stupid? rioting and terrorism

Wow, you are still trying to paint the Nazis at Charlottesville as "Very Fine People"? Isn't that special?

Thank you for answering my question - YOU REALLY ARE THIS F*ING STUPID.

The only thing I am defending is every Americans' right to peacefully assemble and to freedom of speech.

YOU, on the other hand have to twist, spin, use pieces of things said out of context, and accuse others of saying things they never say. YOU are the one defending a bunch of socialist / fascist terrorists who proudly admitted they showed up in Charlottesville to initiate violence, which they did.

It burns the shit out of the fake news because Trump destroyed their fake narrative that 'white supremacists destroyed Charlottesville after initiating violence against poor peaceful Antifa'. That was exposed as a blatant LIE as the self-proclaimed leader of Charlottesville that day bragged on national TV how they had showed up with the intent of criminally initiating violence and attacking the white supremacists - who had a permit to assemble / march, unlike your precious Antifa.

You might not like the white supremacists - HELL, I DON'T IKE THEM (is that plain enough for you, or has your terminal TDS fried your frickin' pea-sized brain) - but like it or not the US Constitution gives EVERY American the right to peacefully assemble and the right of Freedom of Speech. Antifa admittedly chose to violate the Constitutional Rights of Americans in Charlottesville by illegally, criminally, violently attacking the white supremacists.

Intolerant sons-of-bitches, whether they are Antifa attacking someone or some liberal bitch snatching a 'MAGA' hat off a CHILD's head, need to learn you can disagree with someone all you want, but you do NOT have the right to TOUCH them, attack them, or try to silence them.

I am very defensive and protective of this country and our Constitution after spending many years fighting to defend them.

I don't know you, don't like many of your opinions (which I credit to lack of experience, stupidity, and/or emotion getting the best of you at times).... but if you were on the street cursing Donald Trump, cursing this country, and saying hateful things and someone tried to attack you, silence you, I would be there beside you defending you, fighting along side you for your right to say what you want / feel. My feelings and comments are the same with anyone NOT breaking laws.

My comments were in defense of Constitutional Rights to peacefully assemble and right to free speech, not in defense of a bunch of hate-filled white supremacists. YOU, on the other hand, are defending Antifa as if they did NOTHING.

Is that plain enough for you, slick, or do you want to spin what I said, accuse me of saying something I did not say again?
Everything you said here is a lie. But your defense of your fellow white supremacists is expected.
F* you, troll. I post evidence - you post insults, attacks, fake news, and BS. Fitting you end your post with yet another false accusation of something I never said. I said just the opposite in fact, proving you either can't read, or just stupid...or both.

You just proved you are a liar and have zero credibility, nothing you post is worth reading. You, like what you posted, is not worth anyone's time.
Little question that Trump dominated the debate
He dominated Biden with insults, interruptions and refusing to let him speak
He dominated the moderator by speaking over him and asking his own questions

But Biden won with just two words

Proud Boys

He doesn't have any law support. He has no law enforcement.

That's not true.

He has almost nothing. Oh, really, who do you have name one group that supports you name one group that came out and supported you. Go ahead. Think we have time.

We don't have time to do anything.

No, no think right now. Name one law enforcement group that came out in support of you.

Now, gentleman. I think I'm going to tell I'm going to take back the bottom line.

There aren't any.

Biden was called out, lied, and had to be saved by Wallace.

`Feeling stupid
Wow, did you intentionally dodge the point of my reference to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, a peaceful man who engaged in TRUE peaceful protests, unlike Antifa with their looting, burning, and extreme violence, or are you just really this stupid? rioting and terrorism

No dodge at all. Dr. King got blamed for the riots in the 1960's. There were a lot of riots in the 1960's. heck, I remember my dad moving the family out of Chicago to avoid the riots while he stayed home and worked, that's how bad it was. He also showed my mom how to use a gun. The riots in the 1960's were a LOT worse than these are.

Antifa isn't an organization, it's a philosophy. You really can't blame a philosophy for riots.

My view on the riots has been pretty consistent. BLM asked for YEARS for years for reform of police departments. Their protests were peaceful and mostly still are. Yes, we have riots now, thanks to the anxiety levels being so high from TRUMP PLAGUE and TRUMP RECESSION, which has led to TRUMP RIOTS.

The only thing I am defending is every Americans' right to peacefully assemble and to freedom of speech.

YOU, on the other hand have to twist, spin, use pieces of things said out of context, and accuse others of saying things they never say. YOU are the one defending a bunch of socialist / fascist terrorists who proudly admitted they showed up in Charlottesville to initiate violence, which they did.

Uh, guy, the riots in Charlottesville were organized by Unite The Right, and they were the ones who killed someone, not the counterdemonstrators.

And Trump called them "very fine people".

I am very defensive and protective of this country and our Constitution after spending many years fighting to defend them.

Dude, Trump wipes his ass with the constitution every day. You can't support the constitution and support Trump. If you cared about this country, you'd be for getting rid of Trump as quickly as possible.

What you are for is refusing to admit your side made a mistake putting him where he is to start with.
1. You are right - MLK Jr got BLAMED for the riots. You know yourself that he engaged in no violence.

2. An IDEA does not show up in body armor with weapons and bottles of urine. A PHILOSOPHY does not go on TV and declare it showed up in Charlottesville intent on initiating violence and bragging how they did jut that.

3. There is never any excuse for violence, especially bringing in people who don't live there and turning them lose - looting and burning local stores/businesses, assaulting and murdering innocent people, stirring up more violence. You go right ahead and defend them and their terrorism, though.

4. 'Dude, Trump wipes his ass with the constitution every day. '

Thank you for the TDS-driven emotional diatribe, but give some examples, not just bullshit.

Barak Obama violated both Constitution and Law. he was held in Contempt of Court at least TWICE for refusing to comply with Federal Judges' mandates. His administration lost a record number of fights with the USSC. He violated the Constitution with his recess appointments and with his DACA 'EDICT', which he himself admitted he did not have the Constitutional Authority to do. He illegally and Un-Constitutionally spied on EVERYONE....and all of this has been reported, recorded, and backed up with evidence over and over on this board.

THIS is how you prove a President has actually violated the Constitution, how a President has 'wiped his ass with the Constitution every F*ING day, not through some unsubstantiated generalized, butt-hurt emotional rant like you gave.

He doesn't have any law support. He has no law enforcement.

That's not true.

He has almost nothing. Oh, really, who do you have name one group that supports you name one group that came out and supported you. Go ahead. Think we have time.

We don't have time to do anything.

No, no think right now. Name one law enforcement group that came out in support of you.

Now, gentleman. I think I'm going to tell I'm going to take back the bottom line.

There aren't any.

Biden was called out, lied, and had to be saved by Wallace.

`Feeling stupid
Not at all, but thanks for asking.... :p

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