Without education, what kind of jobs will be available to young Americans?

Newt Gingrich had an interesting proposal that anyone receiving Unemployment Benefits should be going to some sort of Education classes to retrain or increase their knowledge in their field to make them more employable. That would be better thn them sitting at home doing nothing.

Newt appears to be a man with good ideas.

Good idea.

Socialism, of course, but still...a good idea.
My children go to a progressive school that deals with giving them self confidence, and it is amazing. My son easily overcomes a learning disability because of self confidence. My children, 8 and 11 happily will go on a bus trip from New York City to Vermont without us. Self confidence helps the student deal with school in their high school years. Any teacher will tell you this. Today, too many homes have both parents in careers, or at least working, and the children are neglected as far as training. I feel sorry for your children if they are not confident and do not feel good about themselves.
How do you feel about a school doing what you should have done as a parent?

Apparently, not suitably ashamed.

Nutrition and dietary training should be taught at home, but look at how many obese American children there are. Discipline should be taught at home, but look at all of the disciplinary problems there are in American schools. Your point is a bad one, only used for a cheap insult. You constantly let yourself down because of your hatred.
"Hatred"? :lol:

Look, just because your worldview is based on emotionalism, doesn't mean everyone's is.

And great job at ceding your responsibilities to the State. Don't assume that because you're not capable of raising your children that no one else is.
My children go to a progressive school that deals with giving them self confidence, and it is amazing. My son easily overcomes a learning disability because of self confidence. My children, 8 and 11 happily will go on a bus trip from New York City to Vermont without us. Self confidence helps the student deal with school in their high school years. Any teacher will tell you this. Today, too many homes have both parents in careers, or at least working, and the children are neglected as far as training. I feel sorry for your children if they are not confident and do not feel good about themselves.
How do you feel about a school doing what you should have done as a parent?

Apparently, not suitably ashamed.

Nutrition and dietary training should be taught at home, but look at how many obese American children there are. Discipline should be taught at home, but look at all of the disciplinary problems there are in American schools. Your point is a bad one, only used for a cheap insult. You constantly let yourself down because of your hatred.

This is mostly because parents have ceded their responsibility to the education system where it has been a complete failure. Today, people don't just expect school to give students the information and tools they need. They expect them to also feed them, care for them before and after school, teach them morals and values, cover sexual education and a host of other things that are not just parents responsibility but things that ONLY parents can instill in their children. Taking that responsibility from parents is clearly not working. Holding them accountable, now THAT'S a novel idea.
Also, still waiting for someone to substantiate those asinine statements about how much better liberal states are with education, how much better left policies have been and any of the other partisan hack statements that have been put forth so far....
It is done both at school and at home.]

School is not the place for it, home is.

If certain things were taught at home, there would not be as much need for them to be taught in school, See my above post to Dave. A lot of the failure in American education comes from the parents.

Teachers are not parents; schools are not home. That's why they always have and always will fail when they try to act the part.
Also, still waiting for someone to substantiate those asinine statements about how much better liberal states are with education, how much better left policies have been and any of the other partisan hack statements that have been put forth so far....

It's worked well in countries that have education that is better than ours in every way.
How do you feel about a school doing what you should have done as a parent?

Apparently, not suitably ashamed.

Nutrition and dietary training should be taught at home, but look at how many obese American children there are. Discipline should be taught at home, but look at all of the disciplinary problems there are in American schools. Your point is a bad one, only used for a cheap insult. You constantly let yourself down because of your hatred.

This is mostly because parents have ceded their responsibility to the education system where it has been a complete failure. Today, people don't just expect school to give students the information and tools they need. They expect them to also feed them, care for them before and after school, teach them morals and values, cover sexual education and a host of other things that are not just parents responsibility but things that ONLY parents can instill in their children. Taking that responsibility from parents is clearly not working. Holding them accountable, now THAT'S a novel idea.

It was always the right way, and parents are accountable. This has happened because of the disintegration of the family unit from both parents working so that they can own more material goods.
School is not the place for it, home is.

If certain things were taught at home, there would not be as much need for them to be taught in school, See my above post to Dave. A lot of the failure in American education comes from the parents.

Teachers are not parents; schools are not home. That's why they always have and always will fail when they try to act the part.

I agree, and they should not be forced to play the part.

Nutrition and dietary training should be taught at home, but look at how many obese American children there are. Discipline should be taught at home, but look at all of the disciplinary problems there are in American schools. Your point is a bad one, only used for a cheap insult. You constantly let yourself down because of your hatred.

This is mostly because parents have ceded their responsibility to the education system where it has been a complete failure. Today, people don't just expect school to give students the information and tools they need. They expect them to also feed them, care for them before and after school, teach them morals and values, cover sexual education and a host of other things that are not just parents responsibility but things that ONLY parents can instill in their children. Taking that responsibility from parents is clearly not working. Holding them accountable, now THAT'S a novel idea.

It was always the right way, and parents are accountable. This has happened because of the disintegration of the family unit from both parents working so that they can own more material goods.

Oh brother... :rolleyes: ...the Marxist BS again...
If certain things were taught at home, there would not be as much need for them to be taught in school, See my above post to Dave. A lot of the failure in American education comes from the parents.

Teachers are not parents; schools are not home. That's why they always have and always will fail when they try to act the part.

I agree, and they should not be forced to play the part.

That doesn't seem to be what you've been saying here.
Also, still waiting for someone to substantiate those asinine statements about how much better liberal states are with education, how much better left policies have been and any of the other partisan hack statements that have been put forth so far....

It's worked well in countries that have education that is better than ours in every way.
Repeating an opinion is not substantiation.
Also, still waiting for someone to substantiate those asinine statements about how much better liberal states are with education, how much better left policies have been and any of the other partisan hack statements that have been put forth so far....

It's worked well in countries that have education that is better than ours in every way.
Repeating an opinion is not substantiation.

I'm just stating fact. Not opinion.


In tertiary education, two mostly separate and non-interoperating sectors are found: the profession-oriented polytechnics and the research-oriented universities. Education is free and living expenses are to a large extent financed by the government through student benefits. There are 20 universities and 30 polytechnics in the country. Helsinki University is ranked 75th in the Top University Ranking of 2010.[71] The World Economic Forum ranks Finland's tertiary education #2 in the world.[72] Around 33% of residents have a tertiary degree, similar to Nordics and more than in most other OECD countries except Canada (44%), United States (38%) and Japan(37%).[73] The proportion of foreign students is 3% of all tertiary enrolments, one of the lowest in OECD, while in advanced programs it is 7.3%, still below OECD average 16.5%.[74]


The Danish education system provides access to primary school, secondary school and most kinds of higher education. Attendance at "Folkeskole" or equivalent education is compulsory for a minimum of 9 years. Equivalent education could be in private schools or classes attended at home. About 99% of students attend primary school, 86% attend secondary school, and 41% pursue further education. All college education in Denmark is free; there are no tuition fees to enroll in courses. Students in secondary school or higher and aged 18 or above may apply for student support which provides fixed financial support, disbursed monthly.


Higher education in Norway is offered by a range of seven universities, five specialized colleges, 25 university colleges as well as a range of private colleges. Education follows the Bologna Process involving Bachelor (3 years), Master (2 years) and PhD (3 years) degrees.[120] Acceptance is offered after finishing upper secondary school with general study competence.
Public education is virtually free, regardless of nationality,[121] with an academic year with two semesters, from August to December and from January to June. The ultimate responsibility for the education lies with the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research.

One of the few is Australia that is similar to our current system. They are up there higher than us.

The US is pretty far down the list actually.
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It should not be lost in all this that our universities are by far the best in the world, and that international students in the hundreds of thousands flock to the US (a strong majority from the very countries with which some like to compare us unfavorably) to study in our junior and senior high schools as well as universities.
It should not be lost in all this that our universities are by far the best in the world, and that international students in the hundreds of thousands flock to the US (a strong majority from the very countries with which some like to compare us unfavorably) to study in our junior and senior high schools as well as universities.

Why is our education so horrible in comparison than?

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