Without Googling, Do You Recognize the Name Cody Holte ?

OMG! OMG!! A black person is getting sympathy and attention for being murdered on camera as if he were disposable... this must victimize conservatives and they are of course pussy victims!!! Wahahaha.

None of you give a shit about this officer. Very sad he lost his life. I found his family’s gofundme page. Please feel free to support him. Even you heartless racist righties. I know I will.

Let's get back to the TOPIC. The media is going apeshit over the Floyd killing, which they must have known would spark riots, just like KTLA did with Rodney King.

At the same time, they are cricket silent on the Holte killing.

Perhaps this is the bigger story than both killings put together.

Few things:
Floyd's killing was filmed
Floyd's killer was a peace officer, Holte's was not
There are numerous stories about Holte being killed. Google it.
The circumstances around Floyd's death are a lot different from Holte's
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The rioters in various cities, have been videoed, and can be identified. These goons need to be arrested ASAP, and have the book thrown at them. In LA, 8 rioters were arrested, and in New York city many more than that were arrested. Hopefully, these creeps will not be bailed out quickly, and then disappear before their court dates.

If I was in charge of the jails they're in, I'd make their stay as miserable as possible. In fact, if I were in charge these idiots would probably be dead. In riots like these, I see these jerks as enemy combatants in a war zone, with them at war with the community they're in.

Trump is right about sending in the National Guard (I once served in), That should happen and with fixed bayonets.
Few things:
Floyd's killing was filmed
Floyd's killer was a peace officer, Holte's was not
There are numerous stories about Holte being killed. Google it.
The circumstances around Holte's death are a lot different from Holte's
Your last sentence doesn't make sense.
Why do Conservatives suck at equivalencies?

Was Officer Holte, handcuffed and under the control of four public servants sworn to protect and serve?
Was Floyd completely innocent, breaking no laws, and just heroically doing a dangerous job on behalf of his community ? And did thousands of whites riot ?
Don't talk stupid to me, assclown.
Did either of those two deserve to die? And, as they are dead, are their killers equally guilty?
OMG! OMG!! A black person is getting sympathy and attention for being murdered on camera as if he were disposable... this must victimize conservatives and they are of course pussy victims!!! Wahahaha.

None of you give a shit about this officer. Very sad he lost his life. I found his family’s gofundme page. Please feel free to support him. Even you heartless racist righties. I know I will.

Thank you for this wonderful fundraiser page. At least that is happening, while the hollow media acts like ......I can't even think of a word bad enough.
I read your posting and the Army Times posting on the story. It is tragic that Lt Holt lost his life in the shootout after responding to the Deputies call for assistance after coming under fire. He moved to the sound of guns in the finest traditions of the Army and Law Enforcement. There is nothing to indicate that he ever was involved in or would ever condone killing a handcuffed, petty check forger to death while in his custody. I do not believe the two situations are remotely the same, with the LT acting in bravery in defense of his fellow officers and the public, facing an active shooter, as opposed to the policemen in the big city, being responsible for the death of an unarmed handcuffed suspect, already in custody. To equate them dishonors his memory and the memory of other fine Military and Law Enforcement Officers that have lost their lives facing deadly situations in the course of duty to protect their country and community.

I think you nailed it! Lt. Holt would likely have condemned the killing of George Floyd. May God bless Lt. Holt and his family and open his arms to welcome Lt. Holt home.
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Did either of those two deserve to die? And, as they are dead, are their killers equally guilty?
Neither deserved to die.

I don't know if they are equally guilty. Either they are, or Pendelton is more guilty. He just outright shot Holte dead, point blank, with multiple shots.

The Floyd killing may have been from lack of or improper training to the cop involved. Should have been a better way to restrain Floyd. Couldn't they have handcuffed him to that police car ? He's not going run away dragging a 4,000 pound automobile.
It's not an equivalence.

Cops are far above law breaking criminals.

What about when the cops are the law breaking criminals? Then they're far below the other criminals because they violated a great trust given to them.
The Floyd killing may have been from lack of or improper training to the cop involved. Should have been a better way to restrain Floyd. Couldn't they have handcuffed him to that police car ? He's not going run away dragging a 4,000 pound automobile.

It's not a question of training. The behavior Chauvin displayed was welcomed and rewarded throughout the Minnesota PD. That he had been charged with 18 counts of abuse and still on the job tells the entire PD, and especially Chauvin, that the behavior is acceptable and the department, as well as the union, will back them up.
Did either of those two deserve to die? And, as they are dead, are their killers equally guilty?
Neither deserved to die.

I don't know if they are equally guilty. Either they are, or Pendelton is more guilty. He just outright shot Holte dead, point blank, with multiple shots.

The Floyd killing may have been from lack of or improper training to the cop involved. Should have been a better way to restrain Floyd. Couldn't they have handcuffed him to that police car ? He's not going run away dragging a 4,000 pound automobile.
Floyd was already cuffed when he was killed. And the cop who killed him had multiple citations for excessive force in his file.
I don't think rioting should be a death sentence. Put in the slammer to cool your heels? Sure. Death? Pathetic.
How about WAR ? Should that be a death sentence ? Maybe you'd like to arrest enemy combatants ?

PS - do you know that the rioting lunatics in the LA riot (caused by a deliberately doctored videotape by KTLA), 54 people died ?
It's not a question of training. The behavior Chauvin displayed was welcomed and rewarded throughout the Minnesota PD. That he had been charged with 18 counts of abuse and still on the job tells the entire PD, and especially Chauvin, that the behavior is acceptable and the department, as well as the union, will back them up.
FALSE! He's been arrested and charged with murder. Cops can't do it immediately, as prosecutors get only one shot at conviction, and need to have everything nailed down right, or else defense attorneys find loopholes with which to acquit. Like it not, that's the system.

Yes, it could be a question of training. Time will reveal more information.
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Salamah Pendleton and his ilk exist because of racism and denial of equal opportunity for hundreds of years.
Yes, he has not had equal opportunity. As a black person, he has had MORE OPPORTUNITY than whites, his entire life. You don't know ? Never heard of racist race-based Affirmative Action ? Whites are the victims. Blacks are the beneficiaries.

And so you think there is any way that Pendelton gets a pass, for murdering an innocent person, point blank, in cold blood ?

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