‘Without Media Bias, America Would Vote Like Texas or Kentucky"


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
On Tuesday, David Freddoso, author of Spin Masters, How the Media Ignored the Real News and Helped Reelect Barack Obama, joined the hosts of Fox & Friends to discuss pro-Democratic media bias in 2012 and beyond. The author detailed the case against the media in this interview and in a recent column for the New York Post in which he quotes a political scientist who attributes much of the nation’s support for Democratic politicians to the pro-Democratic coverage of politics in the mainstream media. Without that biased media, the author and the political scientist say, the nation’s voting patterns would more closely mirror any typical red state. . . . .

Author Of Book On 2012 Election: ?Without Media Bias, America Would Vote Like Texas Or Kentucky? | Mediaite
It is shocking that media sources like Fox can be so biased, and I'd be delighted in Fox could put a stop to that.

Will the Republicans ever understand that they didn't actually win in November?
It is shocking that media sources like Fox can be so biased, and I'd be delighted in Fox could put a stop to that.

Will the Republicans ever understand that they didn't actually win in November?

Is there a reason we should, you still think Gore won.
I'm sure the state-run media outlets like MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, PBS, etc. would deny they campaigned for our communist president but we all know differently.
Is there a reason we should, you still think Gore won.

Gore was an atrocious candidate, who should have won easily, but ran a poor campaign.

Very likely he was cheated, but it doesn't change the fact that he was not a strong candidate.
Most media operations in America are commercial for-profit enterprise.

If Republicans, who tout themselves as the superior in business/free enterprise savvy, can't compete in the media sector of business,

whose fault is that?
Funny indeed. I do admit that it would be funny to see on every channel what we see on Fox; the throbbing veins of the commentator as they try to rationalize the most recent GOP disaster, the peroxide blonde who hosts the show in much of the same way a hood ornament announces the arrival of a car from the 70's, the "experts" who just happen to agree with the commentators err I mean reporters, and a fantastic view of the world that indulges the darkest fixtures of human nature.
Most media operations in America are commercial for-profit enterprise.

If Republicans, who tout themselves as the superior in business/free enterprise savvy, can't compete in the media sector of business,

whose fault is that?

That is a very good point. Rethugs are all the time claiming that they are the party of busniess and here they are getting their asses handed to them by a bucnh of pussy liberals who have one hand tied around a tree.

And all the rethugs can do is go on the one tv station they own and whine whine whine.

I thought you rethugs were good at business? You've got money, kochs, ruperts and foxes. Wtf happened?

Wah the demorats stole my cookie. wah the demorats stole my cookie. KMA.
If the Right just had more high profile symbols of conservatism in the media like Limbaugh calling women sluts, so more Americans could hear what modern conservatism is really all about,

maybe that would help the GOP.
Everyone in America.......even the lazy lovers of free stuff.....is really the type of person who wants Mitt Romney for President. But.....over half of these Romney supporters watched some news or read some newspapers.....and were tricked into voting for Obama.
It is shocking that media sources like Fox can be so biased, and I'd be delighted in Fox could put a stop to that.

Will the Republicans ever understand that they didn't actually win in November?

Is there a reason we should, you still think Gore won.

yes he did win the majority of American peoples votes even though Bush cheated in the election and was given it by the scotus.

If Bush had not been president there is a good cahnce 911 would not have happened.

Think about that.

No 911 means no afgan war and no Iraqi war.

If Just like when Clinton was president we were going after OBL whenever we could find him and tracking AQ daily Instead of what Bush did which was to tell the top terror people like Richard Clark and John O'Neil to shut up about AQ becuase that was Clinton stuff then they may have prevented 911 instead of ignoring the people who did it.

Then Gore would have left the budget surpluses in place and we would be solvent by now.

Gore also would have NOT held back the broker rules in GLBact.

that means NO housing market bubble.

No bubble , no Crash.

anyone who loves this country would be happy to live in the world that would have been if the republican party had not cheated Gore and us of the American peoples REAL choice in 2000
Everyone in America.......even the lazy lovers of free stuff.....is really the type of person who wants Mitt Romney for President. But.....over half of these Romney supporters watched some news or read some newspapers.....and were tricked into voting for Obama.

It was those "crazy eyes" that did it. Here I was all indoctrinated by fox and ready to vote for Mittens, then I made the mistake of watching a campaign speech by Obama and i could just feel it happening. Those crazy eyes.

That's why I didn't vote for Mittens. He didn't have no crazy eyes. Those crazy eyes are what made me vote for Obama.
Thank you for the bedtime chuckle.

You really honestly believe that without the left-leaning Democrat-biased media Obama would have an ice-cube's chance in Hell to even win much less get re-elected?

It's crystal clear that most of the media and most media sources support Democrats. Quite a change from the 90s when Democrats were a running joke.

Democrats regularly tell us to go fuck ourselves, then they act like they give a shit about us by wrapping their arms around dead babies and little animals with their anti-gun and Global Warming bullshit. They're screwing us with their anti-energy policies and forcing their loose lifestyles down our throats. They want us to be good sheeple and act like those spoiled assholes that were featured at the Grammys last night. Democrats think we're too stupid to take care of ourselves, and that's the way they want us to stay. An independent voter doesn't need big government.
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Thank you for the bedtime chuckle.

You really honestly believe that without the left-leaning Democrat-biased media Obama would have an ice-cube's chance in Hell to even win much less get re-elected?
It's crystal clear that most of the media and most media sources support Democrats. Quite a change from the 90s when Democrats were a running joke.

Democrats regularly tell us to go fuck ourselves, then they act like they give a shit about us by wrapping their arms around dead babies and little animals with their anti-gun and Global Warming bullshit. They're screwing us with their anti-energy policies and forcing their loose lifestyles down our throats. They want us to be good sheeple and act like those spoiled assholes that were featured at the Grammys last night. Democrats think we're too stupid to take care of ourselves, and that's the way they want us to stay. And independent voter doesn't need big government.

Well gee Muddy. What I know is that without FOX News, Mittens wouldn't have been anywhere close to the Presidency. The only reason it looked like mittens might have had a chance, is that FOX news was "promoting" him on air all the time. Take that media coverage away and guess what. Obama wins in a landslide.

But for the party of business, you all sure do whine a lot when you get beat at business.
What happened to that vaunted Rethug "responsibility"?

wah wah demorat took my cookie. Funny shit.
Thank you for the bedtime chuckle.

You really honestly believe that without the left-leaning Democrat-biased media Obama would have an ice-cube's chance in Hell to even win much less get re-elected?
It's crystal clear that most of the media and most media sources support Democrats. Quite a change from the 90s when Democrats were a running joke.

Democrats regularly tell us to go fuck ourselves, then they act like they give a shit about us by wrapping their arms around dead babies and little animals with their anti-gun and Global Warming bullshit. They're screwing us with their anti-energy policies and forcing their loose lifestyles down our throats. They want us to be good sheeple and act like those spoiled assholes that were featured at the Grammys last night. Democrats think we're too stupid to take care of ourselves, and that's the way they want us to stay. And independent voter doesn't need big government.

Well gee Muddy. What I know is that without FOX News, Mittens wouldn't have been anywhere close to the Presidency. The only reason it looked like mittens might have had a chance, is that FOX news was "promoting" him on air all the time. Take that media coverage away and guess what. Obama wins in a landslide.

But for the party of business, you all sure do whine a lot when you get beat at business.
What happened to that vaunted Rethug "responsibility"?

wah wah demorat took my cookie. Funny shit.

The only reason the election was close at all is because it's hard to manufacture votes. It takes alot of money and alot of dishonest people working together to cheat on the scale that we saw in this last election. They were able to pull it off only because they have California and New York sowed up. Without those two states all of the vote farming and same-day registrations wouldn't have worked.
I'm sure the American Revolution was aided tremendously by the pro-independence colonial media bias of the times.
You really honestly believe that without the left-leaning Democrat-biased media Obama would have an ice-cube's chance in Hell to even win much less get re-elected?
It's crystal clear that most of the media and most media sources support Democrats. Quite a change from the 90s when Democrats were a running joke.

Democrats regularly tell us to go fuck ourselves, then they act like they give a shit about us by wrapping their arms around dead babies and little animals with their anti-gun and Global Warming bullshit. They're screwing us with their anti-energy policies and forcing their loose lifestyles down our throats. They want us to be good sheeple and act like those spoiled assholes that were featured at the Grammys last night. Democrats think we're too stupid to take care of ourselves, and that's the way they want us to stay. And independent voter doesn't need big government.

Well gee Muddy. What I know is that without FOX News, Mittens wouldn't have been anywhere close to the Presidency. The only reason it looked like mittens might have had a chance, is that FOX news was "promoting" him on air all the time. Take that media coverage away and guess what. Obama wins in a landslide.

But for the party of business, you all sure do whine a lot when you get beat at business.
What happened to that vaunted Rethug "responsibility"?

wah wah demorat took my cookie. Funny shit.

The only reason the election was close at all is because it's hard to manufacture votes. It takes alot of money and alot of dishonest people working together to cheat on the scale that we saw in this last election. They were able to pull it off only because they have California and New York sowed up. Without those two states all of the vote farming and same-day registrations wouldn't have worked.

You have gone off the deep end dude. Them Dems didn't just steal your cookie, they took your lunch and dinner to.

Look at it this way Muddy, When you have "proof" of what you claim, *(you do know what proof is don't you?) it will be so easy to win the next election.

But I like your style there mUddy. Got a sucko candidate and lose. Just claim the election was "stolen". No proof necessary except that you lost. And that is proof enough for you eh?

LMAO. Fukingnut.

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