Witness who saw the towers collapse on 9/11.

Oh. Okay.

Me and my 3500 engineer and architect friends and the rest of the world demanding answers --we all stand corrected, now, thanks to you meaner gene . Thank you.

You did not answer the question shill.

Your " friends " are long since proven frauds.

you have no evidence and are being owned because you are a fool
north tower2.gif
Me and my 3500 engineer and architect friends and the rest of the world demanding answers

You think those numbers are impressive?! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

"Rest of the world"... :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Wow! 3,517 engineers and architects have signed the petition at AE9/11! That's about .43% of the total licensed engineers in the US alone, not even counting other countries!

.43%!! Not even half of 1%! In 20 years!


And what a showing from the general public!! 30,870 people signed their petition! That's 34,387 total people! out of 7.9 billion people on this planet. Again in 20 years!!!

More people consider making MatPat the next host of Jeopardy a more worthwhile petition than the idiocy/lies being spread by truthers with over 10X as many people!

View attachment 556486

Here's the kind of garbage AE 9/11 "Truth" supports. Nice models Hulsey!!!!
Let's look at a few WTC7 models that Hulsey created with his "data". It sure looks like he knew what he was doing!!! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
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View attachment 557756

EDIT: Changed to state the models were WTC7
Attacking ae911truth won't help your cause, Gamolon .
Google and the CIA would love to shut them down though wouldn't they ?

No need to shut them down. They shoot themselves in the foot at every turn. Just like I've shown. Nothing but liars in that group.

No wonder you won't debate anything. You'll just look like a fool.


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