Witness who saw the towers collapse on 9/11.

We know what we saw, and heard, despite your distorted misrepresentation.
Let me get this straight.

You think you heard a LARGE EXPLOSION that took out the column/couple columns beneath the penthouse, but heard NOTHING for bringing down the larger remaining portion of WTC7?

What a dumbass.

Sorry, but you can't trust the AE 9/11 "Truth" fools who manipulate photos to snare gullible folks like yourself.
Well isn't that interesting? Back on September 12th, 2018, AE 9/11 had the following ALTERED photo on their site trying to prove molten steel. Looks like they had to "lighten it up" to get more yellows out of it..
View attachment 556590

But then, when they got caught lying, they put the real photo up.
View attachment 556591
It speaks nothing! There is no "large explosion". Especially where there SHOULD be one for when the supposed explosives went off to bring the rest of the building down.

Nice try dopey.
What Gamolon is doing here kids, is trying to undermine the validity of this 20-second footage by claiming that what you heard wasn't a "huge" explosion, which of course he has no possilbe reference point as to how far away the microphone is.
What Gamolon is doing here kids, is trying to undermine the validity of this 20-second footage by claiming that what you heard wasn't a "huge" explosion, which of course he has no possilbe reference point as to how far away the microphone is.
There was no large explosion and there are no kids reading this

The only ones reading this are adults who are smarter than you and proving you to be a stupid fuckin liar AGAIN
What Gamolon is doing here kids, is trying to undermine the validity of this 20-second footage by claiming that what you heard wasn't a "huge" explosion, which of course he has no possilbe reference point as to how far away the microphone is.
Hey stupid? Where is the other MASSIVE explosion that would have been heard when the supposed explosives went off to bring down the remainder of the building AFTER the penthouse? Let me guess. "WE" edited that out, but left the smaller explosion in as "breadcrumbs" for you truther idiots to feel smart because you "found out the truth".


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