Witness who saw the towers collapse on 9/11.

correct------did anyone suggest that they fell sideways? What
does your assertion have to do with ANYTHING? That the
buildings collapsed 'in their own footprint' is entirely
consistent with the fact that they were struck near the top
by Jet Planes which exploded on impact and ignited fires.
Did you pass high school chemistry or physics?
What a bunch of shit.
No one can stop you from being stupid. So why would anyone try? All that's being done is your nonsense is being countered with reality.

Case in point ... the initial collapse began on floors where the planes struck. Had that been an actual controlled demolition, planted explosives would have ignited upon impact of the planes and the buildings would have collapsed within seconds of that impact.


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why "BUILDING 7"? ----what about the towers which idiot
conspiracy jerks INSIST went down by controlled demolition?
----why? because it is possible that BUILDING 7 was knocked
down by controlled demolition-----this is not news nor does it
support the idiot conjectures regarding the TOWERS. There
is a possibility that highly classified information was housed
in building 7----it is a general UNKNOWN.

Again, the collapse initiated, not unsurprisingly, where the planes went in.

Again, if there were explosives planted there, and there's no evidence there were any, they would have detonated upon impact with the planes. They wouldn't have been available for use an hour later. They would have exploded when the planes hit and the buildings would have gone down right after being hit.
why "BUILDING 7"? ----what about the towers which idiot
conspiracy jerks INSIST went down by controlled demolition?
----why? because it is possible that BUILDING 7 was knocked
down by controlled demolition-----this is not news nor does it
support the idiot conjectures regarding the TOWERS. There
is a possibility that highly classified information was housed
in building 7----it is a general UNKNOWN.

Building #7 was badly damaged when the north tower rained debris on it and the uncontrolled fires took it down. It fell from the inside first before the outside followed. Here's a firefighter, who was right there, predicting it would come down...

"See the way the smoke is? You see this thing is leaning like this? It's definitely coming down. There's no way to stop it. Because you have to go up in there to put it out and it's already... the structural integrity is not there in the building."

And for those who for years cited buildings don't collapse from fire as evidence to a controlled demolition...

The explanation is simple. The building was on fire. Those fires caused explosions. And the boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom explosion some witnesses described were the floors pancaking as the towers collapsed.
/——-/ Yes, of course you’re right.
Again, the collapse initiated, not unsurprisingly, where the planes went in.

Again, if there were explosives planted there, and there's no evidence there were any, they would have detonated upon impact with the planes. They wouldn't have been available for use an hour later. They would have exploded when the planes hit and the buildings would have gone down right after being hit.
Who said they would have detonated upon impact?
Building #7 was badly damaged when the north tower rained debris on it and the uncontrolled fires took it down. It fell from the inside first before the outside followed. Here's a firefighter, who was right there, predicting it would come down...

"See the way the smoke is? You see this thing is leaning like this? It's definitely coming down. There's no way to stop it. Because you have to go up in there to put it out and it's already... the structural integrity is not there in the building."

And for those who for years cited buildings don't collapse from fire as evidence to a controlled demolition...

oh---I was under the impression that there was a WAY to facilitate the fall of the building so that mechanism
was put into effect to avoid further damage to the
nearby structures. In fact---there seems to have been a local church and its cemetery that was damaged by debris flying around (???)
Controlled demolition.

Nope. No way to wire 2 buildings of that size without one single person noticing. Then you have the explosives either denotating upon impact with the planes or you have them disabled by the heat destroying the wiring.

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