Witness who saw the towers collapse on 9/11.

I'll save you some sleepless nights, Mike and tell you that the video guy saw nothing unusual. There was no planted CIA bombs in the Towers. The WTC was designed and built in the 1960s using a new and novel technique which saved a lot of money, material and weight allowing them to go higher, but it came with an unforeseen terrible design flaw.

The entire outside of the building was a house of cards unable to support itself without innumerable tie-off points to the central core utility structure housing the elevators, AC, plumbing and wiring via the floors themselves. In other words, the floors were not supported but were instead the actual SUPPORTS themselves. Everything depended on everything else (except the center core) to hold itself up. Once the intense 1500°F heat from the burning jet fuel began to weaken and soften the ties supporting that floor (the designers wanted wide open floors without visible support beams for large uninterrupted office spaces and conference rooms so loaded all the stress through ties at either end of the floors making each one critical, their idea of protecting the floor support beams (which is what held up the entire outer skin) with fire coating failed as the coating wasn't designed to hold up to the concussive force of a jet explosion hitting at 600 mph so was immediately blown off!), so as soon as fatigue on that floor exceeded limits and failed, it transferred exponentially more load to the remaining tie-off points! Which then caused them to fail initiating a cascade collapse of the entire tower tearing the central core down with it.

The designers had only considered an accidental crash from a private airplane perhaps lost in bad weather and never dreamed of a deliberate targeting using a jumbo jet much larger than the biggest commercial jets of that era.

Those boom boom boom explosions your guy saw and heard were the tie-offs of all the floors sequentially failing top down violently as loads were transferred to remaining and fewer structural tie-offs, which is exactly what the building HAD to do and did do, as it began its inevitable collapse.
How did all three towers fall the same way straight down? And the twins ---each with 47 massive vertical columns from the ground up and there was not even a jolt of resistance before they collapsed ?

You guys can save your disingenuous bullshit for the Sunday school kids .
How did all three towers fall the same way straight down?
That's the direction of gravity. Both were designed the same way and the third building collapsed from collateral damage.

And the twins ---each with 47 massive vertical columns from the ground up and there was not even a jolt of resistance before they collapsed ?
Don't you read? I told you those columns were Not designed to stand on their own without being supported and tied to the center through each floor plate and those plate are what failed.

You guys can save your disingenuous bullshit for the Sunday school kids .
Sure Mike. Casting pearls before swine with an ignorant lummox like you.
That's the direction of gravity. Both were designed the same way and the third building collapsed from collateral damage.

Don't you read? I told you those columns were Not designed to stand on their own without being supported and tied to the center through each floor plate and those plate are what failed.

Sure Mike. Casting pearls before swine with an ignorant lummox like you.
One 16 penny nail standing vertically can hold the weight of a 400 lb brick without bending.

47 nails could easily hold up a pallet weighing one ton.
How did all three towers fall the same way straight down? And the twins ---each with 47 massive vertical columns from the ground up and there was not even a jolt of resistance before they collapsed ?

You guys can save your disingenuous bullshit for the Sunday school kids .
toobefreak EXPLAINED IT BEAUTIFULLY to you, IDIOT. His explanation is ENTIRELY CONSISTENT with that which I witnessed that very day---
from the crash to the collapse. Now you can explain why the
persons who effectuated the "controlled demolition" found it
necessary to waste TWO CIVILIAN PASSENGER JETS in the process,
For the record---I have also witnessed a few controlled demolitions------in all cases one could EASILY DISCERN ---IMPLOSION----no
implosion that day----NONE!!!!!
toobefreak EXPLAINED IT BEAUTIFULLY to you, IDIOT. His explanation is ENTIRELY CONSISTENT with that which I witnessed that very day---
from the crash to the collapse. Now you can explain why the
persons who effectuated the "controlled demolition" found it
necessary to waste TWO CIVILIAN PASSENGER JETS in the process,
For the record---I have also witnessed a few controlled demolitions------in all cases one could EASILY DISCERN ---IMPLOSION----no
implosion that day----NONE!!!!!
Every engineer or architect who studied the collapses agrees with me.
Liars crack me up.
The North Tower would have collapsed maybe 10 floors and then stay there and the South Tower looks like it would have probably folded in half before falling.....the resistance from the underlying columns of both Towers would have very least kept the remaining lower building intact.

Says you. Reality proved otherwise.
/—-/ Then please explain. As a New Yorker I’ve heard all the conspiracies from those who have never set foot in NYC.

The explanation is simple. The building was on fire. Those fires caused explosions. And the boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom explosion some witnesses described were the floors pancaking as the towers collapsed.
The explanation is simple. The building was on fire. Those fires caused explosions. And the boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom explosion some witnesses described were the floors pancaking as the towers collapsed.
"Pancaking" floors would have collapsed around the 47 vertical core columns , ending in a fur tree shape.
How did all three towers fall the same way straight down? And the twins ---each with 47 massive vertical columns from the ground up and there was not even a jolt of resistance before they collapsed ?

You guys can save your disingenuous bullshit for the Sunday school kids .

Why lie? They didn't fall the same way. The Twin Towers collapsed from the top down; whereas building #8 collapsed in its entirety after the inside collapsed.
Every engineer or architect who studied the collapses agrees with me.
one of my brothers is an engineer---highly qualified---another is
a big shot Physicist----recipient of the president's national freedom
award---------they do not agree with you. Lots of marginal
"scholars" sing for their suppers
I'm not forcing anyone to check it out for themselves but why are you trying to stop me ?

No one can stop you from being stupid. So why would anyone try? All that's being done is your nonsense is being countered with reality.

Case in point ... the initial collapse began on floors where the planes struck. Had that been an actual controlled demolition, planted explosives would have ignited upon impact of the planes and the buildings would have collapsed within seconds of that impact.

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