Woke and broke U.S. Army now accepting recruits with ADHD, other "behavioral challenges"

weird.they were letting in people with ADHD back in 2018 and I do not recall any of you all claiming it was due to Trump and calling it the end of the world as we know it.

So right , OP .
God help US ground forces if they have to face the Russian military .
The final embarrassment ,after never having never won anything in over 75 years .

If only the US could go out with something like a bang , instead of a whimper .
Yes, the American soldiers will need to be able to run as fast as the Ruskies do when in constant retreat.
weird.they were letting in people with ADHD back in 2018 and I do not recall any of you all claiming it was due to Trump and calling it the end of the world as we know it.

That's because These people are armchair idiots that don't know shit but what the echo chamber tells them.
That's because These people are armchair idiots that don't know shit but what the echo chamber tells them.

I doubt most bothered to serve their country and I know none of them were recruiters or they would know this is not really new
First our police departments and now the military. ICE will soon be next if it hasn't been hit yet.

Kick out all the good people and then in desperation replace them with less competent people willing to do the job. If we ever get into a major conflict such as China going into Taiwan or get involved in the Ukraine war, we simply are no longer prepared anymore thank to these anti-Americans ruining our country.
Not for nothing but I actually think that's the plan.
Yes, the American soldiers will need to be able to run as fast as the Ruskies do when in constant retreat.
The problem with "chatting" to you is that there are no hints of wit or strong repartee as saving graces .

Apologies for breaking this sad news to you on this day of all days . But hopefully you will get so plastered later that all memory of this will evaporate forever .
The problem with "chatting" to you is that there are no hints of wit or strong repartee as saving graces .

Apologies for breaking this sad news to you on this day of all days . But hopefully you will get so plastered later that all memory of this will evaporate forever .
What you fail to understand is you are nothing to a soldier.
Everything the left touches it wrecks. And the U.S. military is now part of that ruination.

All this morale-destroying socialist BS produced – like the massive admin bloat on college campuses – the accompanying rise in employment opportunities not for warfighters, but for Experts™ and Diversity Police™.

They're also removing Confederate idolatry from West Point. 😝


“During the holiday break, we will begin a multi-phased process, in accordance with Department of Defense directives, to remove, rename or modify assets and real property at the United States Military Academy and West Point installation that commemorate or memorialize the Confederacy or those who voluntarily served with the Confederacy,” Superintendent Lt. Gen. Steve Gilland said in a message on Monday. “We will conduct these actions with dignity and respect.”

They mean with dignity and respect to Black Americans, not cuck white Confederate idolaters. They get pissed on. Thing is, if even cuck white military types can't protect their culture, what hope do civilian cucks have of preserving theirs?....... Something to think about. 😁
They're also removing Confederate idolatry from West Point. 😝


“During the holiday break, we will begin a multi-phased process, in accordance with Department of Defense directives, to remove, rename or modify assets and real property at the United States Military Academy and West Point installation that commemorate or memorialize the Confederacy or those who voluntarily served with the Confederacy,” Superintendent Lt. Gen. Steve Gilland said in a message on Monday. “We will conduct these actions with dignity and respect.”

They mean with dignity and respect to Black Americans, not cuck white Confederate idolaters. They get pissed on. Thing is, if even cuck white military types can't protect their culture, what hope do civilian cucks have of preserving theirs?....... Something to think about. 😁

It's up to the police force in your town to do more to attract the people that you desire. Those people are obviously doing other more lucrative jobs. Just like the fake labor shortage. People go to the better jobs leaving the WORSE jobs open. As it SHOULD be. And then people have the audacity to complain about some made up labor shortage.

It was never a problem finding new officers when the Communists left them alone to do their job. Now police officers have all kinds of restrictions and the moron and Chief wants to take liability protection away from them.

It has nothing to do with money or offers. Nobody wants a job where your own employer won't cover your back, and a President that wants criminals to be able to sue you into the next century. The problem is not money, the problem (as always) are liberals. They are disciples of Satan and carry out his commands.
It was never a problem finding new officers when the Communists left them alone to do their job. Now police officers have all kinds of restrictions and the moron and Chief wants to take liability protection away from them.

It has nothing to do with money or offers. Nobody wants a job where your own employer won't cover your back, and a President that wants criminals to be able to sue you into the next century. The problem is not money, the problem (as always) are liberals. They are disciples of Satan and carry out his commands.
Money is a problem and I do agree bad employers are everywhere. Never before have employers had such a great labor pool to draw from.
Money is a problem and I do agree bad employers are everywhere. Never before have employers had such a great labor pool to draw from.

You live in your own little make-believe world and don't read the news. Money is not a problem. It wasn't for our military or police departments before the left ruined things. They took these jobs for more than money; money was secondary. They took these jobs for the honor and respect these positions hold.

All you have to do is go to the video I posted and maybe then you'll understand, but I doubt you will take the time to do so.
Everything the left touches it wrecks. And the U.S. military is now part of that ruination.

All this morale-destroying socialist BS produced – like the massive admin bloat on college campuses – the accompanying rise in employment opportunities not for warfighters, but for Experts™ and Diversity Police™.

Um, okay.

SO let's talk about "Diversity".

In 1948, they desegregated the military (A decade or two before they did the rest of the country.) Everyone said it would be horrible, but it turned out fine.
In 1976, they disbanded the Women's Army Corps and allowed "females" to get into MOS specialties formerly closed to them. Everyone said it was horrible, but it turned out fine.
In 1993, Bill Clinton established the "don't ask, don't tell" policy for gay soldiers. Everyone said it would be horrible, but it turned out okay.

Here's the reason why the military is having a hard time recruiting. "Hey, kid, sign up for this job making $24,000 a year. We might send you off to some foreign country to fight a war that has been going on since before you were born. You might end up in a sub-standard hospital if you get injured. You won't get any support if you suffer from PTSD."

It's not because they have to shower with the gay kid.

As for ADHD, uh, the Army has been taking morons for decades. I went through AIT with this kid who couldn't read the forms we were required to fill out as Supply Clerks. He eventually got recycled into another MOS.

Personally, I loved my time in the military (1981 to 1992 combined Reserves and Active), but I wouldn't recommend it to any young person today unless that is what they really wanted.
First our police departments and now the military. ICE will soon be next if it hasn't been hit yet.

Kick out all the good people and then in desperation replace them with less competent people willing to do the job. If we ever get into a major conflict such as China going into Taiwan or get involved in the Ukraine war, we simply are no longer prepared anymore thank to these anti-Americans ruining our country.
This is an older model. In today's society, it's not about those willing to do the job, it's hyper-focused on diversity and inclusion regardless if the individual is qualified for the job. Diversity hires.

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