Woman Doctor Speaks out Against "Transgender Assembly Line"

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

ā€œThereā€™s an unwritten understanding that intelligent, informed, educated people will hold certain views,ā€ said Miriam Grossman, MD, a child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist whose private practice includes gender-confused children and their families. ā€œPeople who challenge the current narrative about transgender kids are marginalized or worse.ā€

Dr. Grossman is a rare dissenting voice among medical professionals who uniformly support ā€œgender-affirming care,ā€ which begins with socially transitioning a child by using a new name and pronouns. Supporters believe itā€™s harmless and compassionate to affirm a childā€™s ā€œgender identity,ā€ even by keeping it a secret from parents in schools or therapy settings. But what many often donā€™t realize is that ā€œgender-affirming careā€ incorporates an array of medical treatments such as puberty blockers, hormones and, in some cases, irreversible surgeries.

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ā€œIn no other field of medicine would we put the child in a position of making medical decisions. And yet that is actually whatā€™s happening,ā€ she noted.

Many children facing gender confusion have ā€œcomorbidities,ā€ Dr. Grossman added, which can include anxiety, depression, autism, or a slew of other mental health issues. Of great concern is the trend of doctors and mental health experts overlooking these issues and using ā€œgender-affirming careā€ as a superficial solution, while leaving the underlying issues untreated.

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ā€œThe transgender path is a difficult path, and itā€™s a path of many lifelong appointments with doctors,ā€ she said. ā€œOnce you are on puberty blockers, thereā€™s a close to 100% chance that after those puberty blockers, you will go on to cross-sex hormones. Depending on the age at which these treatments are started, they could make reproduction impossible. In other words, the child will be sterilized. We must recognize that this is a huge decision with lifelong impacts.ā€

It is shameful that Democrats have made transgenderization of children a part of their tribalism. Wanting to medicate and mutilate kids just to throw it in the face of their perceived political enemies. We need to have an adult discusstion about this issue.
Yep, it's hard to believe we have reached the point where the only reasonable recourse left to the sane is cleansing ourselves of leftist dem influences.
Sex has always bothered the insecure and the so called conservative religious. There is this strange feeling among them that people can be changed simply by recognizing differences. It is both a lack of openness and education that keeps them in their own narrow mental closet. But it works as politicians and hucksters use it to manage them.


ā€œThereā€™s an unwritten understanding that intelligent, informed, educated people will hold certain views,ā€ said Miriam Grossman, MD, a child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist whose private practice includes gender-confused children and their families. ā€œPeople who challenge the current narrative about transgender kids are marginalized or worse.ā€

Dr. Grossman is a rare dissenting voice among medical professionals who uniformly support ā€œgender-affirming care,ā€ which begins with socially transitioning a child by using a new name and pronouns. Supporters believe itā€™s harmless and compassionate to affirm a childā€™s ā€œgender identity,ā€ even by keeping it a secret from parents in schools or therapy settings. But what many often donā€™t realize is that ā€œgender-affirming careā€ incorporates an array of medical treatments such as puberty blockers, hormones and, in some cases, irreversible surgeries.

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ā€œIn no other field of medicine would we put the child in a position of making medical decisions. And yet that is actually whatā€™s happening,ā€ she noted.

Many children facing gender confusion have ā€œcomorbidities,ā€ Dr. Grossman added, which can include anxiety, depression, autism, or a slew of other mental health issues. Of great concern is the trend of doctors and mental health experts overlooking these issues and using ā€œgender-affirming careā€ as a superficial solution, while leaving the underlying issues untreated.

. . .

ā€œThe transgender path is a difficult path, and itā€™s a path of many lifelong appointments with doctors,ā€ she said. ā€œOnce you are on puberty blockers, thereā€™s a close to 100% chance that after those puberty blockers, you will go on to cross-sex hormones. Depending on the age at which these treatments are started, they could make reproduction impossible. In other words, the child will be sterilized. We must recognize that this is a huge decision with lifelong impacts.ā€

It is shameful that Democrats have made transgenderization of children a part of their tribalism. Wanting to medicate and mutilate kids just to throw it in the face of their perceived political enemies. We need to have an adult discusstion about this issue.

Any treatment that is kept secret from parents is neither helpful nor proper, and no legitimate doctor, or therapist would ever endorse such a thing.

When her premise starts with a lie, itā€™s hard to take anything else she says seriously when she says such a thing is happening among medical professionals and therapists.

However, as long as the USA has ā€œfree market medical servicesā€ there is nothing to stop any greedy quack with a medical license, from putting out a ā€œgender therapy clinicā€ sign and maximizing profits with unapproved care and surgeries.

What you should be looking at is licensing requirements and ethical standards for these clinics.
Any treatment that is kept secret from parents is neither helpful nor proper, and no legitimate doctor, or therapist would ever endorse such a thing.

When her premise starts with a lie, itā€™s hard to take anything else she says seriously when she says such a thing is happening among medical professionals and therapists.

However, as long as the USA has ā€œfree market medical servicesā€ there is nothing to stop any greedy quack with a medical license, from putting out a ā€œgender therapy clinicā€ sign and maximizing profits with unapproved care and surgeries.

What you should be looking at is licensing requirements and ethical standards for these clinics.
Your puberty blockers must have stopped your brain development.
Any treatment that is kept secret from parents is neither helpful nor proper, and no legitimate doctor, or therapist would ever endorse such a thing.
Therapists regularly promise youth clients confidentiality even from parents.

Doctors usually don't but they lie to parents about the non-existent power of sex change treatment to lower the high rate of suicide among peopled with Gender Dysphoria and other mental disorders.
When her premise starts with a lie, itā€™s hard to take anything else she says seriously when she says such a thing is happening among medical professionals and therapists.
It is.
However, as long as the USA has ā€œfree market medical servicesā€ there is nothing to stop any greedy quack with a medical license, from putting out a ā€œgender therapy clinicā€ sign and maximizing profits with unapproved care and surgeries.

For Once we agree.
What you should be looking at is licensing requirements and ethical standards for these clinics.
Yes, they cannot be allowed to "police themselves," any longer. Children deserve better.
Therapists regularly promise youth clients confidentiality even from parents.

Doctors usually don't but they lie to parents about the non-existent power of sex change treatment to lower the high rate of suicide among peopled with Gender Dysphoria and other mental disorders.

It is.


For Once we agree.

Yes, they cannot be allowed to "police themselves," any longer. Children deserve better.

The therapists tell the children what the child tells him/her will be kept in confidence, but they donā€™t tell the children that their treatment wonā€™t be discussed with the parents.

The parents are going to be told about any drugs that are prescribed or treatments offered other than counselling.
The therapists tell the children what the child tells him/her will be kept in confidence, but they donā€™t tell the children that their treatment wonā€™t be discussed with the parents.
Some schools are socially transitioning children without telling the parents. At least one teacher has been fired for not going along with that policy. I hope you're not denying that. That makes it very difficult to debate when people deny that's what they are advocating is happening.
The parents are going to be told about any drugs that are prescribed or treatments offered other than counselling.
Yes, but if the doctors lie to the parents to get them to go along with the treatment, that's not informed consent. In fact that is disinformed consent.
Some schools are socially transitioning children without telling the parents. At least one teacher has been fired for not going along with that policy. I hope you're not denying that. That makes it very difficult to debate when people deny that's what they are advocating is happening.

Yes, but if the doctors lie to the parents to get them to go along with the treatment, that's not informed consent. In fact that is disinformed consent.

I really didnā€™t believe this was happening so I googled it and holy shit!

I am familiar with the notion that students over the age of 18 will sign their own damn report cards and they donā€™t even have to show it to their parents. But this is taking it to whole new levels.

But this seems to be happening at the behest of the students themselves, not the school which is even trickier.

The first example I found was a kid who was diagnosed as ADHD, autistic, and other mental disorders making me question how competent he is to be making medical decisions at all, much less cutting his parents out of the loop.

This is where I have more faith in a government funded single payer health system, which, in essence eliminates the profit motive and competition for patients. Clinics are always liscensed, and subject to standards and likely have waiting lists.

But I still strongly believe that politicians should never be making health care decisions on behalf v of others. Banning abortions, or trans care.

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