Woman dragged out of WV public hearing for listing donors

She was reading a laundry list of publicly available information that had nothing to do specifically with the bill that she was supposed to be commenting on.

She was wasting everyone’s time

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So why were they so afraid that they had to shut her up? Funny thing is now, that information is REALLY out there.....good. Tho I don't think it will help WV....it's too corrupt. Too red.

It is not about being afraid, it is about respect for the other people there to be heard that follow the rules. Had I been at this hearing I would have clapped when they stopped her.

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LOL, sure you would have.

I am very active in the local community and go to public hearings very often to see what they are doing with my money. People like this girl are a waste of time and end up costing people time that actually have something useful to say.

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You don’t consider the source of committee member donations in regards to sensitive committees germaine to the process? Why in the name of all that’s holy not?

You consider her statements a waste of time, and your presentations worthy.

That’s the problem in American politics. Everyone is talking, no one is listening.

The source of donations is public information, anyone that wants it can get it. Reading nothing but a laundry list is a waste of time and assumes the ignorance of the others in the room.

Instead, give a donation amount and then explain how the ordinance being discussed helps the one making the donation.

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She was reading a laundry list of publicly available information that had nothing to do specifically with the bill that she was supposed to be commenting on.

She was wasting everyone’s time

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So why were they so afraid that they had to shut her up? Funny thing is now, that information is REALLY out there.....good. Tho I don't think it will help WV....it's too corrupt. Too red.

It is not about being afraid, it is about respect for the other people there to be heard that follow the rules. Had I been at this hearing I would have clapped when they stopped her.

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LOL, sure you would have.

I am very active in the local community and go to public hearings very often to see what they are doing with my money. People like this girl are a waste of time and end up costing people time that actually have something useful to say.

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So pointing out that the people voting on measures are being paid by companies who have a vested interest in the outcome is a waste of time? LOL.

Yes it is a waste of time to do nothing but read a list of publicly available information assuming the others in the room are not aware of it

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It appears that many people are not aware of how donations from an interested party looking for a favorable out come can influence there vote. as opposed to the average voters inability to donate enough dollars to have there voice heard. money should not hold more power than the majority of average Americans.
People just hate it when their corruption is pointed out in detail.

Hopefully enough people will urge HER to run for office and get these criminals out of office.

Cool, that means you can explain what her point is. Thanks for sharing.

Kids generally ask 'why is the sky blue' and expect an answer. And for children adults make a good effort. But when faced with someone pretending to be an adult that doesn't understand the most basic facts of human life you tell them either go do some work or stop pretending you are capable of joining an adult conversation. If you don't know her point it isn't a crime, it is just epic ignorance.

The child business doesn't fly. Articulate her point and why it's important. Either I'm missing it, or you were quick to judge and wrong. Based on your response so far, looks like the latter to me.

You are one of the crowd who always assumes you are right, doesn't matter what anyone else says.

That you need other people to explain mundane things speaks for itself. You can't figure it out? Maybe checkers is your game.

I see. In other terms you cannot defend yourself, therefore I'm dumb and/or a child.
It appears that many people are not aware of how donations from an interested party looking for a favorable out come can influence there vote. as opposed to the average voters inability to donate enough dollars to have there voice heard. money should not hold more power than the majority of average Americans.

You mean like Mick Mulvaney who took hundreds of thousands in donations from financial entities to include payday lenders, and then as head of the CFPB ordered his staff to drop a lawsuit against a company that gave him some of those donations?

Like that sort of power?
Well, first off she didn't make any points. Second, she refused to meet the agenda, and couldn't follow instructions. Third, she's nuts, angry, depressed, etc. 4th, she wasn't dragged out of anywhere, that would require a horse.

WOW, This spin ^^^ is vile, misogynistic and must have been written by a supporter of Trump.

More power to the people, and less to elected officials who accept bribes and hide behind bureaucratic mumbo jumbo.

Man, American corruption at its finest.

We should hang them , honestly. scum of the earth.

A thread well worth bumping

This speaker deserves a medal for telling a truth to power, and the power ought to be recalled and required to given every dime they have taken in bribes to charities.
Seems to me cow lovers don't know how the world works. Oh shock, a gas Co. contributed 2K to the campaign of some voters...........So the fuck what? The wealthy contribute to a lot of campaigns regardless of party preference.

And oh shit, those speaking in favor of the bill today are paid...............Ooooooooooooo, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Alert the Gestapo.

So the cow is having a calf as she explains the obvious. Information that's available to the public. She has no other thoughts on the bill than "will not create jobs", which is ignorant as FUCK, she has the brains of a 7 year old. And go figure she's running for office as a Democrat. Wholly shit, so say she wins. Another civil servant HIGH on emotions and a wreck, and LOW on math, logic, common sense and courtesy.

Man, American corruption at its finest.

We should hang them , honestly. scum of the earth.

A thread well worth bumping

This speaker deserves a medal for telling a truth to power, and the power ought to be recalled and required to given every dime they have taken in bribes to charities.

A medal for reading a laundry list of publicly available information without adding a single original thought? you have some very low standards for you medals.
One of my favorite parts was the libs. portrayed her as "the people Vs our Government".........Yeah some hero, she's running for office. Imagine the mess this emotional snowstorm would lead us into if elected. And we wonder why our Government sucks.
People just hate it when their corruption is pointed out in detail.

Hopefully enough people will urge HER to run for office and get these criminals out of office.

Cool, that means you can explain what her point is. Thanks for sharing.

Her point was eloquent, and it was backed up with piles of numbers.

But that didn't make the case that she should be voted into office anywhere near as much as the goons dragging her out did.

That's a heroine right there. As she says on her blog if a pol thinks having their corporate source named is a personal attack, then they shouldn't be imbibing in that well. And she's absolutely right.

But let's turn the question back on you --- why do you want this info covered up?
What rule had she broken?

She was being brutally HONEST......and THAT must be against the fucking "rules" among corrupt assholes.

She was reading a laundry list of publicly available information that had nothing to do specifically with the bill that she was supposed to be commenting on.

She was wasting everyone’s time

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Considering she described the motivating factors directly behind those who would be directly voting on the bill, it had EVERYTHING to do with the bill.

That she didn't get through the list is of course irrelevant; point was made. And then it was punctuated, italicized, boldfaced and underlined when they removed her. That guaranteed the word got out.
People just hate it when their corruption is pointed out in detail.

Hopefully enough people will urge HER to run for office and get these criminals out of office.

Cool, that means you can explain what her point is. Thanks for sharing.

Kids generally ask 'why is the sky blue' and expect an answer. And for children adults make a good effort. But when faced with someone pretending to be an adult that doesn't understand the most basic facts of human life you tell them either go do some work or stop pretending you are capable of joining an adult conversation. If you don't know her point it isn't a crime, it is just epic ignorance.

The child business doesn't fly. Articulate her point and why it's important. Either I'm missing it, or you were quick to judge and wrong. Based on your response so far, looks like the latter to me.

I would think the fact that the leaders of the state house were taking donations from oil & gas would show the answer.
What rule had she broken?

She was being brutally HONEST......and THAT must be against the fucking "rules" among corrupt assholes.

She was reading a laundry list of publicly available information that had nothing to do specifically with the bill that she was supposed to be commenting on.

She was wasting everyone’s time

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She was just channeling Nancy Pelosi..
All she was doing was listing the donors of people voting for/against legislation.
What rule had she broken?

She was being brutally HONEST......and THAT must be against the fucking "rules" among corrupt assholes.

She was reading a laundry list of publicly available information that had nothing to do specifically with the bill that she was supposed to be commenting on.

She was wasting everyone’s time

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Considering she described the motivating factors directly behind those who would be directly voting on the bill, it had EVERYTHING to do with the bill.

That she didn't get through the list is of course irrelevant; point was made. And then it was punctuated, italicized, boldfaced and underlined when they removed her. That guaranteed the word got out.

She was not describing the motivating factors, she was reading a list of publicly available information without adding a single original thought of her own.
What rule had she broken?

She was being brutally HONEST......and THAT must be against the fucking "rules" among corrupt assholes.

She was reading a laundry list of publicly available information that had nothing to do specifically with the bill that she was supposed to be commenting on.

She was wasting everyone’s time

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Considering she described the motivating factors directly behind those who would be directly voting on the bill, it had EVERYTHING to do with the bill.

That she didn't get through the list is of course irrelevant; point was made. And then it was punctuated, italicized, boldfaced and underlined when they removed her. That guaranteed the word got out.

She was not describing the motivating factors, she was reading a list of publicly available information without adding a single original thought of her own.

You don't think the fact that these various pols are swimming in bribes from corporate entities who have direct interests in that legislation is an original thought?

It's clearly not an original action, but if their votes were this degree of bought and paid for ---- why weren't they themselves crowing about them? Why indeed. Aye there's the rub. Further she points out she gets a minute and 45 seconds while the lobbyists get a hotel ballroom with an open bar. Is there some reason the public ------ who are supposed to be who those legislators work for ---- should be kept in the dark about all that?

Why exactly do you want corporate interests running the affairs of the public's representatives? This undermines the entire electoral process. What's the point of voting for a legislator if they're just going to ignore the voter and take bribes? What am I missing here?

I'm hardly the first to think of this but politicians in corporate pockets should be forced to wear bright gaudy emblems of the corporate entites they're in there to shill for. It should be a uniform. Think they'd want that bill passed? Obviously not, for the same reason --- you can't be devious and be showy about it.

There's no possible argument here. This legislature fucked up big time. Not so much by taking the bribes, that sadly happens everywhere, but by shutting her up, which exposes the fact that they KNOW they're taking bribes and don't want it exposed. Now that cat is out of the bag.

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