Woman dragged out of WV public hearing for listing donors

Man, American corruption at its finest.

We should hang them , honestly. scum of the earth.

Some people think the rules do not apply to them. She found out that she was wrong, they do apply to her as well.

What rule had she broken?

Watch the video, it is all right there

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I did. What rule was broken? Do you have this list of rules? I saw her, within her time allotment, reading publicly available information.
She was wasting everyone’s time

Exposing BRIBERY is NEVER a waste of time.....The rules were set up to PREVENT such exposure to the bribery.

Campaign donations are available to anyone that wants to look at them, thus there was nothing to expose. Reading a list the whole world has access to is a waste of time.

There is nothing illegal about campaign donations.

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What rule had she broken?

She was being brutally HONEST......and THAT must be against the fucking "rules" among corrupt assholes.

She was reading a laundry list of publicly available information that had nothing to do specifically with the bill that she was supposed to be commenting on.

She was wasting everyone’s time

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So why were they so afraid that they had to shut her up? Funny thing is now, that information is REALLY out there.....good. Tho I don't think it will help WV....it's too corrupt. Too red.
There is nothing illegal about campaign donations.

Perhaps.......BUT, shining a light on WHO and WHERE the donations are coming from and HOW corrupt elected officials vote, is NEVER a waste of time or the breaking of rules set up precisely to keep such information below the public eye.

Man, American corruption at its finest.

We should hang them , honestly. scum of the earth.

Some people think the rules do not apply to them. She found out that she was wrong, they do apply to her as well.

What rule had she broken?

Watch the video, it is all right there

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I did. What rule was broken? Do you have this list of rules? I saw her, within her time allotment, reading publicly available information.

Information that did not deal directly with the bill being discussed. I have been to thousands of public hearings and people like her are just a waste of everyone’s time. These things always have very specific rules on what is allowed to be talked about.

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What rule had she broken?

She was being brutally HONEST......and THAT must be against the fucking "rules" among corrupt assholes.

She was reading a laundry list of publicly available information that had nothing to do specifically with the bill that she was supposed to be commenting on.

She was wasting everyone’s time

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So why were they so afraid that they had to shut her up? Funny thing is now, that information is REALLY out there.....good. Tho I don't think it will help WV....it's too corrupt. Too red.

It is not about being afraid, it is about respect for the other people there to be heard that follow the rules. Had I been at this hearing I would have clapped when they stopped her.

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Man, American corruption at its finest.

We should hang them , honestly. scum of the earth.

Some people think the rules do not apply to them. She found out that she was wrong, they do apply to her as well.

What rule had she broken?

Watch the video, it is all right there

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I did. What rule was broken? Do you have this list of rules? I saw her, within her time allotment, reading publicly available information.

Information that did not deal directly with the bill being discussed. I have been to thousands of public hearings and people like her are just a waste of everyone’s time. These things always have very specific rules on what is allowed to be talked about.

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Of course it did. It had everything to do with it.
There is nothing illegal about campaign donations.

Perhaps.......BUT, shining a light on WHO and WHERE the donations are coming from and HOW corrupt elected officials vote, is NEVER a waste of time or the breaking of rules set up precisely to keep such information below the public eye.

But she didn’t tie contributions to voting, that was her downfall. Just reading a laundry list is a waste of everyone’s time

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What rule had she broken?

She was being brutally HONEST......and THAT must be against the fucking "rules" among corrupt assholes.

She was reading a laundry list of publicly available information that had nothing to do specifically with the bill that she was supposed to be commenting on.

She was wasting everyone’s time

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So why were they so afraid that they had to shut her up? Funny thing is now, that information is REALLY out there.....good. Tho I don't think it will help WV....it's too corrupt. Too red.

It is not about being afraid, it is about respect for the other people there to be heard that follow the rules. Had I been at this hearing I would have clapped when they stopped her.

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LOL, sure you would have.
There is nothing illegal about campaign donations.

Perhaps.......BUT, shining a light on WHO and WHERE the donations are coming from and HOW corrupt elected officials vote, is NEVER a waste of time or the breaking of rules set up precisely to keep such information below the public eye.

But she didn’t tie contributions to voting, that was her downfall. Just reading a laundry list is a waste of everyone’s time

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Did they let her finish? How do you know where she was going with it?
What rule had she broken?

She was being brutally HONEST......and THAT must be against the fucking "rules" among corrupt assholes.

She was reading a laundry list of publicly available information that had nothing to do specifically with the bill that she was supposed to be commenting on.

She was wasting everyone’s time

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So why were they so afraid that they had to shut her up? Funny thing is now, that information is REALLY out there.....good. Tho I don't think it will help WV....it's too corrupt. Too red.

It is not about being afraid, it is about respect for the other people there to be heard that follow the rules. Had I been at this hearing I would have clapped when they stopped her.

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LOL, sure you would have.

I am very active in the local community and go to public hearings very often to see what they are doing with my money. People like this girl are a waste of time and end up costing people time that actually have something useful to say.

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There is nothing illegal about campaign donations.

Perhaps.......BUT, shining a light on WHO and WHERE the donations are coming from and HOW corrupt elected officials vote, is NEVER a waste of time or the breaking of rules set up precisely to keep such information below the public eye.

But she didn’t tie contributions to voting, that was her downfall. Just reading a laundry list is a waste of everyone’s time

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Did they let her finish? How do you know where she was going with it?

She was given the chance to stop reading the laundry list, she choose not to. That is on her, not them

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People just hate it when their corruption is pointed out in detail.

Hopefully enough people will urge HER to run for office and get these criminals out of office.

Cool, that means you can explain what her point is. Thanks for sharing.

Kids generally ask 'why is the sky blue' and expect an answer. And for children adults make a good effort. But when faced with someone pretending to be an adult that doesn't understand the most basic facts of human life you tell them either go do some work or stop pretending you are capable of joining an adult conversation. If you don't know her point it isn't a crime, it is just epic ignorance.

The sky is blue because the earths atmosphere refracts sunlight and allows mostly the blue spectrum to pass through.

Why shouldn’t kids expect an answer to that question?

What an odd non response to a direct question about what the woman’s point was.

If you watched the video, her point was pretty fucking obvious. The legislators are beholden to special interest groups who pay the elected officials in the form of campaign donations.

It’s not that tough.
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People just hate it when their corruption is pointed out in detail.

Hopefully enough people will urge HER to run for office and get these criminals out of office.

Cool, that means you can explain what her point is. Thanks for sharing.

Kids generally ask 'why is the sky blue' and expect an answer. And for children adults make a good effort. But when faced with someone pretending to be an adult that doesn't understand the most basic facts of human life you tell them either go do some work or stop pretending you are capable of joining an adult conversation. If you don't know her point it isn't a crime, it is just epic ignorance.

The sky is blue because the earths atmosphere refracts sunlight and allows mostly the blue spectrum to pass through.

Why shouldn’t kids expect an answer to that question?

What an odd non response to a direct question about what the woman’s point was.

If you watched the video, her point was pretty fucking obvious. The legislators are beholden to special interest group who pay the elected officials in the form of campaign donation.

It’s not that tough.

Then instead of reading a laundry list she should have given specific example tying contributions to actions by the elected officials.

An example would be pointing out how Mick Mulvaney took hundreds of thousands in donations from financial entities to include pay day lenders, and then as head of the CFPB ordered his staff to drop a lawsuit against a company that gave him $63,000.

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People just hate it when their corruption is pointed out in detail.

Hopefully enough people will urge HER to run for office and get these criminals out of office.

Cool, that means you can explain what her point is. Thanks for sharing.

Kids generally ask 'why is the sky blue' and expect an answer. And for children adults make a good effort. But when faced with someone pretending to be an adult that doesn't understand the most basic facts of human life you tell them either go do some work or stop pretending you are capable of joining an adult conversation. If you don't know her point it isn't a crime, it is just epic ignorance.

The sky is blue because the earths atmosphere refracts sunlight and allows mostly the blue spectrum to pass through.

Why shouldn’t kids expect an answer to that question?

What an odd non response to a direct question about what the woman’s point was.

If you watched the video, her point was pretty fucking obvious. The legislators are beholden to special interest group who pay the elected officials in the form of campaign donation.

It’s not that tough.

Then instead of reading a laundry list she should have given specific example tying contributions to actions by the elected officials.

An example would be pointing out how Mick Mulvaney took hundreds of thousands in donations from financial entities to include pay day lenders, and then as head of the CFPB ordered his staff to drop a lawsuit against a company that gave him $63,000.

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She handled it poorly, but the point was there for anyone to get.

It’s not tough to understand why the sky is blue.
Well, first off she didn't make any points. Second, she refused to meet the agenda, and couldn't follow instructions. Third, she's nuts, angry, depressed, etc. 4th, she wasn't dragged out of anywhere, that would require a horse.

I thought her point was very clear: members of a committee making decisions about oil and gas drilling had received thousands in donations from *gasp*, the oil and gas industry. You have to be willfully blind to miss it.

The “agenda” and the “instructions” are both designed to obscure the relationship between the committee members and their donors, quite likely because that relationship acts in opposition to the public interest. However, calling the listing of donors to a campaign for public office “personal information” is really stretching it.

You’re third comment that the witness is “nuts, angry, depressed, etc.” is a projection on your part. This woman is calm, on point, and has her facts in order. You seem to be threatened by that.

You last comment about her weight shows that you are prepared to dismiss anything she says because she’s a fat woman.
It is not about being afraid, it is about respect for the other people there to be heard that follow the rules. Had I been at this hearing I would have clapped when they stopped her.

On this, my friend, I respectfully disagree......"truth to power" is never inappropriate.
She was being brutally HONEST......and THAT must be against the fucking "rules" among corrupt assholes.

She was reading a laundry list of publicly available information that had nothing to do specifically with the bill that she was supposed to be commenting on.

She was wasting everyone’s time

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So why were they so afraid that they had to shut her up? Funny thing is now, that information is REALLY out there.....good. Tho I don't think it will help WV....it's too corrupt. Too red.

It is not about being afraid, it is about respect for the other people there to be heard that follow the rules. Had I been at this hearing I would have clapped when they stopped her.

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LOL, sure you would have.

I am very active in the local community and go to public hearings very often to see what they are doing with my money. People like this girl are a waste of time and end up costing people time that actually have something useful to say.

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You don’t consider the source of committee member donations in regards to sensitive committees germaine to the process? Why in the name of all that’s holy not?

You consider her statements a waste of time, and your presentations worthy.

That’s the problem in American politics. Everyone is talking, no one is listening.
She stated she was permitted only 1:45 to speak and by what I observed she began at 0:09 and was cut off at 1:21. Let her use her remaining half minute. Jeez, as Pat Paulsen used to say, "picky, picky, picky".
She was being brutally HONEST......and THAT must be against the fucking "rules" among corrupt assholes.

She was reading a laundry list of publicly available information that had nothing to do specifically with the bill that she was supposed to be commenting on.

She was wasting everyone’s time

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So why were they so afraid that they had to shut her up? Funny thing is now, that information is REALLY out there.....good. Tho I don't think it will help WV....it's too corrupt. Too red.

It is not about being afraid, it is about respect for the other people there to be heard that follow the rules. Had I been at this hearing I would have clapped when they stopped her.

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LOL, sure you would have.

I am very active in the local community and go to public hearings very often to see what they are doing with my money. People like this girl are a waste of time and end up costing people time that actually have something useful to say.

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So pointing out that the people voting on measures are being paid by companies who have a vested interest in the outcome is a waste of time? LOL.

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