Woman dresses up as Boston Marathon bombing victim for Halloween

To wear a dress is ones own personal choice but it should always be kept in mind that it should not hurt anyone's sentiments or feelings.
^^^ Amen to all of this. The problem is that people do not try to put themselves into someone else's shoes anymore if they have ever done that at all before in their life.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I wouldn't dress up like that because I wouldn't want anyone else to if I knew someone who died in that mess or even if I didn't know anyone who died in the mess which is what is. I didn't know anyone who was there.
No matter how much she may have offended people, there was no need to send death threats to her family, and post nude pictures of her on the internet and pretty much just ruin her life at this point in time. To me, the reaction that people displayed was far worse than the "costume" she had.
No matter how much she may have offended people, there was no need to send death threats to her family, and post nude pictures of her on the internet and pretty much just ruin her life at this point in time. To me, the reaction that people displayed was far worse than the "costume" she had.

Didn't she post those nudes herself?
No matter how much she may have offended people, there was no need to send death threats to her family, and post nude pictures of her on the internet and pretty much just ruin her life at this point in time. To me, the reaction that people displayed was far worse than the "costume" she had.

I dont think it called for all that retaliation but she evidently has a problem with thinking before acting. Nude photos? When will people learn?
Woman's Boston Marathon Bombing Costume: What It Says About Everyone


It was the Halloween costume seen ‘round the world: A Michigan woman named Alicia Ann Lynch dressed as a victim of April's Boston Marathon bombing, sporting runner’s clothing and fake splattered blood. And as a result, she ignited the rage of the Internet.

On Oct. 31, 22-year-old Lynch posted a photo of herself wearing the costume on Instagram and Twitter, using the handle @SomeSKANKinMI. Shortly after, users descended on Lynch, tweeting their disgust. Responses included:

@SomeSKANKinMI People at the Boston Marathon died in terror and agony... and you looked at the images and thought "lol funny costume idea"?

— Rebecca Brown (@Chinchillazllla) November 2, 2013

@mzbilly @mmurphycit @SomeSKANKinMI Wow. If she has kids, would she put them in bloodied Sandy Hook shirts?

— LisainDallas (@LisainDallas) October 31, 2013

Yahoo Shine - Women's Lifestyle | Healthy Living and Fashion Blogs

I think you idiots go out of your way to find something to be offended about.

Get a life!
lonestar_logic, I agree with you. People do go out of their way to be offended over whatever they can. This boston marathon bombing costume is one of them, and now all of a sudden the NFL team Washington Redskins are now being deemed a racist term and are being urged to change their name. America is merely just the land of the offended. It's getting to be disgusting and how about this, I'm getting offended at all the people being offended. That's just plain offensive.
Everyone is offended by everything in this country today. I'm from Boston, and this doesn't bother me at all. People sending this woman death threats, and harrassing her family are more despicable in my eyes than her dressing up as a marathon bombing victim. Why didn't anyone care about people dressing up as Trayvon Martin?

People sending her family death threats are just sinking further below her level. She even lost her job over this, which I feel is just absolutely ridiculous. America: Land of the offended

It bothers me, .....and I'm not American, and don't live in Boston or America.

What bothers me is that families of the dead victims could be upset, and the maimed for life victims who lost limbs and were disfigured find themselves basically being ridiculed [if not intentionally] at Halloween by this young woman.

Also, I'm bothered by the fact that this young woman doesn't get it [well didn't get it before she was punished by society for her mistake].
Doesn't get the fact that her costume was totally insensitive and a total outrage.

Trouble is, these days it's anything goes, anywhere and everywhere...is there a Hollywood starlet who doesn't have a sex video out?
Sex videos, naked pics on the internet...who made it a rule for young women that this is how they are best to live their lives?

Time for an older person to explain it all to this young Halloween costume woman, before she makes any more costly mistakes.
She hasn't broken any laws, and won't be going to prison, so there's a future for her still, if she learns from her mistake.

The morons sending her family death threats are breaking the law...very bad idea.

Whatever happened to the 'demure damsels' of long ago?
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Woman's Boston Marathon Bombing Costume: What It Says About Everyone


It was the Halloween costume seen ‘round the world: A Michigan woman named Alicia Ann Lynch dressed as a victim of April's Boston Marathon bombing, sporting runner’s clothing and fake splattered blood. And as a result, she ignited the rage of the Internet.

On Oct. 31, 22-year-old Lynch posted a photo of herself wearing the costume on Instagram and Twitter, using the handle @SomeSKANKinMI. Shortly after, users descended on Lynch, tweeting their disgust. Responses included:

@SomeSKANKinMI People at the Boston Marathon died in terror and agony... and you looked at the images and thought "lol funny costume idea"?

— Rebecca Brown (@Chinchillazllla) November 2, 2013

@mzbilly @mmurphycit @SomeSKANKinMI Wow. If she has kids, would she put them in bloodied Sandy Hook shirts?

— LisainDallas (@LisainDallas) October 31, 2013

Yahoo Shine - Women's Lifestyle | Healthy Living and Fashion Blogs

I think you idiots go out of your way to find something to be offended about.

Get a life!

Go fuck yourself convict. :thup:
Dear Ms. Lynch,

Go seek help. Or jump off a bridge, your choice. Your decision to parody the Boston bombings is appalling. Yes, I get you have a right to free speech and all, but this is out of line.
lonestar_logic, I agree with you. People do go out of their way to be offended over whatever they can. This boston marathon bombing costume is one of them, and now all of a sudden the NFL team Washington Redskins are now being deemed a racist term and are being urged to change their name. America is merely just the land of the offended. It's getting to be disgusting and how about this, I'm getting offended at all the people being offended. That's just plain offensive.


Doesn't suprise me that some people are offended.

Would "The Washington Blackskins" be acceptable?

What about the 'E.S."N...er" Brown' stand at a sports ground in a town?

'****** Brown' stand gone, Coon cheese next on hit-list - Queensland

.....yesterday told AAP that while the grandstand bearing Brown's name was to be demolished in coming days as part of an upgrade, the "N word" would be used on a plaque or statue at the new ground.

But late yesterday, Sports Minister Judy Spence ruled it would be inappropriate to use the racist term in any way.
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lonestar_logic, I agree with you. People do go out of their way to be offended over whatever they can. This boston marathon bombing costume is one of them, and now all of a sudden the NFL team Washington Redskins are now being deemed a racist term and are being urged to change their name. America is merely just the land of the offended. It's getting to be disgusting and how about this, I'm getting offended at all the people being offended. That's just plain offensive.


Doesn't suprise me that some people are offended.

Would "The Washington Blackskins" be acceptable?

What about the 'E.S."N...er" Brown' stand at a sports ground in a town?

'****** Brown' stand gone, Coon cheese next on hit-list - Queensland

.....yesterday told AAP that while the grandstand bearing Brown's name was to be demolished in coming days as part of an upgrade, the "N word" would be used on a plaque or statue at the new ground.

But late yesterday, Sports Minister Judy Spence ruled it would be inappropriate to use the racist term in any way.

People in this country are just selfish and don't care about offensive things unless it pertains to them personally.
Everyone is offended by everything in this country today. I'm from Boston, and this doesn't bother me at all. People sending this woman death threats, and harrassing her family are more despicable in my eyes than her dressing up as a marathon bombing victim. Why didn't anyone care about people dressing up as Trayvon Martin?

People sending her family death threats are just sinking further below her level. She even lost her job over this, which I feel is just absolutely ridiculous. America: Land of the offended

It bothers me, .....and I'm not American, and don't live in Boston or America.

What bothers me is that families of the dead victims could be upset, and the maimed for life victims who lost limbs and were disfigured find themselves basically being ridiculed [if not intentionally] at Halloween by this young woman.

Also, I'm bothered by the fact that this young woman doesn't get it [well didn't get it before she was punished by society for her mistake].
Doesn't get the fact that her costume was totally insensitive and a total outrage.

Trouble is, these days it's anything goes, anywhere and everywhere...is there a Hollywood starlet who doesn't have a sex video out?
Sex videos, naked pics on the internet...who made it a rule for young women that this is how they are best to live their lives?

Time for an older person to explain it all to this young Halloween costume woman, before she makes any more costly mistakes.
She hasn't broken any laws, and won't be going to prison, so there's a future for her still, if she learns from her mistake.

The morons sending her family death threats are breaking the law...very bad idea.

Whatever happened to the 'demure damsels' of long ago?

It bothers you that somebody could be upset?

Then you must be bothered 24/7 cause people are upset all the time and mostly over stupid shit like this.

Let me explain this to an older person. You are bothered because you choose to be, people are upset because they choose to be.

I choose not to be offended or bothered by the stupid shit people do.
Woman's Boston Marathon Bombing Costume: What It Says About Everyone


Yahoo Shine - Women's Lifestyle | Healthy Living and Fashion Blogs

I think you idiots go out of your way to find something to be offended about.

Get a life!

Go fuck yourself convict. :thup:

HAHA that the best you got?

Why don't you go and find something else to be offended about so I can laugh at your dumbass some more.
Go fuck yourself convict. :thup:

HAHA that the best you got?

Why don't you go and find something else to be offended about so I can laugh at your dumbass some more.

You better watch your mouth before I call your parole officer convict.:lol:

Let me explain this ONE MORE TIME. My record was expunged in the mid-80's courtesy of Mark White. As far as the law is concerned I have no conviction on my record.
HAHA that the best you got?

Why don't you go and find something else to be offended about so I can laugh at your dumbass some more.

You better watch your mouth before I call your parole officer convict.:lol:

Let me explain this ONE MORE TIME. My record was expunged in the mid-80's courtesy of Mark White. As far as the law is concerned I have no conviction on my record.

Sure it was.:eusa_boohoo:

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