Woman dresses up as Boston Marathon bombing victim for Halloween

Can you idiots who are insulting each other over the funny picture please stop using quotes. It makes it way too cumbersome to filter out what insults each of you are flinging to the other. This is actually where Moderators should step in and instruct folks on how to debate topics. So many threads here become quote boxe monsters that nobody can discipher except the folks trying to insult each other apparently.
Can you idiots who are insulting each other over the funny picture please stop using quotes. It makes it way too cumbersome to filter out what insults each of you are flinging to the other. This is actually where Moderators should step in and instruct folks on how to debate topics. So many threads here become quote boxe monsters that nobody can discipher except the folks trying to insult each other apparently.

Stop your whining!

It's not my fault you're mentally challenged.
Everyone is offended by everything in this country today. I'm from Boston, and this doesn't bother me at all. People sending this woman death threats, and harrassing her family are more despicable in my eyes than her dressing up as a marathon bombing victim. Why didn't anyone care about people dressing up as Trayvon Martin?

People sending her family death threats are just sinking further below her level. She even lost her job over this, which I feel is just absolutely ridiculous. America: Land of the offended

It bothers me, .....and I'm not American, and don't live in Boston or America.

What bothers me is that families of the dead victims could be upset, and the maimed for life victims who lost limbs and were disfigured find themselves basically being ridiculed [if not intentionally] at Halloween by this young woman.

Also, I'm bothered by the fact that this young woman doesn't get it [well didn't get it before she was punished by society for her mistake].
Doesn't get the fact that her costume was totally insensitive and a total outrage.

Trouble is, these days it's anything goes, anywhere and everywhere...is there a Hollywood starlet who doesn't have a sex video out?
Sex videos, naked pics on the internet...who made it a rule for young women that this is how they are best to live their lives?

Time for an older person to explain it all to this young Halloween costume woman, before she makes any more costly mistakes.
She hasn't broken any laws, and won't be going to prison, so there's a future for her still, if she learns from her mistake.

The morons sending her family death threats are breaking the law...very bad idea.

Whatever happened to the 'demure damsels' of long ago?

it's just a costume, people choose to be offended, what happened to turning a blind eye to something you didn't like? If you don't like it, don't look at it. There's no reason to blow anything that far out of proportion. Was it in poor taste? Yes. But it was on HALLOWEEN! It wasn't like she decided to go out a week after the bombing and parade around like a fucking moron.

And I don't think these days it's anything goes all the time. Everything people do is going to offend someone. It's just insane.

On another note, I saw on the news just now that a man in New Hampshire is trying to change his license plate to "COPSLIE", and he's not being allowed to do it because it's offensive to cops. Isn't it his right to do that? Isn't New Hampshire's motto "LIVE FREE OR DIE"?

America is turning into an absolute shit hole of thin skinned pussies who just want to piss and moan about anything and everything that isn't wholesome or packed full of family values...and even then, I'm sure people would have something to complain about. What's next, Dora the explorer should have her ethnicities split up into equal parts of every race on the planet?

It's just sickening, the amount of offending material in this country, or what people deem to be offending is just...disgusting, for lack of a better word. It amazes me what people are getting offended by these days.
No accounting for yuppie bad taste. They make the Duck Dynasty look like Einstein.
No matter how much she may have offended people, there was no need to send death threats to her family, and post nude pictures of her on the internet and pretty much just ruin her life at this point in time. To me, the reaction that people displayed was far worse than the "costume" she had.
Anything that has been done to her is nothing compared to what was done to those that she chose to dress up as.

God bless you and every impacted person always!!!

No, I don't think so. The bombing didn't impact me at all. I'm desensitized to violence in the world. People attacking her is far worse than her costume. It's just showing the mob rules mentality and people sinking even lower than the level she sunk to.
Everyone is offended by everything in this country today. I'm from Boston, and this doesn't bother me at all. People sending this woman death threats, and harrassing her family are more despicable in my eyes than her dressing up as a marathon bombing victim. Why didn't anyone care about people dressing up as Trayvon Martin?

People sending her family death threats are just sinking further below her level. She even lost her job over this, which I feel is just absolutely ridiculous. America: Land of the offended

It bothers me, .....and I'm not American, and don't live in Boston or America.

What bothers me is that families of the dead victims could be upset, and the maimed for life victims who lost limbs and were disfigured find themselves basically being ridiculed [if not intentionally] at Halloween by this young woman.

Also, I'm bothered by the fact that this young woman doesn't get it [well didn't get it before she was punished by society for her mistake].
Doesn't get the fact that her costume was totally insensitive and a total outrage.

Trouble is, these days it's anything goes, anywhere and everywhere...is there a Hollywood starlet who doesn't have a sex video out?
Sex videos, naked pics on the internet...who made it a rule for young women that this is how they are best to live their lives?

Time for an older person to explain it all to this young Halloween costume woman, before she makes any more costly mistakes.
She hasn't broken any laws, and won't be going to prison, so there's a future for her still, if she learns from her mistake.

The morons sending her family death threats are breaking the law...very bad idea.

Whatever happened to the 'demure damsels' of long ago?

it's just a costume, people choose to be offended, what happened to turning a blind eye to something you didn't like? If you don't like it, don't look at it. There's no reason to blow anything that far out of proportion. Was it in poor taste? Yes. But it was on HALLOWEEN! It wasn't like she decided to go out a week after the bombing and parade around like a fucking moron.

And I don't think these days it's anything goes all the time. Everything people do is going to offend someone. It's just insane.

On another note, I saw on the news just now that a man in New Hampshire is trying to change his license plate to "COPSLIE", and he's not being allowed to do it because it's offensive to cops. Isn't it his right to do that? Isn't New Hampshire's motto "LIVE FREE OR DIE"?

America is turning into an absolute shit hole of thin skinned pussies who just want to piss and moan about anything and everything that isn't wholesome or packed full of family values ...and even then, I'm sure people would have something to complain about. What's next, Dora the explorer should have her ethnicities split up into equal parts of every race on the planet?

It's just sickening, the amount of offending material in this country, or what people deem to be offending is just...disgusting, for lack of a better word. It amazes me what people are getting offended by these days.

Nah, seems to me that most Americans have had enough of all the tripe that's been allowed to just be accepted in the name of 'free speech', 'art', and 'we are liberated today'....and have decided to no longer put up with things they don't like, and they're speaking out.

. Violent video games have been linked to the shooters in more than one school etc massacres.
People are speaking out and wanting the violent video games and certain weapons banned.

. Most Americans seem happy to put up with the inconvenience of extra security measures at airports...to do their part in the war on terror..."to keep us all safe".

. Cinco de Mayo day...American students sent home/suspended for wearing American flag shirts and draping etc American flags at school. Their parents were outraged and spoke out.

Then, down at the university;

Florida school apologizes after students stomp on 'Jesus' - U.S. News

Florida school apologizes after students stomp on ‘Jesus’

Florida Gov. Rick Scott has waded into a religious-infused campus controversy, asking the state university system chancellor to look into a classroom lesson at Florida Atlantic University in which students were instructed to stomp on sheets of paper that had "Jesus" written on them.

At least one student found it so unacceptable that he refused to participate. Ryan Rotela, a devout Mormon and a junior at FAU's Davie campus, claims he was punished for doing so.

His lawyer Hiram Sasser shared the notice of charges that Rotela received from FAU for violating the student code of conduct.

"You are requested to attend a Student Conduct Conference," the notice read.

"In the interim, you may not attend class (SPC 3710) or contact any of the students involved in this matter – verbally or electronically – or by any other means," the notice stated.

As Peter, Paul, and Mary sang long ago;

"How many times can a man turn his head, and pretend that he just doesn't see"?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ld6fAO4idaI]Peter, Paul and Mary - Blowing in the Wind - YouTube[/ame]
Yes, the costume was in poor taste. But the uproar over it is even worse. This 20something made a costume for Halloween. Now the entire media world is spinning it, and the forums are full of it.
^^^ I guess that this is what they think is the best way to send her the message that they think that she is in serious need of.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I don't think that anything needs to be done to her, but I do think that something needs to be said to her about it. I would ask her how she would have felt if she had lost someone in that mess and then saw someone dressed up to look like the way that the victims looked when the dust finally settled.
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Yes, the costume was in poor taste. But the uproar over it is even worse. This 20something made a costume for Halloween. Now the entire media world is spinning it, and the forums are full of it.

No uproar, it just continues.
It must be stopped....or our Western Christian society will indeed just rot away.

When "Sarah Palin" was found hanging in a noose from a roof in LA before the 2008 election, and "John McCain" was found "burning to death" in the chimney of the same roof...the authorites called it 'art' and 'free speech'.

Many of The People however were outraged.
^^^ If she really was, what is over the line about her "costume" in my opinion is the blood all over herself. To me, if she was trying to pay tribute to those who died that day, she should have dressed up as the way they were supposed to look at the end of the marathon and not how they ended up when all was said and done.

God bless you and her always!!!


Even if she was there this is really in poor taste.

There is a long standing tradition of people wearing tasteless costumes for Halloween. Settle down with the PC stuff, or the world is going to be a very boring place.

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