Woman falsely accuses man of rape

I hate this shit. All it does is hurt actual rape victims. (Oh and of course it hurts the man she falsely accused as well.)
20-year old women aren't always that smart or mature. I'm going to say the Rexburg police may have made the right call in this instance, although I'm not certain.

It could have been some false information was funneled to the victim prior to the incident, which would nullify his claim, but she may have come to realize her culpability in it by being gullible and inexperienced.

Cops make calls that are unseemly for a reason. If their call settles the incident, it's certainly cheaper than forcing taxpayers to house Miss Not-too-smart for 10 years for lying if he lied to her too.

I hope she gets counseling. And I hope he gets counseling if he thinks he has to exaggerate his honorable intentions to procure instant satisfaction.
An 18 year old man would be prosecuted for any false clai
He files, but a 20 year old woman needs to be treated like a child?

I'm rethinking this. Maybe it was rape and for some reason the cops convinced her to withdraw the charge? Okay, I'm reaching here, but what the heck. Why else wouldn't they file charges against her?
Approx 8% of rape claims are deemed "unfounded" and closed. Why? Usually though questioning they were learned to be consensual encounters. It happens more than you know.
I hate this shit. All it does is hurt actual rape victims. (Oh and of course it hurts the man she falsely accused as well.)
Amen to all of this!

God bless you and the man always!!!


P.S. To me, the man should sue the woman for character defamation.
I believe the penalties for conviction of false claims of rape should be the same as the penalties for rape itself.

Women have ruined innocent men's lives by doing this. It should not be tolerated. And I don't care what age the woman is. Throw the book at them.
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False rape allegations degrades all women.... they don't only ruin the lives of those men falsely accused but also make it harder for women who really have been raped to be taken seriously.

It is a horrible fact of life that some crazy women are so bitter that have to take revenge like that, and they should be penalized accordingly.
The matter should not be closed and the police are choosing not to pursue this against the woman.

18-5413. Providing false information to law enforcement officers, government agencies, or specified professionals. (1) A person is guilty of a misdemeanor if he knowingly gives or causes to be given false information to any law enforcement officer, any state or local government agency or personnel, or to any person licensed in this state to practice social work, psychology or counseling, concerning the commission of an offense, knowing that the offense did not occur or knowing that he has no information relating to the offense or danger.
(2) A person is guilty of a misdemeanor if he knowingly gives or causes to be given false information regarding his or another's identity to any law enforcement officer investigating the commission of an offense...."

I've actually heard harcore feminists say that false rape claims shouldn't be prosecuted because it would discourage real rape victims from coming forward....

That's just pure man hatred talking. Prosecuting false claimaints would only discourage FALSE claimants from coming forward... My lord.

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