Woman in Gorilla Glue hair horror may sue over ordeal

we have a ton of this glue...hubby uses it all the time...it is a harsh glue...once it reacts and sets up...it is there for good....who the hell runs outta product and just grabs a bottle of glue...she does need to try to get oxygen to her scalp

sue who? sue your own stupidity

2 weeks ago I split my forhead open over my left eye. Instead of going o the ER I had my wife pinch it shut and I Gorilla Glued it. Worked perfectly and saved me $500

A week ago I accidentaly cut off a finger on the table saw, like you I decided not to go to the ER as long as I had a tube of Gorilla glue lying around. The finger works better than before except now I can even play the piano. Thank you Gorilla Glue!
I dont even know what this girl is complaining about.
we have a ton of this glue...hubby uses it all the time...it is a harsh glue...once it reacts and sets up...it is there for good....who the hell runs outta product and just grabs a bottle of glue...she does need to try to get oxygen to her scalp

sue who? sue your own stupidity

2 weeks ago I split my forhead open over my left eye. Instead of going o the ER I had my wife pinch it shut and I Gorilla Glued it. Worked perfectly and saved me $500

A week ago I accidentaly cut off a finger on the table saw, like you I decided not to go to the ER as long as I had a tube of Gorilla glue lying around. The finger works better than before except now I can even play the piano. Thank you Gorilla Glue!
I dont even know what this girl is complaining about.

Just think what might have been if you'd slept in a Holiday Inn Express last night!!!
Stupidity should not be rewarded.
You are one of the most inconsistent posters i have ever seen on the interwebz.

At least he thinks for himself, rather than just regurgitating what was on the boob tube. Sometimes I agree with him, sometimes I don't. I can't remember even once that he ever stooped to the Romper Room level television type smut that so many here do. He can troll pretty cleverly, too, if he wants. In fact, not to sound prideful, but I think he's probably the only one who's ever truly stumped me on something on here.
She is the reason that there are instructions on shampoo bottles.

And why these signs are needed in hotel rooms:

You wonder why they have to put warning labels not to drink motor oil or drano. People like her.
Brown posted last week that her hair had been stuck in place for a month after she ran out of her usual hair product and opted to use the extra-strong superglue instead.

Stupidity should not be rewarded

Shave your head and start over. If people ask why you have no hair, explain how stupid you are

We can ice skate in hell today. I agree with RW. The woman is a moron; she did it to herself.
Brown posted last week that her hair had been stuck in place for a month after she ran out of her usual hair product and opted to use the extra-strong superglue instead.

Stupidity should not be rewarded

Shave your head and start over. If people ask why you have no hair, explain how stupid you are
You are one of the most inconsistent posters i have ever seen on the interwebz.
I think he just posted with his natural reaction this time before he received his memo from the DNC telling him what his position was on the subject.

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