Woman out of Place (India)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a fun tourism parable inspired by the film Marigold (Ali Larter). Thanks for reading!


A very popular American actress-celebrity named Jane decided to visit India in the post-Coronavirus quarantine tribulation summer of 2022. She'd never been to India and not known of its overpopulation or climate problems and just wanted to see the capital city of New Delhi and the Taj Mahal wonder in ancient Agra. Jane wanted to eat Indian food and buy Indian saree dresses and bangles and jewelry. She was in for a real shock.


JANE: "My business-class flight from New York to Delhi on Air India was superb, and the food was awesome and the service and flight attendants were just fine."


Jane got to Delhi and started walking around and taking photos with her handy-dandy iPhone. She saw the city by night lights and saw the crowds flocking in the markets and crowding around all the saree, toy, and music stores. She ate lots of food. Jane thought Delhi was just as sweet a blend of exotic and metro that she expected. She was discovering the true delights of Asian travel at night.


However, a psycho in Delhi was stalking Jane, prompting a costumed vigilante named Nightwing to follow both her and her evil stalker. Nightwing knew that Jane'd be screwed if she didn't receive the necessary protection, and Jane had no idea that she was now being shadowed and watched over by the very valiant Nightwing. She was safe in Delhi.


JANE: "I got the eerie feeling I was being followed by someone, but then I got the arguably even stranger but warmer feeling that I was being watched by someone who was protecting me...like a bodyguard or something!"


The next day, Jane realized she was safe in Delhi because something or someone was watching over her, and she no longer felt out of place in the crowded streets of India. She felt happy to be in this exotic country.


When Jane returned to the USA, she purchased a bunch of India calling-cards and decided to call some of the girlfriends she'd made while traveling around in Delhi that post-Coronavirus summer.


JANE: "What I remember most about India is its incredible hotels and amenities signaling true luxury; Indians are renowned for their hospitality!"


Should Jane have avoided going to India, she ended up needing protection from the bodyguard-vigilante Nightwing? What do you think?


JANE: "I don't think I was a woman out of place in India, since I had that strange protection feeling and was safe overall and even decided to purchase a classic Indian Maruti automobile that I could drive around in when I returned home to California."


If you go to an exotic place that is not immune from crime, you may not be as lucky as Jane, so don't hesitate to think about if you've taken the proper precautions to make your foreign experience feel more and be more...divine!


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)


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