Woman Removes Confederate Flag In Front Of South Carolina Statehouse


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Looks like she did the Job that needed to be done

COLUMBIA, South Carolina (AP) — The Confederate flag has been temporarily removed from in front of the South Carolina Statehouse.

A black woman was about halfway up the more than 30-foot steel flagpole just after dawn Saturday when State Capitol police told her to come down. Instead, she continued up and removed the flag before returning to the ground.

Woman Removes Confederate Flag In Front Of South Carolina Statehouse
Gee, I guess she had the smarts, the muscle, and the drive to take a flag down that the state whined couldn't come down. Good for her.
Looks like she did the Job that needed to be done

COLUMBIA, South Carolina (AP) — The Confederate flag has been temporarily removed from in front of the South Carolina Statehouse.

A black woman was about halfway up the more than 30-foot steel flagpole just after dawn Saturday when State Capitol police told her to come down. Instead, she continued up and removed the flag before returning to the ground.

Woman Removes Confederate Flag In Front Of South Carolina Statehouse
That just proves the point. No matter where you look, there's one in every crowd. Everyone wants their fifteen minutes of fame. Everyone wants to make headlines. Everyone wants to be on camera. Now, 200 news reporters are going to want to interview her, take her picture, and write a tear-jerking piece on her All-American act. .............. Geez ...... the shit in this country is getting deeper by the minute ......... it's exciting just to wait and see what'll happen next ...... hell, if Obama gets wind of this, he'll invite her to the White House for beer and peanuts.
I hope they don't arrest her...............the country would explode with riots........with big screen tv's for all.
I hope they don't arrest her...............the country would explode with riots........with big screen tv's for all.
Right now we`re seeing a lot of exploding rightwing heads. Taking the confederate swastika down, ACA upheld, gay marriage legalized, what`s a nutter to do these days?
I hope they don't arrest her...............the country would explode with riots........with big screen tv's for all.
Right now we`re seeing a lot of exploding rightwing heads. Taking the confederate swastika down, ACA upheld, gay marriage legalized, what`s a nutter to do these days?
Push to oust the remaining dems..............ensure that the Dems never put more of their puppets into SCOTUS..........even though one wasn't placed in by the dems now............push for convention..............or keep our powder dry.
I hope they don't arrest her...............the country would explode with riots........with big screen tv's for all.
Right now we`re seeing a lot of exploding rightwing heads. Taking the confederate swastika down, ACA upheld, gay marriage legalized, what`s a nutter to do these days?
What to do, you ask? ... Get your beer and pizza, relax, and watch the show. The ending is well worth waiting for.
I hope they don't arrest her...............the country would explode with riots........with big screen tv's for all.

She was.

"Bree was charged with defacing a monument, as was a man who was standing inside the wrought-iron fence enclosure, according to the S.C. Department of Public Safety.

The flag was replaced an hour later, a spokeswoman for the department said."
this is where THEY ARE TAKING you. ENJOY

Confederate Flag Removed…From Gettysburg National Military Park Bookstore!

Andrew Marcus Jun 26th, 2015 9:57 am 35 Comments

Banning the Confederate flag from state houses isn’t enough for some people. Now the flag is being removed from educational settings as well. Soon it’ll be blacked out in history books next to blacked out images of Mohammed. This is what Progressive Sharia looks like.

No more Confederate flag items — at Gettysburg

Gettysburg, the site of the Civil War’s pivotal battle, said Thursday it will no longer sell 11 items that use the battle flag as a stand-alone feature.

The bookstore says it will continue to offer items that feature both the U.S. and Confederate flags, as well as books, DVDs, and other educational materials “where the image of the Confederate flag is depicted in its historical context.”

The National Park Service had asked concessionaires to pull Confederate-flag clothing, stickers and other items.

National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis says “stand-alone depictions of Confederate flags have no place in park stores.”

all of it here:
Confederate Flag Removed...From Gettysburg National Military Park Bookstore - The Gateway Pundit

I hope they don't arrest her...............the country would explode with riots........with big screen tv's for all.

She was.

"Bree was charged with defacing a monument, as was a man who was standing inside the wrought-iron fence enclosure, according to the S.C. Department of Public Safety.

The flag was replaced an hour later, a spokeswoman for the department said."
Let's see if that explodes now..........
OH YEAH, she the RIGHT kind of law breaker so she need be put on a pedestal. Fxxk the rest of the people who lives there

Breaking the law is breaking the law. Arrest her
Do that and it will cause riots everywhere............it will further fan the flames............

Ignoring it is caving in. Arrest her. The law is the law
too late.........already done....................

The Perfect Storm is coming...............it is escalating by design via the vermin of the left.
I hope they don't arrest her...............the country would explode with riots........with big screen tv's for all.

She was.

"Bree was charged with defacing a monument, as was a man who was standing inside the wrought-iron fence enclosure, according to the S.C. Department of Public Safety.

The flag was replaced an hour later, a spokeswoman for the department said."

Now she'll be all like this....


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