WOman sees man with gun, so runs over him with her car. Police won't charge her

the news video says he had a nylon mask in his pocket

and when interviewed said he was on his way to the circle K

he is being held in county on a 30 thousand dollar bail

For what? When did it become illegal to have a stocking cap and a toy gun? There has to be more to the story.

morning Sunshine

we do not know the full details as of yet

the video says after the cops talked to him

he said he was on his way to the circle K

then it said he was held in county with a 30 grand bail

There has to be more. That alone isn't enough to jail someone.
For what? When did it become illegal to have a stocking cap and a toy gun? There has to be more to the story.

morning Sunshine

we do not know the full details as of yet

the video says after the cops talked to him

he said he was on his way to the circle K

then it said he was held in county with a 30 grand bail

There has to be more. That alone isn't enough to jail someone.

maybe he confessed or something

like i said i do not know at this point

maybe it is a serious offence to point fake guns at people

and there are witnesses to back it up

the story didnt say why
Has it been said why the man had a gun in the first place? He could have had it to stop something bad from happening for all that lady knew.

God bless you and her and that man always!!!

This is crazy. I hope people don't start running over every person they see with a gun now.
This is the pertinent information from the article.

She thought he was going to do something to them, so she yelled out of her car window, ‘Hey, they’re just kids, leave them alone,’” said Detective Sgt. Steven Roberts, of the Aliquippa Police Department. “He turned and pointed this at her, and she thought it was a real weapon and that she was about to be shot or that the kids were in danger, so she gunned her car and struck him.”

According to that statement from the Detective she made the right call and was in fear of being shot.

Since I wasn't there I won't second guess her judgment. It's up to the investigators and forensics people to determine whether or not her story is plausible. If they choose that there is no reasonable cause to pursue charges I will accept it.

Good God, so if I run someone over just because I think they might be about to hurt someone, you think that is OK and not worth investigating this bitch, and maybe arresting her till the full facts emerge?


That's not what I said at all.

I said I would not second guess her judgment since I wasn't there. I said if local authorities determined she had not committed a crime, I would support their findings.

The same with the Zimmerman case.

I wasn't there either. GZ believed there was a danger that could lead to death/serious injury. The local LEO determined they had no cause to pursue charges.

I accepted their decision.

The bed wetters did not.

I can no longer make judgments on cases based solely on what the media chooses too report. If it turns out to be true that she merely saw a guy with a gun and ran him down, she should be prosecuted. If it turns out she had a reasonable belief a serious crime was about to be commited, then she should be cleared.

It's that simple.

I still think it's foolish to be running around in publc with a toy intentionally altered to appear as a real sawed off shotgun. That's the sort of stupidity that should get a person killed.

Just my $.02
Can we all (well, mostly all) agree that if the man pointed the gun at her, even though it was a toy, if it was close enough to look like a real gun that she was justified? That seems to be the sequence of events the news reports have given.

Sure, it's possible that it didn't happen that way. However, these articles have been pretty light on information, so to assume that the police/DA decision not to pursue charges is based solely on the woman's testimony is pretty silly IMO. As others have said, there could be other witnesses or even a statement from the injured man.

If events transpired the way we've seen reported, I don't see the reasoning behind anyone thinking the woman was at fault. If someone points what you believe to be a real gun at you, even if you are in your car, you will of course feel your life is threatened.

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