WOman sees man with gun, so runs over him with her car. Police won't charge her

It wasn't even a gun! A paint-ball launcher. They BELIEVE he was going to rob a store with an air-soft toy? She ran him down because she thought he was going to shoot the children? How close were the kids and was he even heading in their direction? the police believe that he was going to rob the convenience store? Maybe he was going for refreshments before going back to playing with his buddies in the park!???!

OK, let's say it was a gun - openly carried which is completely legal - and he was headed to the store to buy milk or a package of skittles. Maybe he was on his way to rob the store. He hadn't broken any laws yet. He didn't assault the driver of the car, he hadn't menaced any of the kids, and he hadn't gotten into the store. The police say that it is OK to run someone down just because they have what appears to be a gun? REALLY?

Why would you carry your gun to buy milk or a package of skittles? You're really reaching on this one.

1. It wasn't a gun

2. Even if it was, you not being able to understand why one would carry said gun does not give you the right to leap to the conclusion the guy is about to shoot anyone and then run him over in your car.
Why would you carry your gun to buy milk or a package of skittles? You're really reaching on this one.

I carry my gun everywhere I go. I have for more than 41 years. There is nothing illegal about it. Why do I carry it? To defend myself - just like 1.5 to 3 million people do each year. (according to the CDC report demanded by Obama)

There was no law broken. He could have just been showing her it was a toy and not actually pointing it at her. She is a whack job. And the police are complicit in this injustice.

How did the police get the "cut-off" barrel for the picture? was it on the ground after she ran him over? Was it broken in the impact? what evidence is there to show he did anything wrong?

Seems to me if you carry a gun everywhere, even to go buy milk, you don't have a legal problem -- you have a paranoia problem.

And you have a head-up-your-ass problem.
what let me guess you ate fruit loops for breakfast a 3000 lb car is a weapon....people are dying from car crashes as I write this. they are drunk, texting, on cell phones, speeding, eating a cheese burger, or getting a B.J. they are doing everything except driving the car....

No it isn't. A car is a transportation vehicle. The charge would be more along the lines of "reckless endangerment with a motor vehicle". But you can't pretend a car is designed to kill people. Therefore "assault with a deadly weapon" does not apply.

People have been charged with and convicted of assault with a deadly weapon using a car! Do you EVER get tired of looking THIS FUCKING STUPID?!

No, he does not. He is too stupid to realize how stupid he looks.
Seems to me if you carry a gun everywhere, even to go buy milk, you don't have a legal problem -- you have a paranoia problem.

If I was paranoid I wouldn't go anywhere. I certainly wouldn't keep doing the same thing for 41 years. Are you paranoid for wearing a seat belt? Are you paranoid for having insurance?

I am simply exercising my rights in being prepared in case I need the gun to defend myself. So far I haven't needed it.

Apples and oranges. Seat belts and insurance are required by law. I don't have a choice, so how I feel about it is irrelevant (and if I had my druthers I wouldn't).

On the other hand feeling like you need a gun just to go out, I mean where do you live -- West New York New Jersey? That's just one step removed from not going out at all. Sure you're within your rights; I just wonder what you must see in the world around you that that kind of approach would be necessary. Don't think I'd ever want to live in a world like that.

Why the fuck is it any of your god-damned business?

No one has to justify why they are carrying a gun to ass-hats like you, Pogo.
“She thought he was going to do something to them, so she yelled out of her car window, ‘Hey, they’re just kids, leave them alone,’” said Detective Sgt. Steven Roberts, of the Aliquippa Police Department. “He turned and pointed this at her, and she thought it was a real weapon and that she was about to be shot or that the kids were in danger, so she gunned her car and struck him.”

Pretty much seals it up for me although I'm sure he will have a different story. For now I side with her and no prosecution not charging her.

You know what they call it when people make a decision with only one side of the story?

Premature, to say the least.
Of course you hope you won't need it. No question there.

I just wonder what kind of world you guys see out there that would bring you to that drastic of a habit. I can't even imagine what that world looks like. Or if you're in that hell, why you don't move. That's why I call it a paranoia problem.

It's a world of being prepared, not much to get overly excited about really. Seeing people carry guns isn't all that scary.

Remember this? "The best defense from a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"...or car in this case.

I'm as pro gun as you can get, that doesn't mean I think people should be free to use them against others for criminal purposes. Now if the woman was just driving along and saw a guy with a gun and ran him over she should be put in prison for murder. In this case it would appear we had a guy with a fake gun up to no good and the lady did what she could to stop him. I have no complaints here.

Yeah I've heard that statement before. I have my own wording: "the answer to gun violence is ..... more guns!

Or as a wiser wag put it, "like trying to put out a fire by dousing it with gasoline". I mean, think about it.

Yes, people are thinking about it, and what you suggest is stupid, which is par for you.

Do you suggest that the POTUS ban guns from his Secret Service protection because if someone shoots at him, the SS having guns would be like 'pouring gasoline on a fire?'

No, of course not, you fucking retard.
“She thought he was going to do something to them, so she yelled out of her car window, ‘Hey, they’re just kids, leave them alone,’” said Detective Sgt. Steven Roberts, of the Aliquippa Police Department. “He turned and pointed this at her, and she thought it was a real weapon and that she was about to be shot or that the kids were in danger, so she gunned her car and struck him.”

Pretty much seals it up for me although I'm sure he will have a different story. For now I side with her and no prosecution not charging her.

You know what they call it when people make a decision with only one side of the story?

Premature, to say the least.

... Like this guy did?

This is an obviously outrageous act by that idiot woman who cant tell a toy gun from a real gun, and the cops are simply saying to the public 'Open carry and we will ignore anything the public does to you as self defense.'

Pogo is doing his typical stupid, lying, stalling obfuscating rhetoric to pour water on the whole thing.

Zowie Bowie's doing his Superman with Super Fucking Vision routine, witnessing event happen from four hundred miles away.

Impressive. :cool:
This is the pertinent information from the article.

She thought he was going to do something to them, so she yelled out of her car window, ‘Hey, they’re just kids, leave them alone,’” said Detective Sgt. Steven Roberts, of the Aliquippa Police Department. “He turned and pointed this at her, and she thought it was a real weapon and that she was about to be shot or that the kids were in danger, so she gunned her car and struck him.”

According to that statement from the Detective she made the right call and was in fear of being shot.

Lol, so anyone could just shoot anyone carrying a toy gun and say they did it to protect people down the road?

Are you fucking kidding?
It seems to me that she is a wanna-be superhero who profiled the man she saw carring an airsoft gun.

He had done nothing illegal, per all the news reports I've seen.

She needs to be arrested and charged.
Looks like you'd better be careful around Pittsburgh. If you are carrying a gun, a citizen can decide you're probably going to rob or shoot someone, and can run over you with their car, just in case.

A woman did exactly that to a man who was walking along carrying what looked like a shotgun. Police have stated that they will not charge her for running over him.

I guess the 2nd amendment says you can keep and bear arms. It doesn't say people are forbidden to run over you if you do it. Of course, the Framers didn't know about cars in 1791.......

Why do I get the feeling there's more to this story?

BTW, the "gun" turns out to be an Airsoft fake gun, that only shoots little plastic pellets.



Police: Aliquippa Woman Thwarts Robbery By Running Over Suspect « CBS Pittsburgh

Police: Aliquippa Woman Thwarts Robbery By Running Over Suspect

Reporting Christine D’Antonio
August 9, 2013 2:49 PM

ALIQUIPPA (KDKA) – Police say a Beaver County woman may have thwarted a robbery, by running over a suspect with her car.

It happened in the 2100 block of McMinn Street in Aliquippa. Aliquippa police say a witness saw Cameron White walking down a street carrying what appeared to be a sawed off shotgun. She called police, but noticed that White was heading in the direction of a group of children.

Police say she feared White was going to shoot the children, so she ran over him with her car.

White was taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. Police believe he was actually going to rob the Circle K mini-mart down the road and that she may have prevented the robbery.

They say White was carrying an airsoft pellet gun which had been sawed off to look like a shotgun, and the orange tip had been taken off.

The Beaver County District Attorney says they are not going to charge her with running White over.
Crime prevention. Good for her...This is NOT a gun rights issue. As you have implied.
“She thought he was going to do something to them, so she yelled out of her car window, ‘Hey, they’re just kids, leave them alone,’” said Detective Sgt. Steven Roberts, of the Aliquippa Police Department. “He turned and pointed this at her, and she thought it was a real weapon and that she was about to be shot or that the kids were in danger, so she gunned her car and struck him.”

Pretty much seals it up for me although I'm sure he will have a different story. For now I side with her and no prosecution not charging her.

You know what they call it when people make a decision with only one side of the story?

Premature, to say the least.

... Like this guy did?

This is an obviously outrageous act by that idiot woman who cant tell a toy gun from a real gun, and the cops are simply saying to the public 'Open carry and we will ignore anything the public does to you as self defense.'

Lol, you seem to get dumber every damned day. I am saying we should not judge against party B since all we know is party A' side of it. IMO, Party A has made a very weak claim that Party could have justifying reasons for what they did. That means with Party B's side of the story, it will likely only look worse for Party A.

You are a fucking dumb-shit.

Pogo is doing his typical stupid, lying, stalling obfuscating rhetoric to pour water on the whole thing.

Zowie Bowie's doing his Superman with Super Fucking Vision routine, witnessing event happen from four hundred miles away.

Impressive. :cool:

Have you ever seen one of these toy guns? They don't look like a real gun except in photos, not in real life except to people who don't know what the hell they are talking about.

That wokman is an idiot and should be either behind bars or locked up in a mental institution along with you, you fucking moron.
This is the pertinent information from the article.

She thought he was going to do something to them, so she yelled out of her car window, ‘Hey, they’re just kids, leave them alone,’” said Detective Sgt. Steven Roberts, of the Aliquippa Police Department. “He turned and pointed this at her, and she thought it was a real weapon and that she was about to be shot or that the kids were in danger, so she gunned her car and struck him.”

According to that statement from the Detective she made the right call and was in fear of being shot.

Since I wasn't there I won't second guess her judgment. It's up to the investigators and forensics people to determine whether or not her story is plausible. If they choose that there is no reasonable cause to pursue charges I will accept it.

Good God, so if I run someone over just because I think they might be about to hurt someone, you think that is OK and not worth investigating this bitch, and maybe arresting her till the full facts emerge?

Looks like you'd better be careful around Pittsburgh. If you are carrying a gun, a citizen can decide you're probably going to rob or shoot someone, and can run over you with their car, just in case.

A woman did exactly that to a man who was walking along carrying what looked like a shotgun. Police have stated that they will not charge her for running over him.

I guess the 2nd amendment says you can keep and bear arms. It doesn't say people are forbidden to run over you if you do it. Of course, the Framers didn't know about cars in 1791.......

Why do I get the feeling there's more to this story?

BTW, the "gun" turns out to be an Airsoft fake gun, that only shoots little plastic pellets.



Police: Aliquippa Woman Thwarts Robbery By Running Over Suspect « CBS Pittsburgh

Police: Aliquippa Woman Thwarts Robbery By Running Over Suspect

Reporting Christine D’Antonio
August 9, 2013 2:49 PM

ALIQUIPPA (KDKA) – Police say a Beaver County woman may have thwarted a robbery, by running over a suspect with her car.

It happened in the 2100 block of McMinn Street in Aliquippa. Aliquippa police say a witness saw Cameron White walking down a street carrying what appeared to be a sawed off shotgun. She called police, but noticed that White was heading in the direction of a group of children.

Police say she feared White was going to shoot the children, so she ran over him with her car.

White was taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. Police believe he was actually going to rob the Circle K mini-mart down the road and that she may have prevented the robbery.

They say White was carrying an airsoft pellet gun which had been sawed off to look like a shotgun, and the orange tip had been taken off.

The Beaver County District Attorney says they are not going to charge her with running White over.
Crime prevention. Good for her...This is NOT a gun rights issue. As you have implied.

The only violence anyone knows for a FACT was when she ran the guy down.

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