Woman Stabbed Repeatedly By Husband After He Gets Out Of Jail, No Gun Involved So It Is Alright...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
To the anti gunners who dream of a day when all guns are banished from existence with magical pixy dust...people will still be raped, robbed, brutally beaten and murdered...the violent monsters will just use knives and clubs...like this guy...

Woman Nearly Killed After Husband Released From Jail Early Order Of Protection Doesn 8217 t Mean S t Concealed Nation

A woman in TN said she saw ‘evil’ in her husband’s eyes when he began to stab her as many times as he could with a knife. He had just been let out of jail, and served less than half of his sentence due to ‘good behavior’. Why was he in jail? For threatening his wife.

The original sentence was for 1 year, but was reduced to just 90 days. Then, to award his ‘good behavior’, his sentence was reduced further to just 40 days served.

After he was let out, he got in a cab and headed directly to her apartment.

It is soooo...good that she didn't have a gun...that would have just made her brutal stabbing so much worse...right? I mean...since there was no gun involved...this is a good thing...right?

I'm sure things like this never happen in Britain, Australia and other gun grabbing countries...it must just happen here...

And besides...it is better that she be brutally stabbed, multiple times, and almost to death, than that she had a gun to stop the attack...right?

And I still have never had an anti gunner tell me that if he somehow had the ability to travel back in time....to just before the attack, and hand that woman a gun to stop her husband...that he would....but that is true isn't it...you would not give this woman a gun to stop the attack, even if you could...right? Come on...you can let loose and tell the truth....

Sadly, this woman is learning the wrong lesson from the attack...

Getting away with her life after this attack, she says that she’ll be ready in case there is a repeat of events. Based on the interview, she seems to have her eye on a 9mm.

If only she would realize that for the greater good, she should quietly submit to the next stabbing...perhaps curl into a ball to protect her vital organs...instead of stopping the next attack with a gun...right?
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So's hows come a "good guy" with a gun didn't intervene?
Isn't that why you are packing? Or do you have a personal acquaintance that wants to kill you to?

What is your point with the thread? That people get killed and injured all the time by people they know.

Btw. You think this woman would still be alive IF she had been shot as many time as she was stabbed? I doubt it.
For some reason, guns are more lethal in more peoples hands than knives ever will be.
To me, the guy should get life without parole since he has made it as clear as glass that he wants the woman dead.

God bless you and her always!!!


P.S. Then again, maybe he should get the death sentence so that escaping at any time wouldn't be possible.
This is nothing to do with her not having a gun. It has everything to do with an obviously violent man being released from prison too soon.
Heads should roll over this.
Btw. You think this woman would still be alive IF she had been shot as many time as she was stabbed?

It's possible...

And if she had a gun and shot this guy...she might have one less problem in her life...now she has to worry that do gooder liberals will one day let this guy out again...
now she has to worry that do gooder liberals will one day let this guy out again...
Right....because the do gooder liberals that run TN already let him out once :rolleyes:
Right....because the do gooder liberals that run TN already let him out once :rolleyes:

You do know the six largest cities in Tennessee are run by democrats...right?
Didn't they also elect a flaming hypocrite named "Gore" to the Senate a while back?

The real funny thing...they didn't vote for him when he ran for President...cause if he had won Tennessee, he would have had enough electoral votes to win out right....and he wouldn't have had to try to steal the election...and of course he is the only democrat in history who couldn't steal an election...

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