woman tries to steal three carts full worth 2,843,17 in washington

I tried to imagine myself pushing 3 full carts at a fast walk.
Paywall denied me the story, so how did she do that?
I tried to imagine myself pushing 3 full carts at a fast walk.
Paywall denied me the story, so how did she do that?

Perhaps she made a return trip, rather than wrangling all 3 at once.
I tried to imagine myself pushing 3 full carts at a fast walk.
Paywall denied me the story, so how did she do that?

This is all it says:

"Sometimes grocery stores will look the other way at shoplifting — but the woman trying to haul three carts full of merchandise was too brazen for employees to ignore. The dispatch call came Friday, Sept. 8, at 8:49 p.m. Pierce County Sheriff’s deputies responded to the store at 13308 Meridian East on South Hill. The woman, 37, was trying to take the load and leave the store without paying. The haul in the three carts tallied $2,843.17, according to a report of the incident."

Read more at: https://www.thenewstribune.com/news/local/article279147759.html#storylink=cpy
This is all it says:

"Sometimes grocery stores will look the other way at shoplifting — but the woman trying to haul three carts full of merchandise was too brazen for employees to ignore. The dispatch call came Friday, Sept. 8, at 8:49 p.m. Pierce County Sheriff’s deputies responded to the store at 13308 Meridian East on South Hill. The woman, 37, was trying to take the load and leave the store without paying. The haul in the three carts tallied $2,843.17, according to a report of the incident."

Read more at: https://www.thenewstribune.com/news/local/article279147759.html#storylink=cpy
"Too brazen to ignore" suggests that she was pushing 3 carts at once.
If I tied the front of the carts together, it would come down to the weight, and carts wanting to turn against each other with their wonky wheels.
When the deputy got her on the ground, she said..........................wait for it!..........................." I can't Breathe!!!"

She also said she was pregnant, which after she was tested (in jail), the results came back negative. Suuuuuuurprise!

Well, the media has them convinced Floyd took 9 minutes to strangle to death, even though his blood oxygen level was around 97, one point higher than mine was from my last blood test, so naturally it's going to be claimed over and over and over again now by the feral animals.
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Pay site to see it? Would not sign up for SEA LW MSM site. But I am going out on a limb here, suspect a Black lady stealing and fighting with Police?
"Too brazen to ignore" suggests that she was pushing 3 carts at once.
If I tied the front of the carts together, it would come down to the weight, and carts wanting to turn against each other with their wonky wheels.

its a straight line back of store to exit door to parking lot in most stores. You push one, pull the next two tied together as you mention. Piece of cake once it gets moving.
When the deputy got her on the ground, she said..........................wait for it!..........................." I can't Breathe!!!"

She also said she was pregnant, which after she was tested (in jail), the results came back negative. Suuuuuuurprise!
Damn, you just can't depend on these people telling the truth anymore.
She was caught stealing. The number of carts is irrelevant.
But the article says that since she had three charts that was too blatant to ignore. That begs the question of if she only had one or two carts they wouldn't have bothered to say anything. Which seems to be the case nowadays.
Well, the media has them convinced Floyd took 9 minutes to strangle to death, even though his blood oxygen level was around 97, one point higher than mine was from my last blood test, so naturally it's going to be claimed over and over and over again now by the feral animals.
One of the many Psy Ops launched by the Democrats and their Media. Get the perfect video and play it 10,000 times to generate the violence, rioting and death they want.

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