Woman who accused Trump of violent rape has case thrown out. She filled in the wrong form.

The source is a UK tabloid.

Ah, leftwing news, in other words.
Breitbart is reporting the same story.
This one?

Donald Trump Pans 'Categorically False' Lawsuit Alleging Underage Rape at Jeffrey Epstein 'Sex Parties' - Breitbart
Donald Trump is furiously denying a lawsuit’s allegations that he raped a teenage girl at a party hosted by convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.
From the Daily Mail:

Donald Trump’s attorney told DailyMail.com on Friday that a lawsuit claiming Trump raped a 13-year-old girl at billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious ‘sex parties’ appears to be a hoax.

Trump had already ‘categorically’ denied the claims but attorney Alan Garten’s statement signals that the Trump campaign is eager to swat down the allegation before it gains any more traction.

‘The allegations are not only categorically false, but disgusting at the highest level and clearly framed to solicit media attention or, more likely, are politically motivated,’ Garten told DailyMail.com.
Also the story goes on to say.......

Donald Trump Pans ‘Categorically False’ Lawsuit Alleging Underage Rape at Jeffrey Epstein ‘Sex Parties’

AP Photo/Tim Roske

by BREITBART NEWS29 Apr 20162866

Donald Trump is furiously denying a lawsuit’s allegations that he raped a teenage girl at a party hosted by convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

From the Daily Mail:

Donald Trump’s attorney told DailyMail.com on Friday that a lawsuit claiming Trump raped a 13-year-old girl at billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious ‘sex parties’ appears to be a hoax.

Trump had already ‘categorically’ denied the claims but attorney Alan Garten’s statement signals that the Trump campaign is eager to swat down the allegation before it gains any more traction.

‘The allegations are not only categorically false, but disgusting at the highest level and clearly framed to solicit media attention or, more likely, are politically motivated,’ Garten told DailyMail.com.

‘To be clear, there is absolutely no merit to these claims and, based on our investigation, no evidence that the person who has made these allegations actually exists.’

The Republican front-runner told Daily Mail Online on Thursday night that the allegations were ‘disgusting at the highest level’ after he was accused of raping and sexually assaulting a minor in a bombshell $100 million lawsuit.

The suit, which has been seen by Daily Mail Online, has been brought by a woman named as Katie Johnson, claiming Trump took her virginity and alleging that the Republican presidential hopeful and financier Epstein treated her as a ‘sex slave’ during an ‘horrific’ four-month period in 1994.

Johnson – presuming she is a real person – has been offering her alleged story to a series of news outlets, and photographs of her have been offered for sale for up to $25,000.

Radar Online reported Thursday night that Epstein’s infamous ‘little black book,’ a record of his contacts seized by the FBI, doesn’t include the name Katie Johnson, casting further doubt on the lawsuit’s claims.

UPDATE: The Daily Mail has updated their story with the following new information about the origins of the lawsuit:

The address listed on the lawsuit exists, he said, but ‘there is no indication or record that that person’ named as the lawsuit plaintiff ‘ever resided there. So we believe it is a false address.’

He also said the phone number listed on the lawsuit papers rings to voicemail and publicly available records tie it to another person.
This is not a “pro se” filing,’ Garten told DailyMail.com, referring to the legal term for someone who petitions a court without an attorney.

‘This was written on legal paper with margins and line numbers. It’s properly captioned. It has no typos. It has footers. It cites statutes.’

‘This has all the hallmarks of being drafted by someone with some level of legal background,’ he said, ‘and ‘this was filed to not leave fingerprints.’

‘I mean, there’s a section titled “material witnesses!” This is not someone with $278 to her name.’

He suggested that the lawsuit filer pleaded poverty ‘because unless you pay in cash, the filing fee traces back to someone.’

‘It seems like there’s a lot more to this story than some random person. Clearly there’s some kind of collusion going on here,’ Garten insisted.
If it was so perfectly written, then why on the wrong form.

Epstein likes to tell people that he's a loner, a man who's never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery

I've known him for 15 years. Trump just got nailed.
Donald Trump Accused of Raping A 13-Year-Old Girl in $100M Lawsuit That Could Bring Down His Campaign

The first major scandal to hit the Trump campaign besides the typical “what a racist, such a sexist, yada yada yada,” came from a lawsuit stemming from the infamous sex parties held by billionaire and known pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The woman named in the suit is Katie Johnson, who says Trump took her virginity in 1994 when she was only 13 and being held by Epstein as a slave.

The lawsuit also names another young girl who allegedly served as a fourth in the sordid games of Trump and Epstein.

The suit was officially filed in California on Thursday. A woman named as “Tiffany Doe” was a close employee of Epstein who was also known as his “party planner.” Tiffany is named as one of the witnesses for the plaintiff.

Trump then allegedly forced Ms. Johnson onto a bed where he raped her violently, refusing to wear a condom.


Rape lawsuit against Donald Trump thrown out

According to the papers, filed in California, Trump screamed at the two schoolgirls for the poor quality of their sexual performance.

According to the court papers, when she later asked what would happen if she was pregnant she said he threw money at her before screaming “get a f****** abortion”.

Johnson claims her alleged attacks were witnessed by a former long term party planner of Epstein’s who she claims is prepared to testify in court over her claims.

Didn't I tell you? These lawsuits would be coming out of the wood work. Someone as arrogant as Trump, who lies as much as Trump, is going to have a lot of baggage.
Will Katie still get paid by the DNC?
Probably true. People are just objects to that guy.

They aren't the first and they won't be the last.

Problem is, he wouldn't hesitate to do almost anything to shut them up.
Extortion requires someone to do the extorting. So far no one has come forward. Anyone can get the pleading paper template from Word and make up nonsense about anyone,
And when that someone does come forward?

As Luddly said, he probably wouldn't hesitate to do anything to shut them up.

This was contrived to ruin Trump.
I believe nothing happened until it became apparent that the Clinton's needed a story to shut Trump down. The real story lies with what the Clinton's were doing on that island with their very close friend, Jeffrey Epstein. The end justifies the means with these people. If ever one family defined the meaning of pure evil - it is the Clinton's.
And I believe trump is a scumbag who along with his team of lawyers thinks he can get away with anything, tax fraud and rape included
She waited till she was in her 30's to say something? It should have been reported when it allegedly occurred.

Yeah, because we all know the first thought going through the head of a 13 year old who has just been raped is "go report it".
Yep.....and the first time her supposed rapist runs for office as a Republican she feels the need to file a civil suit instead of a criminal complaint........mainly because he dared to run as a Republican instead of a Democrat. She didn't file a lawsuit if he becomes a famous media personality or a rich entrepreneur. Nope. She waits till he runs for president against Hillary Clinton, queen of the innocent story that surfaces in the media and is just an attempt at character assassination.

And it's possible that she wants to hurt him. It's possible she wants to do this because all of a sudden this man who raped her is in the national news every day, that'd probably hurt, or she just wants to make a load of money and make herself famous.

Do you know which it is? Or is it that some people just want to believe in Trump and will ignore anything and everything that people say bad about Trump?
She waited till she was in her 30's to say something? It should have been reported when it allegedly occurred.

Yeah, because we all know the first thought going through the head of a 13 year old who has just been raped is "go report it".
Did she curl up in a fetal position in the hotel or the basement she was locked up in for how many months? Yes. You don't wait 22 years and file a suit. She said nothing to her parents? Was she held prisoner by Trump?

I'm not falling for your B.S. I would have a tendency to believe her had she said something 15 years ago.

Like I said I am not Trump fan. It's bullshit and you know it.

My bullshit? I'm not saying what happened. What I'm saying is that people who are raped don't always follow what you consider to be logic.

In fact, in the US, the "rape rate" is lower than in Europe, simply because those who are raped are not encouraged to come forwards.

However it might be bullshit, you don't know whether it is or not, and neither do I. The difference is you've decided you know the answer and I'm saying we don't know.
Donald Trump Accused of Raping A 13-Year-Old Girl in $100M Lawsuit That Could Bring Down His Campaign

The first major scandal to hit the Trump campaign besides the typical “what a racist, such a sexist, yada yada yada,” came from a lawsuit stemming from the infamous sex parties held by billionaire and known pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The woman named in the suit is Katie Johnson, who says Trump took her virginity in 1994 when she was only 13 and being held by Epstein as a slave.

The lawsuit also names another young girl who allegedly served as a fourth in the sordid games of Trump and Epstein.

The suit was officially filed in California on Thursday. A woman named as “Tiffany Doe” was a close employee of Epstein who was also known as his “party planner.” Tiffany is named as one of the witnesses for the plaintiff.

Trump then allegedly forced Ms. Johnson onto a bed where he raped her violently, refusing to wear a condom.


Rape lawsuit against Donald Trump thrown out

According to the papers, filed in California, Trump screamed at the two schoolgirls for the poor quality of their sexual performance.

According to the court papers, when she later asked what would happen if she was pregnant she said he threw money at her before screaming “get a f****** abortion”.

Johnson claims her alleged attacks were witnessed by a former long term party planner of Epstein’s who she claims is prepared to testify in court over her claims.

Didn't I tell you? These lawsuits would be coming out of the wood work. Someone as arrogant as Trump, who lies as much as Trump, is going to have a lot of baggage.

The case was thrown out and you're behaving is if it was still in process.

What's wrong with this picture?
'Pedophile Island.' Bill Clinton was a frequent visitor. His good pedophile friend Jeffrey Epstein owned it. Those boasting about supporting the Clintons, really should learn more about who they're supporting.
I can't wait to see how Hillary reacts when Trump brings this stuff up in a debate.
What will the Democrats do if it comes out that Hillary Clinton is a Paedophile preying on little girls and one of the victim's testimonies get published? Will the democrats still vote for her if it is proven that she was molesting little girls while Bill was doing whatever Bill was doing? I heard the testimony of a woman who says she was a small child when Hillary Clinton molested her and forced her to perform oral sex on her (Hillary) she claims that Bill Clinton was there.

Looks like we have those charges against Trump molesting a 13 year old
Aren't you worried?
Who is we? It looks as if you haven't got anything. Why should I be worried? I'm not in your shoes.
Bill is not running. And I don't see Hillary raping a girl.
There is at least one woman who claims that Hillary molested her when she was a small child and she says Bill Clinton was there. So there's that. Look it up on Youtube.
Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me. Since Trump is leading he's the target for any and all bullshit that they can throw his way.

Rape?? I doubt that very much. The mans a billionaire. Why rape when you are married to a beautiful woman and have the money to pay for sex if need be.

More bullshit brought to you by the left. One would think they could come up with a better load of bullshit than this. LOL
The focus belongs on the Clinton's. It's their history ( and a very long one at that!). Not Trump's.
The case wasn't refiled correctly was it?

This stunk from the get go. No plaintiff, filed without a lawyer, phony address, phony phone number.

Even democrats wouldn't touch this rotten fish.

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